Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1855: Lead the snake into the pit

Do it!

Under such circumstances, the old Xie and others who were on the side of the assassination naturally did not give any instructions to shout violently, and everyone appeared instantly.

But if you want the enemy to lose the most, it is naturally the most appropriate for everyone to shoot at the same time.

Fortunately, after cultivating to the realm of Emperor Wu, both the elder Xie who practiced "Assassination Skill" or the Black Tiger who practiced "Xuanlinggong" had good spiritual power.

Although it will not condense the divine consciousness and transmit the divine consciousness sound, if you use spiritual power to transmit the sound, some simple meanings can still be transmitted to the other party in a short distance.

Therefore, at this moment, the moment when the old Xie found the best time to take action, he used his own mental power to notify the black tiger and others to take action.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

Like a cheetah that had been hidden for a long time, Mr. Xie and others jumped out from all the hidden places.


Then, those martial emperors of the Wang family were shocked.

Yes, I was shocked.

Because the enemy appeared suddenly and without warning, and what made them more frightened was that the enemy appeared too close to them.

It's so close!

Heihu and the other fighters are okay. The distance is more than ten meters, which can give those Wang Family Wuhuang who are targeted by them a little time to react.

But Xie Lao waited for the three assassins, but it was different.

Relying on the concealed breath means of "Assassination Skill", after the old Xie and the others jumped up at this moment, they were very close to their goal!

It's really close, it can even be said to be close at hand!

This left those Wang Family Martial Emperors who were staring at them without any time to react.

Xie Lao was staring at a master of the Seventh Martial Emperor of the Wang Family who was the same as Wang Shihao. The opponent was the hidden power of the Wang Family, and outsiders didn't even know his existence.

This time, Wang Shihao was very cautious and mobilized almost all the power of the Wang family.

Even at the moment, the situation of the Wang family is completely empty, with only a few Wu Wangs sitting in the control.

If the enemy of the Wang family were to know about this situation, they might attack the Wang family as soon as possible.

This is why Wang Shihao intends to sneak over, and then take Qin Shaofeng back to the Wang family.

Regarding this point, at this moment, the elder of the Seventh Martial Emperor Realm Wang's elder was also very clear in his heart, so when he set out, he also paid attention to this point, and this is also true of other powerful Wang family.

But after experiencing the previous situation, like other Wang family powerhouses, this elder was also very angry in his heart, wanting to appear in the Fengya villa for the first time, and then to protect the Wang family disciples who were attacked and died.

But he also knew that the other party's attack methods were weird, and the assassination effort was good. In order to prevent the Wang family disciples from suffering any further losses, he could only follow the orders of the Patriarch Wang Shihao to protect the other Wang family disciples at the outer edge of the team.

Similarly, he, together with Wang Shihao and other Wang Family Wuhuang elders, decided in their hearts that the enemy's sneak attacks would have no effect on them, such as Wuhuang powerhouses.

Otherwise, after so long, why didn't the other party stop making moves?

Therefore, when he saw a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, the first reaction of the elder Wang was an accident, a big accident!

Then, no more.

Because just when he was in a big accident, Elder Xie had already taken action.

In fact, the moment Xie Lao took the shot, he was already brewing an attack.

At this moment, the moment he appeared in front of the elder of the Wang family, the attack in his hand had completely erupted.

Then, the next moment, this attack fell in front of the elder Wang.

Xie Lao was already in the Seventh Martial Sovereign Realm, which was the same as the realm of this king's elder, and even in a frontal battle, with the strength of Xie Lao's "Assassination Skill", this king's elder could easily be killed.

And the attacking moves of "Assassination" will kill with one blow.

Once the brewing was successful, the attack that broke out was very fierce, even fatal.

And this elder Wang of the Seventh Martial Emperor Realm was attacked by the old scorpion head-on, and still attacked unsuspectingly, the result was doomed!


It was just a blow, and it was also a matter of a moment. Xie Lao Na was full of "Assassination Skill" with his right hand, which opened a hole in the opponent's chest.

Killed instantly!


The elders of such a seventh martial emperor realm's elders only had time to hum, and their body fell backward, and the breath of life in his body instantly disappeared.

The old Xie who succeeded in the blow did not look at the opponent at all, and even before the opponent's body began to fall backward, his figure flashed fiercely.


This time, Elder Xie came to another elder Wang.

And this Wang Clan elder was only a cultivation base of the triple martial emperor realm, facing the sudden appearance of the elder Xie, although because of the previous elder of the seventh martial emperor realm, he had a little reaction time.

But it was a pity that with his strength, even if he reacted, he didn't have the slightest resistance in the face of the old Xie's attack.


With the same blow, Xie always penetrated the opponent's heart.

And after killing this person, Elder Xie still intends to continue attacking the next target.

But the next moment, with a flash, a figure appeared, making Xie Lao's eyes flash a pity.

And the person who appeared in front of the old Xie at this moment was the great elder of the Wang family who had the realm of the Nine-layer Martial Emperor.

