Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1799: Restoration of Dao Soul Ring

Family members: Yan Yang (the second immortal incarnation)

Level: the pinnacle of the law realm (soul golden body great perfection)

Occupation: Soldier

Law pattern: 1000/1000

Talented Spiritual Root: Spirit of Yin and Yang Sacred Fire

Talent skills: yin and yang sacred fire, nirvana

Skill 1: Write round eyes

Familiar: None


Seeing the attributes of his indestructible incarnation of the sun, Qin Shaofeng was actually a little confused in his heart.

Because just now, Qin Shaofeng tried to absorb a few destruction spar, two low-grade destruction spar, one medium destruction spar, and one high destruction spar.

These destruction spars were all provided by Gong Qingzi, and Qin Shaofeng just tried to absorb them and see the situation.

But considering that his indestructible incarnation of the sun seems to have reached its current limit, absorbing these destruction spars should not have much effect.

But in the end, it is true!

This avatar of the eternal flame did not get the slightest improvement, but Qin Shaofeng felt it, and his soul had improved.

This is not the soul realm of the eternal incarnation of Yan Yang, nor the soul realm of Qin Shaofeng's body, but the one that Qin Shaofeng separated from and returned to the earth before, and the soul realm with his soul master consciousness was actually improved.

Even with this improvement, Qin Shaofeng clearly felt that his own soul of the main consciousness had undergone some special changes.

The biggest change among them is the super god-level Dao realm ‘Great Soul Ring’ on him!

This Dao Soul Ring appeared as early as the time Qin Shaofeng crossed and returned to the earth because of the soul that protected Qin Shaofeng, and suffered a great deal of damage.

Of course, in fact, with the power of Dao Soul Ring, the super god-level item, naturally it would not really suffer any damage.

But what is helpless is that the master Qin Shaofeng is too weak, not only can't activate the power of the Dao Soul Ring, but can even use the Dao Soul Ring as a special storage ring.

Even if it is self-protecting, the power that the Dao Soul Ring can use is still too weak.

After protecting Qin Shaofeng's soul, Dao Soul Ring consumed a lot of energy and fell into a state of deep sleep.

Qin Shaofeng was only able to regain some of the Dao Soul Ring after inspiring the last trace of backtracking. From a completely asleep state, there were some signs on Qin Shaofeng's fingers.

Qin Shaofeng has been trying to restore the soul ring of the Great Dao.

But it has always been ineffective, so I can only put it aside for the time being. I don't want the destruction spar absorbed by the destruction beast to be able to quickly restore the soul ring of the Dao, which surprised Qin Shaofeng.

Could it be that the destruction spar of this destruction beast has the ability to restore the soul ring of the Dao?

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with joy.

If the Dao Soul Ring can be completely restored, or even restored to use the things stored in it, that would be a good thing for him.

In fact, there is another point, that is, the reason why Qin Shaofeng feels relieved to return to the ancient sanctuary this time is because he has a way to return to Earth again.

And this method is the special spirit stones in the soul ring of this great road.

Although the special spirit stones existed in the Dao Soul Ring, Qin Shaofeng couldn't take it out now.

But it seems that because of the body of the earth, the king stage chess piece of the super **** chess piece has caused some special effects, and it also has some connections with the Dao Soul Ring.

Qin Shaofeng has tried it. Even though his main consciousness soul has entered the indestructible incarnation of Yan Yang, there is still some connection between him and his body on the earth.

And this link comes from the soul ring of the Dao!

Under such circumstances, if Qin Shaofeng wants to reach the earth, he can use the special spirit stones in the Dao Soul Ring to stimulate the Dao Soul Ring, so that his main consciousness soul will return On the body of the earth.

Because of the relationship between Dao Soul Ring, such a return, Qin Shaofeng is confident that the danger of the previous crossing will not appear.

Rather, directly relying on the soul ring of the Great Dao, the connection with the earth's body will return directly and instantly.

This is the ability of the Soul Ring of the Super God Stage Item Avenue!

Because of this, Qin Shaofeng returned to the ancient sanctuary with confidence.

Qin Shaofeng originally thought that after waiting for a period of time to restore the soul ring of the Great Dao, and after dealing with some crises in the ancient sanctuary, he would return directly to the earth.

It's better now, because whether it is solving the crisis of the ancient sanctuary or restoring the soul ring of the Dao, it is related to the destruction of the beast, and the two can be carried out at the same time.

This is a lot more convenient.

Then, let’s start dealing with the beast of destruction!


At the same time, Qin Feng, one of the immortal incarnations of Qin Shaofeng's Seventeenth National Congress of the Kunwu Dao realm, began to prepare something.

Up to now, because the time acceleration of the Kunwu Dao Realm was extremely different, Qin Feng had already entered the Dao Realm, and it was not an ordinary Dao Realm.

