Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1840: Feather Show

When Qin Shaofeng opened the space portal, Feiyu Knife heard a little movement.

Speaking of this flying feather knife, in fact, Qin Shaofeng had already restored it to a state of victory before, and its power had improved a lot.

However, just a while ago, Qin Shaofeng noticed that his own flying feather knife seemed to be able to absorb the ultimate power cultivated by his immortal incarnation.

After absorbing this extreme power, Feiyu Knife seemed to have undergone some changes.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng looked for a while, entered the space secret realm where time was accelerating, and input enough extreme power for Feiyu Dao.

And after absorbing a large amount of extreme power, Feiyu Knife began to enter a special state of evolution.

This is also the reason why Qin Shaofeng didn't take out the Feiyu Knife during this period of time.

But just now, Qin Shaofeng felt that Feiyu Knife seemed to have evolved.

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, instead of opening the space portal, he directly took out the Feiyu Knife.

Perhaps the flying feather knife after this evolution can bring some surprises directly.

Such a thought suddenly appeared in Qin Shaofeng's mind, and soon he was really pleasantly surprised.


At the next moment, there was a hint of white fluorescence in the silver light, as if a knife thin as a cicada's wings appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng.

It is the flying feather knife after the evolution is complete!

this is?

Feeling the breath of Feiyu Dao at this moment, Qin Shaofeng was shocked.

Because from Fei Yu Dao, Qin Shaofeng felt the strange breath.

This breath seemed to be the ultimate power and the power of the law, but what shocked Qin Shaofeng the most was that he actually sensed a trace of Daoist power from the Feiyu Knife!


Usually only Dao Qi can possess the power of Dao Realm!

Could it be that Feiyu Knife has evolved into Taoism?

Qin Shaofeng was surprised, but he soon reacted.


It is impossible for Feiyu Dao to evolve into Taoism!

Because Dao implements that truly possess the power of the Dao realm, if they really appeared on the current Qi Yuan Xing, they would probably be suppressed by the laws of the Qi Yuan Xing Dao.

But now Feiyu Knife appeared, but it did not appear to be suppressed by the Qiyuan Star Avenue law.

Therefore, this flying feather sword cannot be a Taoist weapon.

But even if it wasn't a Taoist device, then the Feiyu Knife now is definitely a half-travel device.

Then I don't know, will the current Feather Knife cause a special force attack on the destruction beast in front of you?

As soon as this thought appeared, Qin Shaofeng moved in his heart and began to urge Feiyu Knife.

But with this urge, Qin Shaofeng's expression changed drastically.

Because at this moment the Flying Feather Knife seemed to have become a black hole, when he moved it, it crazily absorbed the power of the law in his body.

In just an instant, some of the powers of the law remaining in Qin Shaofeng's body were all sucked up.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng reacted quickly, and directly transferred this suction force to the extremely perfect body mustache on his body, using the extremely perfect body mustered as a consumption to urge the flying feather knife.

But even so, the corners of Qin Shaofeng's mouth soon twitched slightly.

Because the next moment, the law power absorbed by Feiyu Knife was so terrifying that it actually shrank the entire extremely perfect body Suzuo Neng by two meters.

You must know that this extremely perfect body must be able to do so, but with the help of Qin Shaofeng, Gong Qingzi and Gong Yi and others, this condensed.

The power of law used in this one is terrifying.

But just spurring the flying feather knife to attack once, is it two meters to shrink it?

This is also one-tenth of the extremely perfect body, the physique.

"So consumed, this flying feather knife shouldn't let me down!"

Qin Shaofeng whispered to himself, after the destruction beast pounced again, he didn't dodge anything, but shot the flying feather knife out.

call out!

The sound of breaking through the air sounded, as if it had penetrated the space in an instant, and the Feiyu knife suddenly disappeared from Qin Shaofeng's hand.

next moment……


The destruction beast in front of him that had been slaughtered by Qin Shaofeng and others violently screamed.

Qin Shaofeng looked up and found that a blood hole had appeared on the left forearm of the Destroying Beast.

That was the blood hole pierced by the flying feather knife, and it was the blood hole that completely pierced the body of the destruction beast.

Such a situation made Qin Shaofeng a little overjoyed.

Because obviously the power of the Flying Feather Sabre surpassed his imagination, it continuously penetrated the dark armor of the Destroyer Beast, and even wounded the Destroyer Beast.

In fact, the Destroyer Beast, at the moment when the Feather Sword attack appeared, it also felt the danger and subconsciously dodged.

Afterwards, it was precisely because of its subconscious dodge that the Flying Feather Knife was supposed to penetrate its head, but it only attacked its left forearm.

Such a situation shocked the Destroyer Beast, and when he looked at the enemy on the opposite side, his eyes flashed with surprise.

Because the flying feather knife's blow not only caused very serious damage to it, but most importantly, it surprised this Destroyer Beast to discover that it was unable to recover the wound.

