Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1861: The Wang Family Was Destroyed (Part 1)


That Gao Xinhan is dead!

The oppressive force that seemed to be like a mountain disappeared in an instant, everyone was free again, and both eyes were filled with confusion.

Good and powerful?

What about oppression?

Isn't Gao Xinhan a martial sage?

But why did you die like this?

However, Heihu and others soon reacted, looking at Qin Shaofeng's eyes full of worship.

Sure enough, our young master is still the strongest!

A Martial Saint was killed with one blow!

Faced with the worship of Heihu and others, Qin Shaofeng didn't explain much.

In fact, to be honest, with Qin Shaofeng's current 108 acupuncture points full of the spirit of the gods and demons, this strength is not difficult to deal with a martial sage.

At the very least, a martial sage like Gao Xinhan, Qin Shaofeng didn't take it seriously.

Because if he really fights, Qin Shaofeng is completely confident that he will kill the opponent within ten strokes.

It's just that the moment the silver sword light gave Gao Xinhan a spike, it was all because Qin Shaofeng used the flying feather sword.

Since the Feiyu Knife has evolved into a half-walker, even in the ancient sanctuary with the power of the indestructible incarnation of the sun, the Feiyu Knife cannot be used normally.

However, when Qin Shaofeng was refining the origins of the Dao realm, when he entered the state of sentiment, he realized a special sealing method.

This kind of special sealing method can only work on one's own destiny, using the power of one's own soul to seal the immortal incarnation that one possesses.

After being sealed, he can seal up the power of his own destiny.

However, under normal circumstances, no one does this at all.

Naturally, the stronger the strength of one's own destiny, the better. Who is full and has nothing to do to seal the power of his own destiny?

But Qin Shaofeng did just that.

The reason why he did this is naturally to allow himself to use the flying feather knife freely when he was on earth.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng arranged such a special seal in the inner space of the Flying Feather Knife before crossing, and also set the extremely perfect body of the Flying Feather Knife's internal space, Susanou, directly excited at the moment of consumption.

This kind of seal does not need to be lifted deliberately, because Qin Shaofeng set this seal completely based on the modified "Treasure of Gods and Demons".

As long as his body's realm and cultivation base become higher, Feiyu Knife will be able to unlock layers of seals, exerting ever-increasing power, and finally recover all its power!

It is not so much a seal, but rather a proper display of the Flying Feather Knife, so that you can use the Flying Feather Knife on earth.

Qin Shaofeng also wanted to see how powerful the so-called Saint-level martial artist was, and whether the flying feather sword could kill it.

The result is now obvious.

Even if the martial artist in the martial arts realm is two or three realms higher than that of Gao Xinhan, once he uses the flying feather knife, he can still easily kill the opponent.

And it's the kind that kills instantly!


Looking down, Qin Shaofeng showed a bitter smile on the Feather Knife that had returned to his hand.

"I circled a fork. This consumes too much. Feiyu Knife is still a big consumer even in the sealed state!"

Qin Shaofeng and Gao Xinhan fought for so long before, and the two sides fought a hundred moves, but that only caused Qin Shaofeng to consume less than three acupoint gods and demons.

But Feiyu Knife is good!

Just a moment ago, the silver blade light flashed like that, and it abruptly drained the inner qi of the 10 acupoints in his body.

This is almost one-tenth of Qin Shaofeng's current spirit of the gods and demons.

This is too much consumption for Qin Shaofeng.

Judging from the situation this time, with the realm of his current body, he can only spur the Flying Feather Knife to attack ten times continuously!

Well, it can kill ten Gao Xinhan!

If this is made known to others, I am afraid they will complain about Qin Shaofeng.

A martial emperor kills a martial sage with less than one-tenth of the power, do you think it consumes too much?

But if you think about it seriously, the inner qi of the gods and demons with ten acupoints is equivalent to the sum of the auras possessed by ten general peak transformation qi realm monks.

And a martial artist like Gao Xinhan is just equivalent to the sum of the auras possessed by seven or eight general peak transformation qi realm cultivators.

Ten to seven or eight!

This is a bit more!

All of this can be said that Qin Shaofeng has consumed it, exceeding the upper limit of the spiritual energy possessed by Gao Xinhan, and the attack erupted.

Looking at it this way, it seems that killing Gao Xinhan in seconds is nothing, it seems normal.

After all, who told Qin Shaofeng that the inner energy of the gods and demons cultivated was comparable to the spiritual energy cultivated by the monks!

After Gao Xinhan died, this place was gone.

In fact, after the high-star killed Wang Shihao and the other four martial emperors of the last Wang family, the troops of the Wang family this time were completely wiped out.

Uh, there is another Wang family elder.

Thinking like this, Qin Shaofeng suddenly saw it, and Old Xie rushed here.

However, when Xie Lao came to Qin Shaofeng's side, he was a little embarrassed.

"Master, I'm sorry, the old slave can't let the king's elder run away!"


Qin Shaofeng was a little surprised, but he didn't care.

It's just a nine-tier martial emperor!

"Forget it, don't worry about him!" Qin Shaofeng shook his head, and then said to Xie oldly, "Old Xie, you take someone now and go to Wang's house to copy the house!"


