Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1859: Gao Xinhan's purpose

Than consumption?

Qin Shaofeng really didn't know what to say.

Not to mention his current state, it was just three months after his physical realm martial emperor triple, the state of the martial emperor peak state, the inner energy of the gods and demons in his body was very sufficient.

The inner energy of the gods and demons cultivated in "The Book of Gods and Demons" is very special, and it is not worse than the spiritual aura of the earth monks.

And the most important thing is the large amount!

Qin Shaofeng can proudly say that three months ago, the inner energy of the gods and demons in him was no longer comparable to that of Emperor Wu.

And after three months of Qin Shaofeng, after practicing the modified and enhanced version of "The Book of Gods and Demons", the inner energy of the gods and demons in his body became more.

Physical cultivation is the realm of the double martial emperor peak!

In particular, the 108 acupuncture points opened up in the body allowed Qin Shaofeng's inner energy of the gods and demons to reach an unimaginable level.

Not to mention the martial artist, even among the cultivators, within the same realm, I am afraid that no one has the aura at all, comparable to Qin Shaofeng's.

Because for the current Qin Shaofeng, the acupuncture points opened in his body, the inner energy of the gods and demons stored in it, for the general Wu Huang, persistence is a massive amount.

Because of the 108 acupuncture points that Qin Shaofeng's body has opened up at this moment, the inner energy of each of the gods and demons that can be stored is equivalent to all the spiritual energy that can be cultivated by a cultivator of the peak realm.

Yes, it is a monk, not a warrior!

One acupuncture point is equivalent to all the auras of a peak realm of Qi state, those 108 are equivalent to 108 monks of the world of transforming Qi, all the auras!

This is too exaggerated!

But in fact, it is!

This Gao Xinhan is indeed not comparable to that of an ordinary Martial Emperor. The aura he possesses now, even if it is not comparable to an ordinary Qihai Realm cultivator.

But it is at least equivalent to the amount of seven or eight peak transformation qi realm cultivators, and there are a lot of such auras.

But if it's wrong with Qin Shaofeng!

Oh, seven or eight compared to 108?

This is better than wool!

They are not on the same level at all!

Therefore, when he saw that Gao Xinhan was going to compete with himself for consumption, Qin Shaofeng almost laughed out of a pig cry.

This is so special that he hit the gun and came to look for the abuser on purpose?

In fact, with Qin Shaofeng's current strength, if he wanted to, he could end the battle very quickly, even killing Gao Xinhan in front of him in an instant.

Because even if the current Gao Xinhan possesses enough spiritual energy, his limited toxins in his body and the combat power he can exert can never reach the realm of Martial Saint.

Such combat power did not pose any threat to Qin Shaofeng at all.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't have the idea of ​​ending the battle in the first place. It was hard to meet a martial sage-level position. Although it was in a semi-disabled state, it could more or less allow him to experience that the martial artist had cultivated to the martial sage realm. After that, how much strength can you have.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, the battle between Qin Shaofeng and Gao Xinhan was very fierce.

You come and I go between the two sides, bursting out a powerful attack, no one can do anything for a while, as if the two sides are not distinguished.

Even Gao Xinhan, one of the protagonists of the battle, thinks.

Qin Shaofeng actually possesses such strength, can he be equal to him in this state?

This Qin Shaofeng is really extraordinary!

For a time, such a scene made Gao Xinhan's murderous intent towards Qin Shaofeng more solemn.

Not far away, Wang Shihao, who had stopped fighting, saw this scene, but his face was extremely ugly.



Seeing the fighting power displayed by Qin Shaofeng before him, Wang Shihao finally understood in his heart that he was completely wrong about Qin Shaofeng.

This Qin Shaofeng not only has a strong subordinate, but also his own strength is extremely powerful.

What kind of strength Gao Xinhan possessed, Wang Shihao couldn't be more clear.

You must know that his old father, Wang Shengdong, once said that even if he fell temporarily into the martial arts realm, there are strange toxins in his body, which caused Gao Xinhan not to use too much power in his body.

But even so, the strength that Gao Xinhan can burst out far exceeds Wu Huang.

At the very least, Gao Xinhan said from his old father, Wang Shengdong, that even if his current strength is limited, Gao Xinhan is better than his peak Wuhuang realm!

However, Wang Shengdong also said that if he really fights, although he will lose to Gao Xinhan, he will not lose much.

Wang Shengdong, who has stayed at the peak of Wu Huang for many years, is not really nothing, at least he has stood on top of almost all Wu Huang!

But precisely because of this, after seeing such a scene at this moment, it shocked Wang Shihao's heart.

Because of Qin Shaofeng's current strength, if he hadn't moved Gao Xinhan temporarily, I'm afraid they would be finished.

However, even without Qin Shaofeng, his subordinates would be enough to destroy the troops brought by his king's side.

Thinking of this, Wang Shihao's face was extremely ugly.

And the next moment, a voice came, making his already ugly face even more ugly.

"Wang Shihao, let's continue!"

With a low drink, seeing that no one stopped him, Heihu rushed to Wang Shihao for the first time.

"Damn it!"

Wang Shihao was shocked, and then he remembered that although Gao Xinhan had stopped Qin Shaofeng.

But this seemed to have no effect at all for him, and he still matched his previous opponent.

