Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 184: We go to trick or treat

An hour later, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian, covered in blood (other people's blood), surrounded a martial arts master of the nine-fold pinnacle congenital realm under the big tree.

It is hard to imagine that a master of the Nine Innate Peak Realm was actually surrounded by a Seven Innate and Eight Innate Martial Masters.

Even the martial artist with the innate nine-fold pinnacle realm, his face turned out to be horrified at this moment.

It seems that the two people in front of them are not some martial masters with seven or eight innate levels, but terrifying powerhouses with seven or eight levels in the legendary realm.

Can you not panic?

The entire team of more than a hundred people was actually killed.

Originally, the martial master of the Nine Innate Peaks, seeing the other two at most, the realm of the Eight Innate Peaks, felt a little relaxed in his heart, and he was ready to resist.

However, with this slight ease, the opponent's innate seven-layered martial artist casually threw a silver light blade light, and after a single shot of a companion of innate nine-layer mid-level realm around him, he completely disappeared.


What kind of monster is this!

The realm of the early stage of the seventh congenital stage can actually kill the realm of the middle stage of the prenatal ninth level.

What is going on in this world!

Ma Ma I want to go home!

The congenital nine-fold peak master was completely frightened.

Are these two demons?

But at this moment, the two demons suddenly spoke and asked them to surrender.

However, at this time, the last companion of the innate nine-fold peak master, did not agree that he planned to escape.

Unfortunately, before he could do anything, a sword light flashed.

His last companion was in a different place.

At this moment, the master of the innate Nine-fold Peak was completely scared and paralyzed. He squatted directly on the ground and shouted that I surrender, I surrender!

Then, there was a scene from the beginning.

Wipe, this product is also the state of the Nine Innate Peaks?

Really boring!

Looking at the panic-faced person in front of him, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with disdain.

Coincidentally, the last person in front of him was the captain of the innate nine-fold peak martial arts master who was previously afraid to track Qin Shaofeng.

It was the two innate martial arts who had just been killed by Qin Shaofeng with one sword and Tang Qijian's sword, and they were also the other two innate martial arts masters.

I have to say that this guy has really bad luck.

He was only ordered to stay and continue to search for Tang Qijian, thinking that he had found a safe job!

After all, those who left are doing dangerous things!

But if it can do it again now, the master of the innate ninety layers, he has to follow the big army whenever he says!

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

Although he looked down on the other party very much, after all, the other party has the information he needs to know, and with a forbearance, Qin Shaofeng said in a solemn voice, "Say, where did some of you go before? You finally recruited it for me. , If not..."

If not?

Otherwise what?

Nothing, no need!

Because the innate nine-fold master, at this moment, really can't stand it, when he heard Qin Shaofeng's question, he yelled, I said, I said everything!

Then, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian successfully obtained the information they wanted.

I didn't expect this to be the case!

Hearing the information, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian Li looked at each other, and both saw a strange light in the other's eyes.

Why would the captain of this big team, the innate ten-fold master, take away a large number of innate nine-fold and eight-fold elites?

This is all because of the order from the little prince Zi Yueye.

And the reason why Zi Yueye gave such an order was because he wanted to bring Silvermoon Academy, and even the innate masters of the entire Silvermoon Nation force, into the core area of ​​the dense fantasy realm to hunt down the spiritual realm. The high-end medicine animal.

Not only was Ziyueye, but even Yang Kingdom and Heiwu Kingdom seemed to have acted like this.

A few innate nine-fold masters were left behind, and then under the leadership of the innate ten-fold masters, a large number of innate eight-fold and innate nine-fold elites were brought into the core area to hunt down medicinal beasts in the spirit vein.

As for why this is so, this innate nine-fold peak martial artist doesn't know.

However, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian thought of something at the same time.


Killing the high-level medicated beasts of the Spirit Vein Realm can obtain the mysterious pill, even if it is not as good as the one obtained from Tang Qijian before, but Qin Shaofeng should at least be a one-star pill at the sky level.

Although collecting medicated beast spar, you can exchange for a heavenly pill from the alchemy mansion.

But who would have too many heavenly pills?

What's more, the medicine beast spar obtained by killing the high-level medicine beast in the spirit vein realm is more valuable medicine power points!

He had already given all the medicated beast crystals on Tang Qijian's body to Qin Shaofeng.

To him, Qin Shaofeng took out his life and even upgraded him to the elixir of triple cultivation, which is absolutely precious.

So when he saw Qin Shaofeng collecting the medicated beast spar, he gave all the medicated beast spar on his body to Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng did not refuse, because he knew that if he refused, Tang Qijian's sword might be cut at him in the next moment.

No way, who told Tang Qijian to take out the medicated beast spar, with a serious look, and his eyes fixed on Qin Shaofeng, making Qin Shaofeng feel that if he didn't accept it, he would have committed some serious crime, and then he would be killed. The sword came.

Although he knew that he was thinking too much, Qin Shaofeng was still willing to accept it.

After getting the pill, he gave the pill to Tang Qijian. Anyway, he only needs to complete the task.

