Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 186: Demon fans

On the battlefield, Qin Shaofeng had been here for half an hour at this moment.

More than 5,000 medicine herds have been killed to less than 3,000.

But it was precisely because of this that the remaining medicine beasts began to fall into madness, bursting out even more powerful forces.

Qin Shaofeng now admires the mysterious old alchemy man more and more.

The medicinal beast was just a created existence. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes or experienced it in person, Qin Shaofeng would never have imagined that the existence created by some power was actually like a real monster beast.

Even the emotions are true, and the outbreak at this moment is proof.

But at the same time Qin Shaofeng was also puzzled.

Doubts about this secret illusion!

Is this place really an illusion arranged on the ground?

But if it is really an illusion, it would be too real!

However, after just thinking for a while, Qin Shaofeng was not struggling with this problem.

Too complicated!

I'll continue to pick up the medicine beast spar!

From entering here to now, Qin Shaofeng has picked up hundreds of medicated beast spars, of which the lowest are the medicated beast spars worth five medicinal power points.

Moreover, it is relatively rare to have five medicine power points, and the most is the medicine animal spar worth 7.8 medicine power points.

So even though Qin Shaofeng only picked up four to five hundred medicated beast spars, the total value of these medicated beast spars was probably more than 3,000 points of medicinal power.

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng thought, maybe the medicated beast spar owned by Zi Yueye should almost be exchanged for a heavenly five-star pill?

If you rob him yourself.

Uh, I seem to think too much about this.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth when he thought of the sharp gaze.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly saw an unusual place, that is, on the battlefield, there was suddenly an innate Ten-level master.

And the master flashed quickly, and every time he flashed, he would appear in front of a person picking up the medicinal beast spar, and then took a space bag from those people, and handed the other to those picking up the medicated beast spar. people.

I rub, this is the one who came to collect the ledger!

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng didn't even know that the other party was the one who collected all the medicated beast spars!

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng seemed to remember that this innate ten-fold master seemed to be one of the people standing next to Zi Yueye on that high slope.

This situation was not what Qin Shaofeng expected!

But at this moment, the person had already rushed over to him.

Qin Shaofeng felt anxious, knowing that it was too late to leave now.

Finally sighed in his heart, Qin Shaofeng directly took out a space bag from his storage ring, and then took out half of the medicine beast spar he picked up and transferred it to the space bag in secret.

Immediately after finishing all this, the innate ten-fold master came to Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng didn't speak, but handed the space bag over.

But what surprised Qin Shaofeng's heart was that the innate ten-fold master didn't reach out to pick it up, but frowned for the first time, and he was puzzled: "This is not the space bag I gave!"

I am dizzy, this space bag is also distributed uniformly?

There was a cold sweat in Qin Shaofeng's heart. If this was discovered, he would have finished playing.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng had an idea and explained: "This was given by a senior in the academy. The previous one. I was out of luck. I was affected by the battle of the ten-heavy congenital beast, and then I was eager to escape. I didn't notice and lost one!"

While talking, Qin Shaofeng secretly circulated the internal Qi in his body, ready to explode a small Li flying knife at any time.

Especially after feeling that the other party exudes a spirit of power, covering himself, Qin Shaofeng almost shot.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng breathed a sigh of relief, the other party’s mental power just touched him, and then took it back, and then reached out to take Qin Shaofeng’s space bag, threw a space bag to Qin Shaofeng, and said coldly: " Pay attention next time, this kind of space bag is more advanced, you can't afford it!"


Although the other party's voice was extremely cold, Qin Shaofeng knew he had passed.


The person didn't give Qin Shaofeng a chance to speak, and ran to the next person.

"I'll go. Fortunately, this guy doesn't know all the people who pick up the medicated beast spar, otherwise I will be exposed!"

After a soft breath, Qin Shaofeng picked up the space bag and once again merged into the crowd battlefield.

In short, Qin Shaofeng is lucky.

These people who were sent to pick up the medicinal beast spar were all from the Silver Moon Academy, but according to Zi Yueye’s order, they were all students looking for good physical fitness, so Zi Yueye’s subordinate of the tenth level of innate realm, Don't recognize everyone.

In addition, what Qin Shaofeng said was reasonable, and he did not find other space pockets on Qin Shaofeng's body, and this also believed Qin Shaofeng's words.

After all, these people who picked up the medicated beast spar were confiscated their own space bags in the first place.

With these flukes, Qin Shaofeng was extremely dangerously confused.

However, Qin Shaofeng's heart had a retreat at this time.

It's not a good thing to stay here like this!


Unable to raise his head and look in the direction Tang Qijian left, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly.

Why isn't Old Tang okay?

It's been a long time!

Just as Qin Shaofeng had an idea, suddenly, he vaguely felt a unique vibration on the ground.

