Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1854: Lead the snake out of the hole

The assassination has begun!

With an order from the old man Xie, fifteen assassins of the martial king class and two assassins of the martial king class began to rush towards the king's team.

These assassins were the personnel named by Qin Shaofeng's direct subordinates, and the warriors who practiced "Assassination Skills" were the assassins.

The warriors who practice "Xuan Ling Gong" are combatants!

Well, easy to understand!

It stands to reason that such an assassination operation should have been carried out as early as the beginning.

Because in that case, it would not have been the assassins of the three innate grand masters and took the lives of the three innate grand masters of the Wang family.

If the assassination is carried out from the beginning, this wave of assassination can bring at least the cultivation bases of a dozen martial kings, and it may even assassinate one or two martial emperors.

However, Xie Lao did not intend to do so.

In fact, even with preparations, the first wave of assassination of more than a dozen Martial Kings, or even one or two Martial Kings, was really not difficult.

But this kind of assassination can only work once, and then it will have no effect.

The most veteran killer, Xie Lao knows that only this can successfully assassinate a group of targets.

In fact, as the old Xie thought.

After the inexplicable disappearance of the three great congenital masters, many people in the Wang family really panic.

But the thought of the existence of the Patriarch and the Emperors of Wang's family, coupled with what Wang Shihao deliberately said, made many people settled.

Even if some people still feel uneasy, they have gradually calmed down.

Humph, that is, I accidentally caught the enemy's trap and lost three innate grandmasters. It's no big deal.

There are more than 30 Wu Kings in our team, as well as the Patriarch and a dozen of them!

A mere Qin Shaofeng is nothing at all.

Under absolute power, any conspiracy is a paper tiger!

With some such emotions, the Wang family's team has settled down, and at the same time they have become more vigilant.

But not long after this, a sudden exclamation sounded, which immediately alarmed everyone.

"Team... Captain, the captain is gone!"

I saw a disciple of the Wang family in the realm of the innate great master, widening his eyes and looking at the empty place in front of him, his face was full of horror.

At this moment, the captain of his innate great master's tenth realm was still in front of him, comforting and encouraging himself, so that he didn't have to worry about anything.

But the next moment, his captain is gone!

Just before his eyes, it disappeared alive!

This is weird!

"What's the matter!"

A figure flashed, and said in a deep voice.


Looking up, he saw that the person coming was his Patriarch, and the Wang family disciple hurriedly said: "Patriarch, the captain of our team is gone, he...he disappeared. He was talking to me a moment ago, but he didn't say a word. People just... disappear strangely!"

Speaking of the end, the Wang family disciple couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, and his heart became more alarmed.

Damn it!

After listening to the Wang family disciple, and looking around, Wang Shihao's heart sank slightly.

Like the three Wang family disciples before, those who disappeared this time did not see the slightest trace.

And judging from the description of the Wang family disciple in front of him, it seemed that the other party had suddenly disappeared.

But how is this possible?

How could a big living person disappear in front of others like this?

Could it be someone with a special powerful ability?

Wang Shihao's heart moved, and there was a guess.

But at this moment, suddenly there was another panic in the distance.

Someone disappeared again!

And this time, the person who disappeared was actually a martial king!

Wang Shihao didn't move, and the old man of the Nine-layer Martial Emperor who was beside him rushed over to that place immediately.

But this seemed to be the beginning, and the third and fourth exclaims kept ringing.

In just a few moments, seven or eight people in the entire team disappeared somehow, and they all disappeared alive in front of the king's disciples.

not good!

As if he had noticed something, Wang Shihao shouted loudly: "Assemble, everyone will gather for me. King Wu and the people in the realm of Wuhuang are paying close attention. There should be enemies in our team!"

In Wang Shihao's view, such a weird disappearance should definitely be a special ability of some kind of ability, and the opponent was mostly mixed into their team crowd.

Soon, under Wang Shihao's order, the Wang family team gathered and formed a state of less than 100 square meters.

But after this collection, Wang Shihao's face became even more ugly.

Because in the process of gathering, seven or eight people disappeared unexpectedly.

Damn, who the **** is this?

Wang Shihao was furious, and at the same time, he looked back at the nine-layered martial emperor who had returned to him, and asked, "Is there anything the great elder has discovered!"

In the Wang family, as long as the cultivation reaches the realm of Emperor Wu, you can become an elder.

As for Wang Shihao's father, Wang Shengdong, and his three brothers, they are the elders of the Wang family.

And the elder in the nine-fold realm of Wu Huang was actually the son of Wang Shihao's second uncle, Wang Shengnan. He had a good talent and had already cultivated to the realm of nine-fold Wu Huang, and he was the strongest under the four brothers of the Wang family.

Therefore, this old man assumed the position of Wang Family Elder.

Although it was a cousin relationship, the great elder of the Wang family was thirty or forty years older than Wang Shihao, and he was already over eighty years old.

