Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1814: Sealed Land

After Nirvana is the law, above the law, finally enlightenment!

Soon such news swept through the entire ancient sanctuary, and now it has spread to the coalition forces.

I don't know where it came from, it was reported that Qi Yuanxing had completely separated from the right way of cultivation in the ancient times.

Because in the process of cultivation, after the Nirvana state, it is not the so-called dominating state, but the law state!

As long as you enter the law realm and cultivate the pattern of a thousand laws, you can go one step further and reach a realm that is stronger than the ruler!

The word Dao Jing instantly fell into the eyes of all cultivators.

And I don't know why, after such news came out, there was no doubt.

Because when the news came out, it also pointed out that the former coalition commander Gong Qingzi was a strong man who entered the law realm.

If not, why does Gong Qingzi possess such a powerful strength?

In the later stage of the law realm, the realm with the pattern of nine hundred laws, in fact, in terms of realm, it is equivalent to the more powerful ruler supreme.

But the supreme ruler of this realm is somewhat powerful, but I am afraid that even if it is compared with the Baidi, it is still a bit worse, not to mention, compared with the powers of the Jindi who dominate the supreme peak realm. .

And Gong Qingzi was able to become the commander of the coalition army among so many powerhouses higher than her realm, and even kept the original power of the ancient sanctuary with absolute strength.

In addition to relying on its strong strength, what else can it rely on?

The strength of those forces outside the region is obvious to all.

If Gong Qingzi didn't have strong strength, how could those outside the territory be so honest before?

So, looking at it this way, Gong Qingzi is a strong person in the law realm.

Although Gong Qingzi did not directly admit such a statement, she did not object to it either. All the cultivators believed it for a while, and Gong Qingzi was a strong person in the law realm.

Then, for ‘the law after Nirvana is the law, the way above the law will eventually become! "This sentence is recognition.

Of course, the most important thing is that among these rumors there is also a secret technique for refining and destroying spar, which has also been spread.

It is rumored that if this kind of secret technique is used to refine and destroy the spar, it will not only be able to quickly refine and destroy the spar, and make rapid progress, but also increase the chance of stepping into the law realm, and even promote to become a powerful Dao realm.

In the face of a rumor that came out suddenly, such a secret technique naturally no one would practice it.

But the ancient sanctuary was so big and there were so many cultivators, some people still tried.

And the result of this attempt, naturally, there is no need to say more, it is all true.

This moment, it was terrible, countless cultivators were boiling.

I have practiced for most of my life, but now I find that I have cultivated myself.

But fortunately, there is destruction spar now, which can make up for this.

Under such circumstances, someone spontaneously formed a team and went outside the territory to kill the destruction beast.

In the end, because of this, someone told the news and brought it into the coalition, and then the entire coalition became a sensation.

Jindi finally got the news too!

But after knowing this news, Jin Di's face was extremely ugly.

Because after such news spreads, how can he continue to get a lot of super destruction spar?

This is very bad for him!

The Emperor Jin is not Qin Shaofeng, he has not come into contact with the real power of the Dao world, even if he knows the power of the law of transformation in the destruction spar.

But he is also difficult to use, and in the end he can only do this by relying on super destruction spar.

Because the law power in the super destruction spar is a law power that is closer to the power of the Taoist world.

It is naturally much better to absorb the law power in the super destruction spar than the law power of other destruction spars.

But even so, with Jindi's method, when absorbing super destruction spar, there will still be a lot of waste.

If there were three thousand super destruction spars, Qin Shaofeng would be enough to promote Gong Qingzi to the pinnacle of the law realm.

Even Gong San and others can step into the realm of law.

But just so many super destruction spar is not enough for Jindi.

No, he just spent two or three days of training, and he had already consumed the three thousand super destruction spar.

Therefore, Emperor Jin was worried that the popularization of the knowledge of the realm of law would affect his super destruction spar harvest, and further affect the speed of his transformation into the realm of law.

But the Emperor Jin quickly discovered the secret technique and was completely dumbfounded.

Because that secret technique is true, and using this secret technique, it is completely possible to not waste the power of the law in the spar at all.

Even the low-grade destruction spar can allow him to absorb refining.

This secret technique is too powerful!

But after understanding this, Jin Di felt extremely painful in his heart.

Because according to that secret technique, it was a huge waste for him to absorb the super destruction spar. I am afraid that he had absorbed one-tenth of the power of a super destruction spar.


Why didn't this secret technique appear sooner?

Jindi's entanglement!

At the same time, the entire coalition forces have also undergone tremendous changes.

As for this news, including the secret technique for refining and destroying the spar, it was naturally Qin Shaofeng that let Gong Qingzi exude.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng did this was that he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to allow the cultivators of the ancient sanctuary and the coalition forces to be improved.