Old Xie nodded, immediately called some people, and went straight to Wang's house.

Qin Shaofeng has never been kind to the enemy.

Since the Wang family has done something to him, then be prepared to pay a sufficient price!

Although the Wang family is already in a miserable situation, all the Wuhuang emperors are dead except Wang Shengdong's four great elders.

But this does not mean that Qin Shaofeng will not be held accountable.

Besides, Wang Feiran appeared to trade with him many times, which suffices to explain that the Wang family has a wealth of medicinal materials.

Qin Shaofeng is now eager to use a large amount of medicinal materials to refine the Nine Layers of Spirit Pill to improve his cultivation, but he doesn't want to let go of this opportunity.

However, Qin Shaofeng did not personally lead anyone to Wang's house.

The Wang family is now a fiction, there is no threat at all, just let the old Xie take some people.

Qin Shaofeng returned to Fengya Villa.

At the same time, in a dark corner of the grass, the elder of the Wang family lay there covered in blood.

In fact, if only Elder Xie was alone, Elder Wang Clan was really not afraid.

Although Elder Xie had practiced "Assassination Skill", he possessed a level of strength that ordinary people could not reach within the same realm.

But the elder of the Wang family was the Emperor of the Ninth Level, and the old Xie was just the Emperor of the Seventh Level.

The gap between the two is very obvious.

And most importantly, the "Assassination Skill" practiced by Mr. Xie can exert its strongest power when it hides the assassination.

In a head-on fight with the Wang family elder, the old Xie can remain undefeated, dragging the opponent is already very good.

After all, he is not Qin Shaofeng, and he doesn't have the ability to leapfrog an enemy like drinking boiling water.

The battle between the two finally ended with the Wang Family's elder leaving the present.

But the Wang Family Elder paid a great price in order to escape.

Because after Heihu and others killed the remaining Wu Kings of the Wang family, and killed one or two Wu Huangs, there were extra personnel who were sent to Xie Lao to support Xie Lao.

With support, with the help of the formation, Elder Xie not only began to gain the upper hand with the help of "Assassination", and even added one or two wounds to the opponent when the elder Wang family was distracted.

As the Grand Elder of the Wang Family in the Nine-Five Peak Martial Emperor Realm, his mental power is not weak, and he can vaguely feel the situation on Wang Shihao's side.

From time to time, some of the Wang family disciples' aura disappeared, which naturally distracted him.

However, when he really made up his mind to escape, he felt the breath of Gao Xinhan.

After recovering, Gao Xinhan's aura was very strong, even if it was a few miles apart, the elders of the Wang family clearly sensed the other's aura.

And after Gao Xinhan broke out of the martial arts realm, the elder Wang Family felt the disappearance of the four martial emperors including Patriarch Wang Shihao, which made him instantly recognize.

Gao Xinhan shot the Wang family!

Although he didn't know what was going on, the elder Wang Family knew in his heart that even his martial emperor of the nine-fold pinnacle realm was nothing at all in front of Gao Xinhan who had recovered his strength.

Coupled with the fact that Wang Shihao, the Patriarch, was already dead, he was not holding on, and retired immediately in his heart.

But the old Xie seemed to see the thoughts in his heart and dragged him down.

Elder Xie also felt Gao Xinhan's breath, and was worried about the situation there, but Qin Shaofeng gave him the task of dragging the elders of the Wang family, and finally getting rid of the opponent, so he did not leave.

Under such circumstances, the elders of the Wang family have no choice but to choose, the Wang family stimulates the body's blood and stimulates special power to increase their speed, and finally get rid of the scorpion.

Then, the elder of the Wang family appeared here.

Lie down peacefully for a while, seeming to finally have strength, the Wang family elder struggling to get up, took out a few pills from his body and quickly took it.

After half an hour, the Wang Family Elder finally recovered a lot, but at this moment his face was very gloomy.

Because he fully remembered that when he got rid of the enemy, he seemed to feel that the aura belonging to Gao Xinhan fell down in an instant.

However, it cannot be said to be a fall, it should be said to have collapsed.

This situation made him guess that Gao Xinhan was also killed.

Although it was unbelievable in his heart, the truth seemed to be that, Gao Xinhan was killed.

And this also made the Wang Family Grand Elder originally believe that it was Gao Xinhan's killing of Wang Shihao and others, and it was finally put on Qin Shaofeng.

Even Gao Xinhan, who had recovered his martial sage realm, was killed, so what kind of power Qin Shaofeng had around him?

Patriarch and them must have been killed by Qin Shaofeng and the others!

Then...Is he going back to the Gao family?

Elder Wang's expression was cloudy and uncertain, and he finally thought for a long time, got up and found a crowded place, and made a phone call.

But the call was not made, and even after he tried several times, this made the Wang Family Great Elder feel a bad premonition.

And it was this hunch that made him completely cut off the idea of ​​returning to the Wang family, but secretly hid it and began to inquire about some situations to see if it was really what he had guessed.

As a result, the next day, Elder Wang, who received some news, instantly turned pale, without a trace of blood.

The royal family is destroyed!

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