But despite the helplessness, facing the attack of the black tiger, Wang Shihao could only grit his teeth and persist.

He can only hope now that Gao Xinhan can explode with great power to defeat or even kill Qin Shaofeng, and then release him and all the Wang family disciples present.

What disappointed Wang Shihao was that Gao Xinhan couldn't kill Qin Shaofeng at all.

Even after the collision of hundreds of tricks at this moment, Gao Xinhan's face became more and more gloomy, and the shock in his heart became greater and greater.


How could Qin Shaofeng still hold on?

Hundreds of tricks broke out, how could he have so much natural energy?

Gao Xinhan was puzzled, and at the same time gradually felt bad in his heart.

Because of the consumption of hundreds of moves and the battle for so long, he actually felt a little discomfort in his body.

Those toxins that have been contained have begun to faintly spread.

This is not good news for Gao Xinhan.

In order to control him, the medicine that the Wang family took out was not to remove toxins from his body, but to curb the spread of toxins.

If it weren't for the aura in Gao Xinhan's body, he could compress all the toxins in one place while restraining the spread of the toxins. I'm afraid he could use less power and lower combat power.

But now fighting for so long, as long as hundreds of powerful moves have erupted, it has caused Gao Xinhan's body to consume a lot of aura.

Under such circumstances, his body has been compressed by his aura, and the toxins in one place have begun to spread.

Gradually, Qin Shaofeng also felt it, and Gao Xinhan's strength seemed to begin to weaken.

Conspiracy again?

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, but his consciousness swept away and he sensed the situation in Gao Xinhan's body at the moment. He immediately understood something and smiled slightly.

"Heh, can't stand it?"

Qin Shaofeng's ridiculous chuckle made Gao Xinhan angry instantly, but he did not lose his wisdom.

Because in this state, if it continues, it is definitely not a good thing for him.

Once the toxin spreads to a certain extent, the toxin will have a certain impact on him, leaving him in a dilemma.

The first is the diffusion of toxins. In order to prevent the poisoning from aggravating, he can only separate enough spiritual energy to curb the diffusion of toxins.

But in this way, his combat power will definitely decline temporarily, I am afraid that he is not Qin Shaofeng's opponent at all.

But if the aura prevents the toxins from spreading in his body, Gao Xinhan will be poisoned and die as long as he waits for the toxins in his body to spread.

Especially in this fighting state, this pair of toxins spread more quickly, which is completely speeding up the death process.

However, even at such a moment, Gao Xinhan had no idea of ​​retreating.

This is not that he really hates Qin Shaofeng so much, he must kill Qin Shaofeng today.

The Gao family's enmity must be reported.

But on the premise of revenge, Gao Xinhan's life would not be involved.

When choosing between his own life and revenge, Gao Xinhan would choose the former without hesitation.

Under normal circumstances, in such a dilemma, Gao Xinhan usually chooses to retreat!

At this moment, the reason why he has not retreated is because he has another purpose.


Suddenly, there was another sound of participation, and a strange light flashed in Gao Xinhan's eyes, and his heart moved.

it's time!

In fact, during the battle between Gao Xinhan and Qin Shaofeng, the semi-remnant kings of the Gao family were completely dead.

Moreover, one Martial Emperor was killed again. This, coupled with the scream just now, was two Martial Emperors.

At this point, the entire battlefield can be regarded as Wang Shihao, the head of the Wang family. There are only four martial emperors in the Wang family who are barely alive, but each and every situation is very bad.

But Gao Xinhan waited until this time!


Gathering the last part, the aura that can be used freely, Gao Xinhan burst out a powerful attack. After shaking Qin Shaofeng back, he himself took advantage of the counter shock and came directly to Wang Shihao's side and punched the black tiger. Boom flying.

"I have reached the limit!"

As soon as he knocked the black tiger into the air, Gao Xinhan said this to Wang Shihao in a deep voice.

Wang Shihao's face changed slightly, and he instantly understood the chill of Gao Xinhan's words.

Knowing that the other party was telling himself that he could no longer suppress the toxins in his body.

Without hesitation, Wang Shihao took out a jade bottle and handed it to Gao Xinhan.

Unexpectedly, Gao Xinhan just glanced at the jade bottle and didn't have any hands to pick it up.

"Hurry up, take the pill to curb the spread of toxins, or else Qin Shaofeng will come over!" Wang Shihao said anxiously.

But Gao Xinhan's next sentence shocked him.

"Wang Shihao, what I need now is not this kind of pill to curb toxins. I want to completely remove the kind of pill that I will use for your toxins." Gao Xin said coldly.


No, he has had enough of such containment, he wants to be a permanent disaster, and thoroughly clear the toxin for you.

And he also knew that the Wang family had such a medicine.

But it was because he wanted to control him and completely obtain his martial arts level combat power, the Wang family had never come up with that kind of pill.

Because of the poisoning, it is difficult to exert much strength, and the Wang family and Wang Shengdong and others are there, Gao Xinhan can only maintain this state, and obey the Wang family on the surface.

But secretly, Gao Xinhan is always looking for opportunities.

But such an opportunity was very rare, and Gao Xinhan never found it.

However, at this moment, Gao Xinhan saw this opportunity, and he would naturally not let it go.

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