Although Qin Shaofeng had confidence in himself, he also had confidence in Gong Qingzi.

However, the destruction beast on Qiyuan Star still has too many uncertain factors.

He must do some precautions so as not to encounter a real crisis, and he is somewhat caught off guard.

That day Qin Shaofeng learned from Gong Qingzi's mouth that after the situation of the coalition forces, he decided to do so.

Moreover, after discussing with Gong Qingzi, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate, and immediately opened the space portal and returned to a place hundreds of millions of miles away.

Then, Qin Shaofeng headed to the land of the seal of the Destroy Beast.

After several days of rushing at full speed, when Emperor Jin was about to lead the high-level coalition forces to go into full-scale war with the Destroyer Beast, Qin Shaofeng finally rushed to the seal of Destroyer Beast.

To be precise, this place is the seal of ten-star destruction beasts!

Back then, because of the different star strengths of Destroyer Beasts, especially the ten-star and super-star Destroyer Beasts' strengths, they were too powerful.

As a result, the powerhouses on Qiyuan Star had to separate the ten-star and super-star destruction beasts to seal them.

On the way here, Qin Shaofeng had already entered the Sealed Land of the Destroy Beast, but the sealed land he had experienced before was basically the land of the Destroyed Beasts under ten stars.

As for the conditions of the sealed land of these star-level destruction beasts, Qin Shaofeng had not expected it, but it was also expected by Qin Shaofeng.

Because the sealed Destroyer Beasts have already awakened one after another, and they are no longer there.

I don't know if it was attracted by the coalition forces, or for other reasons, anyway, after the destruction beasts broke the seal and awakened, they had already left here.

Although there were still some missing Destroy Beasts, they were completely broken and awakened. Qin Shaofeng also encountered a lot of them along the way, but they all solved them.

This is why he can come to the seal land of the ten-star destruction beast so smoothly.

However, after seeing the situation in front of him, Qin Shaofeng's brows frowned.

Because Qin Shaofeng found out, even though this sealed land still sealed many ten-star destruction beasts.

But Qin Shaofeng still discovered that most of the ten-star destruction beasts had already awakened.

And after a serious search, Qin Shaofeng discovered that there seemed to be no super-star destruction beast here.

"The situation is not right. According to the information recorded by my father, the ten-star Destroyer Beast and the Super-Star Destroyer Beast are all sealed in one place!"

"But why aren't those super-star destruction beasts here?" Qin Shaofeng said, his face completely serious.

Although this kind of seal actually has the ability to destroy and destroy beasts.

You can use the power of time to obliterate the beasts of destruction in the sealed state during the long years.

But Qin Shaofeng had sensed it. Although such a seal did kill some destruction beasts, they were all ten-star destruction beasts.

The dozen or so super-star destruction beasts that were sealed at the beginning, not only weren't obliterated, they were even more than awakened by the breach.

Yes, it just broke the seal and woke up!

Feeling the emptiness in some places in the Sealed Land, Qin Shaofeng was completely sure that those super-star destruction beasts had been broken and awakened, and they no longer knew where they were.

At least there is no such seal!

"This is terrible!"

After arriving at this result, Qin Shaofeng felt a little anxious.

Those super-star destruction beasts have already appeared, but the situation is a little bit awkward.

In fact, at this time, Qin Shaofeng already had some guesses.

Perhaps those so-called super-star destruction beasts are mostly destruction beasts that have reached the realm of half-walking.

Faced with that level of destruction beast, Qin Shaofeng had no absolute certainty.

What worries Qin Shaofeng even more is that if there are one or two among these super-star destruction beasts that have been awakened by the destruction, the situation may be even worse.

"Damn it, it's too late!"

An angry in his heart, Qin Shaofeng didn't suppress his anger, but broke out.

With a bang, a blazing white flame burst out of Qin Shaofeng's body, and the ultimate power burst out completely.

After this ultimate power broke out, it burned everything around.

Those ten-star destruction beasts that were still in the sealed state did not even have a chance to react, and they died under Qin Shaofeng's ultimate strength.

Even under Qin Shaofeng's extreme strength, this sealed space began to appear strange.

The seal is also a kind of power, unable to escape the burning of Qin Shaofeng's ultimate fire.

After this burn, the seal here is considered destroyed.

But now in this place, the destruction beasts that were originally sealed have basically awakened and left.

Those who have not been broken and awakened are also burned to ashes under the power of Qin Shaofeng's extreme fire just now.

Whether the seal exists or not has no meaning.

But at this moment, the seal burned, a distortion of the space appeared, and then a special space suddenly appeared.

"That is……"

When a fuzzy space appeared, especially after seeing some dark shadows in it, Qin Shaofeng's eyes instantly widened.

"Destroy Beast! There are actually Destroy Beasts in there!?"

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