Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1841: chase!


Seeing that crazy beast of destruction, turning into a black shadow, Gong Qingzi and others were stunned.

Because they didn't expect that this terrifyingly powerful destroy beast would actually run away.

It's no wonder that after being attacked by the Flying Feather Sabre for the third time and failing to escape, the Destroyer Beast fully understood it.

At its speed, it is impossible to avoid this weird silver blade light.

Although it is not very intelligent, and it is easy to fall into a state of anger, but it also cherishes its own life very much.

In its view, if it continues to develop in this way, it will be dangerous if it is constantly penetrated by the silver blade.

Therefore, even if it is unwilling, it can only choose to escape for its own life.

Although this situation was beyond Qin Shaofeng's expectation.

But Qin Shaofeng quickly reacted, and Qin Shaofeng also made a decision in his heart.

He wants to catch up!

Qi Yuanxing actually had a half-path level destruction beast, which was a very dangerous thing.

If this guy in the half-path realm is not dealt with, then Qin Shaofeng will not be at ease to return to the earth and continue his physical realm cultivation.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate, and said to Gong Qingzi: "Qingzi, you will go to the ancient sanctuary, I will chase the ruined beast!"

"Are you alone?" Gong Qingzi asked in surprise.


Qin Shaofeng nodded, and said: "The extremely perfect body that we have gathered together must be Zuo Nenghu. Although the defense and strength have reached the half-walk state, relatively speaking, the speed of this extremely perfect body must be Zuo Nenghu. No way."

This is true!

At this moment, the extremely perfect body that Qin Shaofeng and the others were in had reached the half-walk state, both in realm and strength, and it was also a half-walk state that resolved the Dacheng realm.

But such a huge and perfect body must be sorrowful, but the twelve of them worked together to display it.

Although Qin Shaofeng has absolute control rights, if he is on the road and pursues, even he can't perfectly control this extremely perfect body, and he can't exert any speed.

Therefore, this pursuit can only be done by him alone.

Gong Qingzi knew this in her heart, but when she thought that without her and Gong Yi and others, Qin Shaofeng would not be able to maintain such an extremely perfect body.

Then, if you encounter that destroying beast here, I am afraid it will be dangerous.

As if seeing Gong Qingzi's worry in his heart, Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly and said, "You don't need to worry, I still have it!"

With that said, Qin Shaofeng threw the Feiyu Knife out, thinking about it.


Almost for an instant, Feiyu Dao burst out a burst of power, and then absorbed the entire extremely perfect body, Suzuo Nenghu.

At the same time, there was an extremely perfect figure in the interior space of the Flying Feather Blade.

The extremely perfect body Suzuo Neng was absorbed by the flying feather knife, and its own internal space was preserved.

But Gong Qingzi and the others were not sucked in, they were all outside, but without the blessing of the perfect body, their breath plummeted.

Gong Qingzi also knew about Feiyu Knife, and she also knew what Qin Shaofeng wanted to do.

Inhaling the extremely perfect body Xu Zuonenghu into the inner space of the Flying Feather Knife, that is Qin Shaofeng's plan to use it as the energy to stimulate the Flying Feather Knife.

Although there is no maintenance from Gong Qingzi and others, that extremely perfect body, Suzano will soon dissipate.

But the internal space of the flying feather knife has the ability to store it. Although it can’t permanently store the perfect body Susano, but it only stores and maintains the perfect body Susano for two or three hours. Can do it.

Therefore, Gong Qingzi understood Qin Shaofeng’s thoughts in an instant, and did not say anything, but just exhorted Qin Shaofeng: “Then you should be careful. If the extremely perfect body is exhausted, you haven’t consumed it. If only Destroy the beast is solved, you will come back quickly, and we will think of another way!"

"These destruction nuclei are for you!"

With that, Gong Qingzi taught Qin Shaofeng the superstar destruction beast he had hunted before, the destruction crystal nucleus he had obtained, and the power of the Dao realm that had been extracted from it.

"Well, I know!" Qin Shaofeng took everything and nodded, then opened a space portal and said to Gong Qingzi and the others, "Well, you go back first, I'm going to chase the destruction beast!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Shaofeng instantly turned into a blazing white rainbow, chasing in the direction where the destruction beast was escaping, and instantly turned into a black spot.

Looking at Qin Shaofeng who had turned into a black spot, Gong Qingzi took a deep look, then turned to Gongyi and said, "Let's go!"


Gong Yi and the others responded, and then followed Gong Qingzi into the space portal and returned directly to the ancient sanctuary.

In the distance, the destruction beast kept fleeing, but it only fleeed arbitrarily with its own strength.

Although this speed is very fast, it is still a lot slower than using space capabilities.

Helplessly, this Destroyer Beast could not display its spatial ability at all.

You must know that some super-star destruction beasts can use space power to hurry.

Although it cannot be used in combat, it can be confined in space.

