Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1848: The fiasco of several major forces

Qin Shaofeng's body of gods and demons was a perfect physique.

In fact, if it were not, Qin Shaofeng's soul was already close to the realm of Dao, and the reason why his body of the gods and demons had been shaped, would cultivate Dao realm with the body of the gods and demons.

This is definitely the strongest Taoist body!

After cultivating this reformed "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", in fact, it is a technique for transforming the physical body of Qin Shaofeng Earth into the direction of his own body of God and Demons.

In this way, the subsequent integration can actually be much smoother.

For ordinary people, there are 720 cultivation points in the body, of which 108 are the main acupuncture points.

But in fact, after stepping into the road of cultivation, with the improvement of cultivation, the body will stimulate more and more acupuncture points.

Even if the practice method is not based on acupuncture points, but the realm is raised, the acupuncture points hidden in the body will naturally appear.

Such acupuncture points are called hidden points, hidden points!

So the human body will actually have 1080 acupuncture points after practicing.

If all the 1080 acupuncture points can be stimulated, the physical body will be elevated to a very powerful state.

But there is one difference, that is, there are some special physiques, there will be more acupuncture points in the body, and some will be less.

Although it does not mean that the more acupuncture points, the higher, but if the number of acupuncture points increases, the improvement of the physical realm will be easier, and it will also allow the physical body to rise to a stronger realm.

Not to mention, just talk about the Jinguang tribe like Jindi. The total number of acupuncture points in their tribe is a bit more than others, with 1,500.

Therefore, the Jinguang people are born to strengthen many ethnic groups physically.

Even Qin Shaofeng's mother's family Jiang family has more than 1,200 acupuncture points in their bodies!

And the dependents who were strengthened by Qin Shaofeng with super devil chess pieces, such as Zhao Yun'er, Meng Xin'er and others, their physique has been greatly strengthened. If all the acupuncture points in the body are stimulated, they can basically exceed 2000.

As for Qin Shaofeng's body with the body of gods and demons, the number of acupuncture points in his entire body was exactly 3,600!

This is also the limit that the acupuncture points in a creature's body can reach, and the limit that the physical body can bear. That's why Qin Shaofeng's body of gods and demons is the most perfect physique.

If these acupuncture points can be stimulated, then Qin Shaofeng's body of gods and demons may be fully developed.

Then, whether it is cultivation or comprehension, it is far beyond the vast majority of creatures.

As for Qin Shaofeng's physical body on the earth, although his father Qin Feiyang had many means, according to the results of Qin Shaofeng's exploration, there are only 1,800 acupuncture points in this physical body!

This is already very powerful!

Even if it were not for the influence of the power of the Taoist world, even with Qin Feiyang's ability, it would not be possible to create such a strong physique. It would be the limit to be able to have one thousand four hundred and five hundred.

And now Qin Shaofeng's reformed and strengthened "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" is a practice technique that mainly stimulates body acupoints.

Now it's exciting first, and after all 1,800 acupuncture points have been stimulated, then he can still add acupuncture points to the limit of this physical body by virtue of the current "The Book of Gods and Demons".

The cultivation technique that can increase acupuncture points is probably an extremely powerful technique in all Dao realms.

Because the practice of the current "The Book of Gods and Demons" is to attack the acupuncture points first, and after the acupuncture points are thoroughly stimulated, enough power is directly injected, and then the realm can be smoothly improved.

For example, after successfully cultivating with the current "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", it can stimulate three acupuncture points, and if these three acupoints are filled with enough internal energy, then it is an advanced warrior.

Then, the practice arouses twelve acupuncture points, injects enough internal energy, even without refining, it can be promoted to become an innate martial artist by itself.

This is the power of the current "Glossary of Gods and Demons".

Activating the physical body's acupuncture points first is equivalent to raising the physical body's realm, and then absorbing enough physical power, then it is raised to the corresponding cultivation level.

There is no such thing as one to ten levels, or the cost of the small stage in the early and late stages. As long as the acupuncture points are stimulated, the physical realm will be improved, and then the strength will be absorbed, and the cultivation base will follow.

Such a sharp technique, but unusually weird, and still very powerful.

It is undeniable that the transformation of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" to this step is far beyond Qin Shaofeng's expectations.

Although there are the basis of the original "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" and Qin Shaofeng's body of Gods and Demons, the way of such improvement still comes from the destruction of beasts.

That trace of Dao realm origin has always come from a Dao realm-level powerful destruction beast, although it does not have the soul of the other party, or even the breath.

But there is still a lot of information about the Destroyer Beast, such as the way the Destroyer Beast has a body.

For example, how to destroy the beast, strengthen its own body, etc., these are very precious experiences.

At this moment, "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" has such a strange way of improvement, which Qin Shaofeng created by referring to the cultivation method of Destroyed Beasts.

That's why, after the soul returned here, Qin Shaofeng retreats for the first time.