It's just that because of the cultivation of the Nine-layered Wuhuang Realm, the opponent doesn't look so old!

Wang Shihao still respected the other party.

Moreover, the opponent is much stronger than himself in terms of experience and strength. When he was the head of the Wang family, he gave a lot of help, but Wang Shihao regarded the opponent as his own.

Faced with such a strange situation, Wang Shihao wanted to know the opinion of the great elder.

Unexpectedly, the elder shook his head slightly and said: "Patriarch, this situation, the old man has never seen this situation, it is really weird, this..."

After hesitating, the elder Wang Family spoke: "This may be a special kind of kung fu, or a special ability. You must be careful! From this moment on, we must put the team in a small-scale gathering state. Let the enemy take advantage of it!"

The words of the Wang family elder did not help Wang Shihao at all.

But the words behind the other party made Wang Shihao more agree.

"Well, it can only be so!"

After sighing in his heart, Wang Shihao said to the martial emperor next to him: "Elders, still disperse to the outer area, I want to see if these rat generations have the courage to oppose the Martial Emperor!"

Wang Shihao was very angry in his heart, and directly dispatched the power of the Emperor Wu realm as a force to protect the troops.

In his opinion, no matter what the hidden power is, it can't cause any attack on the Martial Emperor-class being in a state of vigilance.

But Wang Shihao didn't know that after he made this seemingly most accurate move, Qin Shaofeng, who saw this scene somewhere in the distance, smiled.

"Heh, this Wang Shihao is really stupid~ Forcibly, although you seem to be correct this way, but you are in the arms of the old Xie!"

In fact, when Xie Lao and others left Fengya Villa, Qin Shaofeng also left.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't follow Lao Xie and the others. Instead, he was looking at the situation from a distance. He wanted to see the strength of the assassins and combatants he had cultivated.

As for the situation that the old Xie arranged, Qin Shaofeng didn't know beforehand, because he didn't plan to intervene, so he handed it over to the old Xie.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng had no idea about Xie Lao's plan.

But after Yishen Sense discovered what happened to the Wang family team, Qin Shaofeng probably knew Xie Lao's intentions in his heart.

In Wang Shihao's view, Lao Xie and others didn't deal with those Wu Huang masters of the Wang family, and even the Wang family disciples in the realm of Wu Wang only selected the weakest ones.

From Wang Shihao's point of view, the enemy's power was nothing more than that, unable to deal with their stronger people.

Therefore, he only then scattered the dozen or so martial emperors to the outermost part of the team as a guard line.

But after seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, knowing that Lao Xie's plan to lure the snake out of the hole was successful.

At the same time, not far from Wang's house, Elder Xie had recalled all the assassins.

After seeing Wang Shihao's actions, Lao Xie's eyes lit up, knowing that his plan was successful.

Yes, just as Qin Shaofeng thought, Lao Xie's goal was never the other disciples of the Wang family, but the martial emperors of the Wang family!

Even in the eyes of Lao Xie, the enemy this time was Wang Shihao's martial emperor, and the other Wang family disciples were not worth mentioning.

But because before, the king's team was completely centered on Emperor Wu, and it was basically all in one place.

Under such circumstances, even if the scorpion veteran did it himself, it would not be possible to assassinate a martial emperor.

Therefore, if you want to assassinate those martial emperors, you can only attract those martial emperors, and it's better to be dispersed.

Obviously, Xie Lao's previous series of practices have worked.

Now those Wu Huangs of the Wang family have given him a chance.

Soon, Elder Xie ordered to go down secretly, and the two assassins in the realm of Emperor Wu were ready.

And not only them, but the five Wuhuang fighters including Black Tiger and Black Panther are also preparing.

This time their eight martial emperor-level masters planned to shoot together.

And not only them, but the existence of the Wuwang realm were also prepared in a place not far away.

Once the old Xie and others started, they took the first time to assist the old Xie and others.

As for the auxiliary methods, I am afraid that Wang Shihao and the Wang family disciples will be surprised.

The Wang family's team continued to move forward.

Wang Shihao can see clearly now, the dense forest here is a bit special, very suitable for covert actions.

This also made him believe that as long as their king's team left the dense forest this time, the enemy would not be able to carry out any sneak attacks.

Not only Wang Shihao had such thoughts, but also the martial emperors of the Wang family.

And they also determined that with their military emperors, the enemy's sneak attacks should not work.

After all, they are martial artists in the realm of Emperor Wu, and their strength is not comparable to those of the innate grandmaster, the innate grandmaster, or even the king of Wu.

The opponent's sneak attack methods are indeed weird, but once they are against a powerful warrior, it will have no effect.

Those martial emperors of the Wang family thought so confidently!

As everyone knows, they are the real targets of the enemy. At this moment, they are unknowingly approaching the trap that was originally prepared.

Finally, at the moment when the Wang family's team came to a certain location, the eyes of the old Xie burst into a flash of light!

Do it!

The next moment, the long-planned attack appeared!

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