Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1862: The Wang Family was destroyed (Part 2)

The Wang family was destroyed?

Early the next morning, this astonishing news, in the circle of the hidden family, raged crazily, shaking all the hidden families.

Wang Family, that's the Wang Family!

Although there are only seven Martial Emperor-level warriors in the Wang Family, in fact, they know the power of the Wang Family, but they are all very clear. In the Wang Family, apart from anything else, it is Wang Shihao’s Lao Zi Wang Shengdong, a hidden power of the Wang Family. !

And Wang Shengdong still has three brothers!

But such a hidden family was actually annihilated overnight?

Who touched this?

And there are many forces already known, the four strongest Wang Shengdong of the Wang family seems to have participated in the Martial Arts Alliance. Go to the United States and many international forces to attack that underground space.

At this juncture, someone actually took action to destroy the Wang family while the four brothers were away?

If this were to be heard by the four brothers of Wang Shengdong, wouldn't they be **** off?

However, considering that even without the four Wang Shengdong brothers, the Wang family still possesses good power, and the forces that can destroy the Wang family overnight, I am afraid that the other party does not care about the four Wang Shengdong brothers.

Maybe even this hand is a big shot of a martial arts-level existence!

This is also a possibility, because maybe the Wang family has offended such a big man!

However, no matter what, the destruction of such a royal family still made some people in many hidden families panic.

Now it's getting more and more restless, and first an underground space that is too strong to speak out, in the high-level circles around the world, made a big move.

The Huaxia Martial Arts world was also shaken by this, and now this thing hasn't completely landed, and another hidden family in the ranks has come, and it has been annihilated.

Some elder strong people always feel that this time is an eventful time!

Knowing the news of the destruction of the Wang family, the elders of the Wang family hid even deeper.

Over the years, the Wang family has offended many people and made many enemies. Now that the Wang family has completely fallen, if his great elder emerges, it might be a dead end.

The elder of the Wang family also thought, spread the fact that the murderer of the Wang family was Qin Shaofeng.

But when I think about it confidently, it doesn't seem to work.

Because even if Qin Shaofeng destroys the Wang family, what is it for most hidden families?

Do you still count on them to avenge the Wang family?

Don't be funny, this is simply an impossible thing.

Even this will expose him and be targeted.

If Qin Shaofeng can destroy the Wang Family, it must also have a very strong strength, and no one will do anything to Qin Shaofeng.

But his Wang family's elder is different. As the Wang family's elder, he must know many things about the Wang family. If he catches it, he may be able to ask questions about some of the resources and treasures hidden by the Wang family.

I believe that as long as you are not stupid, you know how to choose.

The elder of the Wang family thought of this, and he did not take the lead, and even worried about the forces of the Martial Arts Alliance, but also had a different mind about him. He did not contact the four brothers Wang Shengdong through the Martial Arts Alliance the first time.

Of course, the most important thing is that the Wang Family Elder didn't despair so much that he made the best madness.

The Wang family was destroyed!

But the strongest power of the Wang family is still there!

The elder of the Wang family firmly believes that as long as the four elders of the Wang family are present, the Wang family will not be completely destroyed.

And there is another point, that is Gao Xinhan's rapid death, what happened in it.

If Qin Shaofeng has the power to kill Gao Xinhan and other powerful men, he must inform Wang Shengdong and others.

Otherwise, after the four of Wang Shengdong came back, they would go to Qin Shaofeng for revenge without finding out the situation. That would be bad.

In short, now he, the elder of the Wang family, should hide quietly.

At the same time, he was expecting in his heart that the four elders of Wang Shengdong returned quickly after learning the news.

But the elders of the Wang family didn't even know that the four Wang Shengdong brothers might not be back in a short time.

In fact, the four brothers Wang Shengdong learned of this information for the first time after the news of the destruction of the Wang family spread.

Because the underground space in the U.S. is too important, there is always a Martial Artist Alliance on China's side to keep in touch with it, and strive to get favorable news as soon as possible.

Therefore, under such contact, the four Wang Shengdong brothers naturally learned quickly that their family had been completely annihilated.

"Damn it, who is it that wiped out our Wang family!"

In a room, Wang Shengbei roared angrily.

There is no one else in this room, as long as they are four brothers.

Knowing that his family was destroyed, Wang Shengbei was furious.

"No, my return, I want revenge!"

The more he thought about Wang Shengbei, the more mad he became, and he decided to go back and take revenge.

"Old fourth, calm down!" Wang Shengxi quickly stopped the opponent.

"Calm down, how calm I am, our family is gone!" Wang Shengbei said angrily.

Wang Shengxi was also angry when he heard it, but he still did not let go.

At this time, Wang Shengnan spoke.

"Calm down, listen to what Big Brother says!"

A trace of grief flashed in Wang Shengnan's eyes. He had felt that joining the Martial Arts Alliance and coming to the United States was not a good thing, and even a bad premonition appeared in his heart.

