Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1824: Qin Shaofeng shot

Finally caught up!

Seeing that a strong man was about to die at the mouth of the super-star destruction beast, Qin Shaofeng finally appeared.

After absorbing the power of Dao Realm before, Qin Shaofeng had fallen into a special state.

This special realm is very peculiar, as if it made Qin Shaofeng blend into the entire Qiyuan Star.

This is actually the principle of Qin Shaofeng's soul and Qi Yuanxing's great path, and there is a state of resonance.

Because the power of the Silk Road Realm that Qin Shaofeng absorbed was actually part of the power of the Dao Realm that was previously integrated into the Qiyuan Star Dao Law.

It turned out that during the battle between Qi Yuan Xing and Destroying Beast in the ancient times, the power of Qi Yuan Xing finally used the power of the Dao realm integrated into the law of Qi Yuan Xing Dao to completely seal Destroying Beasts as the source of the seal.

But helplessly, the existence of Destroyer Beasts was originally due to the existence of the birth of the negative force during the fusion of the Qiyuan Star Realm and the Earth Realm.

Therefore, it is not a wise move to seal and destroy the beast with the power of the Taoist world.

In the end, instead, a Dao-level destruction beast swallowed the Dao-level power of the source of the seal in the Sealed Land for countless years, and refined it for its own use.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng's father, Qin Feiyang, in order to save Qiyuan Star Dao Realm and Earth Dao Realm, began to collect the power of other Dao Realms on Qiyuan Star.

If not, I am afraid that the destruction beast will gain more power from the Dao realm.

However, even so, the Destroyer Beast still gained some power from the Dao Realm, and Qin Shaofeng didn't know the exact amount.

But Qin Shaofeng guessed that at least three of the power of the Dao Realm was taken by the Destroyer Beast.

The only thing that is more fortunate is that because of the fusion of the two Dao realms, the Sealed Land of the Destroyer Beast has also undergone special changes, and finally evolved into such a special secret realm.

And the destruction beast that absorbed the power of the refining Dao realm could not come out at all in that secret realm now.

But even in this situation, the Dao-level destruction beast of that secret realm still released some Dao-world power from that secret realm through a certain influence.

Under its deliberate influence, these Daoist powers were absorbed by ten-star destruction beasts, and eventually they evolved super-star destruction beasts.

These are some memory information that Qin Shaofeng is refining, and that trace of Daoist power has obtained.

This let Qin Shaofeng know, a lot of information about the destruction beast.

Compared with this, after refining that trace of Daoist power, Qin Shaofeng's indestructible avatar has gained tremendous benefits.

Although this immortal incarnation realm is still in the state where it is only a short distance from entering the limit realm of the law realm.

But now this immortal incarnation is integrated into the power of the Dao world, and it is still a bit of the power of the Dao world that has been integrated into the Qiyuan Star Avenue law.

As a result, Qin Shaofeng's immortal incarnation, whether it is aura or strength, and even Qin Shaofeng's own soul, is considered to be a subtle fusion with Qi Yuanxing's Dao Law.

Although this would not bring much improvement to Qin Shaofeng's strength.

However, it is possible that in the past, it was no longer suppressed by Qiyuanxing’s Dao Law. At least with the help of the extremely perfect body Suzuoneng’s increase, when it was temporarily elevated to a half-walk state, Qiyuanxing’s Dao Law was not What impact will it have on Qin Shaofeng's body?

Although the realm of this indestructible incarnation has not been raised to the limit realm of the law realm, this is already a big gain for Qin Shaofeng.

However, at the very first time of complete refining, Qin Shaofeng was aware of the crisis of the coalition forces, especially the crisis of Emperor Jin and others.

Because of entering that state, Qin Shaofeng didn't notice the situation outside for a while.

But after perceiving the crisis of Emperor Jin and others, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate to display the extremely perfect body Susanon for the first time, and his realm instantly rose to a half-walk realm.

Then, Qin Shaofeng flew directly into the void, and even when the supreme powerhouse was completely swallowed by the super-star destruction beast, he waved out a flying feather knife.

In the state of the extremely perfect body, Feiyu Knife could not withstand the power of Qin Shaofeng’s half-travel realm before, but after absorbing all the power of the Dao realm of a super-star destroying beast’s body, Feiyu Knife was already Restored to 90% state.

Even though it was only restored to a 90% state, Qin Shaofeng felt that the current Feiyu Knife had completely surpassed the previous state of complete victory.

Qin Shaofeng was only subconsciously urging the ultimate force, the Feiyu Knife instantly merged into the space, and when it came out again, it was already a flash of silver light and appeared in front of the super-star destruction beast.

Moreover, the blade light flashed, and instantly knocked the super-star destruction beast away.

This was the situation where Qin Shaofeng subconsciously shot as soon as possible, and did not use much extreme force at all.

But this not only repelled the super-star destruction beast, it even shattered the hard scales on its head.

With just one blow, a super-star destruction beast was injured.

Who is he?

