Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1847: status quo

These creatures didn't exist in the underground space originally.

And these creatures are the Bregg family, after many experiments, some failed products produced.

Regarding these failed products, the Bregg family's solution is to throw them directly into that underground space, whether they live or die.

But under such circumstances, more or less failed products survived.

After some special opportunities, the failed products that survived all had magical changes.

These changes not only regarded them as failures, they erased all those failures, and even afterwards they were perfected and evolved. Each one of them was promoted and became very powerful.

Even a tenth-order saint-level existence was born.

The reason for all this is the environment of the underground space.

After this exploration, the combined forces of the major forces unexpectedly detected that there are actually a lot of energy stones in the entire underground space!

Why Power Stone?

This point can be fully explained by the US military.

In fact, after discovering these energy stones, the U.S. military also tried to steal them, but the news of helplessness could not be hidden at all.

And most importantly, the thought of the existence of several Grade 10 Saint Grade genetically modified creatures in that underground space caused a headache for the U.S. military.

That is a nuclear bomb level threat. Once it breaks out, it will be a disaster for the United States.

If it's just the genetically modified creatures of the ninth emperor, it doesn't matter if the number is a little larger, because during this period of time, under the experiment of Dr. Eric Bernard, some special ninth genetic warriors have appeared in the U.S. military.

But these are not Tier Nine, but Tier Ten I am afraid that there are, no matter how confident the U.S. military is, it will not pack votes.

Therefore, for the energy stones in the underground space, the U.S. military can only agree that the major forces together are ordinary.

The major forces mentioned here are all powerful forces of various powerful countries.

This level of situation is already considered a national incident.

Because according to the detection situation, if a certain country alone gets those energy stones, it may be able to gain the power to rule the world.

this is too scary!

When Liu Ya said these things, Qin Shaofeng asked in his heart: "So, those major forces have been specifically detected, how many energy stones are there in that underground space?"


Liu Ya pondered for a while, and then replied: "It doesn't seem to be very clear, but according to the current information, at least there are millions of spirit stones."

Liu Ya also knew about Qin Shaofeng's visit to the underground headquarters of the Bregg family, and Qin Shaofeng also told her about the underground space, and naturally knew that the so-called energy stones were purely spiritual stones.

Millions of spiritual stones?

With more than one thousand spirit stones, it is possible to create a ninth-order emperor strong, so many spirit stones, but it can create thousands of ninth-order emperors.

This is a great fortune!

But after hearing this number from Liu Ya, Qin Shaofeng smiled inexplicably, and a hint of playfulness flashed in his eyes.


Oh, this is not the real quantity at all, the real quantity must be multiplied by one ten!

Recalling the situation that he had forcibly exploded out of the divine consciousness at the beginning, Qin Shaofeng had determined millions of spirit stones, and he had simply underestimated the value of that underground space.

The spirit stones in that place are definitely more than tens of millions.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know why such a place would appear on the earth with exhausted spiritual energy. This was really weird.

But Qin Shaofeng also had to admit that the spirit stones in that place were indeed very attractive, even he was very eager to attribute all the spirit stones to his own.

Because if there are any spiritual stones, his physical realm may be raised to a very exaggerated realm.

However, after returning this time, Qin Shaofeng always had some bad feelings in his heart, especially when he thought of that underground space, this bad feeling was especially obvious.

This made Qin Shaofeng secretly guess that the underground space probably still has some unknown dangers.

Liu Ya has already told him that now the major forces have organized a large number of strong men, ready to attack that underground space.

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng was disdainful.

Although he didn't know, how many rank ten saint masters could appear in the so-called union of major forces this time.

But Qin Shaofeng guessed that, at most, the number of those genetically modified creatures of the tenth order is about the same.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng is not optimistic about the alliance of the major forces this time.

Because in his opinion, the genetically modified creatures of the tenth rank are absolutely powerful, and they cannot be handled by ordinary tenth rank masters.

This time, the major forces will probably fail, and most of them will suffer heavy losses.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't pay much attention to these, because for him now, there is still a more important thing that needs him to complete.

This is to re-practice the "Treasure of Gods and Demons" that the body originally cultivated!

And this time, the "Glossary of Gods and Demons" that Qin Shaofeng had strengthened before was the "Glossary of Gods and Demons" that Qin Shaofeng had previously strengthened.

Compared with the previous "The Book of Gods and Demons", the enhanced "The Book of Gods and Demons" is more suitable for him to practice now.

The original "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" is composed of three chapters, corresponding to each stage of cultivation.

The first basic chapter corresponds to cultivation to the supreme realm of the holy monarch of the ancient sanctuary, and the second law state corresponds to the cultivation to the supreme realm.

In the third chapter, the Dao Jing chapter is actually not really about the cultivation of Dao Jing, but it is about how to transform to the law state, and finally practice a lot of Dao Jing.

