Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1808: The destruction beast with the power of the Taoist world (part 2)

Although it was a bit unexpected, Qin Shaofeng already knew after the contact.

The ten-star destruction beast with a hint of Daoist power in front of him was still not his opponent.

If you want to, it can be blessed by the ultimate strength in your hands, and at this moment, the flying feather knife in this super state can be directly killed.

And it's just a few tricks!

But Qin Shaofeng didn't do this directly. Instead, he continued to fight this ten-star destruction beast for a while, and even removed part of the extreme power of the blazing white flame sword in his hand for this.

Because considering the possibility that there is not only one such Destroyer Beast, Qin Shaofeng naturally needs to find out more about the strength of this 10-star Destroy Beast with a trace of Taoist power.

Because at this time, Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered.

It seems that Gong Qingzi had said before that among the ten-star destruction beasts, there seemed to be the existence of super-star destruction beasts.

But she is not sure.

Because generally speaking, super-star destruction beasts are basically close to the Dao realm, or directly exist at the first level of Dao realm.

But the so-called super-star destruction beast she encountered was stronger than ten-star destruction beast, but it was also limited.

Even if it is her Gong Qingzi, it takes some thought to destroy those Beast Warriors.

However, it was precisely because she could be killed by her, so Gong Qingzi guessed that the destruction beast was not a super-star destruction beast.

And the destruction spar you get when you kill that kind of destruction beast, like the ten-star destruction beast, is a super destruction spar, there is no difference between the two.

This kept Gong Qingzi from figuring out the reason, whether this was a ten-star destruction beast.

And this was one of the reasons she finally decided to let Qin Shaofeng come back.

Because even that kind of destruction beast is a ten-star destruction beast, but there are some special circumstances.

But in the face of such a ten-star destruction beast, she took a lot of effort to fight it.

So you can imagine how powerful the real super-star destruction beast would be.

There were some guesses in Gong Qingzi's heart that among so many skilled Destroy Beasts, there were many ten-star Destroy Beasts.

Will there be super-star destruction beasts right?

No matter how many ten-star destruction beasts there are, Gong Qingzi is not afraid.

Because she can't fight, she can still escape.

But if there is a super-star destruction beast, then the situation will be bad, and Gong Qingzi is probably not an opponent.

Although I don't know if there are really super-star destruction beasts, I have to guard against it.

In fact, the main purpose of Qin Shaofeng's trip was to find out whether there were any super-star destruction beasts among the destruction beasts.

However, Qin Shaofeng knew very well that super-star destruction beasts must exist.

Because according to the information he gave up from Qin Feiyang at the beginning, when many forces in the ancient continent of Qiyuan star sealed the destruction beasts, among them, there were superstar-level destruction beasts.

The only thing that is a little uncertain is that among the current destruction beasts that have been awakened from the destruction, I don't know if there is a super-star destruction beast that was sealed at first.

Is the super-star destruction beast awakened now?

If there is, it is a trouble.

And even if it doesn't, there is a trouble now.

That is the destruction beast possessing the power of the Dao realm!

Seeing the ten-star destruction beast that was constantly roaring and exploding more and more in front of him, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly.

Because as he gradually angered this ten-star destruction beast, it completely entered a state of anger.

This state seemed to be frenzied, causing this destruction beast to explode with extremely powerful power.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that the current strength of the destruction beast in front of him would be a little troublesome even if Gong Qingzi came.

Even with Gong Qingzi's strength and realm, there might not be any life-threatening danger.

But it would be very troublesome to face several such ten-star destruction beasts.

After all, there is a certain gap between Gong Qingzi's strength and Qin Shaofeng's.

Although Gong Qingzi's current realm was already a law realm.

But no matter what, her law realm is only the late law realm, and now she has cultivated only 900 law patterns, which is not a small difference from the perfect 1000 law pattern realm.

If Gong Qingzi had a thousand rules pattern now, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't worry.

Because of the situation of Gong Qingzi, once the pattern of a thousand laws is cultivated, even if it does not have the power to cultivate out of the realm, then its strength is absolutely powerful.

At that time, even if it was not as powerful as his immortal incarnation possessed, it was not far behind.

As Qin Shaofeng's first envoy, Gong Qingzi, who shared a lot of Qin Shaofeng's skills, even if it did not share Qin Shaofeng's full state of skills.

However, in the same realm, not to mention this indestructible incarnation of Yan Yang, I am afraid it is like Qin Feng's indestructible incarnation transformed by the law of gods, and it is not as strong as Gong Qingzi.


After experimenting, Qin Shaofeng finally understood the strength of this ten-star destruction beast, because he no longer hesitated, he directly looked for an opportunity to slightly increase his ultimate strength, which is to make the blazing white in his hand. The flame sword directly pierced the head of this destruction beast.

