Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 185: Little Prince Ziyueye

Medicine animals are very powerful, and humans are not weak.

Almost all martial arts masters in the eighth level of innate, the number unexpectedly exceeded 500!

Among them, there are more than a hundred martial arts masters of the innate nine realms, and the number of martial arts masters of the ten innate realms actually exceeds 30.

too exaggerated!

When Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian in the distance saw the strength of the two sides on this battlefield, they were shocked.

The two of them knew very well, I'm afraid that Zi Yueye would really bring the Silver Moon Kingdom, and all the elites among the innate martial masters who came in this time had all summoned to fight for him.

At this moment, the battle between medicine beasts and humans is also extremely shocking.

It was the first time Qin Shaofeng saw such a battlefield.

Huge and spectacular!

But it was also the first time that Qin Shaofeng understood that his previous plans were no longer useful.

Because in such a battle, he and Tang Qijian couldn't affect much at all.

Originally, Qin Shaofeng's plan was that the two secretly entered Zi Yueye's troops, and then instead of killing the medicine beast, they seized the opportunity to take a cold knife against the people of Zi Yueye.

But now I see the scene where humans are fighting with medicinal beasts, let alone secretly pumping knives, once this enters the battlefield, I am afraid that if there are no similar people to take care of each other, I am afraid that those medicinal beasts will directly swallow it!

This is not the not-so-strong medicinal animal herd that Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian slaughtered before.

Although Qin Shaofeng and Qin Shaofeng also faced more than two thousand medicine beasts at the time, the strongest of those medicine beasts was the middle-level medicine beast in the late stage of Xiantian Eightfold. With the strength of Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian, they could hurt their medicine beasts. ,absolutely not.

But now the herd of at least 5,000 medicine animals in front of us is very different.

Not to mention the eight levels of innateness, the middle-level medicine beasts in the nine levels of realm are roaring everywhere!

After watching it for a while, Tang Qijian hesitated, and said: "Shao Feng, the previous plan, I'm afraid it won't happen!"

Qin Shaofeng nodded, but a sneer flashed in his eyes: "It's okay, plan A can't work, do I still have plan B?"

Plan A?

Plan B?

What is this?

How does Shaofeng speak so inexplicably?

Tang Qijian was confused.

Upon seeing this, Qin Shaofeng noticed that he had used improper words. He coughed quickly and changed his words: "Ah, I mean the first plan will not work, and I have a second plan!"

The second plan?

Tang Qijian understood right now, his eyes lit up at Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng leaned over, then whispered a few times in Tang Qijian's ear.

"Does this work?"

After listening to Qin Shaofeng's second plan, a hint of surprise flashed across Tang Qijian's cold face.

"Don't worry, it's okay!" Qin Shaofeng said confidently.

Then, Qin Shaofeng took out a jade bottle from his storage ring and handed it to Tang Qijian. After thinking about it, he added: "Be careful, I spent 300 contribution points to redeem it from the Hall of Contribution. It's used for yin, cough, and self-defense. It comes in handy right now, but don't get it on you when you use it!"

Somewhere Qin Shaofeng realized that he had missed his mouth. He coughed again and concealed it.

Tang Qijian didn't hear Qin Shaofeng's words before coughing. At this moment, he was shocked by Qin Shaofeng's last words.


Use this thing to defend yourself?

However, Tang Qijian didn't have to ask much, so he put the jade bottle into his own space bag, and then thought of something, he looked at Qin Shaofeng and asked, "Then what are you doing?"


Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, and mysteriously said to Tang Qijian: "I'm going to earn some pocket money!"


A quarter of an hour later, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian separated.

Tang Qijian took Qin Shaofeng's jade bottle, which was Qin Shaofeng's secret weapon, directly transformed into a sword and hurried away.

As for Qin Shaofeng, he just pretended to be, and began to touch the chaotic battlefield.

After observing the battlefield for a while, Qin Shaofeng discovered that there seemed to be a special kind of person in that battlefield.

These people are only in the eightfold realm of innate. Although they are all alone, they can be protected by all humans on the entire battlefield, allowing them to run around the entire battlefield smoothly.

Those people don't participate in the battle, they only do one thing, and that is to hook up and pick up pieces of shiny medicine beast spar on the ground.

Needless to say, these people are all the people who collect medicine beast spar for Zi Yueye.

Moreover, these people were all students of Silver Moon Academy, and it seemed that they were troops sent by Zi Yueye to pick up the medicinal beast spar.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng had the foresight, and while killing the Silver Moon Academy students, he also thought about getting a few sets of Silver Moon Academy student uniforms.

They are available from May to September, and there are still quite a few.

Originally, Qin Shaofeng's actions also caused Tang Qijian's weird look. He once thought that Qin Shaofeng had any unusual hobbies!

But now Qin Shaofeng is really impressed by his foresight.

He took out a set of student uniforms embroidered with eight crescent moons and put a set on himself. Qin Shaofeng looked at the opportunity and stepped on the snow without a trace. A flash entered the edge of the battlefield, and then a few flashes, completely Mixed into the battlefield.

