Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 183: Collect interest, the beginning of revenge


When no one noticed it, even when Tang Qijian himself hadn't noticed it, there was a wave of fluctuations in his mind.

This wave of volatility instantly rushed into the sky, like a shocking divine sword, splitting a space that no one could see.

Then, a fierce thrust, that wave of fluctuations entered that space.

All this happened under the circumstances that no one was aware of, and a strong person who could barely detect this kind of movement could not appear in this banal place.

But someone still noticed it!

To be precise, not human!

Because the other party is just a light group of watermelon.

"this is……"

"Sword into the avenue!"

As if seeing something unbelievable, the light group exclaimed.

Fortunately, the light group seems to be an alternative existence. Although it is clearly in this place, it is as if there is another parallel space. No one can see it, let alone listen to its voice.

Obviously, this light group-like existence is also extremely difficult.

However, it is precisely because of this that a certain change in Tang Qijian's body was noticed by it.


The light group paused slightly, and the surrounding space was distorted, and the whole disappeared.

When the light group appeared again, it had already reached the sky above Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian.

At this moment, the light group seemed to have a pair of eyes, staring straight at the two people below. When its gaze fell on Tang Qijian, it finally couldn't keep calm anymore.

"The spirit of the soul of the sword is actually the spirit of the soul of the sword, how is this possible? This place will give birth to people with the spirit of the sword soul?"

The light ball jumped slightly, obviously extremely unstable, but the next moment, it felt something that made itself even crazier.

"The spiritual light gathers, the sword soul emerges, and the sword spirit is first formed? Is this self-awakening?"

Guang Tuan suddenly felt that his worldview had changed, and what happened before his eyes. Throughout it, he had seen countless enchanting geniuses, but compared with the spirit of the sword soul, it was nothing to mention!

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! How could it be awakened by itself? It doesn't make sense! If the soul of the sword does not have a powerful person, it will be impossible to awaken the spirit of the sword by breaking through the barrier of the avenue with a powerful force."

"But why? Why can this person awaken the spirit of the sword soul on his own?"

Light group Na Na talked to himself as a way of disbelief, and then suddenly remembered something, a golden light flashed all over its body, it was originally a light group, and now it was brighter.

Under the bright light, it looked like a little sun.

However, what is strange is that even so, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian below still did not notice. In fact, the situation in front of them was still the same as before, and was not affected by the light group at all.

The light of the light group seemed to be exerted to the extreme, and under this abnormal light, a small chubby figure appeared in the light group.

The figure was a human figure, but it was very small and almost as big as a slap, and it was surrounded by light.


Under the bright light, the chubby little guy seemed to wave his right hand, and a light that ordinary people could not see suddenly flew into Tang Qijian's body.

After that, the little guy in the light group sighed with disappointment.

"The spirit of the Ninth-Rank Sword Soul, I didn’t expect that upon awakening, he would be the Ninth-Rank Spiritual Root. I am afraid that the Nine Sword Sovereign had seen such a genius, and he would never let it go. It’s a pity. ."

With a disappointed sigh, the light ball flashed slightly and left with a beating.

Isn’t there a congenital martial artist who just entered the inner circle?

It seems that I can only go to those acquired martial artists to find the last glimmer of hope.

If it doesn't work, you can only come back and look for the spirit of the sword soul for a fight.


As if suddenly aware of something, Qin Shaofeng, who had been moving forward, stopped abruptly and looked around.

"What's wrong, anyone?"

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's movements, Tang Qijian's face tightened, and his right hand was placed on the hilt of his waist.

After a period of rushing, Tang Qijian already knew that Qin Shaofeng was much stronger than him in the ability to detect.

At this moment, seeing Qin Shaofeng stop suddenly, he thought what happened to Qin Shaofeng.

"Uh, it's okay, just an innate five-fold medicine beast!"

Qin Shaofeng paused slightly, then said quickly, before giving Tang Qijian a chance to speak again, and moved on.

"Let's go, don't worry about medicine beasts or something, it's a business to find that group of talents."

Tang Qijian did not doubt that he was there, nodded and followed again.

But Tang Qijian didn't notice it at the moment, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly and glanced at him suspiciously.

Am I dazzled?

Just now, Qin Shaofeng seemed to see a golden light and flew towards Tang Qijian.

And in the state of full open eyes, he also felt a weak and imperceptible fluctuation.

However, it happened in a flash, and it seemed to be Qin Shaofeng's illusion.

Moreover, seeing that Tang Qijian didn't feel any discomfort, he finally thought that he was dazzled and felt that something was wrong, so he didn't take it seriously.

If the little people in the light group knew Qin Shaofeng's abnormality at this moment, I would be extremely surprised.

It is impossible to sense its traces, especially in this place.

But such an impossible thing, it just happened.

