Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1813: Coalition defeat

Now, because of the strength of the coalition forces, a large number of destruction beasts have gathered in the past.

In this way, Qin Shaofeng was able to go to the sealed places of those powerful destruction beasts to carefully investigate.

And if a half-path realm or even a realm-level destruction beast really appears among the destruction beasts, then I am afraid it will be attracted by the actions of the coalition forces.

Although this was a bit sorry for the coalition forces, Qin Shaofeng couldn't control so much.

Besides, if the coalition forces get into the current situation, they can be regarded as taking the blame.

Of course, this is only Qin Shaofeng's opinion, but for the Emperor Jin, the situation like this is exactly what he expected.

That's right, the current coalition forces are indeed under pressure, from the pressure of the destruction beast.

too exaggerated!

Obviously, many Destroy Beasts have been killed, and now a large number of Destroy Beasts are killed at all times.

But the soldiers of the coalition army looked at the black shadow in the distance, and felt confused.

The shadow that seemed to be endless, all destroyed the beast.

They have fought for so long and killed so many Destroy Beasts, but for Destroy Beast Legion, they seem to have not decreased at all.

There are still so many numbers, as if they can't be killed.

In this state, many people have already retreated.

But because of the orders of Emperor Jin and the high-level coalition forces, these fighters could only endure it.

Fortunately, there is no need to turn in Destroy Spar now, the Destroy Spar they get is completely theirs and can be used to improve their strength. This is good news.

At this point, if the destruction spar appears when the destruction beast is killed, then the warrior who obtains the destruction spar will refine it for the first time, and then fight and upgrade.

Now that you can improve by one point, you can increase your strength by one point. This is to increase the chance of survival.

No one dares to delay!

But this is good news for Jindi.

Because at this point, he was finally able to put forward the request to kill the 10-star Destroyer Beast.

In a barracks, Emperor Jin looked at the high-level coalition forces in front of him, with a solemn expression: "Everyone, the situation is a little bit awkward now. The number of those **** Destroyed Beasts is too much, and our soldiers can't bear it anymore. Live. So, we must find a way!"

After speaking, Emperor Jin glanced at Emperor Heitian, winking without leaving a trace.

The Great Emperor Heitian knew what he should say now. After seeing Emperor Jin’s wink, he stood up and said in a loud voice with anger: "Don’t think too much about it. All the ten-star destruction beasts that give orders among the destruction beasts will be destroyed."

The performance of Emperor Heitian fits his character very well, he couldn't help being irritable, and I have to say that this guy is beginning to grow stout, but his acting skills are also good.

As soon as Heitian Great's words fell, one more person stood up, but it was the Blue Eyed Great Emperor.

"I agree with Emperor Heitian!"

Emperor Biyan glanced at everyone present and said: "According to my observations, there seems to be a very small number of destruction beasts with higher intelligence. It is precisely because of which destruction beasts are there that there is a steady stream of destruction beasts. Come here!"

"Although it is a bit aspirational to say that, I have to remind you that if the destruction beasts continue to call the destruction beasts like this, God knows how many destruction beasts will come in the end. This is very detrimental to our coalition forces."

The emperor Blue Eyes spoke out the pros and cons, and the analysis was clear.

After listening to his words, the high-ranking coalition forces present also nodded.

Upon seeing this, Jindi felt that it was time, and he said directly: "If this is the case, then we will directly choose to fight the ten-star destruction beasts. And in order to improve morale, this time I plan to take action personally, I hope everyone present Help me!"

Although as the commander of the coalition forces, it is not appropriate to personally kill the enemy in such a battlefield.

But Emperor Jin couldn't help it anymore, he urgently needed a large amount of super destruction spar now.

Although during this time the coalition forces also killed many ten-star destruction beasts and obtained many super destruction spars.

In the end, these super destruction spar also fell into the golden emperor's pocket just like the original distribution.

But just this amount of super destruction spar is far from enough for Jin Di.

These amount of super destruction spar cannot allow him to step into the realm of law!

Therefore, he planned to personally lead the coalition powerhouse to kill the ten-star destruction beast.

In this regard, the high-level coalition forces did not refuse.

Just as the Emperor Blue Eyes said, those ten-star destruction beasts should not be allowed to continue to summon other destruction beasts.

This is extremely detrimental to the coalition forces, and the destruction beasts must be beheaded.

The Emperor Jin is the strongest of the current coalition forces. If he personally leads the team, it would naturally be better.

Even because of this, the strong who had hesitated to go, also directly agreed to this plan.

Soon, the coalition forces acted.

This time the coalition forces took the initiative to attack the Destroyer Beast with the Jindi personally leading the battle.

This time the coalition forces gathered, but gathered 90% of the forces outside the region.

Almost all the strongest forces outside the region participated, and the strongest of them also came together.

This is why the number of Supreme Masters in the coalition forces is as many as thousands.

