Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1856: Terrified Wang Shihao


At the moment when the first explosion sounded, Wang Shihao's eyes were dumbfounded and his body was cold.

For the warrior, once the realm is strong, he can indeed ignore some technological weapons.

Under normal circumstances, if the cultivation base reaches the realm of the innate grandmaster, then some ordinary rifle pistols can be ignored.

Of course, this ignoring and standing still, when the bullet is big.

Even at the position of the innate master realm, the physical body cannot withstand the blow of bullets.

I am afraid that only by reaching the realm of the innate great master, can rely on his own strong body to withstand bullets.

However, they are just ordinary firearms.

If faced with a sniper rifle, the Innate Grand Master may not be able to hold it.

However, with the innate master's sensing ability, he could detect the sniper rifle in advance and dodge the sniper rifle in time.

And if you have the cultivation base of the Wuwang realm, even the sniper rifle won't work.

Even some shells would not cause serious injuries to a king of war.

However, powerful shells and specially manufactured firearms can still cause fatal damage to the powerful in the realm of King Wu.

For example, when Qin Shaofeng ‘visited’ the underground headquarters of the Breg family for the first time before, the demonic bullets and demonic bullets encountered were specially manufactured firearms.

Although firearms and weapons were aimed at magicians and some abilities, in fact, there are special firearms and weapons aimed at warriors.

Only when the realm reaches the realm of Emperor Wu can resist most guns.

Even some Wuhuang emperors could not be eliminated even with the use of intercontinental missiles.

This time, without Qin Shaofeng's intervention, Xie Lao and Hei Hu combined together, which was the idea of ​​using a bomb.

Yes, maybe like a powerful military emperor like Wang Shihao, maybe no amount of such bombs can take his life.

But things are different now!

Because this time, apart from Emperor Wu, the Wang family had many disciples in other realms.

Xie Lao and Heihu took a fancy to this point, and then deployed everything in advance, placing a lot of explosives in this place.

And the plan was as expected before, Wang Shihao was enraged, chased up, and entered the land of explosive ambush.

When the old Xie and others were preparing to assassinate, those assassins and combatants in the realm of King Wu had already arrived here, ready to detonate the explosives here at any time.

Just now, the Black Tiger gave an order, and those Martial Kings instantly detonated the explosives buried here.

As for Mr. Xie, how many explosives they arranged here.

This is a question worth pondering!

Can only say a lot!

Because at this moment, after the first explosion, the connected explosion caused the ground in this area to shake.

However, the sound of these explosions, after spreading for ten or twenty miles, was blocked by an invisible force and did not spread at all.

Because in this area, the old Xie and others arranged a huge formation according to Qin Shaofeng's instructions.

There is no attack in this formation, and there is no half-defensive power. It has only one function, which is to isolate all sounds in the big formation, so that the sounds in the big formation will not spread.

After all, such an explosion is not small, if it is paid attention to, it is not a good thing.

The explosion is finally over!

Then, in front of Heihu and the others, there was an area with a radius of one kilometer, full of potholes and smoke.

Under the explosion of a large number of explosives, this piece has completely changed.

As for the disciples of the royal family, almost all of them have been bombed to the point of no bones.

The reason for this is almost because Wang Shihao and other Wang Family Martial Emperors were not killed.

Although each of them was a little weak, and even more or less injured, Wu Huang was Wu Huang, and even under such an explosion, he still survived.

And not only Wang Shihao these martial emperors, but even many Wang family martial emperors also survived.

However, in the realm of King Wu, everyone was basically injured, and the remaining combat power was no longer than the 50% of the victory period.

Even a very few King Wu was seriously injured now.

And these royal disciples are all added together, and there are only twenty-five or six people.

Under the leadership of Wang Shihao this time, the Wang family came together one hundred fifty or sixty people, but now only less than one-third of the number remained.

Facing such a tragedy, Wang Shihao's heart was full of anger, and at the same time he regretted it!

The reason why Wang Shihao was angry at Black Tiger before was because of the previous sneak attack by Xie Lao and others, and his son Wang Feiran also died.

This is also what the old Xie and others deliberately did at the beginning, they focused on Wang Feiran at first sight, in order to anger Wang Shihao.

As a result, it was a success!

If the other Emperor Wu Huang died, he could still remain calm, but now that his son was killed, how could he calm down!

Therefore, he lost his composure and chased him directly with anger.

Now experiencing such an explosion, the Wang family has suffered even greater losses, which makes him completely angry.

"Damn, you all deserve to die!"

Looking at the black tiger and others in the distance, Wang Shihao roared and shouted with red eyes: "Dare to do this to my Wang family, even if my Wang Shihao is buried here today, I will smash all of you to pieces!"


Without any hesitation, Wang Shihao rushed to Heihu and others for the first time.

In fact, with the current situation, Wang Shihao knew that his best plan was to evacuate.

