Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1804: First Battle Destroyer Beast

Seeing the great emperors one by one, suddenly jumped out to support the Emperor Jin. It is not clear to the strong ones present.

This is probably something that Jindi planned!

But the Emperor Jin is not the only one who is ambitious, even if this is the case, there is still a trace of unwillingness in the hearts of the few strong players present.

Because these powerhouses, although not as strong as Jindi, are not as weak as Jindi.

Even the current Jindi would not underestimate these people.

The Emperor Jin had already anticipated such a situation, so he finally spoke: "I thank you that you can value this emperor, then this emperor would like to assure you that if this emperor becomes the leader of the coalition army, then the destruction crystal will be obtained. Except for the super destruction spar, this emperor will not take any other destruction spar!"

The words of Emperor Jin moved most of the strong people present.

Because in fact, this destruction spar, as long as it reaches a high level, the law power contained in it is actually not much different from the super destruction spar.

Perhaps a hundred low-grade destruction spar can be worth a medium destruction spar, and a hundred medium destruction spar can be worth a high-level destruction spar.

But for the super destruction spar, it only needs seven or eight high destruction spars to be able to contrast with it.

Even if it is the best super destruction spar, it is only equivalent to the law power contained in ten high destruction spars.

The reason for this situation is that the law power contained in the super destruction spar can actually be regarded as the real law power.

The law power contained in the destruction spar under the other super destruction spar is actually the power with the law of the Qiyuan Star Dao.

This can be regarded as a mixed law force.

But the super destruction spar in the ten-star destruction beast's body, the law power contained in it, is the purest law power, and the power belonging to the Qiyuan Star Avenue law has been completely removed.

It is precisely because of this that the super destruction spar can help the master to transform into the law state.

It’s just that if you want to know this, you can even feel the difference in the power of the laws in the super destruction spar. This is extremely difficult for the creatures on the Qiyuan star today. Under normal circumstances, you can’t feel it at all. To.

Only Jindi, a strong man with the ancient Golden Light Clan heritage, knows the situation of the law realm, and then he can feel the difference of the super destruction spar.

This is also his absolute confidence that he can fully control the coalition forces.

Allied forces?

An army that resists the destruction of beasts and saves thousands of creatures?

Oh, no matter how good it sounds, it's just an interest group after all.

But Emperor Jin was very sure, and others didn't know the true value of Super Destruction Spar, but he was very clear.

This is the hope of being promoted to the Dao Realm, and he will naturally not miss it.

Therefore, it seems that Emperor Jin gave up most of his interests.

Because compared to the ten-star destruction spar, even the low, middle and high grade destruction spar does not necessarily appear when the destruction beast is killed.

However, there are very few ten-star destruction beasts among the destruction beasts, and there are countless other levels of destruction beasts.

In addition, when one super destruction spar is at most relative to ten high destruction spars, Jindi guarantees that as long as the super destruction spar is required, this is good news for those strong on the scene. .

Moreover, these powerhouses also thought of good reasons for the Emperor Jin. Perhaps the Emperor Jin was already an existence dominating the supreme pinnacle realm, and the destruction of the spar would not help him much.

But Emperor Jin seemed to be the commander of the coalition forces. This was to give up big interests and only seek some small ones.

Thinking about it this way, the few powerhouses who had opinions on the scene immediately agreed to let the Emperor Jin become the new commander of the coalition army.

This is also a good thing for them, because if they were allowed to sit on the position of commander of the coalition forces, they would not be like the Emperor Jin, who only sought super destruction spar, and would definitely strive for the greatest benefit.

But in this way, other people will definitely disagree, and there will definitely be some friction and disputes, which is not a good phenomenon.

That being the case, it would be better to let Emperor Jin become the commander of the coalition army.

After that, because of these many factors, no one opposed the Emperor Jin becoming the commander of the coalition army anymore, and the Emperor Jin was in control of the huge coalition army in this way.

After becoming the commander of the coalition forces, Emperor Jin quickly began to organize a new war against the destruction of beasts.

For a time, countless forces dispatched a large number of strong men.

When Destroyer Beasts first appeared, the major forces might still have some reservations, but with the appearance of Destroyer Spar, the major forces tasted some sweetness, and when they fought Destroyer Beasts again, they all contributed a lot.

This time, under the leadership of Emperor Jin, tens of billions of troops can be assembled, which is terrifying.

But in fact, because of Qin Shaofeng's immortal incarnation of Qin Feng, the power of the Taoist world has been increasing, resulting in a continuous increase of negative power.

Even at this time, Destroyer Beasts are still being born, and the newly born Destroyer Beasts basically have Destroyer Spars.

The previous Destroyer Beasts had some special circumstances, otherwise it was the higher-level Destroyer Beasts, which basically didn't give birth to Destroyer Crystals.

This is why the destruction of spar rarely appears.

But now with the newly born Destroyer Beasts, the number is increasing, which has led to the appearance of a large number of Destroy Spars.

This Golden Emperor is not stupid. He didn't directly look for the ten-star Destroyer Beasts. Instead, he planned to bring tens of billions of troops to destroy some Destroy Beasts and give those forces some sweetness. In this case, he will let these forces hunt. It is also easier to kill ten-star destruction beasts.

