Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1871: Fierce battle

"Then ready to start!"

At the lowest level of the underground headquarters of the Breg family, an old man said to the person behind him.

The old man was a blond and blue-eyed Englishman. He seemed very thin and weak, and he felt very fragile, as if the wind could blow him down.

But in fact, this old man is a powerful Dharma Sage.

Magician, the eighth rank is the magic king, and the ninth rank is the magic king.

Therefore, the so-called magic sage is a tenth-order magician.

Johnny Brest!

One of the ancient families of the magical world, the Brested family, the strongest today.

No one knows how powerful Johnny Brest is, but what is certain is that as early as a hundred years ago, Johnny Brest, the original owner of Brest, was already a powerful Of the Dharma.

Today, a hundred years later, he, who most people think has died, reappears, and his strength is probably not comparable to the general law sanctuary.

In fact, this can be seen in this action.

Because this time the action, whether it is other Sages, Martial Sages, and Ability Sages, they are all headed by him, so it can be seen.

Under such actions, the most powerful person will naturally be headed.

At the order of Saint Johnny of the Law, everyone looked vigilant.

At this moment, this place has gathered all the personnel of this operation, and more than 1,400 personnel have gathered here, looking at the deep pit not far away, all looks strictly forbidden.

"set off!"

With a wave of Johnny's big hand, dozens of magic kings in the crowd, as well as wind type supernatural powers, instantly used wind type magic and abilities.

Suddenly, more than 1,400 people lightened their bodies and began to fall into the pit.

With wind magic and wind power, everyone quickly fell underground.


A light system ninth-order supernatural emperor shouted loudly and shot a ball of light.

Following his orders, the rest of the light magicians and supernatural powers also shot one after another.

Suddenly, the entire dark underground space suddenly became extremely bright.

At the same time, those genetically modified organisms also discovered these invaders.




In just a moment, the originally very quiet underground space suddenly became noisy, and the genetically modified creatures that burst out of breath rushed towards the coalition army.

Upon seeing this, Johnny Brest yelled to everyone: "Follow the previous plan and start fighting!"


After Johnny Brested's voice, the whole team instantly dispersed.

Because at this moment, everyone has found their opponents.

Because there are more people than genetically modified creatures, all the more than 1,000 seventh-order magicians, supernaturalists and warriors, etc., have found the seventh-order genetically modified creatures, and all of them are two or three cooperative methods. Deal with a Grade 7 genetically modified creature.

This is the combat method that was planned from the beginning!

Because of multiple explorations, the Joint Legion has long since figured out the strength of all genetically modified organisms in the underground space.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have a second attack.

A rank 7 warrior, or many half is not an opponent of a rank 7 genetically modified creature.

Because the combat power of this genetically modified creature is much stronger than that of humans in the same realm.

But the situation is different for three rank 7 fighters against a rank 7 genetically modified creature.

Even if it is not an opponent, it will never lose, and even gain the upper hand. As the fighting time increases, the human warrior can still defeat the genetically modified creature.

Similarly, the eighth-order king warriors on the joint legion's side also sought out those eighth-order king-level genetically modified creatures one after another.

There are only more than three hundred eighth-ranked king-level fighters on the side of the United Legion, and more than 150 on the genetically modified creature side.

However, the combination of two eighth-ranked kings is enough for each other to have an eighth-order genetically modified creature.

In the battle at the first level of the ninth emperor, although there were only 50 humans, there were 28 genetically modified creatures on the side. There were originally 33 ninth genetically modified creatures, of which five were attacked for the first time At that time, it was killed by the human side.

However, there are some more powerful Tier 9 emperors on the Human United Legion, who can completely fight a Tier 9 genetically modified creature alone.

This can be considered reluctantly, and the situation of two-on-one is still beneficial to the human side.

However, this time the battle of attack really depends on the outcome of the highest combat power, that is, the result of the battle between those Tier 10 powerhouses.

As the leader of the combined army in this attack, Johnny Brest took the lead. At the moment of issuing the order, he alone met a giant lion-like genetically modified creature.

Because from the breath, Johnny felt that this giant lion seemed to be the most powerful existence.

Johnny had confidence in himself, completely confident that he could defeat this giant lion.

Also among the remaining nineteen rank ten powerhouses, one of China's formidable martial sages flashed for the first time, greeted a crocodile-like behemoth genetically modified creature, and fought frantically.

This martial sage is also very powerful, not inferior to Johnny, and he moves attacks. Although not as dazzling and colorful as Johnny's magic sage, it also has a powerful aura.

For a while, that crocodile-like genetically modified creature was actually crushed and beaten by the Martial Saint.

The remaining eighteen world warriors, working in groups of four or five, faced the remaining four tenth-order genetically modified creatures.

