Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1839: Hard fight

Because of the difference of some distance, the attack cannot play much role.

Of course, this is actually because Qin Shaofeng and Gong Qingzi, the two of them are not really half-walking realm, and they can't exert the true power of half-walking realm.

This makes the original differences become even greater.

However, now Qin Shaofeng has joined Gong Qingzi with eleven people, but they have merged the two extremely perfect bodies, Suzuonoh, and after such a fusion, the extremely perfect body, Suzuonoh, is even more powerful.

And most importantly, Qin Shaofeng now doesn't need to worry about insufficient consumption.

Because he only needs to be responsible for controlling the extremely perfect body, Suzuo Nenghu, to fight, as for the recovery of consumption, it can be completely handed over to Gong Qingzi and the eleven.

With this combination, Qin Shaofeng's current breath has been elevated to the realm of Xiaocheng.

Although it was still slightly worse than that of the Destroyer Beast to solve the Dacheng Half Path Realm, it could be made up for by Qin Shaofeng's combat power.

This time, the two sides are truly on the same level!


The destruction beast broke out another attack, but this time its attack fell, but it was the extremely perfect body that Qin Shaofeng Yu Gong Qingzi and others reasonably condensed, Suzuo Nenghu, and did not suffer any harm at all.

Resisted head-on!

Faced with this situation, the destruction beast was also slightly stunned, because it felt it, and the attack this time seemed to make it feel wrong.

But in the face of such a situation, it didn't think much about it, and frantically began to contact and attack.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

A series of attacks fell, and a large amount of black light burst out from the destruction beast.

But no matter how much the black light is, it didn't have much impact on that perfect body at this moment.

"Looking at the extremely perfect body of this level, the defense is already strong, and this half-walking destruction beast can't be broken for a while!"

A glint flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and at the same time he started to shoot because of his intention.

He just wanted to give it a try. This extremely perfect body must have the defensive power, and this is still the enemy's constant attack.

But this situation cannot last for long.

Although there are eleven Gong Qingzi and others recovering, even so, because they still can't keep up with the energy consumption of maintaining this extremely perfect body, they must be supplemented by the law of destroying spars and even destroying crystal nuclei.

In just that moment, the destruction crystal nucleus that Gong Qingzi had taken away had already reduced by one third of the law's power.

Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to continue wasting now.


With a bang, Qin Shaofeng shot instantly.

Because this extremely perfect body must have control over him, it is on him, so he is still the main attack.

But because of Gong Qingzi's existence, this extremely perfect body Suzuo Nenghu had some power that belonged to Gong Qingzi's eyes of the gods and demons.

Although it would not be said that it was Qin Shaofeng's Eye of Gods and Demons, but with this state, Qin Shaofeng was able to use some of the power of the Eyes of Gods and Demons.

Soldier of the extreme gods and demons!

The next moment, the blazing white flames skyrocketed instantly, and on the upper right of that extremely perfect body, there was a huge blazing white flame sword measuring more than ten meters.


Qin Shaofeng controlled the extremely perfect body Xu Zuo Nenghu, and he slashed fiercely with the blazing white flame sword at the destruction beast.


Sparks flashed and space was distorted.

The extremely perfect body, the blazing white flame sword in the hand of Suzuo Nenghu, was cut on the body of the destruction beast as if it had been cut on extremely hard steel.

Not only did he not suffer the slightest harm to the Destroying Beast, even Qin Shaofeng felt a strong counter shock force, so that the entire extremely perfect body Suzuonenhu took a few steps back.

But Qin Shaofeng was not surprised. He instantly stabilized the huge figure of the extremely perfect body Xu Zuo Nenghu, holding both hands, the extremely perfect body Xu Zuo Nenghu held both hands in an instant, and the blazing white flame long sword once again fiercely Cut to the destruction beast.

Not once, then twice, three times...

I don't believe it anymore, the defensive array of this destruction beast is so amazing!

Qin Shaofeng should have discovered a place, that is, although the realm of this destruction beast has reached, it is almost half of the Dacheng realm.

But the strange thing is that this destruction beast does not have the ultimate power.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know whether this was because the Destroyer Beast itself could not cultivate the ultimate strength, or because of other reasons.

But such a situation is good news for him.

Without the ultimate power, even if this Destroyer Beast has amazing defensive power, its attack power is relatively limited.

Of course, this is also relatively speaking. If it were for someone else, even if it was the extremely perfect body that Qin Shaofeng had previously used alone, Xu Zuo Nenghu, I am afraid that it would have been blown by this destroying beast at this moment.

Cang! Cang! Cang! ~

It seemed that he was extremely confident in his own defense. This Destroyer Beast had no intention of defensiveness. Qin Shaofeng still controlled the extremely perfect body, Susanou, and swung that huge white flame sword to slash it.

Qin Shaofeng's expression was a little uncertain, because he found out that he seemed really helpless with the defensive power of this destruction beast.

It has been slashed hundreds of times before and after, but it is still shocking that the dark armor of this destruction beast has not been cut off.

