Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1825: Kill all

Who is that person?

Jin Di, who was fighting fiercely with the wounded super-star destruction beast, flashed a suspicion in his heart.

At first he suspected that the other party was Gong Qingzi!

Because he remembered that Gong Qingzi also possessed an ability similar to the possession of a special battle armor. Once displayed, his strength could be improved a lot.

However, he remembered the kind of battle armor giant that Gong Qingzi could not use. It seemed to be purple-gold, and it was still hundreds of meters tall.

This is totally different from the one in front of me!

But soon after hearing Qin Shaofeng's voice, he was sure that the other party was not Gong Qingzi.

But who is he?

This strength is too strong!

Can actually kill the super-star destruction beast alone?

This kind of strength is definitely the law realm, and I am afraid that it is mostly the peak of the law realm, the kind of realm that has begun to contact the Tao realm.

Emperor Jin was very sure of this, because with his current strength, he alone dealt with a wounded destruction beast, although some of them were not a problem.

But this is also impossible to kill the opponent in a short time. From this point of view, the strength of the opponent is definitely far beyond his golden emperor.

However, this aroused a trace of strength in Emperor Jin's heart, and his moves became more surging in an instant, and the battle became more fierce.

He wanted to kill this super-star destruction beast as soon as possible!



With a fierce roar, the super-star destruction beast that was fighting with the Emperor Jin suddenly seemed to be hit with chicken blood, and the whole body rose sharply, and instantly burst out more violent aura.

Facing the more fierce attack of Emperor Jin, it not only resisted it, but even fought back against Emperor Jin, almost making Jin Emperor suffer.

In fact, not only this Super Star Destroyer Beast, but the other four Super Star Destroy Beasts in the room also roared in anger, all of them burst out with a strong black light, and their combat power instantly rose by a notch.

Obviously, after Qin Shaofeng killed a super-star destruction beast on the spot, the five super-star destruction beasts were greatly stimulated, and each of them began to work hard.

"Huh, dying to struggle!"

Looking at the super-star destroying beast in front of him, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with disdain.

Extremely Vientiane!

With a secret cry in his heart, a powerful gravitational force burst out from Qin Shaofeng's body, which instantly swept over the super-star destruction beast.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't use the Wanxiang Tianyin to absorb it, but used gravity to completely confine the super-star destruction beast.

But even the Vientiane Tianyin, which was displayed with the ultimate power, was somewhat powerless when facing the super-star destruction beast in an angry state.

This kind of imprisonment is just a moment of time, not even a second.

But this is enough!

"Hell by the Tomb of Jilun!"

Qin Shaofeng screamed, the huge perfect body Xu Zuoreng flashed past four faint, blazing white figures.

After these four figures appeared, they rushed towards the super-star destruction beast instantly.

At this time, this super-star destruction beast finally broke free, Qin Shaofeng was extremely imprisoned by Wanxiang Tianyin, but faced the attack of the four blazing white figures, it was too late to escape.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

With four explosions, the instant the four blazing white silhouettes hit the super-star destruction beast, they directly exploded.

Using the ‘shadow’ of the wheel tomb to explode, this kind of attack was a unique skill for Qin Shaofeng.

Now this immortal avatar can also use the edge of the tomb, and still use it with extreme strength, Qin Shaofeng will naturally not forget this trick.

The result was obvious. Under such a self-destructive attack, even if it was a super-star destruction beast, it was directly hit by Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng took the opportunity to make a move, and the ultimate strength poured out of his body and injected the flying feather knife.

call out!

The silver blade light flashed with a hint of white flame.

The super-star destruction beast only had time to let out a scream, and it was pierced through its head by the flying feather knife, and immediately died without aura.

In fact, if it only penetrates the head, it will not kill a super-star destruction beast.

The most important thing is that when the flying feather knife penetrated its head, the power of the realm of the super-star destruction beast was instantly absorbed.

If this super-star destruction beast was still in a state of complete victory, Feather Knife wouldn't be able to do it.

But after the self-detonation of the ‘Shadow’ of the four-wheel tomb, this super-star destruction beast has suffered severe damage, but it can’t resist the absorbing power of the Flying Feather Knife.

Not only that is the power of the Dao Realm on its body, even the destruction crystal nucleus in its body was sucked into the internal space by the Flying Feather Knife for the first time.

In this way, this super-star destruction beast is naturally dead.

Feeling the fighting situation here, all the high-level coalition forces gasped.

This is too abnormal!

This is a super-star destruction beast!

But the opponent had a chance to breathe, and then killed another one.

How strong is he?

However, now they are extremely happy about this situation.

Because after solving the super-star destruction beast, Qin Shaofeng once again came to a battlefield and accepted the super-star destruction beast from the hands of the three high-level coalition forces.

As for the three high-level coalition forces, they entered the other two battlefields in the first time.

As a result, they were five of them facing a super-star destruction beast.

Even if there are some shortcomings, at least there is no danger.

After accepting the battle of a super-star destruction beast, Qin Shaofeng planned to repeat the old trick.