The reason for Qin Shaofeng's retreat is simple, that is, to forcibly transform the "Treasure of Gods and Demons" that the flesh body had previously cultivated.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng was originally only the cultivation level of Emperor Wu, and he was in the seventh stage of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons". This was not high, but it was relatively easy.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng didn't consume the soul at all during this time, which made his current soul full of the soul power that had previously differentiated.

It's a lot easier to transform this physical body with these soul powers.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng spent three days talking before stimulating 108 acupuncture points.

If 108 acupuncture points can be stimulated, it is the seventh level of cultivation to the current "Treasure of Gods and Demons", which corresponds to the realm of Emperor Wu.

It is worth mentioning that after practicing this "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", there is no so-called realm distinction in every realm.

After 108 acupuncture points were filled with the inner energy of the gods and demons, it was Qin Shaofeng that reached the realm of Wuhuang peak.

If it insists on making a distinction, then blocking Qin Shaofeng to activate the 109th acupuncture point is equivalent to barely stepping into the realm of Martial Saint.

However, in order to truly possess the strength of the Martial Saint Realm, at least 120 acupuncture points must be stimulated.

If 180 acupuncture points can be stimulated, and all acupuncture points are filled with the inner energy of the gods and demons, then Qin Shaofeng is equivalent to reaching the realm of Wusheng peak.

However, it is a pity that Qin Shaofeng's current situation can only stimulate 108 acupuncture points.

This is because he had the cultivation base of the Wuhuang peak realm before, so he could reach this step.

The only difference is that now Qin Shaofeng has reached the peak realm of Martial Emperor both in his cultivation and his physical realm.

This time it was just a transformation, and Qin Shaofeng needed a period of time to adapt, and the new practice method of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" was not in a hurry to continue to improve.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng also knew from Liu Ya. Just early this morning, the United States gathered the might of the major forces and finally entered that underground space and began to attack those genetically modified creatures.

In fact, Liu Ya told Qin Shaofeng, it is better to say that the evil blood Taoist told Qin Shaofeng.

Because during this period of time, the evil blood Taoists were searching and collecting information, and then passing it to Fengya Villa, which let Liu Ya know a lot of things.

Today's evil-blooded Taoist has not only completely controlled Li Shangtian's body, but even the realm has returned to the Qihai realm, that is, the Wusheng realm.

As a martial sage, many hidden families in China can speak for themselves.

At the very least, in front of evil-blooded Taoists, the Wang family had to be honest.

It's just that because there was no order from Qin Shaofeng, the evil-blooded Taoist hadn't disclosed his relationship with Qin Shaofeng, and now no one knew that the evil-blooded Taoist was only Qin Shaofeng's servant.

And the evil blood Taoist also obtained a lot of information by virtue of his own strength.

For example, even the general hidden family does not know the slightest information about the underground space in the United States, most of the warrior family knows at best, the Bregg family was destroyed by a mysterious strongman.

As for the early morning of this morning, there were most of the US military powers, as well as some powerful powers in Europe and America.

Although many big powers in various countries already know this.

However, this is due to the strong attitude of the US military and the combination of several major forces in Europe and America. Other major forces can only watch this.

And it is precisely for this reason that the U.S. military and the others attacked the underground space so quickly, cutting the mess quickly, avoiding nights and dreams, and other accidents. They wanted to occupy the underground space as soon as possible and remove the energy stones. Take it out.

But this time the alliance was an offensive action by a big force, and as Qin Shaofeng expected, it failed!

And it was a heavy failure!

Under the research of Dr. Eric Bernard and the energy stone provided by General Viteo, there are now a large number of Tier 9 genetic fighters in the U.S. military, and even three Tier 10 genetic fighters.

However, it seems that the lack of energy stones has caused these three rank ten genetic warriors to not be as powerful as some rank ten saints, and they cannot be called human-shaped nuclear bomb level power.

This is all enhanced in this way, so that these tenth-level genetic warriors have lost their abilities, and can't be regarded as abilities.

But even so, this is also a very powerful master, the ninth-order Ability Sovereign is not their opponent at all.

Three rank ten genetic warriors, twenty rank nine ability kings, and one hundred rank eight ability kings, this is the lineup sent by the U.S. military.

The reason for sending such a strong lineup is a kind of shock.

And several other big forces, also sent some tenth-order powerhouses, as well as the ninth-order emperor and a large number of eighth-order kings.

All this adds up, there are seven rank ten combat power, nine rank combat power more than fifty, and the eighth rank is even more than 300 stocks.

In the eyes of the U.S. military and those major forces, this attack is absolutely no problem.

But in the end, such a strong lineup ended in a disastrous defeat.

Seven tenth-tier combat power level masters unexpectedly only returned three, and even one of them was completely maimed. Even if it was restored, the combat power might fall to the realm of the tenth-tier saint.

It was the three special rank 10 genetic warriors of the U.S. military, none of them returned.

As for the combat power of those ninth and eighth tiers, some escaped back in time, but the total number was less than one hundred!

This not only failed the attack, but it was also a complete defeat!

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