Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 188: Thank you for your reward

I rub, is this purple moon night so hanging?

Qin Shaofeng in the distance, his eyes widened after seeing this scene.

He finally understood now how strong this Zi Yue Ye was.

Because of Zi Yueye's hands-on, Qin Shaofeng faintly thought of Zhao Yun'er.

"Trouble! I didn't expect the strength of this Zi Yueye to be so strong, killing the Innate Ten Pinnacle Medicine Beast in a second, without any effort, this has exceeded my expectations of his strength! It seems that this pick is cheap, and it seems that it is not It's so easy to pick up!"

For a time, Qin Shaofeng felt a hint of withdrawal in his heart.

However, Qin Shaofeng felt a little more settled when he thought of his own dance skills and his nearly half a million points of internal energy.

Lets see!

If it doesn't work, then give up. After all, your own safety is the first thing.

After thinking for a while, Qin Shaofeng finally picked up the Yi Jin Jing, concealed all his breath, and found a hidden place to hide.

At this moment, the beast wave in the distance was less than a kilometer away from here.

When Tang Qijian left, not only did he spill a lot of Demon Fans, he even threw the last bit of Demon Fans along with the jade bottle in his hand.

According to Tang Qijian's calculation, this would definitely allow the countless medicated beasts behind him to join the group of medicated beasts where Qin Shaofeng was.

In fact, although Zi Yueye didn't know what means Tang Qijian used to attract so many medicated beasts, he could see that it would be a matter of time before the two medicinal beasts merged.

Therefore, Zi Yueye had a quick fight and a quick decision to solve the high-level spirit beast's plan.


Three of his strongest men were killed, causing the spirit vein realm monster beast to become angry, and then rushed towards the murderer Zi Yueye frantically.

Although this group of medicinal beasts is similar to wolf-type monsters, they are about the same size as ordinary wolf-type monsters.

But as the leader of the entire medicinal animal group, this high-ranking monster in the spirit veins was actually four to five meters tall, more than twice the size of Qin Shaofeng's Tiger Lion and Tiger Lord.

In front of it, there was only a one-meter-eight purple moon night, which was nothing short of it.

However, this small power is not small at all.


Facing the violent attack of the high-level medicine beast of the Spirit Vein realm, Zi Yueye shot it with a palm, and the purple light color appeared again, and the high-level monster beast was shot flying with one palm.

Zi Yueye gained power and did not spare the beast. Seeing that high-level medicine beast was shot flying by himself, he took the initiative to launch an attack.

After all, the beast tide in the distance is about to rush, and there is not enough time to solve it as soon as possible.


Being slapped flying by Zi Yueye's palm made the high-level medicine beast very angry.

Qin Shaofeng discovered that the high-level medicine beast's skin was so thick that it could kill the power of the ten innate peaks in seconds, and it didn't cause any harm when slapped on it.

"It's worthy of being a medicinal beast in the spirit vein realm! This skin is really thick!"

After seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng, who was hiding in the distance, murmured, seeing him like that seems to have a tendency to watch the big show.


There was another roar, and the high-level medicine beast opened its mouth and spat out a ball of light.

Qin Shaofeng could feel it even after such a distance, the power of the ball of light, even if his lightning armor doubled its defense, it would not be enough for the opponent to kill.

But for such a powerful ball of light, that Zi Yueye patted again without frowning.


With a loud explosion, the ball of light was actually picked up by Zi Yueye's big palm.

"Hey, it seems that my strength is still quite weak!"

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng, who was originally promoted to the Seventh Innate Level and was able to kill the Nine Innate Martial Masters and was a little proud, immediately lost that point of pride in his heart.

Boom boom boom!

In the distance, the beast-like medical herd was getting closer.

As if aware of this, Zi Yueye's eyes flashed, and she decided not to delay any longer.

"Ziyun Tianxia!"

With a loud shout, Zi Yueye's whole body was surging, and the billowing purple inner breath burst out, facing the high-level medicine beast, Zi Yueye flipped her right hand gently, carrying the billowing purple inner breath, and patted it fiercely.


A huge palm print that was not inferior to the body of a high-level medicine beast was instantly shot out by Zi Yueye. The momentum was terrifying, and it was shaking the sky!

Even under this huge palm print, the surrounding air solidified, revealing a trace of heaviness and depression, and hurled at the high-level medicine beast.


Feeling the heavy and depressed aura, the high-ranking monster seemed to understand that the blow of this little human in front of him was extremely difficult, but after all, it was only felt in front of the human, not as good as its own aura, so it There was no thought of dodge, but the whole body flashed, and a strange breath rose.

That is……

From a distance, Qin Shaofeng, who felt this strange aura, narrowed his eyes, and said in his heart: Spiritual energy, this is the spiritual energy that only the Spirit Vessel realm possesses.

That's right, facing Zi Yueye's palm, even though that high-rank monster did not evade, it used the spiritual energy that only when entering the spiritual vein realm.

With the blessing of spiritual energy, the defense power of that high-level monster beast has increased a lot, and its aura has increased a lot.

This made Qin Shaofeng feel that even if the palm of Zi Yueye was so powerful, he would probably not be able to hurt that high-level medicine beast!

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng knew that he was wrong.


Zi Yueye naturally noticed the move of the high-level medicine beast, but he just snorted disdainfully, and a sneer flashed in his eyes.

