Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 182: Sword soul gathers, sword spirit becomes!

In fact, Tang Qijian was not directly targeted by Zi Yueye.

According to Tang Qijian, he was only alone before, accumulating the killing intent of the sword aura he cultivated in the "Sword Art of Seven Kills" by killing the medicine beast.

Just as he was going to kill, a powerful medicine beast appeared in front of Tang Qijian.

How strong is it?

Qin Shaofeng asked at that time.

Spiritual Realm!

Tang Qijian replied coldly.

But this kind of answer shocked Qin Shaofeng.

It is actually a high-level monster beast in the spirit vein realm?

Fortunately, Tang Qijian also said next.

The high-level medicated beast in the spirit veins seemed to be seriously injured, not only that, once the medicated beast appeared in front of him, it fell directly to the ground.

Hearing this, the muscles on Qin Shaofeng's face twitched fiercely.

Damn, how does it feel, the medicine beast ran to Tang Qijian deliberately and let him kill it?

In fact, it is true, although I don't know why, there will be a severely injured medicine beast that ran in front of him and fainted.

But Tang Qijian wouldn't be polite to the opponent, so he drew his sword and slashed.

Without any accident, even Tang Qijian himself felt very dreamy.

That medicine beast is dead!

Well, it was killed by Tang Qijian.

Hearing Tang Qijian talking about this, Qin Shaofeng couldn't wait for Tang Qijian to be himself at that moment.

Lingmai Realm!

No matter how heavy the realm it is, for myself, once killed, it is a leapfrog kill.

The experience bonus can be ferocious.

Unfortunately, such a situation will obviously not happen.

"After I killed the high-level medicated beast in the spirit vein realm, what happened next surprised me!"

Tang Qijian obviously didn't see the jealousy and helplessness in Qin Shaofeng's eyes at the moment. While speaking, he seemed to fall into the scene again, and a gleam of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Shaofeng, do you know what appeared in front of me when I killed the medicine beast?" Tang Qijian stared at Qin Shaofeng and asked, but before Qin Shaofeng could speak, he said it by himself.

"Pill! It's a pill! After that medicated beast was killed by me and turned into gas to dissipate, besides the medicated beast spar in its body, there was an extra pill!"


Can I get a pill by killing the medicated beast in the spirit vein?

Qin Shaofeng was startled and quickly asked, "What kind of medicine is it?"

Unexpectedly, Tang Qijian shook his head and spit out three: "I don't know!"


Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched slightly, but he still said, "Take it out and let me see. I am an alchemist and I know a lot of pills. I would like to see what kind of pills will exist in the body of a medicated animal."

"No, I have already taken that pill!"

Facing Qin Shaofeng's right hand that reached out to Sheng's eyes, Tang Qijian said coolly.


You don't know what kind of pill, you dare to take it

Qin Shaofeng stared at him with wide-open eyes, Tang Qijian with a cold face, suddenly a ridiculous thought arose in his heart.

I wiped it, it seems that Tang Qijian, this kid, is probably even better than I expected!

As if seeing Qin Shaofeng’s thoughts in his heart, Tang Qijian explained: “Although I don’t know what kind of pill it is, I can really feel that the pill has a great effect on me, and I feel that I have never made a mistake. So I took that pill."

I think it's so good!

Seven masters!

Brother Jian!

You are really superb!

Why didn't I find out before!

Seeing Tang Qijian's face for granted, Qin Shaofeng was convinced.

However, Qin Shaofeng seemed to think of something and asked, "How do you say it, the reason why you have such a deep inner energy now is because of that medicine?"

"Yeah!" Tang Qijian nodded, and then said, "After taking that pill, I felt the internal energy in my body and began to rise sharply, but I didn't wait for me to find a quiet place for refining. Zi Yueye appeared."

"The appearance of Zi Yueye, let me know, the medicine beast before was his prey, but the pill that I took, which is the treasure he was looking for! Then he found out that the pill was taken by me After that, under the anger, I completely abolished me."

At this time, Tang Qijian's tone was somewhat calm.

However, Qin Shaofeng still felt that under Tang Qijian's calm tone at the moment, it was with a hint of cold sword intent.

Cold and murderous!

That's it!

Qin Shaofeng completely understood why Tang Qijian, who was only in the five-fold innate realm before, would provoke a terrifying guy like Zi Yueye.

In addition to the medicated beast spar, the high-level medicated beast in the spirit vein level actually possesses a pill?

This is getting more and more interesting!

Qin Shaofeng suddenly had a feeling, how could he have power to push himself and others in the direction of exterminating the medicine beast!

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this. Qin Shaofeng only wanted to obtain a heavenly five-star pill.

Of course, it would be even better if you could get two.

Pills, such a good thing, of course, the more the better.

However, before that...

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly at Tang Qijian, smiling so brilliantly.

Then, after Tang Qijian was a little uncomfortable, and the coldness of his face disappeared, Qin Shaofeng smiled and said a word.

"Old Tang! After being hunted for so long, do you want to ask for some interest!"

Negotiating some interest?

After hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, Tang Qijian's eyes lit up slightly, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and finally he no longer looked like that cold.

Although the smile is still a sneer...