Before, Qin Shaofeng was imprisoned by two or three super-star destruction beasts with their own spatial capabilities!

But don't look at this Destroyer Beast, it is now a half-walking realm that is about to approach the Dacheng Realm, but in fact, it was a three-star Destroyer Beast three days ago!

It's just that it was lucky to get that trace of origin from the Dao Realm-level Destroyer Beast, and through a large number of devouring it, it reached its current realm.

It can be said that even in the previous battle with Qin Shaofeng and others, this destruction beast did not explode its own power.

At this moment, even if it is to escape, it is only relying on the four legs to flee wildly with these four legs when it was a three-star destruction beast!

But even so, the speed of this destruction beast at this moment is still very fast.

Of course, if you give it some time, it will probably adapt to the power of the current realm. At that time, this destruction beast can be regarded as a real half-walk realm destruction beast, and its strength is truly terrifying!

It was precisely because Qin Shaofeng knew this that he chased him for the first time.

And unlike this destruction beast, Qin Shaofeng is extremely proficient in space power.

Because even this incarnation of the indestructible sun, after possessing the divine power illusion, and the space pupil skills such as the hand of the sky, it is a very attribute to the space power.

At this moment, what Qin Shaofeng used in chasing was the pupil skill of Hand of Heaven.

Resist in an instant as far as the divine sense reaches!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

In a flash, it is hundreds of thousands of miles.

Then, after a while, Qin Shaofeng saw the destruction beast.

found it!

A gleam of light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes when he saw the figure fleeing in the distance ahead.

At the same time, the destruction beast also noticed the existence of Qin Shaofeng for the first time.

But Qin Shaofeng's appearance made it startled.

However, when it felt the breath of Qin Shaofeng alone was chasing it, it was slightly stunned.

Because at this time, the aura on Qin Shaofeng's body was only in the latter stage of the Law Realm, not even the Half-Walk Realm.

Such a breath is really too weak for this destruction beast.

However, it also felt that Qin Shaofeng's breath was the same as the strange silver light.

This made it instantly recognize that Qin Shaofeng had injured it before.

Therefore, even if I felt it at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's breath was not very strong, and it didn't mean to stop. It still flees madly, even forcibly increasing the speed, hoping to get rid of Qin Shaofeng.

But how is this possible?

Without grasping the power of space, how could he escape Qin Shaofeng, who can use the hand of heaven?

"Oh, still want to escape?"

A trace of disdain flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and he gave a low voice in his heart.

Hand of Heaven!


In an instant, Qin Shaofeng's figure disappeared, but when he reappeared, it came to the front where the destruction beast escaped.

Then, the flying feather knife that had been prepared a long time ago was thrown at the destruction beast by Qin Shaofeng and attacked its front door.

Qin Shaofeng suddenly appeared in front of him, which shocked the Destroyer Beast's heart. For the first time, he felt that the situation was not good, and suddenly took his shape.

But at this moment, a blade of silver light flashed out.

Crisis appears!

The destruction beast mobilized the power in the body for the first time, and a large amount of black light broke out in the body, and gathered in front to resist the silver light blade.

But the effect was not great. In the face of his resistance, the silver blade light that Feiyu Knife turned into was just a slight pause, and it flashed past!




The flickering sound of the silver blade light, the sound of the flying feather knife piercing through the body of the destruction beast, and the scream of the destruction beast sounded almost simultaneously.

At this moment, the right eye of the Destroyer Beast was already dripping with blood, and the flesh and blood were all blurred.

The flick of Feiyu Knife just now blasted its right eyeball.

the first time!

Since getting that trace of origin, this is the first time it has suffered such a serious injury.

One eyeball was blown out?


It was almost instantaneous, the destruction beast instantly fell into an angry state, and the thought of running away in his heart disappeared.

The only thought in its mind at this moment was to tear the human in front of it into pieces and then swallow it in one bite.


Under his anger, it seemed that this Destroying Beast had forgotten its powerful attack methods. It just relied on its general instincts to rush towards Qin Shaofeng, opened its big mouth and bit at Qin Shaofeng.

Facing an angry half-path level destruction beast, Qin Shaofeng knew how serious it was.

Although facing the destruction beast in this state, let him think of some countermeasures.

But at the same time, Qin Shaofeng also knew in his heart that the strength that this Destroying Beast in this state had erupted was absolutely terrifying!


Without any delay, almost at the same time, a blazing white flame ignited Qin Shaofeng's body.

Then, a set of white colored glass armor instantly enveloped him.

The perfect body must be displayed again!

Only this time, Qin Shaofeng's extremely perfect body Xu Zuo Nenghu displayed by himself was much weaker than the previous one.

But from the beginning, Qin Shaofeng had no plans to fight this destruction beast.


A blazing white light flashed, and Qin Shaofeng directly chose to dodge in the face of this angry destruction beast.

Just dodge, with Qin Shaofeng's current state, it would be easy to escape the angry bite attack of this destruction beast.

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