Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1815: Horror Destroyer

After being burned by the extreme fire power, the space was distorted, and a mysterious space appeared unexpectedly.

Qin Shaofeng saw the situation for the first time, but he was shocked when he saw it.

Because that place is a secret space with destruction beasts.

No, it can't be said to be possessed, the destruction beast seems to be born from that dimension.

"A space formed by negative forces?"

Qin Shaofeng's expression changed, and he realized that this matter was far more serious than he thought.

After seeing that space, Qin Shaofeng felt that the secret realm-like space was completely due to the process of merging the two realms of the Earth Dao Realm and the Qiyuan Star Dao Realm as the negative force produced. The special space formed.

Originally, only some negative forces appeared, although Destroy Beasts could be born, but that was all.

But now even the space appears?

Especially when I felt that destruction beasts seemed to be born all the time in this space, how could Qin Shaofeng's face still look good?

This situation couldn't be worse!

The only better thing is that the destruction beast in that space does not seem to be able to come out at will.

Think about it, too, when such a fusion of the power of the two realms, the space that is born, I am afraid there are some special circumstances.

This space can be said to belong to the Dao Realm of the Earth, or it can be said to be the Dao Realm of the Qiyuan Star.

But it is precisely because of this that this is causing this space to be in a strange state at this moment, that is, it can neither descend on the Qiyuan Star Realm nor enter the Earth Realm.

Where it is located, but the place where the two realms merge, it is impossible to appear before the two realms are completely integrated.

But this is not absolute!


Suddenly a roar came from that space, Qin Shaofeng's expression changed, and he knew that he had been discovered.

In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng saw that a huge figure suddenly appeared on the opposite side of the space.

This is a Destroyer Beast, but it is different from other Destroy Beasts. Apart from the turbulent surging body of this Destroying Beast, Qin Shaofeng’s breath is shocking even across a super space barrier. The appearance is also different from other destruction beasts.

The appearance of the Destroyer Beasts is almost the same, except for the hideous, it is ugly.

But this destruction beast gave Qin Shaofeng a sense of grace. It had a hideous appearance similar to ordinary destruction beasts, but placed on this destruction beast, it was a little more majestic and imposing.

So different!

Dao Jing!

Almost as soon as he saw the other party, Qin Shaofeng knew that this was a Dao-level destruction beast.

Under the influence of the ultimate power, Qin Shaofeng can see the situation in the space from here, but for the destruction beasts in the space, he can't see the situation here, nor can he see Qin Shaofeng as a human being.

But for the destruction beast whose realm has reached the Dao realm, it can not only feel the breath of Qin Shaofeng, but even the huge eyes full of violent eyes at this moment, staring at Qin Shaofeng, showing anger and disdain.

This clearly saw Qin Shaofeng.


As if seeing Qin Shaofeng, the Dao-level Destruction Beast roared fiercely again, with a big mouth, spit out a pure black light bomb that seemed to be able to swallow the light, and blasted towards Qin Shaofeng fiercely.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's body was cold, a chill came out of the soles of his feet, and he felt an incomparable crisis in his heart.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng could hardly help but summon his body instantly.

Faced with such power, his current body simply can't hold it.

Once it can't hold it, then not only the indestructible incarnation of Yan Yang, it will be annihilated instantly, but most importantly, the soul body of his main consciousness will also be annihilated.

Qin Shaofeng is now the soul of the main consciousness, once it is destroyed, it is equivalent to his being obliterated.

Facing the life and death crisis, Qin Shaofeng naturally didn't intend to keep anything, but subconsciously wanted to summon the ontology.

But he didn't have that time at all, because at this moment, the light bomb had already hit the space barrier before him fiercely.

However, what happened next moment gave Qin Shaofeng a sigh of relief.


The light bomb blasted onto the barrier of space in an instant, bursting out a terrifying explosive force.

But even so, the light bomb still didn't blast away the space barrier, but the aftermath shook the entire space.

Not only that, even Qin Shaofeng's space was greatly affected.


A series of space cracks appeared, instantly collapsed countless spaces, and the entire sealed land was instantly destroyed at this moment.

But that space barrier is still the same as before, and the destruction beasts during the period of imprisonment are still not destroyed at all.

Qin Shaofeng entered the state of divine power for the first time, avoiding being implicated by the forces that shattered the space.

Qin Shaofeng was unscathed under the diminishing power.

After one blow, the Destroyer Beast seemed to know that it couldn't break through this space barrier, so it didn't attack again.

However, after seeing Qin Shaofeng's unscathed appearance, it still roared with a fierce look.

At the moment when the surrounding space collapsed, Qin Shaofeng took back his ultimate strength.

