Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1858: Against Gao Xinhan

Gao Xinhan, the ancestor of the Gao family!

As the strongest member of the Gao family, he was also a martial emperor who had lived a long time. Gao Xinhan, like Wang Shengdong, was very eager to break into the realm of Martial Saint.

Therefore, when I accidentally learned that a Jedi had a very strong aura, which might help the chance of impacting Wu Sheng, Gao Xinhan left the Gao family and went to the Jedi.

This time, it took twenty years!

Gao Xinhan, who was in the Jedi retreat, really broke through to the martial sage realm. I have to say that he is lucky. In the aura of the end of the world, the martial artist wants to cultivate to the martial sage realm, but it is extremely difficult.

Except for those powerful hidden families with very strong background, I am afraid that other hidden families can hardly cultivate a martial sage.

This is not to mention ordinary hidden families like the Gao family.

But this old thing seems to have done too many things that hurt the nature and reason. When this retreat ended, when he planned to return to the Gao family, he was attacked by a strange beast.

That peculiar beast is very powerful, and it is also the realm of Martial Saint.

Facing such a peculiar beast, Gao Xinhan was not only not an opponent, but was even seriously injured.

And even if after paying some price, Gao Xinhan, who was lucky enough to escape from the mouth of the beast and retrieved a small life, soon discovered that he was poisoned, he was still very poisonous.

This poisonous seems to be the unique poison of that strange beast, Gao Xinhan was helpless for a while.

Under this severe poison, Gao Xinhan was seriously injured and difficult to recover. In the end, even his realm fell to the realm of Martial Saint.

Under such circumstances, he finally met the Wang family.

In fact, after the collapse of the Gao family, the Wang family also searched for Gao Xinhan's traces, because the Wang family wanted Gao Xinhan to deal with Qin Shaofeng.

But I haven't found it, so the Wang family just gave up!

I don't want to accidentally discover the poisoned Gao Xinhan. It happened that the Wang family also had some means to relieve the poison in Gao Xinhan's body.

In the end, the matter was simple. The Wang Family Patriarch Gao Xinhan was in a state of strange poison, and he deliberately took Gao Xinhan as the strongest hand.

However, the Wang family also knows Gao Xinhan's character well.

In fact, the hidden family with a little bit of tolerance knows that the ancestor of the Gao family, Gao Xinhan, is a very cruel character.

In the early years of the Gao family's loneliness, it was Gao Xinhan who took the Gao family to start to warm up, and barely kept the strong name of the hidden family.

But because of this, Gao Xinhan was very cruel and treated his enemies mercilessly. Even if it was only what the Wang family knew, three hidden families were destroyed by him.

I know why one thing that is necessary in Gao Xinhan is to forcibly slaughter a hidden family that has no hatred with his Gao family.

And what this Zi Meridian must have is actually a map of where the Jedi is.

The Wang family didn't know this. If the Wang family knew it, I am afraid that Wang Shengdong would, like Gao Xinhan, slaughter the hidden family abruptly and get the map.

It can be said that this Wang family is not a good thing to Gao Xinhan.

However, the Wang family had the means to make Gao Xinhan obey their orders.

That is to curb the poison in Gao Xinhan's body, not only did Gao Xinhan continue to fall in his cultivation base.

For this, Gao Xinhan could only stay in the Wang family.

Besides, with his current situation, after the Gao family is destroyed, he can only stay in the Wang family.

When he heard the news of the destruction of the Gao family, Gao Xinhan naturally wanted revenge, but was dissuaded by the Wang family.

Because in the Wang family's view, taking Gao Xinhan under full control is much more important than taking Qin Shaofeng back.

Although it was for Gao Xinhan to curb toxins in his body, in fact, the Wang family secretly used other poisons on Gao Xinhan.

In fact, the Wang family had every means to completely remove toxins from Gao Xinhan's body.

But without completely controlling Gao Xinhan, the Wang family wouldn't do that.

Because in that way, once Gao Xinhan recovers, he will be a real Wusheng powerhouse, which is not a good thing for their Wang family.

It would be better to wait until the opponent is completely controlled, and let the Wang Family have an extra reliable Martial Saint master.

This is the Wang family's plan!

As for the Wang family's plan, with Gao Xinhan's character, he naturally guessed some.

But facing the special poison in his body, Gao Xinhan can only do this now.

And Gao Xinhan believed that once he returned to the martial arts realm, it would be impossible for the Wang family to control him.

If it weren't for that peculiar beast that was a bit special and possessed a very unusual poison, how could it be impossible to get rid of it with the cultivation base of his martial arts realm?

Therefore, whether it is the Wang family or Gao Xinhan, both sides have their own small abacus.

And this time, in order to be more cautious, Wang Shihao finally called Gao Xinhan.

In Wang Shihao's view, Gao Xinhan is now controllable.

Moreover, this time, the goal was to talk about Qin Shaofeng who had been destroyed by the Gao family, and Gao Xinhan would definitely not refuse anything.

In fact, if it were not for the Wang Family's blocking, Gao Xinhan would have attacked Qin Shaofeng.

Therefore, Gao Xinhan did not refuse this action.

After the Wang family set off, Gao Xinhan had been following behind the Wang family team and did not show up.

Even if the Wang family suffered a huge loss, Gao Xinhan did not make a move.

The life and death of the Wang family's disciples, do him shit?

Even if it weren't for Wang Shihao to finally think of him, and yelled, Gao Xinhan would like to wait for the other martial emperors of the Gao family to die before he appeared again to save Wang Shihao.