However, the little people in the light group would not know that Qin Shaofeng had such an ability.

In fact, the little man didn't seem to see Qin Shaofeng at all.


It just didn't see Qin Shaofeng, it was true, not that it deliberately ignored Qin Shaofeng, but it really didn't see it.

Under the golden light of the sword soul, Qin Shaofeng's pale white mist, who cares?

I have to say, there is no human rights without spiritual roots!

However, when the little guy in the light group saw Qin Shaofeng again, he realized what he had missed.

And how outrageous, how incredible.

Even compared to Tang Qijian's self-awakening of the soul of the sword, such an incredible thing is almost a hundred to eighty times higher!


Finally, after searching for nearly an hour, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian finally found the crowd they were looking for.

But after some investigation, Qin Shaofeng was depressed.

The group of people is indeed still searching for the traces of Tang Qijian, but the number has changed a little.

The martial artist who was in the tenth initial stage of innate level was no longer among this group of people.

And not only the innate ten-fold martial arts master, but also some innate nine-fold martial arts masters, have also disappeared.

At this moment, all of this group of people added up to more than a hundred people, but almost all of them were in the realm of innate five or six layers. There were only less than 20 people with seven or eight layers, but there were only three people in the nine layers.

This is a far cry from a large force like before.

At the beginning, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian thought this was some conspiracy and trick of the enemy.

After careful investigation, Qin Shaofeng finally determined that these people really were.

Although I don't understand why, there are only so many people left. But it doesn't matter if you don't understand, anyway, the two of you are here to collect interest.

Yes, it's two people!

Not only did he collect interest for Tang Qijian.

Qin Shaofeng also discovered that there seemed to be a team member among this group of people who had ordered him to hunt down at the beginning.

This one finds, that is more enmity!

Although there were no masters in the opposing team, Qin Shaofeng asked Tang Qijian to carry out his previous plan in order to be more careful.

The assassination begins!

With Qin Shaofeng's strength and Yi Jinjing's ability to hide his breath, this would come together once the assassination attack occurred.

That is simply to focus on one, and then succeed.

As for Tang Qijian, that made Qin Shaofeng jealous again.

I don't know how Tang Qijian cultivated. The skill jade slip that was given to him before was actually able to fuse his sword energy into it after the last practice.

This is no longer a simple wall of internal energy, it is completely the wall of internal energy and sword energy fusion version.

As long as Tang Qijian himself does not actively expose the wall of the inner qi injected with sword qi, it is difficult for ordinary people to detect his aura.

Even Qin Shaofeng would not be able to detect Tang Qijian's trace if he didn't have the special ability of Huoyan Jinjing.

In this way, the assassination of the two was as smooth as a duck, which made Qin Shaofeng a little bit thinking of letting Tang Qijian change his career to become a killer.

Every time one shot, one person lost his life.

Neither Qin Shaofeng nor Tang Qijian had any pity for these people who chased him down, one of them killed the other.

After the three innate nine-layer martial arts finally realized that something was wrong, and their own people were getting less and less, they finally gathered everyone.

But this collection of people whose faces have changed a lot, the original team of hundreds of people, has actually been reduced by 30%.

But the nightmare has just begun!

Knowing that the other party had noticed, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian became even more unscrupulous.

Although there was no direct attack, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian had both done it in front of those people and seized the opportunity to kill one or two people.

The three innate nine-tiered martial artists didn't try to resist, but they soon discovered that the two who had assassinated their opponent were very cunning, never staying together, one in the east and the other in the west.

As long as they rushed to one of them, the other would suddenly appear and kill him.

What they hate most is that the other two are extremely fast and powerful, and they are definitely not under anybody, but the other party has no idea of ​​head-on with them.

Once they waited for them to surround themselves, the other party just flees without attachment.

After two rounds, not only didn't really get hands on the opponent, but when he waited for others, he lost more than a dozen people again.

The three innate martial masters were completely gone, and in the end there was no way, the three made the biggest mistake in their lives.

That's escape!


The team of seven or eighty people, under the threat of two people, actually started to escape.

But this escape is incredible.

Because of the mass killings of his own people, those who were born with five or six folds were already in panic.

When the captain said to retreat, it was simply hate that his parents had two fewer legs, and the team formation instantly collapsed.

That's it!

Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian, who could only find a chance to start because of the formation of the opponent, could not bear it after seeing the complete collapse of the opponent's team, immediately rushed over, slashed and killed one by one.

That scene is like cutting melons and vegetables, killing it is called smooth!

Until then, the innate Nine Peak Captain who gave the retreat order knew how big a mistake he had made.

But this is the end of the matter, and it cannot be undone.

Even at the end, seeing that his own people were beheaded in a blockbuster, in fear, those three innate nine-tier martial arts actually abandoned their own people and ran away alone.

But can they escape?

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