Without the burning of Qin Shaofeng's ultimate strength, the originally exposed space gradually began to disappear.

This is not really disappearing, but hiding again.

But if you want to make this space appear again, I am afraid that only Qin Shaofeng's ultimate strength can do it.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't realize that before the space disappeared, the Dao Realm Grade Destruction Beast's eyes flashed with a faint light, and a special force shot out from it, entering and directly penetrating the barrier of the inverted space.

But this power was not an attacking power, nor did it have any special power. When passing through Qin Shaofeng's body, it did not affect Qin Shaofeng at all.

This special power has only one ability, and that is to summon other destruction beasts, and it is the kind of super large range.

That Dao-level destruction beast is the absolute ruler among the destruction beasts!

Its call, all destruction beasts will unconditionally obey.

At the same time, the Destroyer Beast Legion, which was far away in the battle of the Allied Forces, felt what the Destroyer Beasts felt immediately.

At this moment, the Destroyer Beast, who was in the fight, had a strange pause, and then began to retreat.

This does not count as a retreat, but they instinctively obeyed their ruler's orders and all went to the Sealed Land.

Qin Shaofeng is not clear about this situation.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that the ancient sanctuary was in big trouble.

Dao Jing!

The real Dao-level destruction beast!

And Qin Shaofeng could feel that the Dao-level destruction beast was probably not an ordinary Dao-level.

Because this was separated by such a powerful space barrier, he could feel that the aura on the opponent was so terrifying.

If it were really face-to-face, Qin Shaofeng didn't know how powerful this Destroying Beast was.

"It's too dangerous. If the destruction beast is allowed to appear on Qiyuan Star, then I am afraid that everyone will not be able to escape!"

Qin Shaofeng's face was solemn, but for a time there was no countermeasure.

However, Qin Shaofeng soon seemed to remember something, and immediately began to explore the space with his ultimate strength.

Because that Destroyer Beast was extremely powerful, Qin Shaofeng also felt a lot of Destroyer Beasts in its space.

Therefore, he didn't care about it and went to investigate seriously.

A few days later, Qin Shaofeng returned to the original position again, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

After several days of repeated investigations, Qin Shaofeng found it clear.

That space barrier is really strong. With the current situation, it would not be possible to be destroyed by the Destroyer Beast and then enter Qiyuan Star.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng estimated that the space was mostly the place where the powerful people on Qiyuan star sealed those super-star destruction beasts at a great price.

But I don't know what is causing the change in the Sealed Land this time, slowly evolving into a mysterious space, the one Qin Shaofeng saw before.

After that space appeared, and then I don't know what the reason was, the sealed super-star destruction beasts have already been broken and awakened.

But that space is because of the relationship between the power of the two Tao realms, which makes it impossible to descend and show up.

Therefore, even if it has the strength that is even higher, it cannot break through.

This is good news for Qin Shaofeng.

Because according to the results of his investigation, unless the current Qiyuan Star Realm merges with the Earth's Dao Realm to a certain extent, that space can be accepted by Qiyuan Star, that space will appear on Qiyuan Star.

I can see it, I can't touch it, I can't get through it!

This is the current state of that space.

However, it is precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng now doesn't need to directly confront the terrifying Dao-level destruction beast.

There is still time!

As long as there is time, it is easy to handle.

What Qin Shaofeng needs most now is time, so that he can ascend in the earth's physical body, and finally achieve integration with the body and soul, and completely promote the Dao realm.

Qin Shaofeng was confident that after he was promoted to the Dao Realm with this method, even if it was not as powerful as the terrifying destruction beast.

But with his own many powerful skills, it may not be without the power of a battle.

Moreover, since both the soul and the body are at the peak of the law realm, stepping into the promotion realm, this will probably be a lot stronger!

Perhaps at that time, just that kind of improved realm could ease the opponent's terrifying destruction beast.

After investigating it clearly, Qin Shaofeng planned to go back first after learning about that space.

But at this moment, the rumbling sound from a distance instantly attracted Qin Shaofeng's attention.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng discovered that there were countless destruction beasts in the distance, rushing towards him.

"I circled a cross, what's the situation?"

Feeling the terrifying number of destruction beasts far away, Qin Shaofeng was a little dumbfounded.

He was besieged?

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng thought of something, could it be the handwriting of the destroying beast before?

Thinking about it this way, Qin Shaofeng really thought it was possible.

However, no matter what the situation was, Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart that he was going to escape.

If this doesn't run, it will be dangerous.

Although Qin Shaofeng had confidence in his strength, he was very self-aware and knew that he could not deal with such a large number of Destroy Beasts.

Then the rest can only choose to escape!

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