Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 187: The strength of Ziyueye


Soon, the sound of countless medicinal beasts rushing like a sea in the distance was heard by the humans on the battlefield here.

"What happened?"

"What's this sound?"

Numerous voices of surprise and suspicion undulated each other on the battlefield, adding a trace of anxiety on the battlefield.

At this moment, instead of hitting a corner, suddenly there was a sound of extremely panic.

"No, it's the animal tide?"

Beast tide?

Everyone is dizzy, this medicine beast also has beasts?

However, when I think about it, it seems that the medicine beast here is basically not different from the monster beasts outside, and for a while, the anxiety in everyone's hearts is even greater.

And at this moment, the dust that was rising in the distance because of the rush, finally appeared in front of everyone.

Even sharp-eyed people seemed to see it, and the countless figures under the dust in the distance were completely panicked.

"Animal tide! It's really the animal tide!"


This time, no one was wondering anything.

Everyone understood the trembling that was getting closer and closer, and it seemed that a beast wave really occurred.

At this moment, a sword light suddenly flashed in the distance, and then everyone saw a human figure and heard a cold voice.

"Zi Yue Ye, the grace of chasing and killing, I will remember it in my heart, and I will pay back thousands of medicine beasts this time!"

After saying a word, that figure instantly turned into a sword light, and disappeared.

Everyone understood this time, the other party was here to avenge their little prince.

However, this is not the point, the point is the last sentence of the other party.

Thousands of monsters?

I rub!

This is the core area of ​​this secret illusion. The tens of thousands of medicine beasts here are probably many times more dangerous than the ones outside!


There was another horrified roar, which exploded in the crowd in an instant.

The people who were panicked in their hearts were so violently exploded that they were even more panicked in an instant, and then subconsciously dropped the medicinal beasts in the fighting, and ran around one by one.

No one noticed that this ‘run’ seemed very similar to the initial ‘It’s a beast tide’, as if it was a person shouting out.

I don't even know that someone in a certain corner, seeing the crowd fleeing around, has a gleeful smile on his face.

Besides Qin Shaofeng, who else could this person be?

Let Tang Qijian win the Demon Fan to attract a large number of medicated beasts, agitate a little in the crowd battlefield, in order to disrupt Ziyueye's plan to hunt and kill medicated beasts.

This is what Qin Shaofeng calls mischief, but compared with the first A plan before, obviously this B plan seems to be more thorough!

Qin Shaofeng didn't think how many people would be left here after this time.

And even the remaining people would probably hide directly, and would no longer be dispatched by Zi Yueye.

After all, after this time, it is impossible for Zi Yueye to search for how many survivors, right?

Qin Shaofeng could already imagine how ugly Zi Yueye's face was at this moment.

Qin Shaofeng was right, the face of Zi Yueye at the moment was indeed extremely ugly.

Especially when he heard Tang Qijian's words, he was even more furious.

Who is he Ziyueye?

The future heir of the Zi family is also the first person to practice "Ziyun Promise" for hundreds of years, a veritable genius.

Especially this time entering this secret illusion, an unintentional discovery made Zi Yueye mad with surprise.

If it weren't for that discovery, Zi Yueye wouldn't have summoned so many lowly existences to fight for himself.

In Zi Yueye's eyes, not everyone can fight for him, and he doesn't like those lowly people.

But Zi Yueye never expected that it was a lowly existence in her own eyes that actually undermined her plan.

Although he looks down on other people in this way, it is undeniable that with those lowly existences, the plan in his heart can be carried out more smoothly.

When I thought of that, that could allow me to cultivate innate Ziyun in a very short time, even surpassing the record of the ancestors of the Zi family, Zi Yueye was extremely excited.

But what is happening now makes his plan extremely bad.

At the very least, even if it succeeds, there is not enough time.

After all, in this place, outsiders like myself can only stay for ten days at most!


Looking at the figure that had disappeared in the distance, a trace of unforgettable killing intent flashed in Zi Yueye's eyes.

"Little prince, do we want to chase it?"

An innate ten-tiered martial artist asked, with a trace of anger flashing in his eyes.

And the other subordinates around Zi Yueye are also extremely angry at this moment. As Zi Yueye's direct line of troops, they know that their master's plan, and once the plan is successful, then their master's future will be extremely astonishing.

Even astonishing to surpass the first person among the three nations in a thousand years, Lian Yang, is not impossible.

So for those who dare to destroy their master plan, they all want to tear each other up.

"Do not!"

Taking a deep breath, Zi Yueye forcibly suppressed the killing intent in her heart, and then said in a deep voice: "You don't need to chase, it's just an ant. There is a chance to get rid of him. Now, before the group of medicine beasts arrive here, We have more important things to do!"

With that said, Zi Yueye's gaze shifted and fell on the high-level Spirit Vein Realm medicated beast in the medicinal beast group not far away.


I rub, this mess is so dangerous.

Dangerously evading the attack of a middle-level medicine beast with the innate ninth layer, Qin Shaofeng dodged and fled into the distance without reluctance.

Although Qin Shaofeng was able to kill the middle-level medicine beast, Qin Shaofeng did not do so.

