Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1807: The destruction beast with the power of the Taoist world (middle)

Sharp and penetrating!

This is the most important ability of Feiyu Knife, and it is also the two strongest abilities.

The blazing white flame long sword condensed by Qin Shaofeng was also astonishingly powerful, but it was not yet capable of killing ten-star destruction beasts instantly.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng could also condense the blazing white flame sword that can instantly kill ten-star destruction beasts.

The power of this blazing white flame is the unique power of Qin Shaofeng's indestructible incarnation of the sun.

It is also a fire force, but it is the state of the Great Dao of Fire Law after practicing to the limit, the power is absolutely amazing.

This should be said to be the ultimate power of the law-the ultimate power of fire!

More powerful than this, only the power of the Dao realm possessed by the strong Dao realm.

Of course, the power of the Taoist world mentioned here does not refer to the real power of the Taoist world.

After being promoted to the Dao realm, the power cultivated has already surpassed the power of the law. It is the power of the Dao realm, which is called the power of the Dao realm.

Although it is not the power of the Dao realm, but the power of the Dao realm, the power is also very powerful and terrifying.

The power of the law and the power of the Taoist world are simply incomparable.

However, for the ten-star destruction beast, even the ten-star destruction beast that does not contain the power of the Dao world, its strength is very powerful.

Regardless of how easy Qin Shaofeng could deal with these ten-star destruction beasts, he even killed six in an instant.

But in fact, the strength of each of these ten-star destruction beasts is not much weaker than the power of the rank of Emperor Jiang Hengtian.

Moreover, even the strong like Jiang Hengtian, the emperor, can face several ten-star destruction beasts at the same time without defeat.

But if you want to kill, I'm afraid to use some powerful moves.

Even in the case of a solo fight, strong men like Emperor Jiang Hengtian could not kill a ten-star destruction beast in an instant.

To be able to do this, I'm afraid it would be Jindi who possesses the ultimate power.

Although the emperor Jiang Hengtian is powerful, he has not yet cultivated his ultimate strength.

However, even with the ultimate power, it would take a lot of effort to kill a ten-star destruction beast.

Qin Shaofeng could also condense a blazing white flame sword capable of destroying several ten-star destruction beasts, but this requires a lot of consumption.

This level of blazing white flame long sword, the power needed to consume, but equivalent to the consumption of hundreds of super Shen Luo Tianzheng.

But if the power of Feiyu Knife is used, the consumption of this kind of consumption is actually almost the same as the consumption of two or three uses of the Super God Luo Tianzheng.

Using flying feather knives to destroy beasts rarely is a way to save money.

Moreover, using the flying feather knife in this way will not cause any harm to the flying feather knife.

However, facing this ten-star destruction beast with the power of the Dao Realm, it was a little troublesome.

Qin Shaofeng felt very clearly that the flying feather knife that had just covered the blazing white flame long sword slashed on the ten-star destruction beast with the power of the Taoist world, but a very subtle situation appeared.

The blazing white flame sword with the ultimate power of the flying feather blade's sharpness bonus, not only couldn't hurt the destruction beast, although it was not shattered by the dark black glimmer of the opponent's layer.

This surprised Qin Shaofeng. He originally thought that even if he couldn't kill this ten-star destruction beast, it would be blocked by the opponent at best, so that the long sword of blazing white flames he had condensed would not collapse and dissipate.

"It seems that this ten-star destruction beast with a trace of Taoist power is a bit beyond my imagination!"

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, and his expression became slightly solemn.


The Destroying Beast roared, and immediately charged towards Qin Shaofeng with a flickering black light.

At the same time, those nine-star destruction beasts that were still alive also culled Xiang Qin Shaofeng.

"Huh, looking for death!"

Qin Shaofeng snorted coldly in his heart, giving birth to a trace of contempt.

Although Qin Shaofeng was a little bit jealous of the ten-star destruction beast with a trace of Taoist power in front of him.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't have the slightest fear for the destruction beasts without the power of the Taoist world.

Even the ten-star Destroyer Beast had been killed by him without the power of the Dao Realm, and Qin Shaofeng didn't take it seriously.

As for the nine-star destruction beasts in front of him, Qin Shaofeng didn't even look at them. What's more, these nine-star destruction beasts were all attacked by his super **** Luo Tianzheng three times and were already injured.

However, after all, there was still a special ten-star destruction beast in front of him, and Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to be careless, and made a decision in his heart.

"Extreme God Luo Tianzheng!"

With a secret cry in his heart, Qin Shaofeng's eyes that were already lavender instantly covered a blazing white.

The next moment, Shenluo Tianzheng's repulsive force broke out again.

But the difference this time is that when this repulsive force broke out, it formed a shock wave that was visible to the naked eye.

Because this repulsive force was brought on, Qin Shaofeng, the ultimate power of fire unique to the indestructible incarnation, had an extra layer of blazing white flames.

Looking from a distance, at this moment, with Qin Shaofeng as the center, a shock wave of faint white flames burst out!

This is the ultimate power of Qin Shaofeng combined with the ultimate power of his indestructible incarnation, and the ultimate power Shen Luo Tianzheng-the ultimate God Luo Tianzheng!