Fortunately, those who pick up the medicinal beast spar have good body skills and agile speed. Qin Shaofeng's movements are not noticeable, but they think it is normal. There are even many people who actively give way. Body, seeing the medicated beast in the battle lead aside, so that Qin Shaofeng could pick up the medicated beast spar on the ground.

Tsk tsk, it is so cooperative, how am I embarrassed to start!

Although he sighed like this in his heart, the movements in Qin Shaofeng's hands were not slow.

what! There are actually three pieces here!

Wow! This is the middle-level medicine beast spar of the innate nine-fold realm!

I rub, there is a small pile here!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Qin Shaofeng's speed is getting faster and faster, and the whole person is even more excited.

I really want to thank that purple moon night!

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help turning his eyes and landed on a high ground.

There are only a few people standing on that high ground, but from a distance, the situation surrounded by inner Qi, I am afraid that all of them are masters of the tenth realm of innate.

And most of them are in the late stage of the Ten Innate Stages.

Among them, the face surrounded by the crowd was like a crown jade, his eyes were like stars, and there was a trace of domineering and arrogance between his eyebrows, although the whole person did not exude any powerful aura.

But the whole body of this person was filled with a silent and majestic aura, standing there like a human emperor looking down on the people.

It is indistinguishable from this that this person is just a teenager who is less than eighteen years old.

Only at first glance, Qin Shaofeng knew that that person was Zi Yueye.

Because, at the moment when he saw the other party, the hostility in Qin Shaofeng's heart suddenly soared.

At this moment, that Zi Yueye seemed to feel something, and looked towards Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng was startled immediately, and instantly lowered his head to pick up a medicated beast spar on the ground, and then did not dare to look at Zi Yueye again.


Is it my illusion?

On the high ground in the distance, Zi Yueye frowned, suddenly a trace of doubt in her heart.

Just now, he seemed to feel some powerful hostility.

And this hostility is very unusual, it seems that he is the enemy of his life.

However, the hostility came quickly and went quickly, and it disappeared in an instant.

"What's the matter with the little prince?" A martial artist who was next to him, seeing Zi Yueye frowned slightly, couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing!" Zi Yueye said faintly, no longer paying attention to the inexplicable hostility in her heart, categorizing it as her own illusion, and then retracting her gaze.

Until this moment, Qin Shaofeng breathed a sigh of relief.

But after this breath, Qin Shaofeng realized that his back was completely wet.

Until this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally understood why he asked Tang Qijian how powerful that Zi Yueye was, Tang Qijian thought for a long time, and finally just spit out a dash.

Very strong!

This answer is vague, but now Qin Shaofeng finally understands why Tang Qijian can only give such a vague answer.

That's because the purple moon night sound is very strong, it is felt from a distance, Qin Shaofeng can even detect the other's powerful aura.

Especially when the other person looked at him, his eyes were like two sharp swords, and they came straight.

However, what shocked Qin Shaofeng the most was that he just glanced at the other party, that is, after one or two breaths, he was noticed by the other party.

If it weren't for having the golden eyes, it also made your eyes much more sensitive. If you noticed the abnormality of Ziyueye, I'm afraid you would be discovered, right?

Thinking about the consequences of being discovered, Qin Shaofeng shuddered severely, and couldn't help but step away from the high ground.

After listening to Zi Yueye’s answer on the high ground, the innate ten-fold pinnacle master didn’t ask any more, instead, he glanced at the high-level medicine beast in the Spirit Vein realm behind the group of medicine beasts in the distance. Then he said: "Little prince, are we going out now? Many people have already been damaged."

Zi Yueye didn't even look at him, and there was no expression on her face. She said indifferently: "If you die, you will die. If you can kill some medicine beasts, what's the use of such waste?"

Although Zi Yueye's tone was cold and merciless, after listening to his words, the surrounding extremely innate ten-fold masters, including the innate ten-fold pinnacle master who was questioning, felt nothing.

In fact, most of the people who were damaged at this moment were not from the Silver Moon Academy, but from other forces in the Silver Moon Nation, and their real people hardly suffered damage.

The reason why the innate ten-fold pinnacle master asked this question was not for the sake of the people of those forces, but because he felt that if too many people died, it would have some influence on their future plans, so I asked the little lord. .

However, after getting Xiao Wangye Zi Yueye's answer, he did not speak again, and looked at the battlefield with a cold expression.

What kind of masters really have, there are just kinds of subordinates.

This Zi Yueye was cold and merciless, and his subordinates were also like this.

Not to mention the people of other forces, even if it was those students who belonged to the Silver Moon Academy who died as many as 80, they would not care.

They also have their own pride, and it is an honor for them to be favored by the little prince.

Because of this kind of honour, they are consciously superior, and looking at other people seems to be as lowly as looking at pigs and sheep. They don't even care about other people's life or death.

However, they are extremely loyal to the little prince Zi Yueye, even if Zi Yueye let them die, they would not frown.

Since the Zi family has existed for hundreds of years, naturally there have been special means to train loyal subordinates.

Obviously, Zi Yueye at a young age has already used it very well.

If so, let Qin Shaofeng know this, I am afraid that his vigilance towards Zi Yueye will rise to a new level again!

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