Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1851: Will count

Qin Shaofeng was helpless, really helpless!

No way, this is absolutely my fault.

After all, he let Tang Ning'er, a little girl, practice for three months by himself!

This is not the ancient sanctuary, but the earth!

Xiao Nizi Tang Ning'er is not a cultivator in the ancient sanctuary. In such an environment, even at Tang Ning'er's age, it is normal to practice in retreat for one hundred and eighty years.

Well, it is in the case of time acceleration.

But the problem is that this is the earth now. Although Tang Ning'er is a martial artist, in fact, for a real cultivator, her martial artist is too ordinary.

Not to mention a hundred or eighty years of retreat, even a few hours of continuous cultivation is a long time for Tang Ning'er.

Moreover, as far as the situation of the martial arts world on the earth is concerned, even those martial sages would not be able to retreat for a hundred or eighty years.

As for Tang Ning'er, it was already very good to be able to cultivate to Grand Master for the first time in such a closed-door practice.

But because of her own mistakes, uh, she completely forgot about this little Nizi, which caused her to live a depressed life for three months.

Qin Shaofeng is really embarrassed!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't say a word in the face of the resentful little Nizi, letting the little Nizi vent.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng agreed even more. This little Nizi used this as a threat to make many conditions.

To be honest, many of the conditions that this Xiao Nizi put forward actually made Qin Shaofeng feel numb, and felt a terrible headache.

But in the end, Qin Shaofeng nodded to Xiao Nizi under Liu Ya's mocking eyes.

Then, in the next few days, Qin Shaofeng was led by Xiaoni Zizhu and took her to play everywhere.

However, in order to attract Xiao Nizi's attention, mainly to make herself feel better, Qin Shaofeng also called Liu Ya.

Tang Ning'er had already known about Liu Ya's existence.

Because Tang Xiner had told her about Liu Ya before, and she seemed to understand that Liu Ya was also one of her brother-in-law's women.

Regarding this situation, Tang Ning'er, who was born in the Tang family on Tangyun Island, did not feel anything wrong.

Because her father has two wives.

Polygamy is in the martial arts world, but it is a sparse and common thing, and she has long since seen ghosts.

And after getting along with Liu Ya, Xiao Nizi also treated Liu Ya as her own sister, and the relationship with Liu Ya was very close.

The presence of Liu Ya made Qin Shaofeng a lot easier.

But he was still deliberately made things difficult by Xiao Nizi everywhere, such as asking Qin Shaofeng to buy water or snacks like ice cream from time to time.

And you can't buy it near, you have to be farther away.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t care much about this, because with his current physical body and cultivation level, he reached the level of Wuhuang peak, let alone running so many hundreds of kilometers, even if he ran more than ten or twenty miles. It can keep the ice cream in your hand from melting.

But in the face of this situation, Qin Shaofeng was still helpless.

However, before long, he finally got out of this helpless situation.

Because Xie always called and told him that Wang Feiran was looking for him again.

This allowed Qin Shaofeng to finally find an excuse, and then smoothly escaped from the "sea of ​​bitterness" here!

After returning to Fengya Villa, Qin Shaofeng saw Wang Feiran again.

For Wang Feiran, he had only seen Qin Shaofeng two weeks ago, but that was just a simplified version of Qin Shaofeng's inner energy condensed from the gods and demons.

Therefore, in Qin Shaofeng's opinion, he has not seen Wang Feiran for more than three months.

After seeing this Wang Fei again, Qin Shaofeng showed a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

Because the opponent's realm at the moment has actually reached the Wuhuang realm, and it seems that it should have just broken into the Wuhuang realm.

Obviously, most of the Zhenwu King Pills purchased later by the Wang family were probably used on Wang Feiran, which allowed him to reach the realm of Emperor Wu.

And seeing the current Wang Feiran, Qin Shaofeng instantly guessed the other party's intention this time.

As expected, after seeing Qin Shaofeng, Wang Feiran and Qin Shaofeng made a few polite summons, just to say their intentions.

"Shao Qin, I believe that with your realm, I have already seen that I have now been promoted to the realm of Wuhuang, so compared to you, you also know the purpose of my coming to you this time?"

Wang Feiran looked at Qin Shaofeng with a smile, with a meaningful expression in his eyes.

But in the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's answer made his face suddenly stiff.

"Purpose? I don't know!" Qin Shaofeng pretended to be confused, "Wang Dashao, you have thought a lot, I don't know, what is the purpose of your looking for me this time!"

With that said, Qin Shaofeng shook his head again and again, as if I didn't understand at all.

Qin Shaofeng's attitude made Wang Feiran a trace of anger.

Now their Wang family is very clear because of the investigation of Qin Shaofeng, because they think that Qin Shaofeng is not dangerous to their Wang family.


Qin Shaofeng's personal strength is very strong?

Heh, it is said that it is an individual, so what do I need to worry about?

Isn't their Wang family still afraid of Qin Shaofeng?

As for the other masters of Fengya Villa, Wang Feiran is not afraid now.

Because his father had the consent of his grandfather, but he could use the real power of the Wang family.

Although the Wang family does not have a powerful force of the level of Martial Saint, the hidden power of the Wang family is still very strong, in Wang Feiran's view.

At the very least, the Wang family had hidden some powerful Martial Emperors. This situation was also a secret thing that Wang Feiran only knew after he broke through and became the Martial Emperor.