For a time, everyone on the entire battlefield had their own opponent.

If Qin Shaofeng is here, I am afraid that something is wrong.

Because at the time when he used his supercharged force to display his consciousness, there were seven rank ten breaths that he detected.

But now there were only six Tier 10 genetically modified creatures on the battlefield.

But for this, the strong, including Johnny, did not feel anything wrong.

Because the results of the previous investigations only detected six grade 10 genetically modified creatures, they were not surprised.

Therefore, at this moment, no one noticed that in the small pool in this underground space, there was a huge shadow watching the war quietly.


With a bang, Wang Shengdong exploded with a strong attack, violently blasting out a genetically modified creature that looked like a giant hound but was covered with scales.

Suddenly, this genetically modified creature seemed to have suffered a heavy blow. It was completely beaten up, and even left a lot of blood.

This was just a 9th-order genetically modified creature, and when faced with Wang Shengdong, whose strength was already comparable to that of an ordinary Wusheng, it was still weak.

Therefore, in front of Wang Shengdong, this genetically modified creature was instantly bombarded.

Afterwards, Wang Shengdong even found an opportunity, aimed at the opponent's head, and punched out a fierce punch, directly bluffing the genetically modified creature.


The moment Wang Shengdong attacked, he shouted at Wang Shengbei not far away.

The four brothers of the Wang family had been fighting together very early, and they were all in a tacit understanding.

As early as the beginning, even though the two of them dealt with the genetic modification together, Wang Shengbei never made a move during the battle.

Up to this moment, he heard his elder brother's shouting, Wang Shengbei's eyes flashed with a glimmer of light, and then he swung his long-prepared sword against the genetically modified creature that was bombarded. Pierce hard.


The long sword entered the body, and immediately pierced through the neck of the genetically modified creature, with blood flowing.

If it were before, Wang Shengbei could not pierce through the scales on the neck of this genetically modified creature.

But in the battle just now, Wang Shengdong had already blasted off the scales between the genetically modified creature's neck, revealing the flesh and blood inside, and Wang Shengbei found the place to start and pierced the body!


Even if a long sword was pierced into the neck, the genetically modified creature possessed strong vitality. Naturally, this genetically modified creature did not die, but just wailed in pain.

Even when it was wailing, it planned to turn its head and bite it towards Wang Shengbei.

But Wang Shengdong obviously will not give it this opportunity.


With a fierce attack, Wang Shengdong came directly in front of the genetically modified creature, and then hit the neck of the genetically modified creature with a fierce beat.

Puff! ——

With a splash of blood, Wang Shengdong's shot directly used the sharpness of the long sword to cut off the head of this genetically modified creature.

The head is different!

Even if genetically modified organisms have strong vitality, facing such a situation, they can only die.

"Collect the corpse, I will go to the third child!"

After one shot was killed, Wang Shengdong stopped looking at the genetically modified creature. After saying this to Wang Shengbei, he ran towards Wang Shengnan and Wang Shengxi.

At the strong request of Dr. Eric Bernard, the U.S. military has opened a deal to purchase all the corpses of genetically modified organisms with energy stones.

Therefore, in the eyes of Wang Shengdong and others, this genetically modified creature is a lot of energy stones.

And because it was negotiated at the beginning, those Tier 10 powerhouses have already strictly demanded that whoever kills the genetically modified creature on the battlefield is to obtain the ownership of this genetically modified creature.

As for the joint efforts to kill, then discuss the distribution, and no infighting.

There must be no fighting on the battlefield for snatching the corpses of genetically modified creatures.

If someone violates the rules, no matter who is on that side, the Tier 10 master has the right to kill both sides.

Because this battle is too important, there must be no deviation.

Soon, when he came to Wang Shengnan and Wang Shengxi, Wang Shengdong directly joined the battle.

In fact, Wang Shengnan and Wang Shengxi were not weak in strength, and the genetically modified creature they were fighting also had the upper hand.

Even if Wang Shengdong did not join, they would kill the genetically modified creature, at most it would only take a little longer.

With Wang Shengdong's participation, the battle soon ended.

It was another Tier 9 genetically modified creature, which was taken by the four brothers of Wang Shengdong.

However, on the entire battlefield, not all teams are like the four Wang Shengdong brothers, who can win and can win two ninth-order genetically modified creatures.

Whether it is a seventh-order fighter, eighth-order fighter, or even a ninth-order fighter, at this point in the battle, many people have actually been killed by genetically modified creatures.

Even in a three-to-one situation, many Tier 7 fighters were killed by Tier 7 genetically modified creatures.

Even now, the battle has only been carried out, but less than half an hour has passed, and there are two to three hundred soldiers who have been killed by genetically modified creatures.

The battle on the entire battlefield is very fierce!

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