Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1812: Not needed

In today's situation, the original forces of the ancient sanctuary are actually far behind those outside the ancient sanctuary.

After all, a force that can survive outside the territories and in that harsh environment must not be weak.

Originally in the ancient sanctuary, a power with a sovereign supreme was already a very powerful power.

But outside the territory, if a force only has a sovereign supreme, it might have been destroyed long ago.

The powerhouse who dominates the supreme level outside the territory is actually only a high-level power.

Even if it is the Baidi and the Heavenly Emperor, in the ancient sanctuary, they are already the top powers. If they are placed outside the domain, although they will not be everywhere, but the strongest of a stronger foreign power is basically This level.

For example, that is the case with Emperor Heitian and Emperor Biyan!

Only the existence of Emperor Jin is the real top-level existence of extraterritorial forces.

The strongest is the one who dominates the supreme peak realm outside the territory! ~

But it is precisely because of this that after the foreign forces entered the ancient sanctuary, many forces in the ancient sanctuary chose to rely on these foreign forces.

This time, as the Emperor Jin went out, these forces also deployed a lot of combat power.

There are even individual forces that have sent troops almost completely, and now only the old and weak women and children remain among the ethnic groups.

But they didn't know that the combat power of their own tribe was nothing but cannon fodder in the eyes of Jindi and other powerhouses.

There is no need to deliberately target, even in order to make these forces burst out of the strongest combat power and maximize the use of value, Jindi even deliberately arranged some extraterritorial forces to take care of these ancient sanctuary forces.

But even so, in the face of hundreds of millions or even billions of battlefields, even those extraterritorial forces have suffered a lot of losses. What's more, these forces whose original strength is not as powerful as those of extraterritorial forces?

In just one month, the ancient sanctuary tribes who took refuge in extraterritorial forces discovered that there had been a large number of deaths among the tribesmen who had marched with the coalition forces, and even a few of the weaker tribes were wiped out.

Now, in the face of such a situation, those forces are in a hurry.

Many forces have seen a large number of deaths of the tribe, and when they have completely shaken the foundation of the tribe, they intend to let the tribe back.

But in the face of those extraterritorial forces, as well as the powerful Jindi, these forces dare not make a temporary desertion idea.

But they didn't want to let the tribe members continue to suffer losses, but after thinking about it, they hit Gong Qingzi with their idea.

They wanted to use Gong Qingzi, the former commander of the coalition forces, to help and talk to Emperor Jin, let the coalition forces retreat temporarily, or let their surviving tribes return first!

"... Therefore, the mistress was invited by those shameless forces to discuss it!"

The words have already been said, but when it comes to the ethnic groups who take refuge in foreign forces, Gong San's eyes are full of disdain and contempt.

Sure enough, it's a wall of grass, it will fall to this side for a while, and shake it for a while!

"Oh, these people really take it for granted!"

Qin Shaofeng shook his head, also full of disdain.

He could imagine that Gong Qingzi's past this time was definitely not discussing a way to get the people of their clans back.

Qin Shaofeng knew that her own woman was a bit nasty sometimes.

Sure enough, Gong Qingzi returned soon after.

And when he came back, Gong Qingzi was smiling. After seeing Qin Shaofeng, he started to talk to him.

Well, this woman, going to find those people this time is completely taunting them.

However, at the same time Gong Qingzi also took a closer look at the situation of the coalition forces this time.

Although Gong Qingzi no longer cares about the current state of the coalition forces, no matter how many destruction beasts the coalition forces have killed or lost, she doesn't care.

Because the current coalition forces are basically composed of extraterritorial forces, and at most some ethnic groups from the ancient sanctuary who have taken refuge in extraterritorial forces.

But the main force of the ancient sanctuary did not participate in this expedition.

Therefore, even if the allied forces are completely destroyed this time, it is not painful for Gong Qingzi.

However, out of vigilance and guard against the destruction beasts, Gong Qingzi secretly sent some people, mixed into the coalition forces, and went out together.

Not only did Gong Qingzi do this, in fact the ancient saints and the ancient demons also did it.

In fact, they also want to know, with the power of many forces outside the territory this time, whether the Destroyer Beast can be solved.

Because of this arrangement, Gong Qingzi was very clear about the situation of the coalition forces, and she soon talked to Qin Shaofeng.

Then, Qin Shaofeng finally understood why he didn’t encounter the second ten-star destruction beast with the power of the Dao realm, and even the ten-star destruction beasts rarely encountered in the next few days. Up.

The reason is because the destruction beasts were all attracted by the coalition forces.

Then, the current situation of the coalition forces is not very good.

Because of the fighting for so long, three and five billion Destroy Beasts have been killed, but until now, because Destroy Beasts continue to converge, this has led to the current Destroy Beast Army, which actually maintains a number of more than tens of billions.

