Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1806: The destruction beast with the power of the Taoist world (part 1)


Without thinking about it, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng dashed forward and retreated.


In the end, Qin Shaofeng dodged the black ball of light, and blasted directly to the distance, turning into a mushroom cloud.

"I circled a cross, this thing actually has the power of the realm??"

Feeling the power of the mushroom cloud behind him, Qin Shaofeng was secretly surprised.

In fact, power is still secondary, and the most important thing is the power contained in it-the power of the Taoist world!

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that this ten-star destruction beast could burst out an attack with the power of the Dao realm.

Although it was just a trace of the power of the Taoist world, it seemed that it was just a trace of the residual aura of the power of the Taoist world that was mixed from the power of the Taoist world, and it was not the real power of the Taoist world.

But it was this kind of aura of Daoist power, but it increased the attack of this ten-star destruction beast to a somewhat dangerous aura.

Moreover, such an increase is not in power, but in a special nature, possessing the special nature of the power of the Taoist world.

If it is said that the original ten-star destruction beast has an attack power of 1, then after such an increase, the power is actually still 1. Even if there is a certain increase in power, the maximum is 1.1, and the increase is not obvious. .

But the effect caused by this is a general gap between the sky and the earth.

There is an absolute gap between attacks that contain the power of the Taoist world and those that do not contain the power of the Taoist world.

The situation of direct comparison is the difference between the law state and the dominating supreme state.

In the realm, the law realm and the dominating supreme realm are both the same realm. Not far from the Dao realm, it seems that they can break through and become a strong Dao realm.

But the only difference is that if Domination Supreme wants to break through this realm and become a Dao realm, the difficulty is not ordinary.

Although the Dao realm powerhouse does not need the power of refining the Dao realm, it can be promoted successfully.

However, the difference between Taoism and Taoism is the difference between whether it can absorb the power of refining the Taoism.

But to dominate the realm of Supreme, only to adapt to Qi Yuanxing.

To be precise, it was the special realm created by Qi Yuanxing's current environment, which was not considered the correct path of cultivation.

Therefore, on Qi Yuan Xing, if you want to dominate the Supreme Realm cultivation and promote to Dao Realm, it is only possible if Qi Yuan Xing can integrate a large amount of Dao Realm power and its Dao Law has a very high degree.

However, Qi Yuan Xing did incorporate a lot of Daoist powers, but because these Daoist powers merged with the Daoist powers of the Earth Dao world, they did not enter Qi Yuan Xing's Dao law at all.

It can also be said that Qi Yuanxing's Dao Law has not been integrated into the power of the Dao Realm.

Therefore, based on the current situation of Qi Yuanxing, even those who dominate the supreme pinnacle realm, such as a strong person like Jindi, will probably not be able to reach the Dao realm no matter how much they practice.

The Emperor Jin actually knew this. Only then did he intend to leave the Yuanxing, to find a planetary world integrated with the power of the Dao realm, so that he could be promoted to a strong Dao realm.

But now it is different, because he now has the hope of transforming into a law state, and the situation has changed drastically.

In the law state, it doesn't need Qi Yuanxing to integrate into the power of the Dao Realm, as long as you have a Dao Realm, even if the Dao Realm has been plundered a lot of Dao Realm power.

Once you enter the law realm, you can still communicate with this Dao realm and gain the possibility of practicing to the Dao realm in the dark!

And now the ten-star destruction beast in front of Qin Shaofeng, compared to the previous ten-star destruction beast, it seemed to be like this.

The ten-star destruction beast that burst out of the dark black light ball, although not in the law realm, its attack was equivalent to the attack in the law realm.

The same attack looks similar in power, but the attack of the law realm is completely different from the attack of the sovereign.

The damage caused by this is absolutely amazing.

Like Qin Shaofeng's current indestructible incarnation of the scorching sun, after being controlled by him, he has the cultivation base of the peak realm of the law realm, and there is no need to take care of any sovereign supreme.

Because even if you dominate the supreme to the limit, it will only dominate the supreme, and the power that he possesses will not harm Qin Shaofeng's current body at all.

With different powers used, Qin Shaofeng's current body can use the power that contains the power of the Dao Realm, although it is not completely invincible to the Domination Supreme.

But if a Domination Supreme wants to hurt him, unless it is a strong blow, he denies that it is difficult to hurt Qin Shaofeng.

This is why, Qin Shaofeng is alone, with the confidence to face no matter how many ruin beasts.

His body, the indestructible incarnation of the scorching sun, was affected a bit, reaching the peak of the law realm, and the real time was not far from the Tao realm.

But these ten-star destruction beasts in front of them attacked with the aura of the power of the realm, and this coupled with the realm of the ten-star destruction beasts, such an attack could hurt him.




At this moment, the remaining six Destroy Beasts saw Qin Shaofeng avoiding, and they roared one after another, opening their mouths full of fangs.

At the next moment, six black light **** whizzed towards Qin Shaofeng.

But this time, facing such a ball of light, Qin Shaofeng was relieved.

