Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1803: New coalition commander

Soon, there was news from the ancient sanctuary coalition forces.

Liuli Palace suffered severe losses due to the last battle, and the palace owner Gong Qingzi was hit harder, and had to give up the position of the coalition leader.

Although it was a pity for some, but did not think much.

But this is only a fact that most people know, and only a few people know the real situation.

After learning this news, Heitian Great sneered at the first moment.

"Hmph, Gong Qingzi, do you really think we can't do without her?"

The Great Emperor Heitian was very disdainful, and even more sure in his heart, Gong Qingzi asked Liuli Palace to send such news, nothing more than a threat to them, so that the person called Yanyang could take the position of commanding the coalition army.

Not only did Heitian the Great think this way, but also strong people such as the Blue Eye Great Emperor.

This is definitely a threat to them!

Because after the Liuli Palace announced this information, the ancient saints also spread out for the first time. The ancient saints suffered a lot of losses in the previous war, and it takes time to survive. For the next war with the destruction beast , Will not participate temporarily.

Not only the ancient saints, but also the two halls and three sects headed by Qin Shaofeng.

Even the ancient demon race was the same, in fact, the current ancient demon race was secretly mastered by Qin Shaofeng.

Because at the time Qin Shaofeng left, the Demon King's incarnation coldly and ruthlessly unified the entire ancient demon clan.

Although Leng Ruqing, this incarnation, had already left the opening star, went to the planetary world beyond the Qi Yuan star, to collect the power of other Tao realms in this realm.

But Qin Shaofeng's second envoy, Leng Yaxuan, was in the ancient demon clan.

It was her cooperation with Gong Qingzi that united the original forces of the ancient sanctuary and reduced the impact of the foreign forces in the ancient sanctuary.

Therefore, it is true that the ancient demons have been controlled by Qin Shaofeng.

"Forget it, it's just a mere Gong Qingzi, and a few non-climate groups, don't worry about them!"

A blond man said indifferently, completely not paying attention to several forces such as Gong Qingzi and the ancient saints.

He said this, but he has such qualifications.

Because this blond man is more likely to exist than Black Sky Emperor.

This blond man is the ancestor of a powerful ethnic group, and he is older than the Jiang family.

Long ago, the blond man had already ruled the supreme realm, and he was called the Golden Emperor!

Jindi was born mysteriously, and no one knew the origin of the other party.

Gong Qingzi only learned from the classics left by Qin Feiyang that the Emperor Jin should be a powerful group of ancient Jinguang clan.

But the Jinguang clan had long since perished, and I don't know how the Jindi survived.

Gong Qingzi guessed that most of the Jinguang clan powerhouses in the ancient times retained the Jindi by great means.

After the appearance of Emperor Jin, he was extremely strong and powerful, and later he created an ethnic group.

Although the ancient sanctuary did not know the name of this tribe, in fact this tribe was the Jinguang tribe, and the Jindi, just as Gong Qingzi guessed, was the descendant of the ancient and powerful Jinguang tribe.

The Golden Light Clan is very powerful, and it is also the only group force that has faced the destruction beast without suffering any loss.

As for the Emperor Jin himself, it was even more powerful. Even the existence of the Emperor Bai and the Emperor Jiang Hengtian were inferior to the Emperor Jin.

Because Jindi is the existence that dominates the supreme pinnacle realm.

Had it not been for the current Qi Yuanxing who had not integrated the power of the Dao realm and could not give birth to a Dao realm powerhouse, this Jindi would have already been promoted to a Dao realm powerhouse.

Because now Qi Yuanxing was collected by Qin Feiyang even if he had it, causing Qi Yuanxing to lose the power of the Dao realm.

Emperor Jin knows the existence of the Dao realm powerhouse, and also knows that Qi Yuanxing, who has no power in the Dao realm today, has cultivated something wrong even with his existence.

It is no longer the realm of law, but the realm of dominating the supreme.

Originally, the Emperor Jin had nothing to expect. He just wanted to cultivate enough master masters in the Golden Light Clan so that he could leave the Kaiyuan Star with him and go to other planetary worlds to practice, so as to be promoted to a Dao realm powerhouse.

But now the appearance of the Destroyer Beast gave Jindi new hope.

Because he discovered that after absorbing the destruction spar of the destruction beast, he dominated the realm of the supreme pinnacle, although he could not go further, but it would allow him to transform into the law realm.

Being able to transform into the law realm, this also shows that it is possible to break through and promote to the realm.

This gave Jindi great hope.

Especially after Gong Qingzi, he thought so.

Because he was different, after seeing Gong Qingzi, although he felt that the other party was very powerful, he felt it from Gong Qingzi, which only belonged to the law realm.

In fact, in terms of realm, the rule of supremacy is almost the same as the later stage of the law realm, and they are all at the same level.

It's just that there are two different powers that dominate the supreme and law state.

Because of the influence of the Qiyuan Star Dao Law, it is impossible to rise to the Dao Realm to dominate the realm of Supreme.

It's not absolutely impossible, but if you want to be promoted to the realm with the dominating supreme, not only does it take time, but also a certain opportunity, otherwise, it can be said that it will be hopeless for a lifetime.

