Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1849: Wang's plan

Knowing that the U.S. military and other major forces had suffered a crushing defeat, the global high-level power circle caused a sensation.

Under such circumstances, other major forces around the world seem to have seen something, and they have put pressure on the U.S. military for a while, wanting to get a share of the pie.

Helplessly, the US military, which had just suffered serious losses, could only agree to the participation of other major forces.

Even the U.S. has already promoted it to the outside world. As long as the underground space is laid down, the U.S. military will only have 20% of the energy stone in it, and they will not mix the rest.

In fact, the United States initially planned to ask for 30%, and directly shouted out 50% of the energy stones to them.

As a result, it was naturally not recognized by those big forces, and bargaining along the way was 20%.

However, the U.S. is using this to say that it will leave the bodies of those genetically modified organisms to them.

Many large coalition forces have agreed on this point.

Then, many forces actually began to discuss how to distribute the last 80% energy stone.

Qin Shaofeng also knew about this from the Evil Blood Dao population, but he sneered and shook his head.

Let the evil blood Taoist find a reason to refuse this action.

Because this time after the defeat of the U.S. military and other forces, China's major hidden families also joined in for the first time, intending to get a share of the pie.

Therefore, in China, led by several extremely powerful hermit families, they began to unite to form the China Warrior Alliance that attacked the underground space this time.

Because the formation of the Martial Arts Alliance will give them the confidence to fight for 20% of the energy stones.

Twenty percent of one million is two hundred thousand!

This is also a very terrifying number, and most importantly, it is the number of probes. According to the US military, there are still some places in the underground space because there are powerful genetically modified organisms, so no probes have been conducted.

In other words, there may be more energy stones.

As a rank ten martial sage, the evil blood Taoist was naturally invited by this so-called martial arts alliance.

The previous seven Tier 10 combat powers have all been defeated, and four of the Tier 10 combat powers have been lost.

Therefore, this time the attack is naturally that the more Tier 10 powerhouses appear, the more it is a good thing.

As for the evil blood Taoist, although it seems to be of the same martial sage level, in fact, as a monk in the cultivation world of Earth China thousands of years ago, he has the cultivation base of the gods.

Even if it is only now restored to the Qihai Realm, he can defeat the vast majority of martial sages with his methods and the combat power he has now.

Therefore, at the beginning, he was also moved.

He knew that those things called energy stones by the U.S. military were spiritual stones condensed into spiritual energy.

If he can get a large number of spirit stones, his cultivation base can be restored even higher.

However, before deciding, he still consulted Qin Shaofeng.

For the master Qin Shaofeng, although he was forced to recognize him, the more he learned about Qin Shaofeng, the more the evil-blooded Taoists dared not betray Qin Shaofeng.

After learning that Qin Shaofeng's retreat was over, he naturally asked Qin Shaofeng whether to participate in this operation.

And considering the tinge of bad feeling in his heart, Qin Shaofeng still asked the evil blood Taoist to find an excuse to reject the Martial Artist Alliance and not to participate in this operation.

Although the evil-blooded Taoist was a little puzzled, and he felt a little regretful, he still did not hesitate to implement Qin Shaofeng's command.

Finally, on the grounds that he had just broken through the Martial Saint realm, he tactfully declined the invitation of the Martial Artist Alliance.

Although it was regrettable on the side of the Warrior League, it didn't care.

Because the Martial Arts Alliance has now assembled, the three martial arts-level powerhouses, this is also a very large lineup.

After all, they are only one side of the Huaxia Warrior Alliance, this time they are almost assembled, the strongest from most powerful forces in the world.

If it weren't for worrying about less than 20% of the benefits, China's martial arts alliance would not want to form three martial arts powerhouses.

After all, the more powerhouses of this series, the more benefits will naturally be distributed in the end.

This is not a good thing for some people!

At the same time, the Wang Family was also discussing because of the emergence of this warrior alliance.

This is a special secret room. Although it is not big, people who can enter this secret room are very rare in the Wang family.

Even Wang Feiran's second uncle was not qualified to enter this secret room.

Because even if it was Wang Feiran's father, Wang Shihao, the contemporary Patriarch of the Wang family, just stood in this secret room.

And in this secret room, there are only five people sitting at this moment.

As for the sitting person, it was Wang Shengdong, the old father of Wang Shihao, and his brothers, Wang Shengnan, Wang Shengxi and Wang Shengbei.

This is the real strength of the Wang Family, and the four strongest members.

And without exception, the four of Wang Shengdong were in the realm of the tenth martial emperor, and even the strongest of them, Wang Shengdong, had reached the realm of the martial emperor's peak, but had not broken through to the martial sage realm.

But with Wang Shengdong's strength, probably under Wu Sheng, few people are his opponents.

At the moment, the four are discussing this matter.

Their Wang family also accepted the invitation, but they are still discussing whether or not to go.

The third king, Shengxi, said directly: “I think it’s better not to go. According to the information that Shihao explored, those hidden families are the strong men in the martial sage realm. In this way, even if we go, we will be divided. There is not much benefit, and we have to take great risks!"

