Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1797: Real crisis

Because of the injuries suffered, Kunwu understood that he was not strong enough to ignore all existence.

In the face of siege, he will also be in danger.

After understanding this, Kunwu changed the policy of Kunwu Taoist circles and began to train right-hand men.

Even if there are real geniuses, Kunwu will be able to distribute the power of the Kunwu Dao realm, allowing those geniuses to refine and practice.

Of course, these prerequisites are all established without affecting their own strength.

Refining the entire Dao Realm means possessing the power of the Dao Realm, and in this Dao Realm is an invincible existence.

Kunwu is invincible in the Kunwu Dao Realm, because he controls all the power of the Kunwu Dao Realm.

However, a Dao realm includes the power of the ‘one’ Dao realm, and it can only possess at most fifty Dao realm power.

Fifty Avenue, that's it!

And Kunwu Dao Realm has incorporated a lot of Dao Realm power, and the power of Dao Realm that is integrated can also become the Dao Realm power of Kunwu Dao Realm.

But for Kunwu, if he didn’t get the power of the “one” of another Dao realm, he could control at most fifty Dao realms in Kunwu Dao realm, even Kunwu Dao realm. No matter how much the power of the Taoist world is integrated.

However, even fifty parts of the power of the Dao realm is equivalent to the power of all the Dao realms of Kunwu Dao realm, and this includes the power of the other Dao realms that are integrated into it.

This is like, a small pool is connected to a small puddle next to it. Although it is in two places, the water in it can actually fuse together.

Although the total amount of water in the small pool has not changed, there is actually an extra small puddle of water.

And this extra water is equivalent to the power of the Kunwu Dao Realm that integrates into other Dao Realms.

Therefore, the distribution of these extra Daoist powers did not have much impact on Kunwu.

Even he has absolute control over the power of those Dao realms.

If someone who had obtained the power of the Dao world betrayed him, he would be able to receive the power of the Dao world bestowed on him.

The Kunwu Dao Realm long ago, under the leadership of Kun Wu, plundered other Dao Realms, it was already a lot of Dao Realm power.

It can be regarded as the power of the Taoist world obtained during the Seven Realms War, and now the power of the other Taoist worlds that Kunwu Taoist has integrated has exceeded one hundred!

This is an exaggerated figure!

But what is helpless is that Kunwu has not plundered any of the Dao realms, the most critical and the most important ‘one’ of Dao realms.

And he didn't give this one hundred power of Dao realm to anyone in Kunwu Dao realm, just put it in that way.

Only after experiencing the battle of the seven realms, Kunwu began to select geniuses, bestow the power of the Dao realm, and cultivate powerful men.

But it seems that when Kunwu unified the Kunwu Dao realm, the method used was too bloody. This was the reason. Although the Kunwu Dao realm had already surrendered to him, there were still many people who existed against him. Rebellious psychology.

Kun Wu knew this very well, but because he was confident in his own strength, Kun Wu didn't care.

However, Kunwu made a subconscious choice when cultivating powerful subordinates, those newly born ethnic geniuses.

The people of these newly born ethnic groups are the real people of Kunwu after he unified the Kunwu Dao realm.

In fact, the newly born ethnic groups in Kunwu Dao Realm regard Kunwu as the only **** in Kunwu Dao Realm!

And to be honest, it is precisely because of the existence of Kunwu that unifies the Kunwu Dao realm and constantly plunders the power of the Dao realm of other Dao realms, and this is the birth of these ethnic groups.

It is not wrong to regard Kunwu as their only true god.

Since Kunwu wanted to train his subordinates, it was naturally provoked from these ethnic groups.

And even if you take a step back, the geniuses that emerged among these newly-born ethnic groups are much better than the original ethnic groups in Kunwu Dao Realm.

The immortal incarnation of Qin Shaofeng's pseudonym as Qin Feng was also fancy, and entered Kunwu Gate as a newly born race.

And most importantly, at that time, the deity of Kunwu fell into a deep sleep and recovered from a serious injury. The outside world was just his clone and his confidant handling everything.

If at the beginning, the immortal incarnation of Qin Feng had not been promoted to the law realm and had begun to integrate into the law of Kunwu Dao realm itself, it would be easy to detect.

At that time, not to mention Kunwu's deity, even Kunwu's clone can see through the essence of the immortal incarnation of Qin Feng.

But unfortunately, after being promoted to the Law Realm, Qin Feng really entered the vision of Kunwu clone.

However, after reaching this state, Kunwu's clone could no longer see Qin Feng's identity, but thought that Qin Feng was the genius of a certain ethnic group newly born in Kunwu Dao Realm.

Moreover, at this point, Qin Feng has completely handled a series of matters including his own birth.

As long as it is not for the appearance of Kunwu's deity, and no one can see through his true nature, then his identity is not in danger.

And the most ingenious thing is that after the interview with Qin Feng, Kunwu's clone was very satisfied with Qin Feng's talent, and then because the deity had the heart to train his subordinates, Kunwu's clone gave Qin Feng a piece of Dao power.

Now, there is no more problem.

Because after this fusion of the power of the Taoist world, Qin Feng's true origin, and the nature of his body, could not be seen by even Kunwu deity.

Because it is no coincidence that the book is not made, the power of the Dao realm that Kunwu clone bestows on Qin Feng is actually the power of the Dao realm where Qi Yuanxing is located.