Because the enemy is intact, and he doesn't know how much the other party still has. If it continues now, I am afraid that even people like them may stay here if they are not careful.

But when he thought of his injury this time, Wang Shihao's heart trembled.

The loss is too great!

Forget those innate grandmasters and innate grand masters, but now even the Wang family disciples in the realm of King Wu have lost more than 20 people.

What's more terrible is that even the Wuhuang elders of the Wang family have died nine!

Wang Shihao can imagine how angry his old father would be when he discovered such a situation after returning to the Wang family.

For the present, he can only make up as much as possible.

Kill the enemy in front of him and see Qin Shaofeng take it down, so that he can'make up for the past', otherwise, he will be in big trouble.

Therefore, Wang Shihao rushed to Heihu and others for the first time.

Moreover, Wang Shihao had already calculated it, adding that he now has eight martial emperors, and there are only seven enemies on the opposite side.

In terms of numbers, they have an advantage here.

And more importantly, in terms of strength, they also have an advantage here.

Because Wang Shihao had already noticed that, except for two people on the enemy's side, they were in the realm of Wu Huang's fourth layer and Wu Huang's fifth layer, and now they are basically only in the first and second realm.

And on their side.

He was a martial emperor of the seventh realm, and six of the king's elders were left, and at most were the martial emperors of the third realm, and among them there were two martial emperors of the sixth realm.

No matter how you look at it, the advantage lies on their side!

Even the Emperor Wu on their side had already used a lot of natural energy to resist those explosions, resulting in a reduction in combat power.

But these are nothing in Wang Shihao's eyes.

They still have a chance to win, but also a great chance.

The other elders of the Wang Family Wuhuang had the same idea, so after Wang Shihao rushed out, they followed one by one.

But seeing this scene, Heihu laughed again.

This made Wang Shihao feel a little more uneasy again, but at this point he can only bite the bullet.

"Good job!"

The black tiger laughed, took the initiative to meet Wang Shihao, and then started a battle with Wang Shihao.

Soon, Wang Shihao's face became difficult to look.

Because of the fighting situation at the moment, he was shocked and unbelievable.

The opponent was obviously only a Wuhuang of the Sixth Realm, and judging from the breath of the realm, it probably didn't take long for him to break through the Sixth Wuhuang realm.

But the strength shown by the opponent is not inferior to him. Even after fighting and the number of fights increased, Wang Shihao unexpectedly discovered that the strength of the opponent seemed to be above him?

The battle between the two, now he fell into a disadvantage!

how can that be?

He is obviously just a Wuhuang of the Sixth Realm!

Wang Shihao's expression was extremely ugly, and then he fought again. After both sides retreated for a moment, he subconsciously glanced around, which made his expression even more ugly.

Because at this moment, Wang Shihao discovered that not only was his battle at this point, but his Wang family was also at a disadvantage.

That's right, on the entire battlefield, the people who fell into the wind were from their royal family.

Although the enemy's Emperor Wu is not very high, their king family has an absolute advantage.

But now in the fight, the Martial Emperor on the enemy's side, behind everyone, there are two or three Martial Kings, as well as a dozen innate masters, which seem to form a battle.

And under such a battlefield, the enemy Wu Huang burst out one after another, and the fighting power far surpassed his own realm, pressing down the Wu Huang on their side to fight.

Even the extra elder elder of the Triple Martial Emperor Realm was dragged by the position of the ten Martial Kings and the 20 Innate Grand Master Realm.

And that is, that battlefield is in a state of parity.

If in the past, someone told himself that ten martial kings plus twenty innate grand masters could fight a triple martial emperor on an equal footing, Wang Shihao would probably slap it at the first time, and then leave the'nonsense'. These two words.

But now, such a nonsense thing happened in front of him.

This made Wang Shihao's face more and more ugly, and it made him more and more shocked.

Obviously, the occurrence of such a thing in this operation completely exceeded Wang Shihao's imagination.

He did not expect that just killing a small Qin Shaofeng would cause such serious losses to the Wang family.

No, there is hope!

Even if some people came out of the other party again and began to encircle the injured King Wu in the Wang family, fewer and fewer people were still alive in the Wang family, but Wang Shihao was still not disappointed.

Because at this time, he thought of the Great Elder!

Looking back now, Wang Shihao remembers that when he lost his composure and brought someone to kill him, the Great Elder was stopped by someone.

But now, this is a good thing!

Because the great elder who was stopped has never experienced that explosion, the great elder must have preserved his strength.

The opponent of the Great Elder is only a Seventh Martial Emperor, so Wang Shihao believes that the Great Elder will definitely be able to solve the opponent, even if the opponent has any formation to improve his strength, he is definitely not the opponent of the Great Elder.

Because the great elder is a master of the nine-tiered martial emperor realm, the higher the martial emperor realm, the greater the strength he possesses.

Wang Shihao believed that the great elders would come over soon.

At that time, it was the end of these people.

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