Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1860: Kill Wu Sheng


Gao Xinhan's words shocked Wang Shihao's heart. He never expected that Gao Xinhan would threaten him under such circumstances!

This made him feel frightened and angry, so he wanted to refuse directly.

But Gao Xinhan seemed to have guessed that Wang Shihao would reject him, and smiled coldly: "Wang Shihao, I advise you not to reject me. If you reject me, or prevaricate me if you don’t have that kind of medicine, let me talk about it. Leave without talking!"

After a pause, Gao Xinhan didn't have the slightest scruples about Wang Shihao, who was increasingly ugly, and said: "With my strength, even if the toxins start to spread, then I can escape smoothly. I still have this confidence, but once I Leaving, then..."

Gao Xinhan didn't say the latter words, but Wang Shihao was very clear.

What else can it do?

Once Gao Xinhan left, without him to stop Qin Shaofeng, the remaining four Martial Emperors would probably be killed by Qin Shaofeng in an instant.

Wang Shihao's life for himself is so rare that he does not want to die.

He also wanted to cultivate to the peak of Martial Emperor, break through the limit and become a legendary figure of Martial Saint, how could he die in this place.

Therefore, once gritted his teeth, Wang Shihao made a decision in his heart, and raised his head to stare at Gao Xinhan and said: "I can give you the pill, but you must guarantee that you will not take action against my Wang family, and you must kill Qin Shaofeng!"

"Don't worry!" Gao Xinhan's eyes lighted up, "As long as there is a pill to detoxify the toxins in my body, I promise that Qin Shaofeng will not survive today!"


Wang Shihao nodded, then took out another jade bottle from his arms.

But at this moment, Wang Shihao seemed to have ignored what Gao Xinhan had just said. What he said would not allow Qin Shaofeng to survive today, which he promised.

But he didn't seem to guarantee Wang Shihao that he would not do anything to the Wang family!

Heh, didn't you shoot against the Wang family?

To threaten Gao Xinhan with pill, as a martial sage, this is already an extremely humiliating thing.

How could Gao Xinhan let the Wang family go so easily?

Wang Shihao didn't notice this either, he just handed the pill to Gao Xinhan.


After Wang Shihao took out the jade bottle, Gao Xinhan instantly grabbed the jade bottle, crushed the jade bottle directly, and swallowed it as soon as he got the pill.

Gao Xinhan's appearance made Wang Shihao feel that something was wrong, but Gao Xinhan had swallowed the pill, and it was useless even if he repented.


After swallowing the pill, Gao Xinhan quickly burst into laughter.

Because the moment the pill enters the stomach, it is refined by his spiritual energy, and then when the power of the medicine spreads, he feels the change of toxins in his body.

Although it would not instantly clear all the toxins from the body, Gao Xinhan knew that the pill was fine.

According to his current state, he only needs to adjust his breath for one or two days, and the toxins in his body can be completely eliminated.

This made him very excited, and he could finally get rid of this toxin.

That being the case, then... you don't need the Wang Family!

Gao Xinhan, who was laughing, under Wang Shihao's incredulous gaze, directly pierced Wang Shihao's heart with a knife in one hand.

"You...you..." Wang Shihao instantly left blood in his mouth and said angrily at Gao Xinhan.

"No credit?"

He seems to know what Wang Shihao is going to say, but Gao Xinhan just smiled coldly and said: "Your Wang family treats me like this, so you really think Gao Xinhan is a casual kneading person? And I just didn't promise that you didn't do anything to your Wang family. , So you can go with peace of mind!"

After that, Gao Xinhan's right hand lightly for a while, aroused a spirit of energy, and Wang Shihao's heart was completely shattered.

With Wang Shihao's cultivation in the Seventh Martial Emperor Realm, even if his heart was penetrated, he would not die suddenly, but after the heart was completely shattered, he could only lose it with endless regret.




After Gao Xinhan put aside Wang Shihao's body, the three Wuhuang elders of the Wang family finally reacted, screaming and shouting again and again, abandoning his opponent directly, and rushed towards Gao Xinhan.

"Bold Gao Xinhan, you dare to attack my Wang Family Patriarch, you are dead!"

"Damn Gao Xinhan, kill my Wang Family Patriarch, you're done!"

"Gao Xinhan is here to pay!"


For these three Wang Family Wuhuang elders, a glimmer of cold light flashed in Gao Xinhan's eyes.

During this period of time, he was controlled by the royal family because of toxins in his body, so that the martial emperors of the Wang family dared to yell at him, this martial sage, this is simply looking for death!


His figure flickered, and Gao Xinhan turned into a black shadow. After passing by an elder of the Wang Family's Fifth Martial Emperor Realm, he directly took off the opponent's head.

Because there is an antidote, the toxins in the body have begun to be gradually eliminated.

Therefore, Gao Xinhan didn't need any scruples at all, nor did he need spiritual energy to deliberately suppress the toxins in his body. Under such circumstances, the strength that made him burst out was quite terrifying.

Huh! Huh!

There were two flashes one after another, and Gao Xinhan picked the heads of the other two elders of the king's family one after another.

Until then, Gao Xinhan stopped, looked at Qin Shaofeng not far away, smiled slightly and said, "Qin Shaofeng, won't you run away?"

