Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1857: Gao Family Patriarch

A few minutes ago.


After an explosion, the next series of explosions changed the face of Elder Wang Family who was fighting with Elder Xie.

"You dare to..."

Just hearing such a dense explosion, the elder Wang family instantly understood something in his heart, and at the same time knew that the situation on the Patriarch's side was definitely not good.

"How can we not dare?"

Old Xie smiled coldly, and said disdainfully: "Since you dare to take action against my young master, then your royal family is ready to be destroyed!"


The Grand Elder of the Wang Family said angrily: "I don't know the so-called. The power of my Wang family is something you can contend with. If you anger my Wang family, just wait to be destroyed by my Wang family!"

The Wang family elder roared, and at the same time the attacking power became stronger and stronger.

He wanted to end the battle here quickly and go to the place where the explosion came from to support his Patriarch.

The elder of the Wang Family knew very well that those explosions wounded people intensively and terribly, but they couldn't kill the powers of the Wuhuang realm.

Therefore, he is now anxious to kill the enemy in front of him.

But it's a pity that with the strength of the old Xie, even if he confronts him head-on against the elder of the Wang family, it is not weak at all.

This is even more needless to say. In the current battle, Elder Xie still relies on "Assassination Skill" to dodge the attacks of the elders of the Wang Family, and does not fight directly with the opponent.

This made the Wang Family Elder more angry the more he hit his heart.

"Damn it!" The Grand Elder of the Wang Family stared at the old Xie, and said angrily, "You are a dignified seventh-tier martial emperor, so cowering, don't you dare to fight me head-on?"

"Of course not!"

Old Xie shook his head without hesitation, then sneered: "I'm a killer, can I fight you head-on?"

"Damn it!"

Elder Wang's face was angry, and some gritted his teeth.

But he was helpless. The other party made it clear that he would hold him back and would not let himself go. He was completely out of this predicament and could only look at the other party angrily.

If the eyes can kill people, I am afraid that Elder Xie has been strangled thousands of times by the eyes of the Wang Family Elder.

It's a pity that the elder of his Wang family hasn't cultivated to the realm of killing people.

Wang Shihao didn't know that the great elder he was looking forward to had fallen into such a predicament, and it was impossible to come and support them.

Gradually, the battle was getting longer and longer, and the great elder was not there for a long time, which made Wang Shihao feel a little bit bad.

Finally, Wang Shihao suddenly heard a scream, his face changed suddenly.

Because of this scream, he was very familiar, and when he looked back subconsciously, Wang Shihao saw that a patriarch of the four-fold martial emperor realm had been knocked to the ground.

When he looked at the elder, he happened to see that a man with a similar face when fighting with him, cut off his head after the elder of the king fell to the ground.


After fighting for so long, his Wang family finally suffered casualties.

Wang Shihao's face was extremely ugly, because he had discovered that things were getting worse and worse.

And the most terrible thing is that even if he wants to escape now, he can't escape.

Because his opponent has completely entangled him.

Relatively speaking, seeing his younger brother, Black Panther, cut off the head of one of the four-tier Martial Emperors among the enemies, Black Tiger was also overjoyed.

Hahaha, this one is fine.

If a Martial Emperor opponent dies, then the Black Panther will be able to vacate and deal with other Wang Family Martial Emperors.

The battle is over in no time!

When he was in a good mood, Heihu's attack became more fierce, which made Wang Shihao, who was reluctant to resist, more and more unbearable.

Once upon a time, Wang Shihao would never have imagined that one day he would be beaten by a six-tiered martial emperor.

However, at this time, Wang Shihao finally had a thought in his mind.

A thought he had never thought of, that is to escape!

No way, in the current situation, I can only escape!

However, under the condition of being entangled by his opponents, Wang Shihao knew in his heart that he must find an opportunity.

But just when Wang Shihao had this idea, it didn't take long for him to scream again.

And when he heard this scream, Wang Shihao's face instantly changed.

Looking back fiercely, Wang Shihao saw that his second brother Wang Shijie had fallen in a pool of blood.


Your second brother was killed?

Wang Shihao's face was extremely ugly, and a trace of grief flashed in his eyes.

"Ah, die, you all die for me!"

Wang Shihao roared, and then shouted at the sky.

"Take a shot, give me a shot, after this time, my Wang family owes you nothing!"


Wang Shihao's appearance made the black tiger who was fighting with him feel a little unhappy.

He didn't think that Wang Shihao was driven mad by himself, and started to lose his mind.

So something must happen!

Heihu was secretly vigilant in his heart, always paying attention to things around him.


At this moment, a figure appeared in front of the black tiger instantly, and the black tiger was taken aback.

But before Black Tiger had any reaction, he saw it, and the other party shot him.


The moment the opponent shot, Heihu felt an overwhelming power in his heart.

Very strong people!

It was so strong that Black Tiger couldn't resist, because the opponent was too strong.

However, the next moment, the expected attack did not fall, because at this moment a person appeared in front of the black tiger, blocking the opponent's attack.


Seeing the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him, Heihu breathed a sigh of relief, while feeling a little regretful in his heart.

Hey, let the young master make a move!