And besides, tens of billions of troops attacked Destroyer Beasts, and it would definitely meet many ten-star Destroyer Beasts.

The ten-star destruction beast that he encountered just like this has already allowed him to gain a lot.


And when the Emperor Jin led the tens of billions of troops and left the ancient sanctuary and began to attack the destruction beast, Qin Shaofeng also left the ancient sanctuary.

After getting used to the realm and power of this indestructible incarnation of the sun, Qin Shaofeng was the first to go outside the ancient sanctuary to check the status of the destruction beast.

According to Gong Qingzi, the reason why she let herself come back this time was because there were already a large number of ten-star destruction beasts among the destruction beasts.

Facing the huge number of ten-star destruction beasts, Gong Qingzi had no way to deal with it, because no matter how strong her strength, she would not be able to deal with a large number of ten-star destruction beasts.

But Qin Shaofeng is different!

Even if it wasn't the main body, it was just the indestructible incarnation of the sun. After Qin Shaofeng learned about the strength of those ten-star destruction beasts from Gong Qingzikou, he determined that he would suffer more ten-star destruction. The beast, that is also fearless.

Even if it is lost, it can easily escape.

And in order to hurry, Qin Shaofeng didn't bring anyone this time, but went there alone.

The Indestructible Incarnation of Yan Yang has already raised the Indestructible Incarnation to its limit, but in terms of the incarnation, even if Qin Shaofeng's main body of Indestructible Incarnation reached the ten-star status, it is not as good as the Indestructible Incarnation of the Sun. The writing wheel at the moment is powerful.

This immortal incarnation of Shao Lun Yan has not only raised the cultivation to the extreme, but also awakened all the skills and powers of Shao Lun Yan.

I don’t even know if it’s the ultimate reason that this pair of jade reincarnation writing round eyes with nine hooks actually still possesses the ability of white eyes and rebirth eyes.

With this pair of eyes, Qin Shaofeng was on the road alone, there was no problem at all.

These two writing wheels also awakened the hand of the sky, and they were able to transfer instantly within the scope of the divine consciousness.

Even with these two writing wheel eyes, Qin Shaofeng didn't need to resort to any transfer target at all. As long as it was a place detected by the divine sense, he could reach it instantly with the hand of heaven.

This is exactly equivalent to teleportation within the scope of the divine consciousness!

The most important thing is that such teleportation consumes very little for Qin Shaofeng. With the self-healing ability of Yan Yang, the indestructible incarnation, under the natural recovery state, it is more than enough to supplement such consumption.

Qin Shaofeng is on his way now, even though the ancient sanctuary is very large, the area outside the ancient sanctuary is even wider.

But with this kind of Heaven's Hand ability, Qin Shaofeng only spent half an hour before he arrived in an area where a large number of high-star destruction beasts were infested.

In fact, if Qin Shaofeng hadn't been here before, he could have come to this place instantly with the power of the space portal.

However, after this time, if Qin Shaofeng wants to come to this place, he only needs to open the space portal with the eyes of the jade reincarnation of nine buckles, and he can arrive in an instant.




It seemed that he had sensed Qin Shaofeng's breath. After Qin Shaofeng entered this place, the large number of destruction beasts discovered him and roared.

Although most of this Destroyer Beast is not very intelligent, the whole mind is filled with the idea of ​​destroying everything.

However, some high-star destruction beasts are still a bit wise, they can restrain some, and even can order low-star destruction beasts.

After the ancient sanctuary united army sent out several sieges, leading to the killing of many Destroy Beasts, some powerful Destroy Beasts gathered countless scattered Destroy Beasts.

No longer scattered, even exist alone, and together.

It was precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng didn't encounter a destruction beast along the way.

After all, this place is very close to the ancient sanctuary, and the destruction beast that has suffered, now has a distance from the ancient sanctuary.

"This is the Destroyer Beast?"

Looking in front of him, the gray-black skin was full of black spikes, without a trace of hair, a beast the size of a giant elephant, and a beast that looked like a strange shape, a strange light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.


Very hideous!

This is Qin Shaofeng's first impression of these destruction beasts.

There are no lips, sharp fangs, one by one exposed, and the cold light is radiant and looks terrifying.

And what made Qin Shaofeng most concerned about was the aura on these destruction beasts.

They didn't have a breath of life characteristics on their bodies, and their bodies were filled with extremely violent and crazy auras. !

This is the breath of destruction!


In the roar, the destruction beasts have approached.

There are many, among which the lowest are seven-star destruction beasts, and there are even many eight-star destruction beasts.


Qin Shaofeng not only didn't panic, but coldly snorted disdainfully.


Qin Shaofeng gently raised his hand, and he shot out a terrifying fire dragon roaring out.

Under the fire dragon's attack, those besieging the destruction beasts that came over, at least one or two hundred, instantly turned into a pile of fly ash, only occasionally a few destruction spar fell.

With just one shot, more than a hundred destruction beasts would be killed instantly!

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