Among them, there are more than a hundred dominators who have reached the Baidi and Tiandi level.

And there are more than a dozen strong people who dominate the supreme peak realm.

Now these powerhouses are following the Golden Emperor and attacking together, the momentum is immense.

The goal of Jindi and other powerhouses is only ten-star destruction beasts, and they also want to swallow these destruction beasts, so they also know in their hearts that these ten-star destruction beasts must be solved.

The goal has been determined. At the beginning, the Jindi and other strong men naturally didn't care about the destruction beasts of other stars, and rushed directly at the depths of the destruction beast army where those ten-star destruction beasts were located.

The battle broke out instantly!

And this time, the tens of billions of battles that broke out in an all-round way were extremely tragic.

Whether it is the coalition or the destroying beast, a large number of them fall in every instant.

Even on such a battlefield, even if it is a powerhouse such as the master of supreme, a careless person may fall instantly.

The strong team led by Emperor Jin quickly found the ten-star destruction beast, and a powerful battle broke out in an instant.

But the ten-star destruction beast, at best, is equivalent to the general ruler of the supreme powerhouse, and it is much weaker than the powerhouse like Jindi.

At the moment of the fight, many ten-star destruction beasts were bombarded and killed by Jindi and others.

But soon, the expressions of Jindi and other strong men were not right.

Because after killing dozens of ten-star destruction beasts, they were surrounded, but it was the ten-star destruction beast that surrounded them.

The Emperor Jin and the others had guessed before, for such a huge army of destruction beasts, among them, ten-star destruction beasts are definitely not a few.

They are already mentally prepared.

But now seeing the number of ten-star destruction beasts surrounding them, they were still shocked.

Ten thousand!

At this moment, Jindi and the others were surrounded by more than ten thousand destruction beasts.

Ten thousand ten-star destruction beasts!

This amount is terrible.

But the encirclement has taken shape, and it is impossible to escape now.

There is no way, those strong can only carry out an unreserved outbreak.

Even for the incomparably hateful King Emperor of Super Destruction Spar, he was extremely vigilant at this moment. He had no idea of ​​hiding himself, and he unreservedly burst out his full strength to attack the surrounding ten-star destruction beasts.


Even if the Jindi and others are very powerful, they are still in absolute position in the face of tens of thousands of ten-star destruction beasts.

Then, after a fierce battle, Jin Di and his original team of 18 people had become 12 people.

In just one hour, there were six powerhouses who ruled the Supreme Peak realm and fell here.

Fortunately, those who have reached such a realm are very determined people. They did not panic when faced with the fall of their companions, otherwise the situation would be even worse.

And this time the battle is over!

However, it wasn't that Jindi and the others had killed all the ten-star destruction beasts.

Although under the full eruption, Jindi and the others broke out with extremely strong power, killing a large number of ten-star destruction beasts.

But in this hour's time, Emperor Jin and the others only killed more than three thousand ten-star destruction beasts.

If it were placed one hour before, killing more than three thousand ten-star destruction beasts, such a record would make Jin Di extremely excited.

Three thousand ten-star destruction beasts are equivalent to three thousand super destruction spars!

If he had obtained such a large amount of destruction spar, Jindi was confident that he could completely step into the realm of law.

But now that there are so many super destruction spar in his hand, the Jin Emperor's heart is not very happy.

Many powerhouses have lost the six great masters of the Supreme Peak realm, and even in this battle, other powerhouses have also fallen a lot.

Today, the entire coalition has even fewer numbers, only less than 5 billion.

In this full-scale battle alone, the coalition forces lost more than 2.5 billion combat power.

Faced with such a result, how could Jindi feel happy in his heart.

Despite paying such a price, the destruction beast has lost more than 5 billion.

However, this is not a coalition soldier anymore to destroy the beast!

Because he didn't know what happened just now, the remaining Destroy Beasts actually retreated.

The destruction beast would retreat, which surprised Jindi.

However, it is also fortunate that these destruction beasts have retreated. Otherwise, the coalition forces may suffer more serious losses.

This time the coalition was defeated!

The Destroyer Beast retreated but Jindi was relieved.

After the battle was over, Emperor Jin hurriedly released a few pieces of information, and he chose to retreat for the first time.

Through this battle, Emperor Jin knew that his strength was not enough.

Because during the battle, Emperor Jin seemed to have noticed that among the tens of thousands of ten-star destruction beasts, there seemed to be very few ten-star destruction beasts whose strength was not weaker at all.

The six high-level leaders of the Allied Forces that dominated the Supreme Peak realm fell on those ten-star destruction beasts.

This involuntarily made Jindi guess whether the destruction beast of that level would be the destruction beast that entered the law realm.

Thinking of this, the Emperor Jin couldn't sit still anymore, hurrying to refining and absorbing super destruction spar, hoping to enter the law realm as soon as possible!

I don't want to be shocked by a sudden news shortly after the Emperor Jin started his cultivation.

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