Before, he thought that this bad premonition was because the trip was too dangerous.

But now it seems that this ugly premonition should be in his own family.

"That's OK, what do you say, eldest brother, this revenge is not rewarded!" Wang Shengbei stared at Wang Shengdong.

After Wang Shengdong learned that the Wang family had been destroyed, he was quiet for a while.

At this moment, after hearing the words of my fourth brother, he finally raised his head and glanced at the other person, and said indifferently: "The enmity, of course I want to repay, but not now..."

"Not now? When is that? No, I have to go back now, find out the choppy pieces, and remove them one by one!"

Wang Shengbei roared, and violently broke free of Wang Shengxi's hands, and was about to leave the room.

But at this moment, a cold voice sounded.


The sound was very cold, as if a chill, rushed straight into Wang Shengbei's heart, making him stunned. When he returned to look, he looked at his elder brother Wang Shengdong's extremely cold eyes, and then he trembled. , I became honest instantly.

Because he knew that his elder brother was angry.

Even if he is a real brother, Wang Shengbei is afraid of his anger.

Seeing Wang Shengbei's honesty, Wang Shengdong didn't do anything. After taking back his gaze, his eyes were still cold and said: "I said, this hatred will definitely be retributed, but it's not this time. Haven't you thought about how we can take our Wang family? Will the strength of the destroyed forces be low? Have you forgotten Gao Xinhan?"

Did the two wake up to Wang Shengbei in an instant, and stop clamoring for anything.

On the contrary, Wang Shengnan looked ugly, and looked at his elder brother and asked: "Big brother, do you think that the force that shot this time has a martial arts power?"

The words Wu Sheng made the room quiet.

"It's possible!" Wang Shengdong said lightly.

"Is that the hand that Gao Xinhan moved?" Wang Shengxi suddenly said a guess.

"Impossible!" Wang Shengdong shook his head, "Shihao is not stupid. If it weren't for the crisis, he wouldn't let Gao Xinhan detoxify it. It is very likely that he has encountered an irresistible force, and also It is very likely that after Shihao detoxified Gao Xinhan, we were still wiped out by that force!"


The three of Wang Shengnan were silent for a while, thinking in their hearts that there is really such a possibility.

In that case, if the power of their royal family is eliminated, there really is a martial arts power?

Thinking about it this way, Wang Shengbei was in a cold sweat. He hadn't thought of this just now, if he just went back to take revenge.

I'm afraid he was killed by the enemy without waiting for his revenge.

"So, now is not the time for revenge!"

Seeing that his brothers were awakened, Wang Shengdong sighed.

However, a gleam in Wang Shengdong's eyes soon flashed: "However, you don't have to give up. Coming here this time is a rare opportunity. I believe we will soon have enough strength, and then go back to take revenge!"

"Brother, you mean..."

Wang Shengnan felt like he knew something.

Wang Shengdong nodded and said, "Yes, that underground space is our opportunity!"

The Warrior League has been here for a few days, and just yesterday, after the major powers of various countries discussed it, they sent some personnel to explore the underground space.

Among those who happened to be inquiring about, one of them was Wang Shengdong.

It has been thoroughly ascertained now that the underground space is five kilometers deep from the ground.

Those Wang Shengdong inquired, only when they entered the underground space three kilometers below, they used some equipment to inquire.

But no one knew that the Wang family possessed a special means of detection.


This is a secret technique used by monks in the cultivation world to explore spiritual veins in ancient times.

There were monks in the Wang family's ancient years, and there was also a monk's inheritance in the Wang family. It's just that for so many years, especially after the spiritual exhaustion period, the Wang family's inheritance to the current monks' practice is only this spiritual technique.

Wang Shengdong also didn’t know the true function of the spirit-seeking technique, but he knew the existence of the spirit stone, and guessed that the spirit-seeking technique might be related to the spirit stone. Only when his cultivation was stuck at the peak of the Emperor Wu, he studied hard. Some.

Although it is not to say that he has completely successfully practiced spirituality, but there are still some furs.

And it was these furs that let him know that the underground space possessed a huge aura, and it was still very pure.

Even when he ventured down to the four-kilometer level, he was able to absorb a trace of aura from below with the help of spiritual finding.

Although very few, it is very pure.

The most important thing is that Wang Shengdong discovered that if he could absorb a lot of this pure aura, it would not be difficult to break through and become a martial sage.

Even he can use this to thoroughly cultivate spirituality.

Although the spirit-seeking technique is not an attacking secret technique, after cultivating some furs, it has allowed Wang Shengdong to completely transform the innate energy in his body into spiritual energy.

If this is a successful cultivation, other Wang Shengdong dare not say, it will definitely increase him a lot of spiritual energy.

In this way, if he becomes a martial sage, he is definitely a martial sage far stronger than the average martial sage.

Therefore, in Wang Shengdong's view, this time they came right.

Even after listening to what Wang Shengdong said, Wang Shengnan and others believed that this time was an opportunity for them.

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