Therefore, facing a mere Qin Shaofeng, Wang Feiran had no fear in his heart.

But when he thought of his father’s plan, Wang Feiran managed to endure the anger in his heart and grudgingly smiled at Qin Shaofeng: “Qin Shaofeng said and laughed. What I mean next is, can you provide me with that higher-level pill, such as The bell above the King Wu Pill... well, a pill like Wu Huang Pill!"

Wu Huangdan?

I don't have a Wuhuang Pill, but I have a three-star nine-layer spirit pill!

Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly in his heart, naturally seeing the anger in Wang Feiran's eyes clearly, but he didn't break it either.

"Wu Huang Dan?" Qin Shaofeng looked at Wang Feiran in surprise.

"Yes, it's Wu Huang Dan!" Wang Feiran nodded, "Qin Shao told me before that there are also medicines that can improve Wu Huang, so this should be Wu Huang Dan?"

"Well, it is true, there is indeed a Wuhuangdan!" Qin Shaofeng nodded.

really have!

Wang Feiran was overjoyed. To be honest, he didn't know what Qin Shaofeng had mentioned before.

And not only him, but also his father Wang Shihao and the senior leaders of the Wang family could not believe it.

There is a Wuhuangdan that can improve Wuhuang!

Having Wu Wang Dan and Zhen Wu Wang Dan is enough to shock people.

Return Wu Huangdan?

Somewhat unlikely!

But this time, Wang Feiran came to Qin Shaofeng's purpose, and one of them was to figure out whether there was a so-called Wuhuang Pill.

Now when I heard Qin Shaofeng's words, Wang Feiran was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "Then please Qin Shao to refine some Martial Emperor Pills for me, and the price is whatever you want!"

Wang Feiran was very angry, but his eyes were fixed on Qin Shaofeng, carefully observing Qin Shaofeng's expression.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was obviously attracted by Wang Feiran's words, his expression flashed with surprise, and a heartbeat flashed in his eyes.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng’s expression turned into hesitation, and then seemed to be holding back something, and said to Wang Feiran very reluctantly: "Ahem, I want to miss Wang Shao's love, I also want to refine some Wuhuang Dan. , But helplessly, with my current realm, I still can't refine the Martial Emperor Pill!"

At this moment, the expression on Qin Shaofeng's face is so real!

To be honest, at this time, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but give him a thumbs-up.

I really want to pretend too much!

What Wuhuang Dan, what state is not enough to refine.

These words were all nonsense by Qin Shaofeng. As for the purpose, it was simple, and it was to create an illusion for Wang Feiran.

In fact, after Wang Feiran appeared this time, Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart that the Wang family seemed to be making a bad idea for himself.

Therefore, he intends to do whatever it takes!

Sure enough, upon hearing Qin Shaofeng’s answer, Wang Feiran was overjoyed, but his face was silent, and even eagerly said: "The realm is not enough, this is impossible, Qin Shao, you are a master of alchemy. If it is made, how could it not be possible to refine the Martial Emperor Pill, you must know that you are a master among the Martial Emperor!"

"That's it!" It seemed that something had been decided, Wang Feiran said, "If Qin Shao can help me refine three Martial Emperor Pills, I will use the lower-grade elixir as a reward, and this is just a reward. , I will also bear it!"

As if afraid that Qin Shaofeng would not understand it, Wang Feiran quickly added: "I believe that based on Qin Shao's understanding of pill, he should understand that it is a high-grade elixir, right? Medicine, but it is a top-grade elixir that has grown to five thousand years. This is very rare!"

Heh, a low-grade elixir of the earth?

This Wang family is really willing!

Qin Shaofeng was disdainful in his heart, but he refused with the pain of ‘unwilling’ to move his face.

"Wang Shao, I naturally know this low-grade elixir, and I want to get it, but I really don't have the level of refining Wu Huang Dan!"

Qin Shaofeng shook his head, and said in a pity, "So, only I can refine this Martial Emperor Pill in the future!"

This time, Wang Feiran didn't say anything more.

Because of Qin Shaofeng's rich expression, he thought he had figured it out, and he felt a little bit in his heart.

With a slight smile, Wang Feiran said, "If that's the case, that's the only way to go. However, if Qin Shao can refine Wuhuang Dan, he will definitely help me refine some!"

"That's natural. If my alchemy level really reaches that level, I will definitely refine Wuhuang Pill for Wang Shao, and I will never break my promise!" Qin Shaofeng assured.

"That's OK, I'll thank Qin Shao first!" Wang Feiran nodded, then stood up, and said, "It's not too early now, I won't disturb Qin Shao anymore, let's say goodbye!"

"Uh, doesn't Wang Shao need those Martial King Pills this time?" Qin Shaofeng pretended to be surprised, and then asked to keep it.

"Don't use it for the time being!" Wang Feiran shook his head, "I don't need Wu Wang Dan anymore at this time."

"Oh, that's really a shame!" Qin Shaofeng said with a pity and gloom.

Upon seeing this, Wang Feiran smiled lightly in his heart, confirming something more, and then decisively said goodbye to Qin Shaofeng without thinking.

Soon, he left the Fengya Villa!

However, Wang Feiran didn't know, and Qin Shaofeng's mouth was slightly tilted as he watched his leaving figure.

Oh, this should work!


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