In the case of the law realm, it is close to the realm of the Dao realm. Not only is it very close to the Dao realm, but it can also be said to be the right way to practice.

And no matter what, to tell the truth, the law state is better than the state that dominates the supreme.

In the case of the wheel realm, the Emperor Jin is confident that he is not inferior to Gong Qingzi, but in terms of strength, considering the power of the law realm, he is inclined to the Dao realm, and the Emperor Jin is very jealous of Gong Qingzi.

This is why, when Gong Qingzi was determined to be the commander of the coalition army before, Emperor Jin supported it.

Because he wanted to see how powerful Gong Qingzi of the Law Realm really is.

Now he has a good idea of ​​Gong Qingzi's strength, and the most important thing is that although he has collected a lot of destruction spars, there are still very few super destruction spars.

And only the super destruction spar allowed him to transform into the law state.

Emperor Jin thought that he had already figured out Gong Qingzi's strength and was completely sure to deal with the ten-star destruction beast, so he had already begun to look for opportunities to replace him as the leader of the coalition army.

There was no chance before, but now it's better, Gong Qingzi let someone who has never heard of it become the new commander of the coalition army, this is to let Jindi seize the opportunity.

In fact, no one knew that Heitian Great was annihilated in the clan, but after a few clansmen remained, he was subdued by Emperor Jin.

The same was true for Emperor Biyan. It can be said that Emperor Jin took the lead in a series of things during this period.

The result also made Jindi very satisfied, because the current situation, he was only one step away from the position of the coalition commander.

Seeing that things were almost done, Emperor Jin secretly gave Emperor Heitian a wink.

When Heitian saw this, he knew it in his heart, and then took a step forward and said to everyone present: "That's right, you don't need to control Gong Qingzi and them now. Anyway, the strength of this ancient sanctuary is just that, without them. , Our coalition forces are still strong."

At this moment, most of the existences here are leader-level existences of the power groups that originally existed outside the ancient sanctuary, and all of them are not weak and Heitian Great.

In fact, these powerhouses simply did not pay attention to the forces of the ancient sanctuary.

If it weren't for the presence of Gong Qingzi and Liuli Palace, even the ancient saints and ancient demons and other forces would most likely be subdued by them and become cannon fodder for attacking and destroying beasts.

Now Gong Qingzi announced that he had quit, which was rather a matter for them.

Because when Gong Qingzi became the commander of the Allied Forces before, when he attacked Destroyer Beast, most of the Destroy Spar he harvested fell into the forces of the Ancient Sanctuary.

This situation has long caused dissatisfaction with these powerful people, but because of Gong Qingzi's power and the threat of destroying the beast, they didn't show it.

But now it is different.

In the eyes of these powerhouses, Destroy the Beast is no longer a crisis, but a big opportunity.

Destroyer beasts are already the existence of wealth resources.

Now these powerhouses don't feel that there is nothing wrong with Gong Qingzi and the great forces of the ancient sanctuary.

It's better!

When dividing the destruction spar, I can divide more.

Therefore, upon hearing what Heitian Great Emperor said, the strong people present all responded.

"Yes, without them, we still kill Destroyer Beasts!"

"Cut, a few ancient sanctuary forces thought that they wouldn't be able to do without perfection. This takes oneself too seriously, it's really funny!"

"Hmph, that Gong Qingzi looked at herself too highly, thinking that without her, we would not be able to kill the ten-star destruction beast."

"Hahaha, it's okay not to participate, so we can get more destruction spar!"

"That's right, that Gong Qingzi took the big head every time. Without her, the extra destruction spar can give us more points."


Hearing this kind of discussion, the Great Emperor Heitian was slightly pleased, and he developed according to his guess, then it was already time.

With a move in his heart, the Great Emperor Heitian suddenly shouted: "Everyone, please be quiet and listen to me!"

This time he was able to remove Gong Qingzi, but Heitian Great did a lot of effort.

No matter how he shouted, everyone really stopped.

Upon seeing this, the Great Emperor Heitian coughed slightly: "Well, you all say that a country cannot have a ruler for a day, and a family cannot be like no one. Since it is a coalition army, then a coalition army is still needed. I propose that Lord Jindi be the leader. The new coalition commander, I don’t know what you think!"

Heitian Great's words before, but many strong people present were moved.

If you can become the new commander of the coalition forces, there will be many benefits!

But the sentence after Heitian the Great made many experts present a little dazed.

They thought Heitian the Great would be cheeky and said that he would be the new commander of the coalition army.

But I didn't expect the other party to propose to let the Emperor Jin take the post, which was a bit unexpected.

However, even if the Jindi is very powerful, under the huge temptation, there are still many strong people present who want to fight.

But at this moment, without waiting for other powerful people to speak up, the Biyan Great Emperor spoke directly: "I agree, Lord Jin is powerful and notarized. I believe that he is the commander of the coalition army, which is more certain than Gong Qingzi. It will be tens of millions of times better!"

"I, Tiger Howl, also agreed to Lord Jin as the commander of the coalition army!"

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

"me too!"


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