Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1852: Really came


A few days ago, after Wang Shengdong had negotiated with the warrior alliance of China, he took his three brothers to the warrior alliance to report.

Before setting off, the Warrior League still had a lot of things to deal with, but the personnel were called immediately.

Then Wang Shengdong naturally took people there.

And three days ago, the entire Martial Arts League also began to act, and now it has arrived in San Francisco, the United States.

Therefore, the current Wang family is completely in charge of Wang Shihao.

Early in the morning, he sent his son Wang Feiran to the Fengya Villa to inquire.

As for the results of the inquiries, Wang Shihao is now receiving reports from his son.

"Fei Ran, are you sure that Qin Shaofeng said that there are pills like Wuhuang Pill?"

After listening to what his son reported, Wang Shihao was also a little excited.


Wang Feiran nodded very surely, and said: "When I spoke before, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate to say directly, he can refine the elixir that allows the martial artist of the Martial Sovereign realm to improve his cultivation! It's just... …"

"Just what?"

"Actually nothing!"

Recalling Qin Shaofeng's reluctance before, Wang Feiran sneered and said, "That is, Qin Shaofeng said that at his current level, he could not refine the Martial Emperor Pill, but in the eyes of the child, this is all lies!"

"Oh, how can you see it?"

Seeing that his son was so confident, Wang Shihao couldn't help but ask.

In fact, Wang Feiran was not only instructed by Wang Feiran's visit this time, but also he Wang Shihao asked Wang Feiran to say many of the words.

This is for a thorough test of Qin Shaofeng, to see where the bottom line of Qin Shaofeng's pill refining lies.

So, seeing his son so confident, Wang Shihao actually already had the answer in his heart, but he still wanted to hear it with his own ears.

Wang Feiran didn't think much, and immediately said: "Father is like this. I will follow your method and say that Qin Shaofeng will help refine the Wuhuang Pill with the low-grade elixir as a reward, but Qin Shaofeng refused. Up!"

"However, the child has also observed that even though Qin Shaofeng refused, his eyes are extremely emotional. He is obviously tempted by the low-grade elixir. And when he refused, his face was extremely sad. It seems that after thinking about the struggle, I refused to refuse the child!"

"So, Haier is sure that Qin Shaofeng must have reached the level of refining Wuhuang Pill, but he was jealous and did not agree to help the child refining!" Wang Feiran said very positively.


Wang Shihao nodded, but actually believed it in his heart.

"It seems to be the case, but in the eyes of the father, that Qin Shaofeng has not only reached the realm of refining Wuhuang Pill, he has even refined Wuhuang Pill." Wang Shihao said firmly.

"Father, what do you mean..." Wang Feiran's heart moved as if he understood something.

"Heh, there is no need to say anything, then Qin Shaofeng himself is a proof."

Wang Shihao sneered coldly: "Without the help of Wu Huang Dan, how could an ordinary person with no family background and five backgrounds in Qin Shaofeng district be able to cultivate to the realm of Wu Huang and have the strength to destroy the Gao family?"

In Wang Shihao's view, Qin Shaofeng used the Wuwang Pill and Wuhuang Pill to continuously improve, and finally reached the realm of Wuhuang, and also possessed the strength to destroy the Gao family.

If it weren't for this reason, how could his dignified family leader put so much attention on Qin Shaofeng?

After confirming this now, Wang Shihao didn't hesitate anymore in his heart.

"Fei Ran, go and inform your second uncle, let him prepare, and call everyone to prepare for departure!" Wang Shihao suddenly said.

Wang Feiran was overjoyed in his heart, and instantly understood that his father was finally ready to attack Qin Shaofeng.

This made him very excited, because once Qin Shaofeng was taken down, it would benefit him the most.

Because he has just broken through to the realm of Emperor Wu, if Qin Shaofeng is allowed to refine enough Martial Emperor Pill, then he may be able to reach the level of Wu Huang's fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, or even the peak of Wu Huang.

The thought of this possibility made him very excited.

"Understand father, I'll go and inform my second uncle!"

After Wang Feiran left, Wang Shihao did not act, but remained silent for a while.

There was a moment of silence, Wang Shihao's eyes flashed a little, and he said to himself.

"Well, even though with the power of my Wang family's dispatch this time, it is completely able to take that down. But it is not a bad thing to prepare more, this time I will call that person, anyway, for him, there is no need for any benefit. !"

As if thinking of something, Wang Shihao smiled slightly, then stood up, turned and entered a secret room.

"This time I'm ready to act, to get that Qin Shaofeng back!"

When he came to the secret room, Wang Shihao said.

However, there was no movement in the secret room.

Upon seeing this, Wang Shihao frowned slightly, and then said: "I promise that after I get everything I want from Qin Shaofeng, you will take care of his life, and I will not interfere with what you want to do then! "

This time, the secret room no longer remained silent, but a cold and old voice came: "Okay!"

The next moment, the secret room opened directly, and then a figure with an unusually cold breath appeared.