That's right, the person here is Qin Shaofeng!

In fact, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to make a move, but now that the enemies that Heihu and others cannot contend with, he also had to make a move.

At this moment, in front of Qin Shaofeng was an old man with white hair and beard and an extremely old face, but the breath of the other party was very strange.

Because Qin Shaofeng felt from the opponent, the aura that surpassed the realm of Martial Emperor, but the state of the opponent at this moment was not Martial Saint.

It was as if the old man in front of him was a martial sage, or once was a martial sage, but now he was knocked down from the realm of the martial sage for no reason.

Although he is not Wu Sheng, his realm is beyond Wu Huang!

After the old man appeared, Wang Shihao breathed a sigh of relief. After finally seeing Qin Shaofeng appear, he gritted his teeth and said to the old man: "He is Qin Shaofeng!"

"Are you Qin Shaofeng?"

After listening to Wang Shihao's words, the old man looked at Qin Shaofeng lightly, with an indifferent expression.

"Yes, I am Qin Shaofeng!" Qin Shaofeng nodded and smiled.

Although the situation of the old man in front of him was a bit special, Qin Shaofeng still didn't have the slightest worry or fear.

"Very good, then you go to die!"

After Qin Shaofeng admitted, the old man took a serious look at him, and then he shot.

Uh, this...

Qin Shaofeng was a little confused.

When he saw the old man speak, he thought the other party would rant to himself.

But how can you think that the other party will act as soon as he is sure of his identity?

Qin Shaofeng was a little depressed, but because he was not empty, he slapped the old man with a palm.


Qin Shaofeng stayed still, but the old man shook lightly, and the whole person actually took a small step back.

This scene fell in the eyes of Wang Shihao not far away, but he was stunned.

He couldn't be more clear about the identity of the old man in front of him.

However, Qin Shaofeng could actually repel him?

how can that be?

Not to mention Wang Shihao, the old man also gave a slight expression in the face of this situation. It was obvious that Qin Shaofeng was able to take a palm of himself and even knock him back, which surprised him.

"You are very good!"

The old man took a serious look at Qin Shaofeng again, nodded and said, even with a hint of appreciation on his face.

"Oh, you are also very good!"

Qin Shaofeng also nodded and replied without losing.

Just like you, I am embarrassed to see me with the eyes of seniors watching juniors like this?

It's hilarious!

The old man frowned slightly, as if he was a little dissatisfied with Qin Shaofeng's attitude, but he didn't say much. Instead, he said in a serious tone: "The Wang family has a life-saving grace for me. You can take me three tricks, I will leave!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't speak, but looked at each other with a playful look, because at this time, Qin Shaofeng suddenly flashed a face in his mind, as if suddenly remembered something.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng didn't speak, the old man thought that Qin Shaofeng agreed, so he shot again.

This time, the old man seemed to have used real power.

That palm split, as if it could split the earth, and the momentum was extremely shocking.

But the next moment...


The figure flickered, Qin Shaofeng didn't take the palm, but flicked away from the place, causing the old man's palm to split the ground with a huge crack of hundreds of meters.

"Have you avoided?"

The old man looked at Qin Shaofeng dissatisfied, as if he felt that Qin Shaofeng was not keeping his word.

But Qin Shaofeng smiled.

"Heh, it's really funny, three tricks to pick you up, you just said it yourself, what is it to me?"

Qin Shaofeng's tone was full of disdain, and his gaze at the old man flashed with sarcasm.

The old man remained unmoved and said indifferently: "Do you want me to fight you truly and completely kill you here?"

"There is no hatred between us. I made this shot just because of the Wang family, so..." The old man still wanted to say something.

But soon, it was interrupted by Qin Shaofeng.

"Okay!" Qin Shaofeng directly interrupted the old man by shaking his hand, and then spoke very disdainfully, "Gao Xinhan don't think your name has a letter, you will say something credit, I Qin Shaofeng is not stupid."


After Qin Shaofeng went around and Gao Xinhan these three, the indifferent look on the old man's face couldn't hold back, and it instantly became gloomy.

"Do you recognize me?" Gao Xinhan said, his voice cold.

"Heh, the ancestor of the Gao family, isn't it the tortoise with a shrunken head that was destroyed by me and never appeared!" Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, his eyes full of playfulness.

When Qin Shaofeng came to destroy the Gao family, he searched for a lot of information from the memories of Gao Yangfeng and others.

And before going, Qin Shaofeng also knew that there was an old man in the Gao family who was in retreat all year round.

But until he destroyed the entire Gao family, the other party did not appear, which made Qin Shaofeng guess that right was dead.

However, from the memories of Gao Yangfeng and other senior members of the Gao family, Qin Shaofeng knew that the ancestor of the Gao family was not dead, but he did not know when he had left the Gao family.

This is also the reason why he wiped out the Gao family, and the other party did not appear.

After that time, although Qin Shaofeng knew that there was such a person whose name was Gao Xinhan, he didn't care so much.

Later, the destruction of the beast through the ancient sanctuary completely forgot the ancestor Gao Xinhan of the Gao family.

What Qin Shaofeng didn't expect was that Gao Xinhan appeared when he confronted the Wang family this time.

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