Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1802: An angry Gong Qingzi

The words of Emperor Heitian and Emperor Biyan also resonated with the other great emperors present.

In fact, Gong Qingzi stopped the siege of the destruction beast during this period, which made the Heitian Great Emperor and others think that something happened to Gong Qingzi.

Unfortunately, before this, Gong Qingzi was dealing with more than a dozen ten-star destruction beasts. Thinking of this, it makes people wonder whether Gong Qingzi has been affected by that battle. What hurt.

If it's not injured, then why change to a coalition leader?

Before Black Sky Emperor and others, although they had such guesses in their hearts, they did not really act.

After all, Gong Qingzi's strength lies there, but they can't handle it.

And this is only their suspicion, what if things are not like this?

But now it is all right, Yan Yang suddenly appeared, and is about to replace the position of the commander of the coalition forces, which made the Heitian Great Emperor and others feel that this might be the case.

It must be Gong Qingzi who was injured, and then planned to let other people take her place.

If Gong Qingzi was okay, Heitian the Great and others would naturally not say much.

But now it is different. If you can become the commander of the coalition forces, then there are so many benefits!

At the very least, killing the ten-star destruction beast is very beneficial.

Unlike other destruction beasts, this killing ten-star destruction beast must not only destroy the spar, but also must be a super destruction spar.

And the law power in a super-destructive spar, even if it is the master supreme who builds the foundation of the road, has a great promotion effect.

Even if it is as powerful as Heitian the Great Emperor and the others, the Super Destruction Spar also has an uplifting effect.

With the cultivation base of the Great Emperor Heitian and others, if they rely on their own cultivation, the level of improvement would be extremely slow.

Therefore, they are naturally very keen on destroying the spar.

Before Gong Qingzi was here, the destruction beasts killed by the coalition forces obtained super destruction spar, even if they had their share, but this large number of manpower was allocated, they could get very little.

Although only a very small part of the super destruction spar, for Heitian Great Emperor and others, it is countless times faster than self-cultivation.

But people will always be satisfied, once they get what they want, they will only want more.

Suddenly, the scene fell silent.

But the Great Emperor Heitian and the others glanced at each other and the others, a strange light flashed in their eyes.

Only at this moment, there was a decision in their hearts.


"Asshole, asshole, that junk is just too damnable!"

In one room, Qin Shaofeng, who was adapting to the power of the realm of the eternal incarnation of the sun, suddenly opened his eyes, and then saw Gong Qingzi appear in front of him anxiously.

"What's the matter?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

"It's not the so-called great emperors, they actually..."

Gong Qingzi said angrily, and soon told Qin Shaofeng the whole story.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng understood why Gong Qingzi was so angry.

Originally after some discussions, the Heitian Emperor and the others approached Gong Qingzi and said that the position of the coalition leader was not a trifling matter. She couldn’t say that Gong Qingzi said whoever should do it, she must wait until others. Recognition.

In short, it means the same thing. You Gong Qingzi can not be the commander of the coalition army, but whoever is to be the commander of the coalition forces is no longer yours.

Gong Qingzi didn't do it naturally, she wasn't really injured or anything, she just wanted to give Qin Shaofeng the leadership of the coalition army.

But what made Gong Qingzi feel cold was that this opinion put forward by the Great Emperor Heitian and others was actually recognized by most forces.

Although the Jiang family, the ancient family, the spiritual family, and even the magic family still support Gong Qingzi.

But now the ancient sanctuary is no longer the former, the ancient sanctuary respected by the ancient saints and the ancient demons.

The appearance of the Destruction Beast led to the emergence of many hidden forces in the Ancient Sanctuary, especially the forces outside the Ancient Sanctuary, which were forced to retreat to the Ancient Sanctuary by the Destruction Beast.

To know the forces that can gain a foothold in the area outside the ancient sanctuary, it is naturally extremely powerful, not weaker than the original seven forces of the ancient sanctuary.

This is the reason that the current ancient sanctuary, the original seven powers have emerged from the ancient saints, the ancient demons, and the Liuli Palace. Even the two halls and three sects have become second-rate forces.

And this is still in the case of the existence of such a powerful ruler as Emperor Bai, if there is no Emperor Bai, I am afraid that the two halls and three sects and their own turf may be occupied by those outside the ancient sanctuary.

The current ancient sanctuary is very chaotic, and it is fortunate that there are public enemies such as the destruction beast. Otherwise, the ancient sanctuary would have been fighting.

Gong Qingzi has great strength, and her subordinates are not simple. Except for the first class, Liuli Palace itself is not weak.

Because the real master behind Liuli Palace is Qin Shaofeng's old lady Jiang Yuxi.

Liuli Palace can be regarded as a power created by the incarnation of Qin Shaofeng's father, Qin Feiyang. Under the secret cultivation, Liuli Palace has many powerful people.

After Jiang Yuxi took over, there was no less than the existence of Baidi Tiandi and others.

If it weren't for this, Gong Qingzi wouldn't be the master of Liuli Palace.

In fact, it is precisely because of the strength of the Liuli Palace and the strength of Gong Qingzi itself that the forces that have returned from outside the ancient sanctuary to the ancient sanctuary have done anything extraordinary against those forces in the ancient sanctuary. .