The reason why he is unique is that at this moment, this place, under the herd of thousands of medicine beasts, is shaking all the time, but this unique vibration comes from a far distance.

If not, Qin Shaofeng always pays attention to such movements, I am afraid he would not even notice it.

At this moment, after realizing it, Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up slightly, and there was a hint of excitement in his heart.

Haha, it seems that Old Tang should have succeeded.

I just don't know how much he can attract!

Just when Qin Shaofeng was excited, in the distance, a few miles away, Tang Qijian was now turning into a sword, rushing lifelessly.

And behind him, is a large group of crazy medicine beasts.

This group of medicated beasts seemed to be in a mood of riot for some reason, and the reason for this situation seemed to be Tang Qijian.

At this moment, these medicated beasts had red eyes, chasing Tang Qijian frantically.

To be precise, it was chasing the jade bottle in Tang Qijian's hand.

The reason for this is because the jade bottle in Tang Qijian's hand contains a kind of medicinal powder called Yu Yaofen.

Yu Yaofen, the name is very appropriate, is the powder that can arouse the desire of monsters and beasts, and it is still the kind of powder that can work both male and female.

Once the demon beast that is evoked by the desire of the demon fan, it will frantically pursue the smell of the demon fan, because in their eyes, the scent of the demon fan is undoubtedly the most suitable female (male) for their mating.

Even the monster beast that has aroused desire will be in a state of extreme excitement, and there is a tendency to never give up.

Unless it is a spirit beast, otherwise no beast can get rid of this desire demon fan.

This Demon Fan didn't know which masterpiece it was. Anyway, after Qin Shaofeng first saw it in the Contribution Hall of Lianyang Academy, he bought a bottle and prepared it to be used by the Yin Ren under certain circumstances.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that this **** demon fan would come in handy so soon.

At the beginning, Qin Shaofeng was also worried that this Demon Fan would not have any effect on the medicine beasts here.

Because Qin Shaofeng seemed to have also discovered that the medicine animals here did not breed from male to female.

However, after throwing out a little bit and seeing hundreds of medicinal beasts rioting madly, Qin Shaofeng understood that this Demon Powder also had an effect on medicinal beasts.

When he came here, he realized that the strength of himself and Tang Qijian could not affect the battlefield at this moment. Qin Shaofeng had an idea to attract other medicinal beasts with Demon Powder.

Qin Shaofeng didn't believe it anymore. Facing the 5,000 medicinal beasts, he was adding some to Zi Yueye, so Zi Yueye could deal with it easily.

As for how many people will die because of his actions, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about that.

Anyway, with the relationship between Lianyang Kingdom and Yinyue Kingdom, he didn't need to bear any burden at all.

Tang Qijian thought the same way, because both of them knew that if there was a chance, the other party would probably do even better.

And the reason why Tang Qijian was asked to radiate Demon powder to attract medicinal beasts, who told him that after turning into a sword, he could reach the speed of the tenth innate realm. If he didn't go, who would go?

And judging from the situation at the moment, Qin Shaofeng knew that his plan had succeeded.


It seems that Old Tang is pretty awesome!

Feeling the vibration from a distance, Qin Shaofeng's smile grew more and more as he got closer.

Not far away, on the high **** where Zi Yueye was located, Zi Yueye frowned suddenly, and finally noticed something, and suddenly turned his head to look into the distance.

At this glance, he saw that a few miles away, a cloud of smoke and dust was coming towards him.

not good!

As if thinking of something, Zi Yueye's face suddenly became ugly.

Zi Yueye's abnormal condition immediately attracted the attention of others.

"What happened to the little prince!" He was still the master of the tenth peak congenital realm. He noticed that Zi Yueye's expression was wrong and asked.

"Oh, great!"

Zi Yueye didn't answer directly, but instead smiled lightly.

But at this moment, everyone on this high **** suddenly felt a cold chill.

They knew Zi Yueye's character well, and knew that their little prince was already in extreme anger at the moment.

And soon, they also knew why Zi Yueye was so angry.

Because this was a slight vibration from the ground, they had already noticed it.

In fact, there is no need to feel the vibration of the ground. At this moment, they are just looking at it with the naked eye. They have already seen a few miles away, there is an unknown number of medicinal beasts, which are madly rushing here.

This...what is going on?

For a while, these elder brothers on Gaopo's innate ten-fold realm masters were all stunned and looked at a loss.

Zi Yueye's eyes grew colder, because he had already seen Tang Qijian in the distance, who was rushing towards him in the form of a sword.

It was him!

Zi Yueye never expected that a small person who was already a waste in her own eyes would dare to calculate herself.

After provoking Tang Qijian's aggressive sword intent, Zi Yueye handed Tang Qijian to his subordinates, because he felt that Tang Qijian's ending was doomed.

Even if he later learned that Tang Qijian had escaped, he didn't care much.

But now, it seems that I still underestimated the other party!

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