This was Qin Shaofeng's thoughts at the time, but it was precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng knew how precious a high-level medicated animal spar was.

From the light curtain of the previous hall, Qin Shaofeng learned that a high-level medicated beast spar is worth at least 100 medicinal power points, but the high-level medicated beast spar that Tang Qijian took out is actually It is worth more than five hundred medicine power points.

Don’t ask how Qin Shaofeng knows, sister, if you want to know this, it’s not easy, just throw the system recycling furnace and try it out.

More than 500 medicinal power points are much more than what the light curtain introduces.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that the people of the three countries might have discovered this, and the high-level medicinal beasts possessed medicinal pills in their bodies. Only then did they organize elite masters to march into the core circle.

But after receiving such news, Qin Shaofeng was in trouble.

With the status of the Zi Family in the Silver Moon Nation, and the strength of that Zi Yue Ye, I am afraid he can gather all the people from the Silver Moon Nation this time.

In other words, at this moment, there are countless masters beside Zi Yueye, and the two of them passed by, completely in the rhythm of delivering food.

Tang Qijian also thought of this.

Although in his heart he could not wait for a sword to kill that Zi Yueye, but he still divided the importance.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's silence for a while, he sighed and said, "Forget it, Shaofeng, we still don't need to find that Ziyueye!"

Forget it?

Qin Shaofeng's face was slightly startled, but his heart was struggling.

The reason why he said that he was looking for Zi Yueye to settle accounts was not all for Tang Qijian, because his heart suddenly appeared before, the strong hostility towards Zi Yueye.

This made Qin Shaofeng always feel that if he kept this purple moon night, it would definitely be a disaster for himself.

Qin Shaofeng didn't understand why this was and why he had such an idea, but he didn't ignore it.

Although it was also a reason to vent his anger for Tang Qijian, the most important thing was the thought in his heart.

Qin Shaofeng knew very well that it was not a wise choice to find that Zi Yueye at this moment.

But well...

With a slight smile in his heart, Qin Shaofeng smiled at Tang Qijian: "No, we still have to find that Ziyueye!"

Without waiting for Tang Qijian to continue to persuade him, Qin Shaofeng immediately raised his brows and said: "Hey, Old Tang, don't worry, I didn't mean to trouble the Ziyueye, this time we won't ask for trouble, we Just go to make trouble and find opportunities to trick or treat!"

Then Qin Shaofeng whispered a few words in Tang Qijian's ear, Tang Qijian's eyes brightened, and finally he nodded suddenly, agreeing to Qin Shaofeng's plan.

Afterwards, the two of them began to touch the large force of Zi Yueye secretly according to the route explained by the martial master of the innate nine-fold peak.

As for the innate nine-fold peak martial artist, it had already turned into Qin Shaofeng's experience the first time Qin Shaofeng asked.

At this moment, four days have passed since entering this secret illusion, and now it is the fifth day, and it is over half of the time!

After sneaking all the way, after entering the core circle, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian became more cautious.

Because at this time, there are almost everywhere middle-level medicine beasts with innate eight layers and nine levels, and ten-layer middle-level medicine beasts can be seen everywhere.

If there are a few, with the strength of Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian, they are not afraid.

But this kind of medicated beasts, like other places, gather in piles at every turn. When they meet one, it means they have met a large group. How can Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian dare to provoke them.

However, this situation soon improved.

It seemed that he was here. Behind the large army led by Zi Yueye, the number of medicinal beasts encountered for a while, even if they met, it was the situation of three or two kittens.

The destroyed environment along the way and some human corpses made Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian seem to understand.

Obviously, the only cause of such damage was the large army led by Zi Yueye.

The middle-level medicine beasts of the tenth level of innate realm are often the leader of a group of medicine beasts. How can the high-level medicine beasts of the spirit vein realm not have a lot of younger brothers?

This is probably the reason why Ziyueye is looking for a large number of people.

Although his strength is good, it is said that he still possesses the combat power of the Spirit Vein Realm, but his hands are hard to beat the four punches. Facing a high-ranking medicinal beast with a bunch of younger brothers in the Spirit Vein Realm, even if he has the strength to kill Zi Yueye.

But in the case of the many young medicinal beasts, he didn't dare to just stand up!

The scene before him was the result of a large number of innate martial arts masters fighting against a large number of medicinal beasts.

However, this is also good, because following such traces, it is easy to find the other party.

Glancing at each other, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian nodded at the same time, and then the two accelerated.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian followed the traces of large-scale destruction, but it took less than two hours before the two of them found the large force of Ziyueye.

Somewhere in the core circle, a medicine beast with a population of five thousand is currently fighting with humans.

This is a kind of medicine beast that is very similar to the wolf, and the overall strength is extremely unusual, and the lowest of them is probably the middle-level monster of the innate five-level realm.

It is the strongest boss, it is a high-level medicine beast in the spirit vein realm.

And not only that, in addition to the high-level medicine beasts in the spirit vein realm, among the middle-level medicine beasts, there are more than a dozen or twenty innate medicine beasts of the tenth level, and there are as many as hundreds of eight and nine levels.

There is no doubt that this is a very powerful high-level medicine animal group.

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