Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1823: crisis

"It's just a little bit, just a little bit of time!"

A trace of regret flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

But he knew in his heart that he had no time to continue refining this destruction crystal nucleus, and those super-star destruction beasts were about to take action.

And once those super-star destruction beasts shot, Jindi and others were no opponents at all.

At that time, the coalition forces will probably suffer huge losses, which is different from Qin Shaofeng's original intention.

Although he didn't like the coalition forces, he didn't want to lose such a super support of the coalition forces before the powerful enemy of Destroyer Beast was solved.

This is not a good thing for the ancient sanctuary!

In the end, Qin Shaofeng's heart was ruthless: "I don't believe it anymore. I want to see what the destruction of the crystal core is like. It's so difficult to refine."

At the next moment, Qin Shaofeng seemed to have made some decision, not to continue refining the destruction crystal nucleus, which was already much smaller than the soybean, but directly crushed it with force.


The destruction crystal nucleus seemed very fragile, and it was crushed by Qin Shaofeng with force.

But after crushing it, Qin Shaofeng discovered that this thing was still a hollow, with a space the size of a grain of rice in its center.

And there is indeed a special power in this space!

this is?

Feeling the special power in this rice grain space, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with shock.

He did not expect that the center of this destruction crystal core was actually hollow, and there was actually a special power.

This kind of power is really special, and Qin Shaofeng can feel the breath of the law of space and the law of time from it.

And not only that, it's the law of water, the law of fire and so on, all of which exist.

This seems to be a special force that brings together all the power of laws.

The power of Taoism!

Almost for an instant, Qin Shaofeng recognized this trace of power.

It is really the power of the Taoist world, not the breath of the power of the Taoist world, but the real power of the Taoist world.

There is a trace of Daoist power in this destruction crystal core?

Qin Shaofeng was shocked in his heart, and at the same time was a burst of ecstasy. He immediately absorbed the power of the Silk Road Realm and began to refine and integrate it into this immortal incarnation.

And at the moment when he absorbed the power of the Silk Road Realm, Qin Shaofeng's whole person was instantaneous, as if he had entered a profound and profound realm, and his whole person stayed motionless.

At the same time, the situation of the outside world has undergone tremendous changes.

"Come on, everyone, this super-star destruction beast can no longer hold on, and it will be hunted by us soon!"

The Emperor Jin shouted, his eyes flashed with excitement.

Super star destruction beast!

Once this is killed, if the destruction spar possessed in his body is absorbed by himself, it may be possible to transform many lines of the avenue into the lines of law.

This makes Jindi very excited!

And the other ten powerhouses are all very excited.

Because in the course of the battle, they have already felt that this super-star destruction beast is extremely special.

They didn't know what the destruction spar in his body was.

But they have already learned through battle that this super-star destruction beast has a flesh and blood body.

And it is just its huge body, like a super large destruction spar, exuding very powerful law power.

In this way, the distribution can be just fine.

The Emperor Jin got the destruction spar in his body, and this huge flesh and blood body was divided equally among the top ten powerhouses.

Moreover, Emperor Jin also assured that if he encounters other super-star destruction beasts, he will not take any of the destruction crystal nucleus or even the flesh and blood body he hunted.

With such a guarantee, the top ten also felt reasonable and agreed to such a distribution.

Now they are about to kill this super-star destruction beast, and their hearts are naturally excited.

But at this moment, suddenly there were several roars.




After several roars, Jindi's expression changed in an instant, and he heard a bad cry in his heart, and suddenly an extremely bad guess emerged.

It seemed to confirm the guess in the Jin Emperor's heart, and several unusually powerful auras burst out instantly in the area behind the Destruction Beast.

Super star!

It's the breath of super star destruction beast!

This time, not only the Golden Emperor, but also the other top ten powerhouses changed their expressions.

One, two, three, four, five, five super-star destruction beasts!

There are actually five super-star destruction beasts? ? ?

When seeing the five figures exuding a powerful breath, the top ten experts took a breath.

The eleven of them had already struggled a bit to deal with a super-star destruction beast.

Now there are five of them?


This idea appeared in all of them instantly, but it was too late.

Almost at the moment they appeared, the five super-star destruction beasts rushed over in an instant.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

Five figures fell, and five super-star destruction beasts surrounded Jindi and the others.

This seems a pity, but only five, can it surround eleven people?

But it is true!

After all, these are five super-star destruction beasts!

As soon as the five super-star destruction beasts appeared, Jindi and the others directly gave up and continued to attack the super-star destruction beast.

At this moment, the already scarred Super Star Destroyer Beast had fallen to its companion, staring fiercely at Jin Di and the others, and the anger flashing in it was extremely rich.

In order to attract that person, it paid such a price, but in the end there was no gain. This made this super-star destruction beast, naturally, it hated Jindi and others extremely.

At this moment, Emperor Jin knew in his heart that he and others had suffered a catastrophe.