After an hour, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian set off after their internal energy had recovered enough to rest.

This time, their goal was exactly the group of people who had chased Tang Qijian before.

Although the opponent leading the team was a martial artist with the tenth level of innate realm, after Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian carefully planned it, they felt that a martial artist with the tenth level of innate initial realm was nothing to worry about.

If you let other people hear this, they would definitely treat them both as fools.

I'm rubbing, the tone is so big?

There is only one congenital seven-fold and one congenital eight-fold, but it is not a concern to say that a martial artist in the early stage of ten-fold congenital stage?

The cowhide blows to the sky, isn't it such a blow, right?

But in fact, for Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian, this is really not a boast.

Perhaps the current state of the two of them does not seem good.

But in fact, both of them are experts who can leapfrog and kill!

Tang Qijian's innate eighth peak realm, but he has cultivated the "Sword of Seven Kills", and obtained the help of a mysterious pill, and possesses a deep inner energy that ordinary people who practice "Sword of Seven Kills" can't imagine.

Not to mention the same realm, even if it is facing a martial artist with the innate nine-fold peak realm, Tang Qijian is confident to defeat or even kill the opponent.

Needless to say, he also has a wall of inner energy now.

In this way, if Tang Qijian is really against the martial artist in the early stage of the tenth innate, who will win?

As for Qin Shaofeng, it goes without saying!

Although it was only in the early stage of the Seventh Innate Stage, even if it was against the general late stage of the Innate Eightfold, or even the pinnacle martial artist, as long as it did not meet the second person with an alternative martial arts wall.

Qin Shaofeng broke out under the Nine Innate Layers, it seemed that it was not difficult to kill in seconds.

Especially Qin Shaofeng's current Xiao Li Fei Dao was promoted to level 4. If Qin Shaofeng exploded with a three-shot combo of flying knives, he didn't know if there would be no martial artist with a wall of internal energy that could withstand it.

With nearly half a million points of internal energy, with the help of Level 4 Xiaoli Flying Sword, and many skills, Qin Shao's combat power at this moment is definitely not under Tang Qijian.

In this situation, was it arrogant to the last team with the tenth initial stage of innate? Still arrogant?

However, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian are not stupid, they rushed straight up if they didn't.

The two had already negotiated. First, they dared to attack one by one, and waited until it was absolutely foolproof before they came forward with integrity.

Originally with Tang Qijian's temperament, he would definitely not agree with Qin Shaofeng's opinion to engage in a sneak attack and assassination.

The sword is the gentleman among the weapons!

Tang Qijian, who practices swordsmanship and has the spirit of the sword soul, has given a cold look since he practiced, but in fact, his style is undoubtedly a gentleman.

My Tang Qijian wants to deal with you, that's the honest and upright opponent you, absolutely not making any small moves, let alone using any conspiracy.

I don't know if it was Zi Yueye's viciousness that caused Tang Qijian to realize something, or that Qin Shaofeng cursed a few words in his head, and after some persuasion, Tang Qijian finally agreed.

But Tang Qijian didn't know, nodding at this moment, for him, was the real beginning!

Too rigid and easy to fold!

This point also agrees with the sword.

If Tang Qijian still disagrees with Qin Shaofeng's plan, but keeps his original mentality and goes on a gentleman, maybe he will eventually become a strong swordsman, and he will definitely be graceful and be regarded as a gentleman of the sword by the world, and his sense of justice is overwhelming!

But the premise is that he has to live first!

It’s okay to have a sense of justice, but if the whole person only knows justice and doesn’t know how to work, it’s not a good thing.

Good people die early!

Good old people die early!

Whether it is the earth or the world Qin Shaofeng is now in.

Those who can stay in the history and the strong, even if they have extraordinary temperament, are regarded as saints among human beings, or existences such as national heroes.

They all have a sense of justice, but none of them are gentlemen, perhaps not very gentlemen.

Well, even if Tang Qijiantian was invincible in anger, he survived smoothly.

In the end, he couldn't climb the peak.

Because going in one direction alone, and still the kind of admitting death, is ultimately limited.

Perhaps Tang Qijian didn't care about his nod at this moment, but at this moment, the spirit of the sword soul in his body had moved for the first time since he was born.

If Tang Qijian could look inside his body at this moment, he would find that there was an aura in his mind that he never knew.

That is the spirit of the sword soul!

It's just that the spirit of the sword soul is just an aura, and it doesn't look like a sword soul at all.

But just now, after Tang Qijian nodded, the aura hidden in his body finally changed.

The spirit of the sword soul, which was originally just an aura, slowly gathered at this moment.

After a while, a vague sword soul formed.

Although vague, but also very unstable.

But the sword soul is taking shape!

If it were the case, Qin Shaofeng opened his eyes again and looked at the light of the spiritual root on Tang Qijian's head, and he would be shocked to discover that at this moment, the light of the spiritual root of Tang Qijian had undergone some changes.

Originally, Tang Qijian's spiritual root light was a brilliant golden light, and seven golden halos surrounded the golden light.

But now the seven halos have become nine, and on top of the nine halos, there is a faintly negligible color.

The spirit light gathers, the sword spirit comes out, and the sword spirit begins!

Avenue of the heavens, walk with the sword!

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