This is the first time it has encountered such a thing.

An invisible attack, and it can also break through its own strong defense and penetrate its body.

The most important thing is that such a wound cannot be repaired yet.

In fact, it is not impossible to repair, this destruction beast clearly felt it, as if there was a special power on its wound.

This kind of power is very strange, as if with a fierce aura, constantly destroying his wounds.

That's why it cannot be repaired!

What kind of power is this?

For a while, the Destroyer Beast was uncertain and stood still.

Some of it couldn't figure out the situation, which made it afraid to attack Qin Shaofeng again.

On the opposite side, Qin Shaofeng was both surprised and helpless.

Surprisingly, Feiyu Knife can really produce a certain amount of damage to that half-walking destruction beast.

It penetrated directly through the opponent's dark armor, even its body.

This is much stronger than his own attack.

But what made Qin Shaofeng helpless was that the cost of such an attack was too exaggerated.

Judging from the perfect body Susanoh where he is now, he can spur the flying feather sword to attack at most nine times.

This flying feather knife has indeed become stronger, but it has also become more difficult to control.

Can't afford it!

Even if Gong Qingzi and others were helping to recover, it was suddenly reduced. The entire extremely perfect body must be one-tenth the volume of it. Even if Gong Qingzi and the others recover quickly, it cannot be short. Time will completely recover this extremely perfect body.

However, this also gave Qin Shaofeng an opportunity.

Although there are still nine opportunities to spur the flying feather knife, if it is used properly to attack the weak point of the destruction beast, it may not be possible to kill the opponent!

With this consideration, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved and immediately gave up the idea of ​​running away.

After talking with Gong Qingzi, he was ready to attack the destruction beast again.

Gong Qingzi also saw that the effect caused by the flying feather knife before, naturally did not object.

Because being able to kill the destruction beast in the half-travel realm, that was naturally a better thing.

Then, Qin Shaofeng quickly turned the extremely perfect body Xu Zuonenghu into the force of law to urge the flying feather knife.

call out!

With the sound of breaking through the air, the flying feather knife in Qin Shaofeng's hand disappeared instantly, as if he had escaped directly into the space.

Then, almost at the same time, Feiyu Knife appeared in front of the Destroyer Beast instantly and shot towards its face.

At this moment, the Destroyer Beast's eyes widened instantly, and his eyes were full of horror.

It was obviously already extremely vigilant, even very alert, it should be able to see through the opponent's attack, and then directly dodge it.

But what horrified it was that the hateful human on the opposite side of the attack, even if it was already extremely vigilant, still did not notice the slightest.

There was no movement, and then the attack appeared in front of it.

At such a close distance, it is impossible to even dodge.

In desperation, it can only turn its head away, avoiding the immediate vitals.


The silver blade light flashed, and a blood flower bloomed on the body of this destruction beast.


With a painful growl, it was hurt again!

Like the previous injury, the body was directly penetrated, and the wound was still full of fierce aura, temporarily unable to heal.

This made it even more angry, but at the same time it panicked.

Such a weird attack, it could not predict it, or even notice it. Only when the attack was close to its body, it could clearly sense it.

But the speed of the silver blade light was too fast, even if it was noticed, it couldn't avoid it.

At best, he can barely avoid his own vitals!

This made it feel a little bad in its heart, and even faintly gave birth to a strange thought.

I was still avoided!

A slight regret flashed in his heart again, but Qin Shaofeng also knew that there was no alternative.

Because even if he has a perfect body, Suo Nenghu, as the law of consumption, let him urge the flying feather sword.

But that was just a stimulus. With Qin Shaofeng's current realm, he still couldn't control Feiyu Knife accurately.

After urging the flying feather knife, he can only rely on the flying feather knife to attack on its own.

Although very helpless, after two passes, Qin Shaofeng knew something in his heart.

It's okay. According to this situation, there will be two or three times at most, and I should be more accurate.

With a move in his heart, he had already returned to the Flying Feather Knife in his right hand by itself, and was urged by Qin Shaofeng again.


The perfect body Susanoh was shocked again, and it shrank by two meters. Now this perfect body Susanoh is only 14 meters tall.

call out!

Feiyu Knife disappeared again and attacked in an instant.


A flash of silver light flashed, and a blood hole burst out of the destruction beast, and the body was penetrated again.

And this time, under Qin Shaofeng's efforts to control, the wound of the knife had already attacked the neck of the destruction beast.

A little closer!

Qin Shaofeng was slightly happy, and after recalling Feiyu Dao, he planned to urge him again immediately.

But the next moment, what happened, made Qin Shaofeng dumbfounded.

Because this is so unexpected!

The reason was simple. After suffering another penetration attack, the Destroyer Beast turned around and ran away without waiting for Qin Shaofeng to urge the Feiyu Knife again.

It escaped!

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