Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1798: The culprit?

Although Qi Yuanxing has a crisis like Destroying Beasts, compared with Kunwu Dao Realm, Destroying Beasts is nothing at all.

Knowing this, Qin Feng decided to practice in Kunwu Dao Realm.

But even if it was bestowed by the Kunwu clone, a Daoist power belonging to the Qiyuan Star Realm, it took Qin Feng a long time to refine this Daoist power.

This is because the power of the Dao realm comes from the power of the Qiyuan Star Dao realm, and it does not have much difficulty in refining Qin Feng itself. In addition, Qin Feng, the immortal incarnation, has the power of the law of God.

Combining these factors, when Qin Feng finished refining this Daoist power, it was actually quite fast.

Even for Qin Feng's refining speed, Kun Wu clone was a little surprised. After careful inspection of Qin Feng, he even determined that Qin Feng was a super genius.

Therefore, this clone of Kunwu was actually once again bestowed upon Qin Feng with the power of the Dao realm from other realms.

In this regard, Qin Feng naturally refused to come.

Perhaps in the eyes of the avatar of Kunwu, these other powers that have been integrated into the Kunwu Dao Realm already belong to the Kunwu Dao Realm. Even if it is given to others, he is controlled by the Kunwu Dao Realm. The absolute control of his deity.

This is not bad.

In fact, the people who refine these Daoist powers are already completely controlled by Kunwu.

But there are some unexpected special conditions in the world.

The laws of God possessed by Qin Shaofeng's body actually had power that Qin Shaofeng didn't even know.

The law of God is the power that truly belongs to God!

The **** mentioned here is not the kind of Qi Yuanxing that has reached the so-called spiritual realm, but a true god.

Even Kunwu, the master of the Taoist world of Kunwu, can't be regarded as a true god!

The existence of God is absolute and omnipotent.

As long as the **** thinks, between that one thought, all the Dao realms outside the realm can be merged in one place, and all Dao realms can be wiped out instantly.

This is the true god!

Qin Shaofeng didn't even know that if he could completely control the laws of gods, then he could become a true god.

Because the law of God is the power that belongs to God, and the law of God is self-evident.

But it's a pity that Qin Shaofeng now has complete control over the law of the gods, even if he refined the immortal incarnation of Qin Feng's Seventeenth Congress, he barely used the power of the law of gods.

To be precise, it was not that Qin Shaofeng actively used the power of the law of God, but when Qin Shaofeng refined Qin Feng and other immortal incarnations of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the law of God exuded some power on its own, and it was the immortal incarnation of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. There is a peculiar influence.

But no matter how small it is, the law of God is the power of God after all, and there is absolute power.

This is the immortal incarnation of Qin Feng and others at the Seventeenth National Congress, with certain special abilities and powers.

For example, Qin Feng, the immortal incarnation, refines the power of the Dao realm that is integrated into the Kunwu Dao realm in the Kunwu Dao realm. It is logically said that it will be controlled by the Kunwu Dao realm and even Kunwu.

However, relying on the influence of the power of the law of the gods, Qin Feng was able to break free of Kunwu's control over him, and even carried the power of the Taoist world that had been refined by him, and left the Kunwu Taoist world directly.

For this, Kunwu had nothing to do.

If Kunwu had divided a portion of the power of the Dao realm that belonged to the Dao Realm of Kunwu, once Qin Feng was refined, it would be completely controlled by Kunwu.

The existence of Kunwu now is equivalent to the existence of the Kunwu Dao Realm, the will of the entire Kunwu Dao Realm.

Qin Feng or anyone who refines the power of the Kunwu Dao Realm will definitely be suppressed and controlled by the Kunwu Dao Realm.

After all, this immortal incarnation of Qin Feng was only affected by a trace of the power of the law of the gods, and it would not be able to break free from such a powerful Kunwu Dao realm.

Of course, if it is replaced by Qin Shaofeng's deity, then there is probably no problem.

Qin Shaofeng's deity possessed a complete law of the gods, and no matter how much power of other Dao realms were integrated into it, it would not be controlled by other Dao realms, and could even be used directly for himself.

If it were not for this, it would be impossible for Qin Shaofeng to merge the earth Dao realm with Qiyuan Star Dao realm, the power of the "one" of the two Dao realms. Very smoothly.

In general, in the Kunwu Dao Realm, as long as it is not the power of the Kunwu Dao Realm, for Qin Feng, once it is refined, it is still controlled by the Kunwu Dao Realm on the surface.

But in fact, as long as he uses the power of the law of gods, Qin Feng can completely break free of such control, and it has little effect at all.

However, in the Kunwu Dao realm, Kunwu is extremely arbitrary towards the entire Dao realm, completely hegemonic.

If it hadn't been for the experience of the severe siege of the Seven Realms War, he would not have allocated any power of the Dao Realm to cultivate capable men.

In Kun Wu's eyes, all the power of the Taoist world, even if it is not used, is dispensable to him, it must be completely controlled by him, and no one else can get involved.

Even if it is now possible to separate the power of the Dao Realm to train powerful subordinates, Kunwu cannot use the power of the original Dao Realm that belongs to the Kunwu Dao Realm to train any subordinate.

