Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1872: Surprise

After solving two ninth-order genetically modified creatures, it seemed easy for the four Wang Shengdong brothers.

But in fact, the four of their brothers have already consumed a lot.

After all, they were two 9th-order genetically modified creatures, and only Wang Shengdong, who was capable of erupting Wusheng-level combat power, could barely defeat them.

After the end of the two battles, Wang Shengdong did not hesitate to directly whisper to his three brothers: "Next, we don’t want to differentiate, and we should try our best to avoid those 9th-order genetically modified creatures, looking for 8th or 7th genetic modification. The creature starts!"

Being vigilant, Wang Shengdong chose to avoid the strong and meet the weak!

However, at this time, Wang Shengnan suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart. For some reason, he seemed to feel that a great danger was coming.

Speaking of this palpitation, Wang Shengdong instantly changed his previous strategy.

"Try not to fight, start thinking of getting closer to the exit!"

Wang Shengdong acted decisively, because he believed in the feelings of his second brother Wang Shengnan.

Because Wang Shengnan was born with a strong hunch, the four brothers, relying on Wang Shengnan’s hunch, survived several crises.

And when he was not fighting, Wang Shengdong also had a plan, which was to collect spirit stones.

At this moment, on the entire battlefield, due to a lot of fighting, the entire underground space was completely destroyed.

This also exposed the spiritual stones in the ground.

In fact, not only Wang Shengdong had this idea, but on the battlefield at this moment, many soldiers gathered on the ground in unison, and those exposed energy stones were also spirit stones.

At the same time, because of the unfavorable premonition in his second brother's heart, Wang Shengdong's heart was a little uneasy, and there was a trace of anxiety in his heart.

Therefore, under such circumstances, he actually put the collected spirit stones directly into his hands, and began to absorb it frantically with the spirit-seeking technique.

Wang Shengdong was really crazy about absorbing spirit stones on the battlefield.

For this reason, the three of Wang Shengnan started to cover for Wang Shengdong.

However, none of the four had any plans to fight, and it was relatively safe for a while.

At this time, the battle of the top powerhouse was also very fierce.

It stands to reason that a group of these four or five Tier 10 powerhouses, against the last Tier 10 genetically modified creatures, will definitely have an advantage in battle, provided that they have an absolute advantage in quantity.

But in fact, this is not the same thing at all!

Regardless of that Johnny and the Chinese warrior can each monopolize a Tier 10 genetically modified creature, the others can easily kill a Tier 10 genetically modified creature by four or five.

That is impossible!

Whether it is Johnny, the Sage, or the Martial Sage of China, his own strength is very powerful.

Because they are all saint-ranked powerhouses who have been famous for hundreds of years, have extremely rich combat experience, and possess a lot of card tricks.

If it were to fight each other, even He Zilin in the mid-term Qihai Realm would not be the opponent of the two.

But the other tenth-tier powerhouses are different.

Compared with the two of Johnny and the others, the strength of the remaining eighteen rank ten powerhouses is not that powerful.

Even during the battle, the five people dealt with a Tier 10 genetically modified creature, and they were barely able to gain the upper hand. It was impossible to kill the opponent.

At least in a short period of time, no team can do it.

Soon, Johnny and the Chinese Martial Saint seemed to be aware of this.

At this time, Johnny kept releasing magic while shouting to the Martial Saint who was fighting not far away: "Hey, old man, are you interested in cooperating?"

"it is good!"

The Chinese Martial Saint also understood the predicament at the moment and nodded without hesitation.

Seeing the other party nodded, Johnny didn't hesitate. The next moment, a huge magic wave broke out directly.

"The imprisonment of the wind!"

Huh huh!

Suddenly, under Johnny's beckoning, several cyan hurricanes turned into chains, tightly binding his opponent's Tier 10 genetically modified creature.

"Krell, Overts, lock me up with this big cat!"

Johnny yelled fiercely, and then two figures flew out of the two combat teams.

The two instantly flew in front of Johnny, played a magical force, connected to the cyan wind chain, replaced Johnny's maintenance of the output of magical power, and locked the powerful Tier 10 genetically modified creature into a deadlock.

However, Johnny also knew in his heart that although this locked the movements of this grade 10 genetically modified creature, it was extremely unstable.

Even if at this moment, he launches an attack on this genetically modified creature, it can make the opponent break free instantly.

Therefore, after locking the opponent, Johnny did not attack him, but flashed his figure, and came directly to the Huaxia Martial Saint, with the opponent, the crocodile-like Tier 10 genetically modified creature.

"Old man, with the abilities of Krell and Overts, you can only hold that big cat for ten minutes at most!" Johnny said.

"Ten minutes?" A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the Chinese Martial Saint, "Enough!"

Time was pressing, and the two of them did not talk nonsense, and directly attacked the crocodile-like Tier 10 genetically modified creature.

"The impact of the wind!"

"Sword of the Wind God!"

"Hurricane Blade!"

A magic trick that consumed amazing magic power was not only exploded by Johnny, but the crocodile rank 10 genetically modified creature could not fight back.