However, when Wang Shihao spoke out, Gao Xinhan knew that he couldn't hide it anymore.

So, he shot.

With this shot, Gao Xinhan focused on the black tiger and planned to kill the black tiger with one blow.

This is not his arrogance, but self-confidence!

He definitely has this strength!

In fact, if it hadn't been for Qin Shaofeng's sudden appearance at the most critical moment, Black Tiger might have been killed by Gao Xinhan.

However, the sudden appearance of Qin Shaofeng and the rescue of Black Tiger really surprised Gao Xinhan.

Because before Qin Shaofeng made a move, he hadn't noticed the presence of Qin Shaofeng at all.

Moreover, even though he didn't use his full strength with the blow to kill the black tiger, it was not something that a Wu Sovereign of the fifth or sixth realm could handle.

Even the Nine-layer Martial Emperor, the elder of the Wang Family, suddenly came to such a hand by him, and even if he did not die, it would mostly be a severely wounded end.

Although the realm fell below the realm of Martial Saint, Gao Xinhan's current strength was still much stronger than that of Wu Huang.

But his blow was easily resisted by Qin Shaofeng.

Moreover, after Qin Shaofeng appeared, Gao Xinhan felt a hint of danger from Qin Shaofeng.

However, what made him breathe a sigh of relief was that he did not feel the breath that belonged to the realm of Martial Saint from Qin Shaofeng.

But Gao Xinhan also knew in his heart that with his current state, it would be a small trouble for Shang Qin Shaofeng.

In line with the idea of ​​solving Qin Shaofeng as smoothly as possible, even when Qin Shaofeng appeared, he recognized Gao Xinhan of the other party, and he still hid the killing intent in his heart. After saying three tricks to Qin Shaofeng, he stopped. .

This is actually a trap!

Because once Qin Shaofeng got the same, his second attack was at best one point better than before, but if he reached the third attack, it would definitely be the entire power he exploded.

Once this happens, it is extremely likely that Qin Shaofeng will be killed instantly.

Gao Xinhan has used this trick many times, and most of it can get his opponent in the trick.

But he didn't want to. He recognized Qin Shaofeng, Qin Shaofeng also recognized him, and even more so, he knew that the character in his heart had no idea of ​​insisting on three tricks.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng passed Gao Xinhan's second move, and when Gao Xinhan questioned him, he even mocked his identity.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's identity, Gao Xinhan's expression was a bit ugly, and his eyes became colder.


With a cold snort, Gao Xinhan stared at Qin Shaofeng, and said with murderous intent: "If this is the case, then you will pay the price for the dead soul of my Gao family today. I will let you know how stupid it is to destroy my Gao family. one thing!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled and didn't say a word. Of course he could see clearly. At this moment, Gao Xinhan's state had good strength, but what about it.

Qin Shaofeng's attitude undoubtedly made Gao Xinhan even more angry.

"Succumb to death!"

With a low anger, Gao Xinhan charged up to Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng's expression remained unchanged, and he directly greeted him.


The palms of the two collided, Qin Shaofeng's expression was still not long before, but Gao Xinhan's expression was even more gloomy.

Because this time he used real power. If he shoots on the ground, it is probably even stronger than the power that the palm sent hundreds of meters of ground cracks.

But with such a palm, there is no other way to win Qin Shaofeng.

However, Gao Xinhan was not talking nonsense, and once again attacked Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng's strength was indeed beyond his expectations.

With this kind of strength, I'm afraid that even if Wang Shengdong's peak martial emperor comes, I'm afraid it will not be able to escape.

But Gao Xinhan still had confidence in himself, that he could completely defeat Qin Shaofeng.

The reason is simple, although his realm has fallen.

But his real realm is still the realm of Martial Saint, and now it is only because of the toxins in the body that he can't exert the strength of the realm of Martial Saint!

But what was in his body was no longer a priori.

The realms of King Martial Arts, Emperor Martial Arts, and Saint Martial Arts correspond to the three realms of the Qiqi Period in the monks of earth cultivators.

Practicing Qi, Huaqi, and Qihai!

Qi refining into spiritual energy from the previous day, this is a transformation and cultivation process of the monk's Qi transformation period.

However, for the current martial artist, it is only when he cultivates to the realm of Emperor Martial that he is equivalent to the realm of Qi training among the monks, and he begins the cultivation process of transforming natural Qi into spiritual Qi.

Moreover, only the martial artist who has reached the martial sage realm equivalent to the Qi Sea realm can have a glance in the body like a cultivator in the Hua Qi realm, and there is already aura.

Although Gao Xinhan's realm had fallen, the aura in his body did not hide and degenerate, becoming an innate qi, still aura, and it was still incomparable to the general qi realm.

This is why, he is now in a realm less than Martial Saint, can kill most of the strength of the Martial Emperor.

In Gao Xinhan's view, Qin Shaofeng did have some strength.

But he believed that Qin Shaofeng's body was only natural qi, and Qin Shaofeng would definitely consume a lot when dealing with his attacks.

This is good news for him who has aura!

Because of this kind of battle, once it lasts a little longer, then Qin Shaofeng will be in a state of inability to succeed, so at that time, it will be easy for him to kill Qin Shaofeng.

That's how Gao Xinhan thought!

But he didn't even know that Qin Shaofeng had already seen his thoughts through, even at this moment Qin Shaofeng was deliberately cooperating with him!

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