On the coalition side, more than one tenth has been lost so far, that is, more than one billion troops.

This is a very exaggerated figure.

If not, this time, the soldiers will turn in one-third of the destruction spar at the beginning, and the situation may be even worse.

Because there is no need to turn in most of the destruction spar, this is to make all the soldiers who obtain the destruction spar continue to gain strength by absorbing the destruction spar and become stronger.

"...Although the loss is more than one tenth, because the number of destruction spars turned over is relatively small, the strength of basically all fighters has been improved. This makes the current strength of the coalition force compared to the first time when it was launched, I am afraid I have to be stronger!" Gong Qingzi said.

"And I just got news. It seems that starting from yesterday, all the destruction spar killed by the soldiers do not need to be turned in, as long as the destruction spar obtained by killing the destruction beast will be owned."

This is not good!

After listening to Gong Qingzi's words, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with solemnity.

Opening up such a policy may only show that the coalition forces have already put pressure on the Beast Destruction Army.

Otherwise, it would not allow the opportunity to conquer the destruction spar, but would allow the soldiers to quickly improve.

Gong Qingzi thought of this too, glanced at Qin Shaofeng, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

"Shao Feng, do you think we should send troops for reinforcement now?"

Although Gong Qingzi saw the current situation of the coalition forces, he was very happy.

But Gong Qingzi also knew very well in his heart that for everyone, destroying the beast was the greatest threat.

If the coalition forces had failed in this war and lost to the Destroyer Beast, then the situation would be very dangerous.

Because in Gong Qingzi's view, the combat effectiveness of the tens of billions of coalition forces is much stronger than that of the ancient sanctuary.

In fact, Gong Qingzi didn't worry about other destruction beasts. Except for those ten-star destruction beasts, Gong Qingzi was confident that he could gather the power of the ancient sanctuary and completely eliminate the destruction beasts.

Because the destruction beasts below ten stars are not very intelligent at all, and once they are angered, they are completely animalistic instincts.

As long as it is used properly and with some tactics, it can completely eliminate those ruined beasts.

But the ten-star Destruction Beast was too powerful.

Especially there are some special ten-star destruction beasts among them, Gong Qingzi has no absolute certainty to deal with a few.

This is what she worries about!

Now, if there are strong people like Emperor Jin to help, it is barely possible to oppose the destruction beast.

But once the Jindi's massive coalition forces suffered great losses, it would be bad.

"No need!"

But for Gong Qingzi's worry, Qin Shaofeng shook his head, smiled slightly, and said: "You don't need to worry too much, just destroying the beast in a small way, it won't be a climate at all!"

After this period of understanding, although Qin Shaofeng did not encounter the second ten-star destruction beast with the power of the Dao realm.

But in his hands were ten-star destruction beasts, but there were two to three hundred.

In his eyes, the ten-star destruction beast is not the same thing at all, it can be killed easily.

And it's not just him, as long as Gong Qingzi's realm rises, and after he has cultivated a thousand rules, he can also kill the ten-star destruction beast with one hand.

As for the ten-star destruction beast with the power of the Dao realm, although Qin Shaofeng only killed one, he understood in his heart that the destruction beast of that level was not the strength of the half-step realm at all.

With his current strength, he can easily kill.

If Gong Qingzi's realm was raised, it would be manageable.

Moreover, if Gong Qingzi were to be promoted to the pinnacle state of the law realm, then the strength she possessed would probably not be much worse than his current strength using the eternal avatar of the sun.

As for how to raise Gong Qingzi to the pinnacle state of the law realm, Qin Shaofeng now also has a plan.

When killing the Destroyer Beast, Qin Shaofeng used a lot of Destroyer Beasts as a substitute for the consumption of some moves.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't use the super destruction spar rashly.

This is for Gong Qingzi to improve.

Although Qin Shaofeng also mastered the method of using high-level or even low-level destruction spar to improve his cultivation level.

But in general, it is better to super destroy spar.

And not only Gong Qingzi, but for the family members of ten Gong Qingzi like Gong San, Qin Shaofeng now has a way to let them enter the law realm by inhaling the destruction of the spar.

Once their strength rises, their combat power cannot be underestimated.

As for dealing with Destroyer Beasts, as long as the high-end power is increased and can kill the ten-star Destroyer Beasts, then Destroyer Beasts will not be considered a terrible crisis.

However, before this, there is still a premise.

That is, among the destruction beasts, there is no half-walking realm or even Dao realm-level destruction beasts.

If there is a destruction beast of this level, then the situation is in crisis.

Even Qin Shaofeng, he dare not say now that he can deal with half-path level destruction beasts, let alone realm level destruction beasts.

Therefore, his most important task at the moment is to figure out whether there is a half-path realm and Dao realm level destruction beast among the current destruction beasts.

Moreover, the current situation seems to be a good opportunity for Qin Shaofeng!

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