A beast is a beast. How can you know the power of "Ziyun Promise" from my Zi Family?

A cold light flashed in her eyes, and Zi Yueye waved her right hand violently.


The loud purple palm prints that had blasted the high-level medicine beast quickly, under the wave of Zi Yueye, the speed skyrocketed by a large amount in vain.

Looking from a distance, even if it was a huge purple brick, it smashed at the high-level medicine beast fiercely.

At this time, the high-level medicine beast seemed to finally notice that something was wrong, and the thought of avoiding arose in his heart.

But by this time it was already too late.


The giant palm smashed down and hit the high-level medicine beast sturdily, and just like this, the high-level medicine beast actually seemed to have been hit by a big mountain, and its entire body quickly flew backwards. Get out.

And in the process of flying backwards, the aura belonging to that high-level medicine beast actually began to drop rapidly.

Even after the purple giant palm was completely consumed, the high-level medicine beast that was flying backwards quickly turned into a mass of gas and disappeared with a slight bang.

In midair, there were only two small light clusters, which were still flying backwards quickly because of the subsequent force.

I rub, this...

In the scene before him, Qin Shaofeng, who was watching in the distance, seemed to be stuck in his throat, unable to say a word, just a look of shock.


That high-level medicinal beast in the spirit vein realm was slapped to death by Zi Yueye!

It was unexpected!

Qin Shaofeng didn't think that it was the strength of a high-level medicine beast, not strong enough.

That's a real spirit state!

Didn't you see the aura on that high-level medicine beast at the last moment?

But even so, that high-level medicine beast was eventually killed by Zi Yueye's palm.

Qin Shaofeng knew clearly in his heart that he had repeatedly estimated Zi Yueye's strength, and in the end he still underestimated the opponent's strength.

I rub, this Ziyueye's strength is too strong, for the sake of myself, I better retreat cautiously!

In just an instant, Qin Shaofeng thought of retreating in his heart.

But as soon as this thought appeared, Qin Shaofeng stopped.

Because he only discovered at this time that the last direction the medicine beast flew upside down seemed to be facing his side.

If it were a monster, I am afraid it has already landed at this moment.

But this place only has that special medicine beast, and when that medicine beast dies, it will gasify, leaving only the medicine beast spar in its body.

And at this moment, it was precisely because of this that after the huge medicine beast corpse disappeared, the two small light clusters left in the air still kept flying fast, flying towards Qin Shaofeng.

One of them is naturally the medicine beast spar.

As for the other, not surprisingly, it was the mysterious pill that Qin Shaofeng was extremely curious about.

At this moment, after killing the medicine beast in the distance, Zi Yueye was also panting.

After all, it is a medicated beast in the Spirit Vein Realm. Even if the "Ziyun Promise" he cultivates is no matter how powerful, in order to achieve this kill, Zi Yueye consumes a lot.

If not, at the moment the beast tide in the distance is approaching, Zi Yueye would never choose this method to kill the high-level medicine beast.

After all, with his strength, it would be much easier to slowly grind that high-level medicine beast to death.

But in the current situation, there was no extra choice for Zi Yueye, and she could only consume a large amount of internal energy to achieve this kill.

Seeing that the medicine beast died and disappeared, Zi Yueye hurriedly shouted to her subordinates in the distance: "Quickly, pick up the medicine beast spar and the medicine pill. Let's leave!"

As early as when Zi Yueye was fighting that high-level medicine beast, Zi Yueye's seven innate ten-weight subordinates were far away and prevented the other medicine beasts from interfering with their master's actions.

At this moment, upon hearing his master's instructions, one of the innate ten-tier martial arts masters, without even thinking about it, rushed over.

But just after the innate ten-tiered martial artist came to the place where the two small light clusters fell, he picked up the medicated beast spar and medicine into his hands, before he waited for him to observe carefully. It was a flash of silver light.

Do not!

Not one, but three!

As a martial artist in the tenth realm of innate, and still in the later realm, this master was aware of the moment the silver light blade flashed.

Moreover, the reaction speed of this master was extremely astonishing, his body flashed, and the inner Qi wall instantly condensed.

However, the speed of the silver blade light was not slow, it only gave the master the opportunity to condense the inner Qi wall, and blasted him.


The first light of the silver blade flashed past, and the wall of inner energy that the master hurriedly condensed was actually blasted through.

The master was shocked, but at this moment, a second silver sword light appeared.

There is no way, the master can only plan to use his own body to resist.


With a bang, the silver blade light disappeared, and the expert's blood spurted wildly, and he was seriously injured in an instant.

However, in the end, he insisted on it.

He is not dead!

It's a pity that before he was happy, the last light of the silver sword appeared.

"Do not--!"

Faced with this last silver light sword light, this innate ten-fold late stage master only had time to shout no, and then his chest was instantly penetrated by the silver light sword light.

At the moment when the silver blade light flashed, there was a figure that rushed to the innate ten-fold master.

After the last ray of silver blade light penetrated the master, the figure just arrived in front of him.



In the blink of an eye, the medicated beast spar and pill disappeared in that master's hand.

Even a storage ring on his body disappeared.

After finishing scraping, the figure that suddenly appeared, with a violent sound, flew away like a wild goose.

In midair, there was only a loud laugh.

"Hahaha! Thank you, the little prince, for the reward, the little one keeps it in my heart!"

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