Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1877: Burst

Kneel down?


Spare my life?

Qin Shaofeng was a little funny!

"Wang Shengdong, right?" Qin Shaofeng said suddenly, his tone becoming extremely mocking.

"I said, have you been in retreat for a long time, and your brain has a problem, making me Qin Shaofeng kneel and surrender? How ridiculous you are, do you think you can defeat me with your strength?"

"You are too funny too!"

Speaking of the last, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help shook his head, looking at Wang Shengdong with an idiot look.


At this time, Wang Shengdong became completely angry.

He didn't expect that in such a situation, Qin Shaofeng would dare to provoke him so much.

This is simply looking for death!

Although he hoped to subdue Qin Shaofeng, let Qin Shaofeng help him refine the pill that he looked at.

But the premise is that Qin Shaofeng kneels at his feet honestly.

But now, Qin Shaofeng not only angered him, but even mocked him so much, which made him feel humiliated!

Since the end of this breakthrough practice, Wang Shengdong has claimed to be a real strong!

Although not the strongest, it is also a realm that is difficult for ordinary people to reach.

The strong should have the majesty of the strong, and the majesty of the strong cannot be violated!

At this moment, Wang Shengdong felt that his majesty had been violated by Qin Shaofeng.

No, the other party ridiculed him so much, it totally trampled on his majesty!

In this regard, it can only be thoroughly washed away with the blood of the opponent and his life.

With the killing intent in his eyes suddenly, Wang Shengdong said to Qin Shaofeng: "Qin Shaofeng, you can, you let me completely change my previous mind. I originally wanted to give you a way to survive, but if you just want to die like this, you can't help me!"

"Go to death for me!"

With the last shout, Wang Shengdong stayed on the spot and directly shot an aura attack.

This was an attack method he controlled after entering the Qi Sea Realm.

The most attack with aura is enough to kill most of the martial arts!

But the next moment, the scene that happened surprised Wang Shengdong.

Because I saw his aura attack, when he approached Qin Shaofeng's body, Qin Shaofeng just let out a sigh of relief, which completely blown away his aura.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng seemed to take a breath, but in fact he exhaled a cloud of spiritual energy and defeated Wang Shengdong's attack.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng was also speechless.

Because Wang Shengdong's use of aura's attack methods is no different from his eyes.

Even in this kind of aura attack method, it is just to force a spiritual aura and twist an attack.

In the use of spiritual energy, Wang Shengdong is not as good as He Zilin!

After all, he is not a real monk!

Qin Shaofeng not only shook his head, he looked helpless.

But this scene fell in the eyes of Qin Shaofeng and Wang Shengdong, but it turned into an ironic appearance.

This made him look astonished, and he recovered in an instant, and couldn't help it anymore and shot directly.

Knowing that his aura can't attack the opponent, Wang Shengdong didn't hesitate this time, he dashed and rushed out, and after approaching Qin Shaofeng, he started a crazy attack.

Since the aura attack is not good, let's fight melee!

Wang Shengdong's idea is very good. After all, he is not a pure monk. He can become the late stage of the Qi Sea Realm, relying on the spirit-seeking technique, an auxiliary type of cultivation method.

Therefore, he is not as good as Qin Shaofeng in the use of spiritual energy, and he does not care too much. After all, in his opinion, his strongest is the strength of the martial artist.

But soon he felt that something was more wrong.

As soon as he got close, Wang Shengdong broke out an astonishing attack, but every one of his moves was perfectly followed by Qin Shaofeng.

At first, Wang Shengdong didn't care much, because in his opinion, Qin Shaofeng must also be a monk of Qihai Realm. Although his strength was not as good as him, he could still take a few tricks.

But gradually, as the number of attacks increased, Wang Shengdong's expression became a little ugly.

Because these were dozens of moves, Qin Shaofeng was able to steadily catch every attack of his move.

This is obviously something wrong!

Damn what is going on?

The more he hit Wang Shengdong, the more shocked he felt, because he found that things seemed to be developing in a place he hadn't expected.

The strength that Qin Shaofeng showed far exceeded his expectations!

Seeing the shock and surprise in his heart, Qin Shaofeng, who was fighting, suddenly laughed.

"Heh, Wang Shengdong, the elder Wang Datai, are you so shocked at this moment, why can I still persist in this way? I should have been beaten to the ground by you a long time ago?" Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly.

Wang Shengdong's face was gloomy and did not speak, but the power of his shot was once again improved.

He didn't believe that he would not be Qin Shaofeng's opponent long ago.

He can definitely defeat Qin Shaofeng!

But obviously, this was just what he thought, because this battle fell in the eyes of Wang Shengnan and others not far away, but it was a different look.

Because as the fighting time got longer, Wang Shengnan seemed to feel that the aura of his elder brother Wang Shengdong actually began to weaken a bit.