A thought came up, it was to activate the extremely all-encompassing heavenly attraction to that super-star destruction beast.

But the next moment, what happened, made Qin Shaofeng dumbfounded.

Because that super-star Destroyer Beast seemed to have noticed something in advance, it turned around directly, and it ran away without waiting for Qin Shaofeng's extremely all-encompassing power to imprison it!

Well, run away!

However, its run seemed to have started, and the two super-star destruction beasts that fought against the high-level coalition forces also fled quickly.

These super-star destruction beasts actually escaped?

In fact, at this moment, even the super-star destruction beast that was fighting with the Golden Emperor had the intention to escape.

But it's a pity that Jin Di seemed to be aware of the other party's intentions, and was directly entangled in the other party.


Qin Shaofeng looked at the super-star destruction beast that was running away in three directions, a lavender cold light appeared in his eyes.

Can you escape?

Qin Shaofeng didn't pursue it, but the next moment, he raised his right hand, and a strong force burst out of him.

It seems that the three super-star destruction beasts have been locked, Qin Shaofengfeng shouted: "Super Earth bursting into the sky!"


Qin Shaofeng's right hand shook slightly at this moment, and three incredibly white **** appeared directly. At the moment when these three **** appeared, Qin Shaofeng's extremely perfect body, Xu Zuoneng's figure, shrank instantly. .

The original huge size of five meters, only the appearance of barely holding two meters, and the white glaze on it has also become blurred and transparent, and Qin Shaofeng's own figure is faintly revealed from it.

But these three blazing white **** had consumed most of Qin Shaofeng's power at the moment.

call out! call out! call out!

In the next moment, these three blazing white **** broke through the air in an instant, almost instantaneously, they came to the three escaped super-star destruction beasts.


boom! boom! boom!

With three loud noises, the space has collapsed!

At this moment, the space around the three super-star destruction beasts that ran away, because of the three blazing white balls, a large area of ​​space collapsed.

The polar starburst star Qin Shaofeng displayed with his extreme strength no longer absorbed some land to form a huge sealed sphere.

This time the polar starburst star absorbed but space!

After the space collapsed, huge pieces of space flew out, flying towards the three blazing white balls.

In an instant, the three super-star destruction beasts were completely wrapped, forming a space sphere.

This is a thousand times stronger than the sphere condensed by the earth.

Not only has the advanced imprisonment power, even the super-star destruction beast can not break free, but also has a powerful attack power.

Just between Qin Shaofeng's thoughts, the three super-star destruction beasts that had been completely imprisoned in the space sphere were instantly shocked, their vitality was cut off, and the dead could no longer die.


Seeing this scene, the high-level coalition forces were silent for a while, and there was a storm in his heart.

They originally thought that Qin Shaofeng's strength was very strong, but now it seems that the strength of the opponent is stronger than they believed.

The three super-star destruction beasts were actually killed instantly by the opponent.

If such power is used on them, how many people can't hold it!

Could it be that this person is a powerful person at the Dao level?

After seeing Qin Shaofeng's strength, those high-level coalition forces secretly guessed.

Only Jindi didn't think so, because he had seen a real Taoist powerhouse.

If this person appears suddenly, if this is really a realm-level powerhouse, it is not just a few super-star destruction beasts, even if dozens or hundreds of super-star destruction beasts appear together, it is the other party’s instant Hand kill things.

But even so, Jindi felt awe-inspiring.

Such strength is too strong!

He is not an opponent at all, and if the other party has a plan, it would be a bit bad for him.

At this moment, Emperor Jin also killed the super-star destruction beast.

Of course, this was viewed in the eyes of others, but only the Emperor Jin knew that this super-star destruction beast was not really beheaded by him.

Because at that moment, Qin Shaofeng hit three blazing white balls, and at the same time, his heart moved, and he also helped the Emperor Jin, offering a flying feather knife to the super-star destruction beast that fought against the Emperor Jin. Come here directly.

However, Qin Shaofeng also had a purpose at that moment, although he did not capture the destruction crystal core of that super-star destruction beast.

However, with the power of the Flying Feather Knife, the destruction crystal core of the Super Star Destroyer Beast was split into a crack, and the power of the Dao Realm in it was directly sucked into the inner space of the Flying Feather Knife.

The destruction crystal nucleus can be left to the Golden Emperor, but Qin Shaofeng can say that nothing will be left to the Golden Emperor with the power of the Silk Road Realm.

He now wants to use the power of these Dao realms to see if he can advance this immortal incarnation to a half-walk realm realm!

As for the other destruction beasts killed by him, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate to take away pieces of destruction crystal nuclei directly in front of Emperor Jin and the others.

However, Qin Shaofeng did not take away the corpses of those super-star destruction beasts.

It was left to the high-level powerhouses of the coalition forces, after all, they were somewhat exhausted.

If it weren't for them, Qin Shaofeng would not be able to kill the six super-star destruction beasts by himself.

If you produce your own meat, you have to give others some soup!

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