If you were stunned to correspond, it would be the cultivation stage of the law state and the half-walk state.

Qin Shaofeng's current physical body on Earth has only cultivated to the seventh level of the Basic Chapter, corresponding to the realm of Emperor Wu.

And it's just that the cultivation base reaches the realm of the peak Wuhuang, as for the realm of the physical body, it is far less than the realm of cultivation.

This is all because "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" is a targeted cultivation technique, although it can promote the improvement of the physical realm.

This kind of promotion is too small. Under the influence of Qin Shaofeng's soul, his cultivation is far beyond the realm of the physical body.

Before Qin Shaofeng had just reached the realm of Wuhuang in his physical realm, his cultivation realm was able to reach the realm of the peak of Wuhuang with the help of the pill without hindrance or side effects.

But this is also the limit. If the cultivation level is higher, it will not be a good thing for him, it will affect his physical improvement, and even deplete his physical potential.

This is also the reason why Qin Shaofeng was able to take the pill without hesitation to improve his cultivation, but he did not make any actual actions.

As long as he had enough pills, Qin Shaofeng could directly reach the realm of dominance.

But in this way, it is impossible to cultivate this physical body to the realm.

This situation is completely different from his plan, and Qin Shaofeng will naturally not be like this.

However, Qin Shaofeng paid attention to the physical aspect of the enhancement of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" this time, which made him gain a lot.

Therefore, the current "Treasure of Gods and Demons" is completely based on physical cultivation, and even in the realm of the earth, it can be practiced smoothly without any resistance.

The previous "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" was based on the practice of cultivation and the physical body as a supplement.

And the current "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" is a practice method that is based on the physical body and supplemented by the cultivation base.

It can be said that, the current "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" is entirely a physical exercise method to strengthen the realm of the physical body.

Qin Shaofeng hadn't had any clues about any rapid improvement of the physical realm before, and could only look forward to finding a fast-cultivating body-refining exercise, and even a way to improve the physical realm similar to the nine spirits gathering fire formation.

But now Qin Shaofeng doesn't need it anymore.

Because now for Qin Shaofeng, only if he has enough power, his physical realm can be quickly improved.

Because in the state of refining the origin of the Taoist realm, Qin Shaofeng used the "God and Demon Treasure" as the basis and applied a large number of physical exercises, especially referring to the body of the body of the gods and demons, and carried out the transformation The Magic Book.

The body of gods and demons: super god-level spiritual roots, the supremely powerful special spiritual roots with the power of true demons and true gods, logically speaking, do not exist in the world, and achievements are limitless!

This is the spiritual root of Qin Shaofeng's body, extremely powerful and possessing extraordinary abilities.

Even so, just relying on such a talented spiritual root, Qin Shaofeng doesn't need to deliberately cultivate at all, he can achieve both soul and body to advance to the realm.

Although this is true, even Qin Shaofeng knew it in his heart.

But helplessly, it takes a lot of time, but for Qin Shaofeng now, what is lacking is time.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to advance to the Dao Realm in this way, because it is too late.

And because of this, Qin Shaofeng didn't seriously awaken the exclusive skills of the body of the gods and demons to unlock the complete awakening.

Body of God and Demon: One of the exclusive skills of the Super God-level skill, Eye of God and Demon, is a passive skill that can awaken the user's natural spiritual root!

Opening conditions:

1. Player level promotion dominates!

2. The number of stripes in the player's body reaches 1,000!

3. Players break through the current realm of Taoism and have the power to break the Tao!

This was when Qin Shaofeng's body of the gods and demons had awakened. After this exclusive skill, Qin Shaofeng used these three conditions to completely activate the body of the gods and demons.

It's too simple to be promoted to the master!

Qin Shaofeng had already reached it.

It was not difficult for Qin Shaofeng to break through and cultivate a thousand lines of avenues.

And the so-called power of breaking the Dao is actually the power that is transformed into the power of the Dao realm after being cultivated to the extreme with the pattern that dominates the Supreme Thousand Dao Dao Dao.

Because this process is to dominate the Supreme Realm to break through to the Dao Realm, this kind of power is called the power of breaking the Dao.

Others may not be able to advance to the Dao Realm with Domination Supreme, but for Qin Shaofeng, this is completely fine.

But because later, on the way to break through the realm of law, this situation didn't work.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't cultivate the power to break the path.

However, if the extreme power of the half-walking realm is used, Qin Shaofeng's body can still awaken the body of the gods and demons.

But the same sentence, even if the body of the gods and demons is strong, it takes a long time to advance to the Dao realm.

However, although he could not take the path of the body of the gods and demons, this was what gave Qin Shaofeng one of the most powerful physiques in the world.

In the case of transforming "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", Qin Shaofeng used his own body of God and Demons as the basis for strengthening and reforming.

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