The last sentence is what Wang Shengxi is worried about.

After all, there are lessons from the past, and the tenth-tier combat power has all died. They are only the ninth-level and ten-tier martial emperor realm, let alone.

"Although it says so, but..."

After listening to his third words, Wang Shengnan nodded, but soon frowned, "This energy stone is a spirit stone. If we can get some, it will be of great benefit to us."

"Yeah!" The fourth king, Sheng Bei, said with a face of approval. "The second brother is right. Those are spirit stones. If we can get some, we don't need a lot. As long as three to five thousand are very objective."

After a pause, the fourth eldest Wang Shengbei's gaze fell on Wang Shengdong, who had been silent, and reminded him intentionally or unintentionally: "Moreover, with the current situation of the eldest brother, I am afraid that I can only go further with the help of spirit stones!"

Go further!

Wang Shengdong, who had been silent, heard his fourth brother's words, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

For the realm of Martial Saint, Wang Shengdong is extremely yearning.

But over the years, he has used countless methods and methods, and he hasn't taken this last step. He has been stuck at the peak of Wuhuang, just can't get up.

And if you get some spirit stones, you may not have no chance!

After thinking about this, Wang Shengdong didn't hesitate anymore, he said in a solemn voice: "Okay, things have been decided in this way. Let's go for this action!"


Wang Shengnan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Because he knows his elder brother very well, everything he has decided can not be changed at all.

Moreover, in his heart, he was actually very eager for those spirit stones, but just thinking of the loss of the American army and other forces in the first action, he was a little uneasy.

As if he could see through Wang Shengnan’s worry, Wang Shengdong said directly: “Okay, you don’t need to worry too much about your second brother. I’m afraid there will be a large number of martial arts masters in this action. Those tenth-level genetic modifications are If someone deals with it, as long as we are more careful, there should be no danger."

I hope so!

Wang Shengnan smiled helplessly. To be honest, he was still uneasy in his heart, and he didn't know what was causing the uneasy. In short, he was a little uncomfortable.

But the matter is now, he can only nod his head.

Seeing Wang Shengnan nodded and agreed, Wang Shengdong nodded in satisfaction, and then his eyes fell on his younger son.

Although it was a son born from an act of purging fire after leaving the customs in old age.

But for his little son, Wang Shengdong was very satisfied.

Whether it is the style of handling affairs or the talent for cultivation, Wang Shengdong is very satisfied, and he is very fancy of Wang Shihao.

"Shihao, you can tell the Martial Arts Alliance later that we will also participate in this operation!" Wang Shengdong said.

"Yes!" Wang Shihao nodded, but did not immediately retreat.

Upon seeing this, Wang Shengdong asked: "Is there anything else?"

"Yes!" Wang Shihao nodded and hurriedly replied, "Actually, it is not a big deal, it is the Qin Shaofeng thing that I told my father last time."

"Qin Shaofeng?"

Wang Shengdong frowned, but he soon remembered something.

"Is it the one who refines King Wu Dan?"

"Yes, it's him!" Wang Shihao replied, and then asked again, "Father, do we need to attack him?"

In fact, during these three months, Wang Feiran also visited Qin Shaofeng several times.

However, before leaving, Qin Shaofeng left a clone. During this time, Wang Feiran went to Fengya Villa and it was Qin Shaofeng's clone to deal with him.

As for those Martial King Pills, Qin Shaofeng had refined a lot before he left, and he would not let Wang Feiran come over every time and leave empty-handed.

But the more so, it made Wang Shihao's heart more excited, and the effect of Wu Wang Dan and that real Wu Wang Dan became more and more powerful.

Therefore, he wanted to bring Qin Shaofeng back to the captives and use them as a slave tool for refining pills for the Wang family.

However, because there were also not a few other hidden families who were eyeing Qin Shaofeng at the same time, Wang Shihao never made a move against Qin Shaofeng.

But now because of the movement of the United States, it has attracted the attention of countless people. Recently, the attention of the whole sentence has been focused on the establishment of the Martial Arts Alliance. He is definitely an opportunity now.

When Wang Shihao said this, Wang Shengdong understood his thoughts in his heart, but after all, the cautious Wang Shengdong asked again: "Have you checked it out? Then Qin Shaofeng is really not from the Qin family!"

Hearing what his father said, Wang Shihao knew that there was a show, and quickly answered.

"I'm clear, I have checked it very clearly, that Qin Shaofeng has nothing to do with the Qin family, and not only the Qin family, he has nothing to do with other hidden families. He is the one who got it, a certain powerful martial artist. The lucky one of the saint heritage."

Wang Shihao's tone was very positive, and he almost assured his old father with his chest.

"Well, if that's the case, then you can handle it!" Wang Shengdong nodded, and in the end he was talking to Wang Shihao, but fled this time into the Martial Arts Alliance with his three brothers.

Compared with this, a small Qin Shaofeng is nothing at all.


Upon seeing this, Wang Shihao smiled and left the secret room for the first time.

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