Those forces are in fear of the strength of the palace Qingzi.

Of course, this also has the influence of Qin Shaofeng's mother Jiang Yuxi.

Because at the same time that Gong Qingzi appeared, Jiang Yuxi also occasionally appeared giants that had shocked many forces, and this did not make the Ancient Sanctuary a mess.

Those forces in the ancient sanctuary were still intact, thanks to the Liuli Palace.

But Gong Qingzi couldn't think that after Heitian Great made such a request, not only the foreign forces, but even the original forces of the Ancient Sanctuary, they actually compromised.

Gong Qingzi naturally didn't care about the leadership of the coalition forces, but the actions of those forces made her feel chilled, and the whole person was very angry.

Qin Shaofeng didn't have any thoughts, he smiled faintly, and said: "Well, you don't need to be so angry, I didn't plan to sit under the command of the coalition army."

Qin Shaofeng's words were true. In fact, he was opposed to Gong Qingzi's decision at the beginning.

Because after all, he still needs to return to the earth. Once the main consciousness returns to the earth, then the indestructible incarnation of Yan Yang will be the cultivation consciousness.

After all, Qin Shaofeng is not the main body now, and the realm of the Immortal Incarnation of Yan Yang is too strong. He can't rely on the soul of the main consciousness at this moment to leave enough soul power to influence the behavior of the Immortal Incarnation of Yan Yang.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng really didn't care about the leadership of this coalition army.

Because once he solved the immediate problem, he would leave, and Qin Shaofeng estimated that it would not take long.

In fact, the reason why Gong Qingzi asked him to come back was a last resort.

Originally, according to the previous situation, Gong Qingzi was there, even if a ten-star destruction beast appeared, it didn't need to be concerned.

The ten-star destruction beast was nothing but a threat to Gong Qingzi now.

As long as hundreds of ten-star destruction beasts do not appear at the same time, Gong Qingzi can easily destroy these destruction beasts if they besiege her.

And even if it is not the enemy, it is very simple to escape a large number of ten-star destruction beasts with Gong Qingzi's means and strength.

At the very least, with her level of writing wheel eyes, once the power of the divine power is used, the destruction beasts can't even touch her.

And no matter how bad it was, Qin Shaofeng's mother Jiang Yuxi was there.

With Jiang Yuxi's strength, even if it was compared to Qin Shaofeng's current eternal incarnation of the scorching sun, it would not be much weaker. Compared to Gong Qingzi, his strength was even stronger.

Originally Qin Shaofeng's mother Jiang Yuxi was sitting in town, as long as there were no Dao-level destruction beasts, there was no need to worry too much.

But helplessly, because of Qin Shaofeng's indestructible incarnation of Qin Feng, the current ancient sanctuary has already incorporated too much Daoist power.

This has caused the ancient sanctuary to be extremely unstable. In that special fusion space, Qin Feiyang alone can no longer control it.

In desperation, Jiang Yuxi only had to enter it and suppressed it with Qin Feiyang.

Although Jiang Yuxi did not reach the Dao Realm, because of some special circumstances, once Qin Feiyang and Jiang Yuxi joined forces, Qin Feiyang could explode even more powerful.

Qin Feiyang controlled a lot of the power of the Dao realm, and the total of the Dao realm of the Earth and the Qiyuan Star Realm had exceeded 30.

But Qin Feiyang didn't completely refine the power of this Dao realm. Firstly, it was the power of the two Dao realms, and it was still not easy to refining when the two realms merged.

But it was precisely because of this that even though he could draw on the power of these Dao realms, he could create a lot of things.

But once the power of these Dao realms becomes unstable, it is also a trouble for him.

And Qin Feiyang's talent was not very good at the beginning, it can even be said to be very poor. His bloodline talent was awakened because of Jiang Yuxi's ability.

Therefore, only with Jiang Yuxi by his side, Qin Feiyang can be in the strongest state.

With the efforts of Qin Shaofeng's immortal incarnation of Qin Feng, the power of the Taoist realm that has caused the appearance of the current ancient sanctuary has increased.

Fortunately, the power of the Taoist world refined by Qin Feng was not really integrated into the ancient sanctuary. It was just because one of the immortal incarnations of Qin Shaofeng's body, after being integrated into those powers of the Taoist world, Some influence.

Otherwise, it is not as simple as being unstable. I am afraid that even Qin Feng hadn't thought of this.

Because of instability, Qin Feiyang finally couldn't stand it and let Jiang Yuxi in.

But shortly after Jiang Yuxi entered, there was an unexpected situation in the ancient sanctuary.

That is, a large number of ten-star destruction beasts suddenly appeared.

Gong Qingzi just couldn't stand it, because she suddenly discovered a very strange situation, that is, the number of ten-star destruction beasts that emerged this time was at least 100,000.

Faced with such a situation, Gong Qingzi was helpless to get Qin Shaofeng back.

But in the face of this later series of things, Gong Qingzi was in a bad mood.

But for Qin Shaofeng, he didn't care much.

Because in Qin Shaofeng's opinion, the more ten-star destruction beasts, the more it can represent the more super destruction spar.

This is of great benefit to repairing the soul ring of Dao Dao.

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