In fact, at the time when Gao Xinhan was shaking Qin Shaofeng away, Qin Shaofeng didn't continue to take action, because he seemed to think of something, just standing in place and watching everything happen.

However, Qin Shaofeng was very surprised that he had guessed Gao Xinhan's purpose, and even guessed that after Gao Xinhan got the antidote, he would attack the Wang family.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't want to. After receiving the medicine, Gao Xinhan shot Wang Shihao.

This Gao Xinhan really is a very character.

Heihu and the others also stopped now, moved closer to Qin Shaofeng, and stared at Gao Xinhan not far away vigilantly.

Because they felt it, the atmosphere of Gao Xinhan at this moment had changed and became a bit terrifying!

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care. Instead, after listening to Gao Xinhan's words, he said funnyly, "Escape? Are you kidding?"


Gao Xinhan's eyes narrowed for an instant, his eyes became dangerous, and Qin Shaofeng's words clearly angered him.

"Very good! Qin Shaofeng, you are very nice and courageous, but you are a little bit ignorant!"

Gao Xinhan shook his head and said, "However, for the sake of you allowing me to achieve my goal, I will leave you a whole body this time!"


As soon as the voice fell, Gao Xinhan's figure flashed, and he shot instantly.


Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, but his eyes sharpened instantly.

He had guessed Gao Xinhan's purpose a long time ago, and he also knew that Gao Xinhan had recovered a lot now, even if he hadn't completely recovered, he would be able to explode much stronger than before.


The two banged at each other. This time Gao Xinhan didn't move, but Qin Shaofeng took a step back.

Upon seeing this, Gao Xinhan went down.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng shook his head and said, "No, it's still too bad. If Gao Xinhan is a martial sage, you have this strength, it would disappoint me too!"

Qin Shaofeng's words suddenly made Gao Xinhan, who was a little happy, his expression gloomy.


Gao Xinhan's eyes flashed with killing intent, and he said slightly angrily: "Very well, it seems that you are really arrogant. In that case, then I will let you see my real strength!"


A breath broke out, at this moment, Gao Xinhan was completely angry.

He has decided that even if it is to postpone the days when the toxins in the body are completely cleared, he must use all his spiritual energy to make Qin Shaofeng, a boy who knows nothing about the heights and heights of the earth, clearly understand what it will be like to anger a martial sage.

Therefore, at this moment, Gao Xinhan's breath changed.

If it was the state of Gao Xinhan's outbreak, because of the interference of toxins, it was always from the state above the Emperor Wu, and below the state of Wu Sheng, then now he has no scruples, his breath is completely in the realm of Wu Sheng. .

The martial artist is very strong!

It is also the tenth rank, but the strength of the martial artist is one point stronger than that of the superpowers, magicians, etc.

Because after possessing aura, the power that can be displayed is completely different.

If this is not the case, the martial artist of the martial sage realm will not be directly recognized, it is a humanoid nuclear bomb level existence.

Even though Gao Xinhan was affected by the toxin, after this period of time, his current strength has declined.

But now he is still a real Martial Saint!

But facing the breath of his martial sage realm, Qin Shaofeng shook his head and sighed in his heart.

Oh, that's it!

This is Wu Sheng?

Although Qin Shaofeng didn't say it, Gao Xinhan saw the expression on his face, and he understood Qin Shaofeng's heart for the first time, and he was immediately angry.

"Crazy junior, go to this saint to die!"

With a roar, Gao Xinhan patted the void, and suddenly a large handprint of spiritual energy condensed.

At the moment when this aura mudra was condensed, Heihu and others all suffered an irresistible oppressive force. The black tiger and the black panther came out, and everyone else was forced by the aura of the aura mudra. Press down.

The two brothers, Black Tiger and Black Panther, were also sweating profusely at this moment. Although they were not pressed down, they were already unable to move under the pressure of this momentum.

This is the power of Martial Saint Realm?

The two were shocked, but when their eyes fell subconsciously, behind Qin Shaofeng who was not far in front of him, the tension in their hearts instantly relaxed.

Because under this powerful aura, Qin Shaofeng didn't seem to be affected at all.

Even at the moment when the great spiritual energy handprint was about to blow, Qin Shaofeng lightly raised his right hand, his mouth slightly opened.


call out!

A blade of silver light flew out in an instant, directly penetrating the big handprint of aura.

And after being penetrated by that silver light knife light, that great spiritual energy handprint instantly collapsed.


Seeing this scene, Gao Xinhan was horrified, and his eyes were full of confusion.

However, the next moment, a chill hit him, awakening him instantly.

It was because he discovered that after the silver blade light had defeated his condensed aura handprint, it actually shot at him.

At this moment, Gao Xinhan also felt the extremely terrifying crisis brought to him by this silver light knife.

not good!

Shocked in his heart, Gao Xinhan madly circulated the aura in his body, completely unreserved, and burst out an astonishing aura, condensing an aura shield, trying to resist this silver blade light.

But the next moment, with a pop, the light of the silver blade instantly penetrated the aura shield he condensed, as if it had only penetrated a piece of paper, and finally penetrated directly between his eyebrows.

"Uh, this..."

With a soft uh, Gao Xinhan's eyes were full of disbelief, not believing that he had died like this.

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