Because it was different from the previous ten-star destruction beast, the attack of the six ten-star destruction beasts this time did not bring any threat to Qin Shaofeng.

Because the attacks of these six ten-star destruction beasts did not contain the power of the Taoist world, but the attacks of ordinary destruction beasts.

Of course, this is only relative to Qin Shaofeng. If it is for another person, the general Domination Supreme will be injured by such an attack.

But as far as Qin Shaofeng is concerned, as long as it is not an attack that contains the power of the Dao Realm, he... can break with only one hand!

"go with!"

With a soft cry, Qin Shaofeng directly stretched out his hand and flicked, and he shot six fist-sized blazing white fireballs.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The blazing white fireball collided with the jet black light ball and exploded in an instant, bursting out a huge explosion.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng moved.


The fire flashed, and Qin Shaofeng instantly turned into a flash of fire-colored lightning, and went straight to the seven ten-star destruction beasts.

As for the other dozen nine-star destruction beasts, Qin Shaofeng didn't take it seriously. He planned to deal with them after finishing the seven destruction beasts.

Qin Shaofeng's speed was very fast, and at the moment of leaving, Qin Shaofeng's right hand flashed slightly, flashing a ray of silver blade light.

The silver blade light flashed past, and was soon covered by a surge of power from Qin Shaofeng's body, forming a long sword with blazing white flames.

Huh huh!

Approaching the ten-star destruction beasts, Qin Shaofeng waved the flame sword in his hand, and then saw the flame sword, swish a few times, the flames flashed again and again.

Bang bang bang!

The ten-star destruction beasts were instantly beheaded.

In just an instant, six ten-star destruction beasts were killed by Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng wanted to kill his wife's 10-star Destroyer Beast in an instant.

But just as he expected, the ten-star destruction beast that burst out with the power of the Dao world to attack the ball of light, when he attacked the body, he seemed to feel something, flashing a dark black micro Guang directly blocked the blazing white flame sword in his hand.


As if the iron hammer hit a piece of hard iron, the blazing white flame sword was blocked.


The ten-star Destroyer Beast roared fiercely, and the dark black gleam on its body suddenly shone, as if it had increased power.


Under the dark black gleam that suddenly lit up, Qin Shaofeng only felt the right hand of the blazing white flame long sword, shaking suddenly.

Without thinking about it, Qin Shaofeng dashed forward and retreated.

At the same time, the blazing white flame sword in Qin Shaofeng's right hand was shaken, and it was suddenly dissipated like this.

After the blazing white flames dissipated, Qin Shaofeng's hand ~ appeared a small flying knife.

Flying feather knife!

When the soul traveled back to the earth, Qin Shaofeng encountered great danger, and the Feiyu Knife protected the lord by itself, carried out an overload outbreak, and finally suffered a great loss.

As a result, Qin Shaofeng did not summon this destiny soldier during the time he was on earth.

Because the Feiyu Knife at that time had been injured in his eyes, and Qin Shaofeng's earth body cultivation base was too low, and it was simply impossible to summon the Feiyu Knife.

This is even more irrelevant to repair the flying feather knife.

Flying Feather Knife can't be compared with the Super God-level item Dao Soul Ring, and Dao Soul Ring only runs out of power, and can absorb power to recover by itself.

But Feiyu Dao could only be silent in the depths of Qin Shaofeng's soul.

However, after returning to the ancient sanctuary this time, after Qin Shaofeng entered his indestructible incarnation of the sun, he discovered that he could summon the Flying Feather Saber smoothly.

What's better is that Qin Shaofeng's indestructible incarnation of the sun is the dominant fire force.

The Flying Feather Knife suffered heavy damage, and with the power of this indestructible incarnation, it was most suitable to temper and recover.

However, Feiyu Knife suffered extremely serious damage after all, and Qin Shaofeng didn't have much time to repair Feiyu Knife.

The severe damage suffered by the Feather Blade was very serious. If it was accelerated by time, it would be affected by time and would not be able to perform normal recovery tempering. It could only recover under the normal time flow rate on Qiyuan Star.

But in this way, there is too little time, even Qin Shaofeng's immortal incarnation with the peak cultivation base of this law realm, it is impossible to completely restore the flying feather sword.

And if it can delay a few days, the recovery of the Feather Sabre is already extremely small, and the crisis of those destroying beasts on Qiyuan Star can no longer allow Qin Shaofeng to delay anything.

However, within a few days, that was enough for Qin Shaofeng to do a lot of things.

Because of having enough resources, Qin Shaofeng had restored Feiyu Knife to a certain extent in the past few days.

At least for some normal basic attack abilities, there is no problem with Flying Feather Knife.

Of course, the Flying Feather Knife at this time had not fully recovered, and Qin Shaofeng was also very careful when using it.

Just now a blazing white flame power went to cover the flying feather knife to attack, and that was the case.

Although Qin Shaofeng was able to condense a long sword of incredibly powerful white flame without using a flying feather knife.

But if the flying feather sword is added, the blazing white flame sword is made with the flying feather blade as the core, but the blazing white flame sword can have the sharpness and penetration ability of the flying feather sword.

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