Bang bang bang!

Under the blazing white extreme Shenluo Tianzheng, the dozen nine-star destruction beasts did not resist at all, and were instantly hit.

And at the moment of being recruited, these nine-star destruction beasts screamed, igniting a blazing white fire, and they were instantly burned by the blazing white flames, leaving only some ashes and a dozen high-level pieces. Destroy the spar!

But this was the truss that angered the ten-star destruction beast, and directly rushed to Qin Shaofeng in anger.


As soon as this ten-star destruction beast rushed to Qin Shaofeng's body, it raised its front paws and grabbed Qin Shaofeng.

The claws on its claws are black and shiny, with a hint of cold light. The most important thing is that the pointed claws actually carry the power of the realm.

Such a destruction beast exceeded Qin Shaofeng's expectations, and Qin Shaofeng naturally did not dare to be careless.


The next moment, the flying feather knife in Qin Shaofeng's hand flashed fiercely, and the white flames gushed out, once again condensed into a white flame sword.


As soon as the blazing white flame sword appeared, it blocked the claws of the ten-star destruction beast.

Qin Shaofeng's expression was a bit solemn, because the blazing white flame sword he condensed this time used a lot of his ultimate strength.

Although this ultimate power is the power that Qin Shaofeng's indestructible incarnation has come down, once it is used, it consumes a lot of money.

But in order to understand the strength of this ten-star destruction beast, Qin Shaofeng had to directly explode 30% of his body's strength, condensing it into this blazing white flame sword with extreme strength.

As a result, Qin Shaofeng felt relieved.

Because this long sword of blazing white flames condensed again, not only blocked this ten-star destruction beast with the power of the Dao Realm.

Even Qin Shaofeng saw that the ten-star destruction beast touched his blazing white flame sword this time, and the immediate reaction was to retract its claws.

Although it moved very fast, Qin Shaofeng still noticed it, and there was a trace of slightly burnt black on the pointed claw.

"Oh, you are nothing more than that beast!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled softly and immediately relieved.

After this time, he was quite clear. Although this ten-star destruction beast contains a trace of the power of the Taoist world, this power of the Taoist world should be caused by a certain special influence under certain circumstances. The beast was tainted with a breath of power belonging to the Taoist world.

It's just the breath of the power of the Taoist world, not the power of the real Taoist world.

Compared with this, this ten-star destruction beast can only be regarded as at best, gaining a trace of the power of the Taoist world, not possessing the power of the Taoist world.

If it is on the realm, it is at most equivalent to dominating the supreme pinnacle realm, and has already begun to be in the state of thought transformation.

As long as it is completely transformed into the law realm, then maybe this ten-star destruction beast can really cultivate a trace of Dao realm power.

But the current situation is not like this.

It is not an ordinary difficulty if you want to cultivate the power of the Taoist world.

The power of the Dao realm can only be cultivated in the law realm, and at least one thousand law patterns must be cultivated.

However, if the law realm wants to break through and promote to the realm, then it must be completely integrated with the pattern of the law of the thousand realms, so as to cultivate the power of the realm.

With the power of the pattern of the law of the thousand ways, at the peak of the law realm, the power of the Tao realm is integrated and cultivated, and this is the promotion to the realm.

This is also the reason why the Domination Supreme cannot be directly promoted to the Dao Realm, because the Domination Supreme on the Qiyuan Star actually has a thousand laws.

It's just that this kind of pattern of law is not a real pattern of law, but the pattern of the Great Dao unique on Qiyuan Star.

What's more terrible is that every strong man who dominates the Supreme Realm directly builds the pattern of this thousand avenues into the so-called foundation of Dao.

This has completely separated from the practice of the law pattern.

Although this can gain strength beyond the realm of supreme domination, it is the opportunity to miss the pattern of law.

If a Domination Supreme wants to change this situation, it can only use external force to divide the Dao Foundation cultivated by the Domination Supreme again into a pattern of laws.

Destroyer beasts, even though they are generally nine-star Destroyer beasts, have the power to counter the general supremacy.

But this is all because of the powerful Destroyer Beast's combat power, and only the ten-star Destroyer Beast's level realm can be regarded as equivalent to the Domination Supreme.

The reason why he possesses the strength that exceeds the average Qiyuanxing cultivator is because the realm of the destruction beast is closer to the law realm.

Although there is also no pattern of law, the existence of the destruction beast is indeed closer to the realm of law than the sovereign.

The ten-star destruction beast Qin Shaofeng faced was even more of a realm equivalent to the pinnacle realm of the law realm.

Even if there is no pattern of law, this ten-star destruction beast has a trace of Daoist power.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know what had changed, but he knew one thing in his heart.

In terms of realm, the realm of the ten-star destruction beast in front of him is probably not much different from his immortal incarnation realm that has reached the peak of the law realm.

Fortunately, what is different from his indestructible incarnation is that this ten-star destruction beast possesses its own aura of Taoist power.

But it is not the kind of power that is about to cultivate into the Taoist realm, which is equivalent to reaching the state of half-walking realm.

Although it was a little troublesome, it was only a little troublesome for Qin Shaofeng. Qin Shaofeng could still kill such a ten-star destruction beast.

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