Then, with a boom, a blazing white flame burst out instantly, killing the ten-star destruction beast.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's face was slightly taken aback.

Because Qin Shaofeng felt the moment when he blasted the destruction beast, there was a sudden surge of power on the destruction spar of the destruction beast.

And this power directly entered the flying feather knife.

To be precise, it seemed that Feiyu Knife had instinctively sensed something, and actively increased its strength, absorbing this power directly from the destruction spar of this ten-star destruction beast.

This is also the reason why Qin Shaofeng didn't stop it. Feiyu Knife instinctively took the initiative to attack, there must be a reason.

After all, Feiyu Knife has the ability to absorb other energy and perform self-improvement, and Feiyu Knife's ability to activate such an ability on its own is likely to be absorbed in this way for recovery.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng would naturally not stop it, and even looked forward to it.

At first, Qin Shaofeng thought that it was the legal power contained in the super destruction spar that made Feiyu Dao interested.

But Qin Shaofeng soon discovered that something was wrong.

Because at this time, the destruction beast had been completely incinerated to ashes by the extreme power of the white flame.

Then, the destruction spar belonging to this ten-star destruction beast fell out.

However, Qin Shaofeng did not feel the reduction of the law's power from this destruction spar.

It is still a complete super destruction spar!

But Feiyu Knife had just absorbed a trace of power from this destruction spar!

Could it be...?

Qin Shaofeng's eyes suddenly brightened, as if thinking of something, his heart moved, and his spiritual consciousness instantly sank into the flying feather knife.

In the next moment, a strange light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

Sure enough!

Sure enough, what Feiyu Knife absorbed was just the breath of Daoist power!

Feeling the situation inside Feiyu Knife, Qin Shaofeng instantly understood what power Feiyu Knife had absorbed just now.

It does not belong to the power of the law on the super destruction spar, but the aura of the power of the realm contained in it.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally understood why this ten-star destruction beast would bring a trace of Taoist power in its attack.

This is probably all because of the power of the Dao realm in the destruction spar at its core. It is precisely because of this that this ten-star destruction beast has a little bit of difference.

Qin Shaofeng is now completely certain that this Destroyer Beast is still a ten-star level, not a super-star Destroyer Beast.

Gong Qingzi only mentioned the special destruction beast, that is, this destruction beast, not a super-star destruction beast.

As for why this ten-star destruction beast, the destruction spar in its body contains a breath of Daoist power.

Qin Shaofeng doesn't know.

However, Qin Shaofeng confirmed one thing, that is the breath of the power of the Silk Road Realm. I don't know what it is, but it seems to come from the real power of the Dao Realm.

It's just that the aura contained in this destruction beast's destruction spar was only a trace, it was too little, and it was still really mixed, so Qin Shaofeng couldn't tell it.

However, Qin Shaofeng had determined that the aura of the power of the Silk Road Realm was mostly due to the fusion of the Dao Realm of the Earth Realm and the Qiyuan Star Realm. The reason was leaked out, allowing this destruction beast to absorb it.

Qin Shaofeng even secretly guessed that this ten-star destruction beast might be the newly born destruction beast.

On this point, Qin Shaofeng was right.

That's right, this ten-star destruction beast with a trace of Daoist power at its core cause is exactly the newly born destruction beast.

But unlike Qin Shaofeng's guess, the birth of this ten-star destruction beast has something to do with the power of the earth's Dao realm and Qiyuan Star Realm, the two Dao realms.

It was Qin Shaofeng's immortal incarnation of Qin Feng that could really promote their birth, which absorbed ten powers of the Taoist world.

Although those ten powers of the Dao Realm did not directly integrate into the ancient sanctuary of Qi Yuanxing.

But because Qin Shaofeng's body is in the ancient sanctuary, this has more or less some influence, especially one of them belongs to the original power of the Qiyuan Star Realm.

In this respect, the power of the Dao realm had already returned to the Qiyuan Star Dao realm because of Qin Shaofeng's relationship, and at this moment the fusion with the Dao realm of the Earth Dao realm had already had a certain impact.

Under this kind of influence, the newly born Destroy Beasts all possess the aura of Dao Realm power, and they are more powerful than the original Destroy Beasts.

However, it is precisely because of this that caused the instability of the power of many Dao realms, so that among the newly born Destroyer Beasts, only the 10-star Destroyer Beasts can have this meaning. Breath of strength.

The other star destruction beasts did not appear to be like this.

But once this kind of fusion gradually stabilizes, I am afraid that the destruction beasts under the ten-star level may also be born with a trace of Taoist power.

Even now, if the power of the Dao realm is increased, the current state is not very stable, and if it is more unstable, it will also be able to give birth to a destruction beast with the power of the Dao realm.

It's a pity that Qin Shaofeng didn't know these things.

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