Because of the situation at the moment, once he gets into a fight with the medicine beast, even if it is such a blink of an eye, I am afraid that he will be surrounded by a lot of medicine beasts.

In that case, even if Qin Shaofeng Xiaoli's flying knife rose to level 5 and his internal energy exceeded one million, he would be in danger.

Because just now, Qin Shaofeng saw that several martial artists with nine levels of innateness were dragged down by an eight-fold or even seven-fold innate medicine beast. Then the next moment, they were drowned by a large number of medicine beasts, and they couldn't die again.

"I wipe it, it's too dangerous, get out of here!"

Seeing that an innate ten-tiered martial artist had also ended up being swallowed by a large number of medicinal beasts, Qin Shaofeng shook his whole body and shivered.

But at this moment, suddenly, several powerful innate ten-fold auras whizzed past Qin Shaofeng's head.


It's Ziyueye!

Looking up, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a little doubt when he saw the familiar person among several silhouettes.

what happened?

This Ziyueye not only didn't leave, but how did he pass to the medicine beast group deep in the battlefield.

Suddenly, Qin Shaofengshu's eyes lit up slightly, as if he understood something, and then turned around to take a look and completely understood Zi Yueye's plan.

Sure enough!

Zi Yueye actually didn't plan to give up, did he want to kill the spirit vein medicine beast in the medicine beast herd before the beast tide came?

In that case...

A hint of thought flashed in his eyes, and then Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth, and the smile became a little playful.

Then, Qin Shaofeng did not leave, but followed Zi Yueye and the others, and slowly followed the Spirit Vessel Realm Medicine Beast.

Anyway, Qin Shaofeng told Tang Qijian before, as long as the plan is successful, if he does not rush to the agreed place, let Tang Qijian go alone, and then the two will meet in the core circle.

This is also the reason why Tang Qijian flees away alone after attracting the medicated beast and sowing all the fans of the desire to demon.

At this moment, seeing Zi Yueye's actions, Qin Shaofeng had the idea of ​​picking up a bargain.

He is very interested in the medicine pill in the body of the high-level medicine beast of the spirit vein realm.

boom! boom! boom!

Qin Shaofeng, who followed far away, was shocked at the moment when he heard the loud bang.

He shocked the strength of Zi Yueye and his party.

too strong!

Looking at everyone around Zi Yueye, every time she made a move, her internal energy was filled with shocking momentum.

And every time, a large number of medicinal beasts can be taken away, among them there are many middle-level beasts with innate ninefold realm.

Qin Shaofeng could feel that the strength of any one of them was stronger than his own. If he matched himself, unless his hole cards were exhausted, Qin Shaofeng had no chance of winning.

There are so many good players around Zi Yueye?

Qin Shaofeng's brows wrinkled slightly as he looked at the seven Congenital Tenth Heavy men around Zi Yueye.

However, it is not them that makes Qin Shaofeng really care about. What makes Qin Shaofeng really care about is that his subordinates have such strength, what about Zi Yueye himself?

Qin Shaofeng has always heard that the heavenly practice of the Zi Family, "Zi Yun Wu Ji", is actually a little more advanced than Emperor Lian Yang's "Lian Yang Bao Dian".

The reason why the first practice of the three countries is "Lianyang Baodian" instead of "Ziyun Wuji" of the Zi Family is because the cultivation conditions of "Ziyun Wuji" are extremely harsh.

Even Zhao Yuner once mentioned Du Meng’s "Nine Turns Overlord Body" and mentioned the exercises that can compete with "Nine Turns Overlord Body". Among the three countries, there is only the Zi Family's "Ziyun". Promise.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng was very curious about how strong he was after practicing Zi Yueye in "Zi Yun Wu Ji".

And soon, Qin Shaofeng knew.

In the distance, there were seven innate and ten heavy masters, and Zi Yueye didn't make any moves along the way.

However, when the eight of them were about to approach the location of the high-level medicine beast in the spirit vein, the three strongest middle-level medicine beasts among the medicine beasts finally dispatched.

Except for the high-level medicated beast in the spirit vein realm, these three middle-level medicated beasts are probably the strongest existence in this group of medicated beasts.

It can be sensed from the breath that the three middle-level medicinal beasts are already in the late tenth stage of innate and peak realm.

When encountering such three middle-level medicinal beasts, Qin Shaofeng had no other choice but to escape.

But Ziyueye is not like that.

This time, Zi Yueye didn't let her men do it, but did it herself.

With this shot, Qin Shaofeng finally saw the strength of Zi Yueye.

Hanging not far away, Qin Shaofeng could only see from a distance, facing the three powerful mid-level medicinal beasts that rushed towards him, Zi Yueye just stretched out his right hand, and then Feng Qingyun took out three palms.


An internal energy with purple light was photographed by Zi Yueye, and then condensed into three huge internal energy palm prints, which were shot at the three middle-level medicine beasts.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In mid-air, three explosions suddenly erupted. Under Qin Shaofeng's shocked eyes in the distance, the three middle-ranked medicine beasts in the late tenth stage and even the pinnacle state of innateness were lost.

With just a palm, a middle-level medicine beast was directly shot into gas, leaving a round medicine beast spar.


And it's still three spikes in a row!

This is the strength of Zi Yueye?

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