From time to time, the martial sage burst out with an astonishing aura, blasting out punch after punch.

But helpless this crocodile-like Tier 10 genetically modified creature, its leather armor is too hard.

Finally, after an attack, Johnny found an opportunity.

"The impact of the wind!"

A hurricane blasted away and instantly turned the crocodile genetically modified creature over.


The Huaxia Martial Saint's eyes lit up slightly, and his figure was like a rushing thunder. He came directly to the crocodile genetically modified creature and waved his fists madly at its abdomen.

Boom boom boom boom!

After a series of bombardments, the crocodile genetically modified creature was bombarded with blood flowing wildly.

Although the leather armor on its body is hard, it is a relatively weak point for its abdomen. After such a fierce attack, the scales on its abdomen have been scattered, and even some wounds have been blasted.

"Old man, get out of the way!"

After the Martial Saint frantically attacked and broke through the defense of the crocodile genetically modified creature, Johnny, who had already started to accumulate his energy, suddenly shouted.

Without the slightest hesitation, the Chinese Martial Saint flashed back and retreated.

"Wind Dragon!"

Johnny yelled, and a cyan dragon with a western appearance condensed by the force of the wind directly rushed towards the crocodile genetically modified creature.


There was a loud noise, as if the entire underground space shook. Under the attack of that giant dragon, the crocodile-like Tier 10 genetically modified creature was directly blasted into two halves.

But even so, it still did not die.

But in this state, it is no longer dangerous at all. The Chinese Martial Saint came to him in an instant, facing the head of the crocodile Tier 10 genetically modified creature with a fierce boom.

Then, after severely wounding the two halves and suffering another fierce attack, the crocodile-like Tier 10 genetically modified creature was finally unable to hold it and was directly killed by a violent bombardment.

Up to this moment, there was finally an enemy with top combat power on the battlefield, which was killed. This was a great encouragement to the human side of the entire battlefield.

In fact, at this time, the human side has already lost a lot.

With the thousands of Rank 7 fighters, there are barely 600 people left.

Although the genetically modified organisms have lost nearly two hundred seventh-order genetically modified organisms, this is at the cost of double the human sacrifice.

There are now less than two hundred eighth-order genetically modified creatures, but the human side is an eighth-order fighter who has lost more than half.

As for Tier 9 fighters, it is slightly better, but the number of Tier 9 fighters in the number of fifty is now only 37 or 8 people.

On the whole, the human side has suffered great losses so far.

These are all wrong estimates of the strength of genetically modified organisms!

However, after killing a Tier 10 genetically modified creature, the situation seems to be better.

That Johnny and that Huaxia Martial Saint did not stop. After killing the crocodile Tier 10 genetically modified creature, they returned to the previous Johnny's giant lion-like genetically modified creature.

At this moment, the two great sages who were previously called by Johnny to trap the giant lion also consumed a lot of magic power because they tried to maintain the chain of the blue wind.

If Johnny and that mighty martial sage had something to do at night, then their magic power would be exhausted.

After returning here, Johnny took over instantly, but the giant lion genetically modified creature finally broke free.

But this time it will not only meet the previous opponent Johnny again, but even a powerful martial artist who is no less powerful than Johnny.

The two tenth-tier Saint-level masters burst out again one after another, the powerful Martial Saint is the main attack, and Johnny is also constantly bursting out magic tricks behind him.

A powerful move is not only blasted by two masters.

After a fierce attack, the giant lion genetically modified creature was a bit unable to hold it.

Then, taking advantage of an opportunity, Johnny directly consumed a large wave of magic power and blasted the body of the giant lion genetically modified creature into a hole.

Immediately after that, the powerful martial sage seized this opportunity for the first time, swiped a big knife, and slashed directly at the wound of the giant lion.

Suddenly, blood flowed wildly, and the giant lion was seriously injured in an instant, and then was attacked again by the Martial Saint and Johnny, followed in the footsteps of the crocodile genetically modified creature, and was killed by abrupt bombardment.

The second one!

The crowd became even more excited when seeing the second-tenth-order genetically modified creature being bombarded and killed, especially those who saw this scene, and their hearts were slightly relieved.

Because of this, Johnny and the powerful Martial Saint can free their hands and start killing the last four Tier 10 genetically modified creatures.

Johnny and the powerful Chinese martial sage did not hesitate at all. The two moved together and focused on another Tier 10 genetically modified creature.

And soon, under the cooperation of the two, the third tier 10 genetically modified creature was also killed by them.

This is simply exciting!

But just when the two were about to kill the fourth genetically modified creature, it was a surprise.


The small pool that had been ignored by everyone suddenly surged, and then a huge shadow flew out instantly.

This shadow bucket is thick, one hundred meters long, and extremely fast. It just came to Johnny and the mighty martial sage in an instant, and then...

Bang! Bang!

A dragon wagging its tail, and the huge shadow blasted the martial sage Johnny out.

And the power is so great that it is simply shocking!

Because under this tail, the powerful Johnny was directly blown into a cloud of blood.

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