Seeing Qin Shaofeng suddenly appeared, Jin Di and the others were surprised.

If it wasn't for them that couldn't get away, I'm afraid they would have come to Qin Shaofeng for the first time.

Qin Shaofeng didn't stop for anything, just glanced at it, and saw the strong man who had been bitten by the superstar destroying beast. Now that he had begun to repair his body, he was the superstar who repelled him for the first time. Level destroy beast rushed.

Even though he had already improved some realm, the current situation, for Qin Shaofeng, was at best the state of Susano who was extremely perfect, and he maintained it for some time.

If he were alone, Qin Shaofeng still didn't dare to fight with several super-star destruction beasts, because that would be too bad for him.

But the super-star Destroy Beasts who are present now are all entangled.

This is an opportunity, an opportunity to hunt and destroy crystal nuclei!

Qin Shaofeng will naturally not miss it!


With a violent flash, Qin Shaofeng came to the super-star destruction beast.

At this moment, the super-star destruction beast recovered, and his heart suddenly became furious.

Was he actually attacked? !

Which human is it?

It roared in its heart, and then a flower was in front of it, and saw a small white figure appear.

Although Qin Shaofeng is now in the state of the white glass armor of the extremely perfect body Susano, he already has a huge size of more than five meters.

But this size is only relative to humans, this pair of super-star destruction beasts with a size of more than 100 meters is still a small existence.

However, after seeing this white figure, this super-star destruction beast was instantly happy.

Because it has discovered it, this seems to be the main goal of their trip, the human being ordered by their ruler to kill.

He actually brought it to the door by himself?

This super-star destruction beast was overjoyed, but the next moment, it won't be happy.

Because at this moment, Qin Shaofeng held a flying feather knife, and his ultimate power burst out instantly, directly condensing a three-meter white flame giant sword.


As soon as the giant sword was released, Qin Shaofeng slashed at the super-star destruction beast.

Although it was only three meters in length, which was equivalent to the size of a super-star destruction beast, Qin Shaofeng's giant sword was just like a toothpick.

But this is the toothpick-like long sword for the Super Star Destroyer Beast, and the moment it slashes, it bursts out with amazing power.


The super-star destruction beast had already noticed that something was wrong, and wanted to avoid it for the first time.

But it was a pity that it was too late, the giant sword in Qin Shaofeng's hand was directly cut down on the super-star destruction beast.

Without the slightest pause, at this moment, in the eyes of Jindi and other strong men, the super-star destruction beast, the extremely hard scales seemed to be paper, and were instantly cut open by the huge white flame sword. Up.


With the blood of black light spraying around, the super-star destruction beast was hit hard in an instant.

However, it is worthy of being a super-star destruction beast. At the final critical moment, this super-star destruction beast actually evaded in time, and was not still cut into the depths by the blazing white flame giant sword.

But for this situation, Qin Shaofeng seemed to have expected it long ago.

A trace of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth, Qin Shaofeng's right hand shook lightly, and the right arm of the huge perfect body Suzono also shook slightly, and then the huge sword of blazing white flames disappeared in an instant.

But at the same time that the blazing white flame huge sword dissipated, the flying feather knife in Qin Shaofeng's right hand also lost its trace for the first time.

Then, after a short time, just one breath, the super-star destruction beast that had escaped thousands of meters away suddenly screamed.

Afterwards, with a boom, the huge body fell directly to the ground, motionless.

At this time, the life aura on the super-star destruction beast was already rapidly declining, and it disappeared completely in an instant.



What's the situation?

The strong man who had recovered half of his body in front of him saw this scene with a look of disbelief.

And the strong man who fought with him was also confused.

The Super Star Destroyer Beast that beat them so embarrassed and almost died, just died like this?

Not only the two of them, but Jindi and others were surprised at this moment.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't froze. After reaching out to beckon the Feiyu Sword, he shouted to the two strong men: "What froze, hurry up and help others!"

Suddenly, the two powerhouses also woke up in time, and immediately invested in another battle not far away.

Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate. He came directly to the two coalition powerhouses with serious injuries, directly blocked the attack of the super-star destruction beast they were facing, and shouted at the two coalition powerhouses without looking back. Tao.

"Leave this to me, you go help others!"

These two coalition powerhouses were also decisive. After seeing Qin Shaofeng killed the super-star destruction beast, they knew in their hearts that Qin Shaofeng's strength was far stronger than them, and could completely kill the super-star destruction beast alone.

Therefore, the two retreated immediately and joined a battle each.

Immediately, after Qin Shaofeng joined in the entire battle, and after killing the super-star destruction beast, great changes occurred.

Except for Qin Shaofeng and Emperor Jin, the remaining three super-star destruction beasts are basically facing the three powers who dominate the supreme peak.

The coalition powerhouse who lost half of his body, although he also joined a battlefield, is only barely regaining his body shape. In fact, he has been severely damaged, and his combat power can only be achieved.

But according to the current situation, Victory seems to have begun to shift to Qin Shaofeng's side.

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