It can be said that from that moment on, Qin Feng's indestructible avatar was completed, and Qin Shaofeng sent them the mission of the indestructible avatar at the Seventeenth National Congress, and it is probably the fastest.

Because at that time, as long as Qin Feng left Kunwu Dao Realm and returned to Qiyuan Star Dao Realm, he could bring back this Dao Realm power.

Although in the Kunwu Dao Realm, unless Kunwu's will allows it, otherwise any creature, even everything in the Kunwu Dao Realm, cannot leave the Kunwu Dao Realm.

But because Qin Feng is only an immortal incarnation of Qin Shaofeng, and his body and abilities are all combined with Qin Shaofeng's laws of gods and super **** chess pieces, and then refined into an indestructible incarnation.

Therefore, as long as the immortal incarnation of the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China has the power of Qi Yuanxing's Dao realm, it can communicate with Qin Shaofeng's main body with the power of its own God's law, and then instantly return to Qin Shaofeng's main body.

But Qin Feng did not do so.

Although Qin Feng was in the Kunwu Dao realm far away from Qiyuan Star, he could vaguely feel Qiyuan Star's ambiguity through his own power of the law of God.

For example, Qin Feng is very clear about the time difference between Kunwu Dao Realm and Qiyuan Star Realm.

It was precisely because of this that even if Qin Feng had obtained Qi Yuanxing's power from the Dao realm, he did not leave immediately.

Because of the law of God, he could return to the Qiyuan Star Realm at any time.

Based on this, Qin Feng's heart moved, he planned to practice in Kunwu Dao Realm.

Although Qin Feng is only an immortal incarnation of Qin Shaofeng, his will and thought are actually Qin Shaofeng's will and thought.

If Qin Shaofeng knew how to deal with the immortal incarnation of Qin Feng, he would definitely intend to let this immortal incarnation continue to practice in Kunwu Dao Realm, and then return to Qiyuan Star Dao Realm at a critical moment.

Because compared with Qi Yuanxing, Kunwu Dao Realm is really suitable for Qin Feng's cultivation.

The Dao Realm where Qi Yuanxing was located had already been robbed of a lot of Dao Realm power and lost 17 Dao Realm power.

Although later, Qin Feiyang collected the power of the Dao realm of the earth, hoping to make up for the power of the Dao realm that Qi Yuanxing lost.

But in fact, the power of a Taoist world lost by it can't be supplemented by the power of another Taoist world.

This is not to mention that Qin Feiyang's Taoist power collected from the earth does not have that many.

Even because it was the power of the seventeen Dao realms, when it merged into the Dao realm of the Earth Realm, some unstable conditions appeared in the Qiyuan Star Realm.

The Destroyer Beast that appeared on Qiyuan Star, the land of fusion, was the most obvious example.

After all, the power of one Dao realm to integrate into other Dao realms requires sufficient strength.

If there is not enough power, it must be suppressed by absolute power.

But these two, there is no one in the Qiyuan Star Realm.

It can be said that the current situation of Qiyuan Star Realm is very bad.

Not to mention that it is not suitable for cultivation, and it is extremely difficult to even give birth to a strong debut.

But how about Kunwu Dao Realm?

Not only has the power of the Dao world intact, but it can also be integrated into the power of other Dao worlds smoothly.

Moreover, Kunwu, a strong man, suppressed the entire Dao Realm. As a result, there would be no negative power in Kunwu Dao Realm, let alone the birth of a peculiar existence like Destroyer Beast.

Therefore, in terms of the cultivation environment, the Kunwu Dao Realm is tens of thousands of times stronger than the Qiyuan Star Dao Realm.

In other words, there is no comparison between the two.

At the very least, Kunwu Dao Realm does not lack Dao Realm powerhouses, and even Dao Realm powerhouses are just stepping into the ranks of real masters in Kunwu Dao Realm.

After all, to go out to plunder the power of the Dao realm from other Dao realms, you also need to have the strength of the Dao realm at least.

Therefore, Qin Feng considered that the cultivation environment of the Kunwu Dao Realm did not immediately return.

And most importantly, when he got the power of the Qiyuan Star Realm in Kunwu Dao Realm, he heard it with his own ears, and Kunwu clone said it.

When the time is right, it is time to go to the Dao Realm where the power of the Dao Realm is given to him, and to plunder all the remaining Dao Realm power of that Dao Realm.

In other words, I am afraid that when the Kunwu deity recovers from his injury, he will go to the Qiyuan Star Realm and plunder the power of the Qiyuan Star Realm.

Compared with the destruction beast Qi Yuanxing is currently suffering from, Qin Feng believes that Kunwu Dao Realm is the most terrifying enemy.

Because even all the Destroy Beasts on Qiyuan Star had awakened from their seals, this might not be the opponent of a small group of plundering in Kunwu Dao Realm.

In fact, with all the power of Qiyuanxing and even Qiyuanxing's Dao realm, as long as Kunwu Dao realm sends more than a dozen Dao realm powers, then I am afraid it can completely crush all the powers of Qiyuanxing Dao realm. .

This is the real crisis!

Whether it is for the reason of practicing to improve his own strength or understanding the enemy's interior better, Qin Feng feels that staying in Kunwu Dao Realm is the most appropriate thing.

Because Kunwu Dao Realm is the strongest enemy!

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