At this moment, the Wang Family's elder was extremely angry.

How long is this!

The other party killed the two Wuhuang elders of the Wang family just the moment they appeared?

Even if it wasn't for his quick response, at this moment, another elder of the Second Level Martial Sovereign Realm behind him, I am afraid that he would have been poisoned by the opponent too!

Under such circumstances, the Wang family elder instantly became angry.

"Bold thief, die!"

Because of the anger, this Wang Family Elder exploded with a powerful aura, and the attack was also very terrifying.

But the next moment, the scene that made him jump into thunder appeared.

Because of his attack, Lao Xie glanced at him faintly, and after a trace of mockery appeared in his eyes, he dashed and retreated violently.

Yes, the old scorpion ran away!

And not only was Xie Lao, at this moment, the other two assassins and Heihu and others, Wu Huang, also began to retreat.

They all succeeded!

Although the two realms only had assassins with one level of martial emperor cultivation, because of the assassination, they both killed two martial emperors of the king's triple realm.

The Black Tiger and the Black Panther also violently attacked with all their strength for the first time, directly killing two Wang Family Martial Emperors in the fourth and fifth realms.

And the three combatants who were with them also killed two First Martial Emperors and seriously injured a First Martial Emperor's elder.

It only took a few seconds to fight back and forth, and the Wang family had lost nine martial emperors.

This is half the number of the Emperor Wu Huang who was dispatched by the Wang family!

This made Wang Shihao, the Wang Family Patriarch, see this happen, and his whole person was a little crazy.

"Kill! Kill! Kill those people for me!"

Wang Shihao roared, and immediately led people to rush up.

"Patriarch, wait..."

Seeing this scene, the Wang family's elder changed his expression, wanting to stop Wang Shihao's behavior.

A total of eight opponents made a sneak attack, and they were all powerful in the realm of Emperor Wu.

This is completely different from the original survey data.

Moreover, the other party and others retreated as soon as they saw themselves and others react.

This is obviously not right!

The Wang family elder took this into consideration, so he didn't have the first time to chase the elder Xie.

But what he didn't expect was that Wang Shihao gave the order to pursue the attack immediately.

Although all this happened suddenly, and shocked all the Wang family disciples.

But for Patriarch Wang Shihao's order, all Wang's disciples did not hesitate, and immediately rushed up.

This makes it too late even if the Wang Family Elder wants to stop it.

He can only stop Wang Shihao for the first time and let the other party calm down.

Therefore, the Wang family elder did not hesitate, and rushed to Wang Shihao immediately, hoping to stop him as soon as possible.

But as soon as he left, his complexion changed instantly and his figure retreated suddenly.


A cold light flashed in front of the Wang Family Elder's eyes, tearing his clothes.

If it wasn't for the Wang Family's elder who had just reacted quickly enough, I am afraid that the cold light would not be his clothes, but his body.

Looking up, the elder Wang's face instantly became gloomy.

Because he saw a familiar face, it was the old Xie who had gone and returned.

In fact, it can't be said that it is going and returning. In order to make the future plan more smoothly, Scorpion had planned to stop the strongest of the Wang family.

Although there was a difference of two realms, Elder Xie was confident that he could still drag the elder of the Wang family.

But this is not good news for the Wang Family Elder!

The moment when the other party appeared, the elder Wang's heart gave birth to something bad.

"Step aside!"

The Wang Family elder roared and launched an attack on the old Xie.

But soon his face became more gloomy.

Because facing his attack, the other party didn't intend to resist hard, and would hide if possible, and would not fight him head-on at all.

But once he left intentionally, the other party would entangle him tightly.

This made him unable to get out at all.

"Damn it!"

The elder of the Wang family was secretly angry, and instantly understood that the other party was completely planning to hold him back so that he could not rush to the side of the Wang family.

In that case...

Elder Wang's eyes flashed with a killing intent, and there was no thought of going to Wang Shihao's side in his heart. He planned to kill the enemy in front of him first.

Then, I was looking for Wang Shihao and the others.

At the same time, Wang Shihao, who was angry in the distance, took the remaining Wuhuang elders of the Wang family, and the large forces to chase the Black Tiger and others frantically.

"Damn rats, you can't escape!" Wang Shihao roared.


The black tiger leaping in the woods in front of him suddenly turned his head and showed a weird smile at Wang Shihao.

"Who escaped? We just led you to this place!"

not good!

After seeing the weird smile on Heihu's face and the words that came out later, Wang Shihao's heart was shocked, and an extremely bad premonition appeared in his heart.

It seems that a huge crisis has emerged!


Without hesitation, Wang Shihao yelled at all Wang's disciples in the first place: "Retreat to me!"


It's too late!

The black tiger not far away had completely stopped, looking at the Wang family who was retreating frantically, smiled coldly, and then gently waved his big hand, and his mouth lightly spit out a word.



At the moment Black Tiger waved his hand, the location of the Wang family's troops exploded in an instant.

And there were a lot of earth-shattering explosions in an instant!

Boom boom boom!

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