But this is a good thing for Qin Feng, because in Kunwu Dao Realm, as long as it is not the power of the original Dao Realm of Kunwu Dao Realm, and the power of other Dao Realms, no matter how much he refines and merges, then There is no harm.

And this can also use the power of Kunwu Dao Realm to improve its realm and strength.

Where can I find such a good thing?

In fact, Qin Shaofeng's indestructible incarnation of the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China was the only one who had such good luck.

Then, just like this, Qin Feng calmly practiced in the Kunwu Dao Realm.

But Qin Feng didn't know that he was one of the immortal incarnations of Qin Shaofeng, even though he was far away from Qin Shaofeng's body, nothing would have happened.

However, under the influence of the power of God's law, Qin Feng's indestructible incarnation and Qin Shaofeng's ontology had a special connection.

And this special connection came after Qin Feng, the immortal incarnation in Kunwu Dao Realm, thoroughly refined the power of Dao Realm that belongs to Qi Yuan Star’s Dao Realm. .

It can be said that after Qin Feng refines the power of the Dao realm, he can actually use Qin Shaofeng's body to return the power of the Dao realm to the realm where Qi Yuanxing is located.

But it was precisely because of this that this led to the emergence of a new power of the realm in the process of the fusion of the power of the two realms of the Qiyuan Star Realm and the Earth Realm.

Under such circumstances, the fusion of the two Dao realms will naturally generate more negative forces.

But even so, this is at most speeding up the destruction of the beasts a little bit faster, and no matter how fast it is, it will speed up by more than ten or twenty years at most. There will never be a short period of five or six years. Let Destroy Beast almost completely broke the seal.

The reason why Qi Yuanxing appeared in the current situation was because Qin Feng, the indestructible incarnation, had more power in the Kunwu Dao Realm to refine and integrate into his Dao Realm.

After completely refining the power of the Dao realm belonging to the Qiyuan Star Realm, Kunwu's clone felt that Qin Feng was a manufacturable material, which was once again bestowed the power of the Dao realm.

Although this power of the Dao Realm is not just the power of the Dao Realm that belongs to Qin Feng's original Dao Realm, the speed of refining is a bit slow.

But because he had refined the power of the Taoist world before, it was not too difficult for Qin Feng to refine the power of the Taoist world again.

The most important thing is that Qin Feng, who has refined the power of the Taoist world, has a very strong realm, and if he refines the power of the Taoist world again, the speed will naturally be faster.

Then, after refining a portion of the power of the Dao world, this caused Qin Feng to connect with this immortal incarnation through the body again, giving Qi Yuanxing more power of the Dao world.

This time, it's terrible.

Because this extra power of the Dao Realm does not belong to the power of the Dao Realm where Qi Yuanxing is located, or even the power of the Dao Realm where the earth is located, but a genuine third party from other Dao Realms. The power of Taoism.

Therefore, at that moment, Qi Yuanxing had the power of the three realms.

This not only caused Qiyuan Star Realm to be in a more unstable state, but the negative force that was born was even more terrifying.

Then, the consequence of this was that the Destroyer Beast was completely broken in advance.

And it is precisely because of the power of the Dao realm of the three directions, the negative power that was born by the fusion, this is the existence of the destruction spar condensed in the destruction beast.

This is good and bad!

But for this, Qin Feng, the ‘culprit’ of the immortal incarnation, is not clear at all, and Qin Shaofeng himself does not even know.


The ancient sanctuary of Qiyuanxing.

After understanding the current situation of the ancient sanctuary, Qin Shaofeng understood that the ancient sanctuary was in a very unfavorable situation now.

Because after a large number of Destroy Beasts appeared, most of the areas on Qiyuan Star fell into Destroy Beasts again.

Fortunately, because of the killing of Destroy Beasts, Destroy Spar will occasionally appear, allowing the practitioners of the Ancient Sanctuary to refine their strength and realm.

If not, according to this loss, the loss of the ancient sanctuary is probably even more serious.

Speaking of this destruction spar, there are very special circumstances.

Because the law power contained in a low-grade destruction spar is enough to make a Nirvana state step into the dominance state.

Even some powerful Domination Realms have obtained some low-level destruction spar, which can fully condense the pattern of the Great Dao and become the Supreme Domination.

The ancient sanctuary also relied on killing Destroy Beasts and obtaining Destroy Quartz, which barely resisted it.

Even many powerful Destroy Beasts were killed, and they all obtained medium or even high Destroy Spar.

And if the number of medium destruction spar is enough, it can create a strong man who dominates the supreme realm.

In the case of high-level destruction spar, even a strong person who dominates the realm of the supreme can be promoted.

If one could obtain a super destruction spar, then it would not be a problem to become a powerful ruler such as Baidi and Tiandi Jiang Hengtian.

Therefore, the appearance of this destruction spar is a good thing.

This also made the cultivators of the ancient sanctuary not feel completely desperate after the appearance of the Destroyer Beast and its powerful strength.

Under the temptation of destroying the spar, even because of the destruction of the spar, countless strong people have fallen, and even many dominate the supreme, that has not blocked the desire of some practitioners.

After all, the more destruction spar he gets, the stronger he can become.

For countless cultivators, this is an absolute temptation!

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