But Jindi is always the Jindi, facing such a desperate situation, he is actually stimulated bloody.

"My friends, this is the end of the matter, and we can only do our best now!"

As soon as the Emperor Jin made a sound, the other top ten also laughed.

"Hey, it looks like this can be done too!"

"Ha, I didn't expect my flame emperor to have today, but if I want my life, even if it is a super-star destruction beast, I want it to pay enough!"

"The old man has lived for so long, and it is worthwhile to be able to fight one last **** battle!"

"In that case, let us kill two or three super-star destruction beasts!"

"Heh, what are you afraid of, there are six super destruction spars here, this time I can always divide one!"

"Haha, easy to talk, easy to talk!"


None of these ten powerhouses is simple, and they are not panicked at all in the face of such a desperate situation.

In fact, they know very well in their hearts that in today's crisis, panic is useless, but will get in the way and affect their performance.


Oh, this is impossible!

In the face of a powerful enemy of the super-star destruction beast, running away will only speed up his own death.

And the most important thing is that on the battlefield at this moment, among the coalition forces behind them, there are people with their ethnic group.

This time, in order to defeat the beasts of destruction, and even hunt for destruction of the spar, although these powerful men would not come out with their own power, they definitely brought most of the power.

If all is lost, it will have a huge impact on their ethnic group.

Perhaps if they really intend to escape, they barely have that chance.

But these tribesmen and descendants behind them are absolutely inevitable.

In the face of super-star destruction beasts, it is difficult for them to deal with such powerful ones, and other people are probably even worse.

Therefore, even if it is just for the people behind them, they can't escape.

They have completely spared it.

However, at the same time, they secretly informed the coalition to retreat.


Finally, with a roar from one of the super-stars, the six super-star destruction beasts immediately attacked Jindi and the others.


With a roar of anger, the golden light flashed all over his body, and he rushed up immediately.

The other top ten powerhouses also roared one after another and directly killed them.

If it had been against that super-star destruction beast before, Jindi and the others still had some reservations. Ten percent of the combat power would be 70% to 80%.

But at this moment, even the Emperor Jin didn't have any reservations, and he burst out with all his strength, especially the rest of the strong.

However, the only difference is that the first time Jindi found it was the super-star destruction beast they had dealt with together.

It stands to reason that he has the strongest strength here, and he should be able to deal with the stronger super-star destruction beast.

But in fact, Jin Di found the injured, the weakest super-star destruction beast.

Regarding this point, the rest of the powerhouses did not object to anything, and even paired in pairs, dragging down the remaining five super-star destruction beasts.

Because all of them knew very well that if Jindi could directly kill the injured superstar destruction beast at this moment, then the situation would definitely get better.

The Emperor Jin was also aiming at this point, so he directly approached the previous Super Star Destroyer Beast, and as soon as he came up, the Emperor Jin burst out with all his strength and wanted to destroy the Super Star Destroyer Beast as soon as possible. Boom kill.

Not to mention, under such a full-scale eruption, the Destroyer Beast that was already in his hands was actually crushed and beaten by the Emperor Jin, and he could not even regain his hand. He could only passively resist, and the Emperor Jin had the upper hand.

But even so, it would take some time for Jin Di to kill this super-star destruction beast.

But now for other strong players, the situation is very bad.

Although they fought in pairs, they dragged the five super-star destruction beasts.

But their strength is far not as strong as the Jindi, even if they try their best to burst out, the two will not be opponents of a super-star destruction beast.

Even after only a few breaths, several of them were injured.

The situation is critical!

The Emperor Jin knew this in his heart, and he became more and more anxious to make his moves. He was ruthless in his heart, and his body was full of golden light. For a time, the whole person seemed to be poured with gold, and the whole body was golden.

Under such circumstances, Jindi's combat power instantly soared, and the burst of two or three strokes of golden light would have driven the super-star destruction beast to a dead end, which was difficult to support.

But at this moment, as if knowing that his companion was in danger, one of the super-star destruction beasts roared, and burst into a shocking breath.


Participating with a fierce noise, it was one of the powerhouses who ruled the Supreme Peak, who was directly bitten off half of his body by the erupting Destroyer Beast.

Reaching the pinnacle of dominating the supreme state, losing half of his body and half of his body is fatal, but suffering such a heavy injury has already caused the strength of that strong to drop instantly.

He reluctantly avoided the point, and did not let the super-star swallow him, but he had lost half of his body, facing the super-star destruction beast, he was already unable to avoid it.

The strong man who fought with him was also hit by this super-star destroying beast long before, and he slammed back extremely far, too late for a while.

"My life is over!" The strong man felt desperate.

But at this moment, with a scream, a silver blade light with a blazing white flame flashed in an instant, with a thundering aura, directly blasting back the super-star destruction beast.

who is it?

The strong man on the other half of his body was startled, and when he looked up, he saw a figure suddenly appeared in front of him at some unknown time.

That figure was blazing white, wearing a white glass armor!

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