Facing such a cold aura, even Wang Shihao, who had reached the seventh level of Wu Huang, couldn't help but shudder.

Although he was very confident in his own strength in his heart, he was also very clear in his heart that he was nothing at all in front of this figure.

However, Wang Shihao, who got the affirmative answer from the figure at this moment, was instantly settled in his heart.

He originally thought it was foolproof, but now that he has the help of this figure master, it is even more okay.

Then Qin Shaofeng can't run away!

Wuhuangdan and Wuwangdan will belong to their royal family!


Fengya Villa, looking at the figure in front of him at the moment, Qin Shaofeng expressed his satisfaction.

Before he left the earth and temporarily returned to the ancient sanctuary, he had refined a lot of pills.

Therefore, in those three months, the combat power of Fengya Villa has improved a lot.

Today, Xie Lao, Black Tiger, and Black Panther have all been promoted to the realm of Emperor Wu.

Moreover, the old Xie had reached the realm of the seventh martial emperor, and the two brothers Heihu and Heibao had reached the realm of the sixth and fifth martial emperor respectively.

And not only them, but also five warriors with good qualifications, with the help of Qin Shaofeng's Nine Layers of Spirit Pill, reached the realm of Emperor Wu.

Although these five people are only in the realm of the first and second martial emperors, but in this way, Fengya Villa already has eight martial emperors.

Well, not Qin Shaofeng.

As for the positions of those Wuwang realms below the Wuhuang realm, the number is even greater, with more than twenty people.

Even the warriors who can stay in Fengya Villa are at the lowest realm of Grand Master.

Elder Xie had already purchased a piece of land in another place and built a base to train martial artists of other levels.

As long as you cultivate to the realm of Grand Master, you will come to Fengya Villa.

As for the base over there, there are five kings of war, which is also a big deal.

You must know that in the martial arts world, an innate master is already the strongest combat power of a martial arts family.

The powers that have the existence of King Wu are basically hidden families with some background.

Although these people used Qin Shaofeng's many medicines, it was worth it in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

However, after all, it was the cultivation base that relied on the elixir.

Even after practicing "Xuan Ling Gong" and "Assassination Skill", Xie Lao and others have more extraordinary combat power in the same realm.

But this still needs some battles to hone some, otherwise, the cultivation base will only be the cultivation base after all, not the real combat effectiveness.

And now is an opportunity!

When Wang Feiran came, Qin Shaofeng had almost guessed the intention of the other party.

Because this time, he felt the pure evil thoughts directed at him from Wang Feiran.

Coupled with the fact that the Wang Family used the Gao Family's calculations before, this is what makes Qin Shaofeng more or less able to guess.

The Wang family is going to shoot himself!

And this is probably just recently!

Qin Shaofeng also knew that at this time, because of the genetically modified organisms in the U.S., they had attracted many targets.

And he, although because of the Gao family, attracted a lot of attention.

But after three months of silence, and now that something like this has occurred, no power's eyes are still focused on him.

This is an excellent opportunity. Qin Shaofeng believes that the Wang family will not miss such a great opportunity.

Even after Wang Feiran left this morning, Qin Shaofeng had decided that the Wang family would probably do it on himself today, and most of it would be at night.

The time Qin Shaofeng guessed should be the early morning time period after 12 o'clock in the evening.

But he still underestimated the Wang family and how much he valued.

Well, or rather, underestimated the eager greed in the Wang family.

Only in the afternoon, Andrew came to ask Qin Shaofeng to report that a large number of powerful warriors had appeared.

Andrew, who was responsible for making the super-detector, now barely has the cultivation level of the Wuwang realm. He has stopped improving his abilities and started practicing "Xuanlinggong" instead.

It's just that this guy is more concerned about scientific research, even if he has enough Nine Layers of Spirit Pills, he is only capable of breaking through to the realm of King Wu.

However, monitoring the area around Fengya Villa has become his task.

Therefore, after a large number of bright spots appeared on the super detector, Andrew came to tell Qin Shaofeng the first time.

An enemy is coming!

And the number is quite large!

Although the opponent was very cautious, in front of the Super Detector, that caution was useless at all.

There were one hundred fifty or sixty people on the other side, and all of them were not simple. They basically reached the realm of the innate grandmaster. Among them, there were many martial artists in the realm of the innate grand master and the king of martial arts.

Even in this team, the existence of Wuhuang realm actually broke through ten!

This is a very strong lineup.

After three months of repeated attempts and modifications, Andrew has improved the super detector a lot.

Not only has the detection range been expanded a lot, but even the detection capabilities have also improved a lot.

Now not only humans, but even the breath of animals can be detected clearly, and its state and threat level can be analyzed.

Another point is that once the breath has been recorded by the super detector, if it is detected again, the specific information of the other party will be revealed for the first time.

And this time, in this powerful team of one hundred fifty and sixty people, there are a few breaths recorded by super detectors.

For example, Wang Feiran and his second uncle in the triple realm of Emperor Wu!

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng knew.

Wang Family, really came!

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