On the contrary, during this period of time, the extremely perfect body Suzuo Neng suffered a lot of attacks from the opponent, resulting in a huge consumption, and Gong Qingzi's destruction crystal nucleus once again consumed one piece.

This situation made Qin Shaofeng a little anxious.

"It seems that this method can't help this destruction beast, so you can only change it!"

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng took advantage of an opportunity to control the extremely perfect body Suzuonenhu to flash away, and then directly dissipated the blazing white flame sword in the hands of the extremely perfect body Suzuoneng.

Seeing this, the Destroying Beast naturally chased Qin Shaofeng and rushed forward directly.

But at this time, Qin Shaofeng's eyes were cold, and the corners of his mouth showed a sneer of disdain.

It just happened!

With a secret cry in his heart, Qin Shaofeng called Gong Qingzi behind him, "Qingzi!"

Gong Qingzi understood something in an instant, as if he had a sharp heart, and nodded fiercely. The moment he raised his head again, his eyes flashed with purple and gold.

At the next moment, the entire extremely perfect body shook violently, as if it had been blessed.

The power of the gods and demons!

Gong Qingzi's blessing for the entire extremely perfect body is the great power of God and Demon.

At this moment, in the state of this extremely perfect body, Qin Shaofeng could have exploded extremely strong power with his extremely perfect body.

Now that he has been blessed with the great power of the gods and demons, the power erupted by the extremely perfect body Suzuo Nenghu is even more terrifying.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng controlled his extremely perfect body, Suo Nenghu, and clenched both fists.

Divine Fist!

The same is the God and Demon Fist, but at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's God and Demon Fist is more powerful than the God and Demon Fist he used before.

The huge fist blasted out, as if it could tear the space apart, and every inch of the space where the fist passed, the momentum was astonishing.


This punch fell on the Destroyer Beast, although it did not blast the pitch black armor, but after receiving this punch, the Destroyer Beast roared on the spot.


Qin Shaofeng was overjoyed, and the next moment, he madly manipulated the huge pair of fists with a perfect body and began to attack the destruction beast madly.

boom! boom! boom!

Punch after punch, there is no gap.

This was also at the beginning, this Destroying Beast relied on its own defenses and did not guard against it, so Qin Shaofeng still attacked it.

Then, after the beginning, there was a frantic attack rhythm, which made it impossible to dodge.


It seemed that after taking a lot of punches, the Destroyer Beast was really injured. It was immediately angered, and it bit back, actually biting a fist of the perfect body Susano.



What surprised Qin Shaofeng was that the other party snapped a bite, and actually bit off the fist of the perfect body, Suzuo Nenghu.


Without any hesitation, Qin Shaofeng instantly manipulated the extremely perfect body, Suzuo Nenghu, to violently retreat, and distanced himself from the opponent.

It wasn't until this time that Qin Shaofeng realized that the fangs of that Destroyer Beast's mouth had flashed through a trace of special power.

The breath of Taoist power!

What surprised Qin Shaofeng was that from which fangs he actually felt the power of the Sisi Dao realm.

This also made Qin Shaofeng instantly understand why the other party could bite off his perfect body with the fist of the Nenghuo.

If he is not mistaken, I am afraid that the fangs of the Destroyer Beast possesses a trace of the power of the Dao Realm. It is precisely because of this that the extremely perfect body that he and Gong Qingzi can use together can be used for Bite open abruptly.

This can be troublesome!

Just the fangs of the opponent is a big trouble.

Qin Shaofeng itself is not a half-travel realm, but with the help of the extremely perfect body Xu Zuonenghu, Zai and Gong Qingzi and others, he has such a realm.

But now this extremely perfect body Suzuonoh can be destroyed by the opponent, which means that this destruction beast can break his extremely perfect body Suzuonoh anytime and anywhere.

This even more means that the opponent can break through his half-walk state.

Once the extremely perfect body Xu Zuo Nenghu was broken open, neither Qin Shaofeng nor Gong Qingzi would have the combat power of a half-walk.

Not to mention fighting against this destruction beast.

The situation is not so good!

"Hey, it seems that we can only retreat temporarily!"

He sighed softly in his heart. Although he was helpless, Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart that this was the only way.

Because if you continue to fight like this, I'm afraid it will be dangerous.

Although it was only for a while, Qin Shaofeng had once again condensed the bitten-out perfect body Suzuonenghu's right fist again.

But the Destroyer Beast seemed to have discovered something, and once again stared at the extremely perfect body, Suzuo Nenghu's eyes, full of strange light, and its big mouth opened slightly.

Obviously it is planning to bite the entire body of the perfect body Susanou.

Faced with this situation, Qin Shaofeng certainly planned to retreat.

Fortunately, all the coalition forces have completely withdrawn now. Even if Qin Shaofeng left with Gong Qingzi now, it would not be a big deal. It would not allow the coalition forces to continue to suffer huge losses.

Then leave!

After talking to Gong Qingzi, Qin Shaofeng planned to open the space portal.

But the next moment, a sudden situation stunned Qin Shaofeng.

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