Dao realm is actually divided into several realms. Generally, after being promoted to Dao realm, you can only become an ordinary Dao realm powerhouse. This is similar to the three major realms that dominate the three steps. The first step into the master realm is only the ordinary master of the first realm!

However, even ordinary Dao realm powerhouses are equivalent to those of Qi Yuanxing's gods and demons level Dao realm powerhouses.

Although the title of God and Demon Rank is a bit bluffing, in fact, this is just a title for Dao Realm powerhouse on Qiyuan Star.

Even if the Dao State is weak in the Demon Race, it is countless times stronger than the Rule State under the Dao State, that is, the Domination State.

It is not an exaggeration to say that no matter how many masters or masters of the law realm, it is impossible to defeat a strong Dao realm, even if the strong Dao realm is too weak.

Of course, there are special circumstances, such as the existence of Qin Shaofeng's body, but such examples are really rare.

In general, Dao Jing is a very strong existence.

But after entering the Dao realm, those who only exist in the ordinary Dao realm, that is, the so-called gods and demons on Qiyuan Star, are actually in the Dao realm. These so-called gods and demons are just the bottom. General existence.

Entering the realm is just the beginning.

The differentiation in Dao state is distinguished by star position. Under normal circumstances, those who have not obtained the star position are ordinary Dao state experts, collectively called the non-position Dao state!

The Dao realm powers who have obtained the star position are the Dao realm existence of the first level of the star position. Such Dao realm powers are collectively called the star master level!

If you want to become a star master-level Dao realm powerhouse, you need to refine a planetary world as your main domain, and only after your planetary world is integrated into the power of the Dao realm can you officially enter the astral stage. , Become a star master level Dao realm powerhouse.

There are also two realms in the positionless powerhouse of ordinary Dao realm.

One is to step into the Dao Realm, but has not refined themselves into a planetary world. Such a Dao Realm powerhouse is somewhat reluctant to even the Unpositioned Star Master, and can only be called the Infinite Dao Realm at best.

As for the positionless star master, the meaning is obvious, that is, a planetary world must be refined as the domain of one's star master.

To have a planetary world is to become a star master.

But even if you have one or even several planetary worlds, if you don't integrate into the power of a Taoist world, you are basically a positionless star master.

The power of merging into the Dao world mentioned here actually refers to the power of the Dao World after refining the planetary world.

A world can only be a truly complete world, a world recognized by the Dao of the entire Dao realm only when it possesses the power of the Dao realm in its Dao law.

Such a world is able to have a star position!

And the master of such a world is naturally a master of the realm of the star master.

And this star master-level Dao realm powerhouse will also have different strengths due to the amount of Dao realm power integrated into the planet world where it is located.

Generally divided into four realms: lower star master, middle star master, upper star master, and super star master.

Generally speaking, the Dao Law of the planetary world where a lower-level star master is located requires at least a Dao power, so that the planet world where it is located can be recognized by Dao Realm Dao and formally have a star position and become a star. Master-level powerhouse.

After reaching this realm, if a star master level expert wants to improve his realm and strength, relying solely on cultivation will not work.

Even at this time, cultivation is only secondary, and how to raise the level of the planetary world is the most important.

Once the planetary world has been promoted, then the owner of this planetary world will naturally be able to be promoted, without any need for cultivation.

However, it is a thousand times more difficult to improve your own strength and realm by improving the planetary world.

Because the way the planetary world ascends is not simply expanding the territory and space of a planetary world.

The promotion of the planetary world can only be achieved by upgrading its Dao Law, which is more recognized by Dao Jie Dao.

But there is only one way to improve the Dao Law of a planetary world, and that is to integrate more Daoist power.

Only by incorporating more Daoist powers can a planetary world be promoted, and the star master of its planetary world can be promoted.

If there are more than three powers of the Dao Realm integrated with the Dao Laws of the planetary world, then it can be promoted to a more advanced planetary world and become a middle-star world.

At the same time, the Dao Realm powerhouse of the Lord of the World can be promoted to a mid-level star master.

If it is the law of the Great Dao of a planetary world, if the power of the fusion of Dao realms exceeds ten Dao realms, then it is a world of high-ranking stars.

At the same time, the lord of the world can also advance to become an upper star lord-level Taoist powerhouse.

As for the superstar master level Dao realm powerhouse, that is the master of the planetary world that has integrated more than 30 Dao realm powers.

Qin Feng, who had "behaved" well in the Kunwu Dao Realm, was not only a Japanese elder at the Kunwu Sect, but also received the very Dao Realm power bestowed by Kunwu.

This means that Qin Feng has now refined ten Daoist powers.

Moreover, he was also given a very good planetary world by Kunwu, and he has now been completely promoted to the upper star world.

As the lord of this world, Qin Feng was naturally already an upper star master.

But now, Qin Feng is not satisfied with this state.

Because it was only the realm of the upper star master, compared with Kunwu, it was too far away.

The strength of Kunwu's existence exceeded Qin Feng's imagination.

The opponent is too strong!

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