It's no wonder that after discovering that things were not what he expected, Qin Shaofeng's strength was far beyond his expectation, Wang Shengdong broke out an attack, but he exhausted all his moves.

As a result, over a long period of time, under such a continuous outbreak, it is still extremely expensive for Wang Shengdong.

Therefore, from the battle to the present, Wang Shengdong, who has consumed a lot of money, has weakened his breath, which is also a matter of course.

But at this point, Wang Shengdong, who was in a fighting state and also appeared in anger, did not notice this at all.

But Wang Shengnan in the distance was aware of it, and even believed in his heart, a conclusion he never expected.

That is to continue fighting in this situation, his elder brother Wang Shengdong will lose!

After coming to such a conclusion, Wang Shengnan was extremely horrified, and his eyes towards Qin Shaofeng were full of horror.

Because it wasn't until this time that he seemed to realize that his fourth brother was severely injured by Qin Shaofeng, not because Qin Shaofeng took advantage of his fourth brother's unpreparedness and suddenly made a sneak attack.

The other party, I am afraid that he seriously injured his fourth brother.

It's just that in the previous scene, no one on their side saw it clearly, or they didn't believe it that way.

But now it seems that they can't help but believe it.

This Qin Shaofeng's strength is really terrifying!

However, after realizing this, Wang Shengnan also had no idea of ​​running away.

First, he still has enough confidence in the strength of his elder brother Wang Shengdong.

The second point is that he believes that Qin Shaofeng must also consume a lot of money until now.

There is also the third and most important point, that is Qin Shaofeng is one person, but there are five people on their side.

Even if his fourth brother Wang Shengbei is now in a coma and has lost his combat effectiveness.

But there are three more people on their side!

And these three of them are not weak.

Summing up, Wang Shengnan’s eyes flashed a bright light, and he said solemnly to Wang Shengxi and the elders of the Wang family: “The situation is not good, and Qin Shaofeng’s strength is unexpectedly strong, but it doesn’t matter, as long as the three of us and the elder brother A winning streak will definitely defeat the opponent!"

Upon hearing these words, Wang Shengxi and the elders of the Wang family also nodded with serious expressions.

Upon seeing this, after setting up his fourth brother, Wang Shengnan said, "Well, it should not be too late, let's go together!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

The two responded, nodded, and rushed to the battlefield with Wang Shengnan.

When he saw his second brother and others rushing over, Wang Shengdong's face changed slightly, but he didn't stop it.

Because at this time, he also saw that, with his own words, he might not be Qin Shaofeng's opponent.

He also knew for the first time that the plan of Wang Shengnan and others was to join hands with himself.

Although this made Wang Shengdong unwilling, he still chose the default.

Face and everything are secondary. The most important thing now is to kill Qin Shaofeng in front of him.

For a time, the battle between the two became a five-person battle.

It's just that Qin Shaofeng met Wang Shengdong and the four of them.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly and didn't care at all.

Five people team up?

so what?

Since you still don't give up, then I will let you eat desperately!

Qin Shaofeng's eyes were cold, and he was immediately ready to get serious.

In fact, in the previous battles between him and Wang Shengdong, Qin Shaofeng was honing his physical strength and striving to exert the strongest combat power of this physical body.

Therefore, during the battle with Wang Shengdong, Qin Shaofeng seldom used some of the powerful moves displayed by the inner energy of the gods and demons.

Even with the exception of the initial aura, Qin Shaofeng's subsequent battles with Wang Shengdong were basically based on pure physical strength, and did not use much inner energy of the gods and demons at all.

At most, it is the movement of the inner energy of the gods and demons in the body, in order to explode the strongest power of the flesh.

If Wang Shengdong knew about this, he would probably stop the fight for the first time and then fled directly.

When he was fighting here, he was full of aura in the fight, but the opponent was only to stimulate the physical strength, and it worked a little bit, and it didn't break out completely.

As for the strength of Qin Shaofeng's total eruption of the inner energy of the gods and demons, how strong is it?

This will be realized soon!

Up to now, for Qin Shaofeng, it has been almost honed, so he is not interested, and will continue to waste time here!

At the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's body shook slightly, and the inner energy of the gods and demons in his body began to run wildly.

Then, facing the three Wang Shengnan who suddenly joined the battle, the elder of the Wang family punched them out.

The same punch was just Qin Shaofeng's ordinary punch when he fought Wang Shengdong before.

But this punch is different!

Divine Fist!

With a secret cry in his heart, Qin Shaofeng filled the spirit of the **** and devil and exploded with a fist.



With a loud sound, under the extremely shocking gaze of Wang Shengdong and others, Qin Shaofeng's punch directly blasted the whole person of the Wang Family Elder.

Yes, it was completely blown up, and Elder Wang's whole person directly turned into a cloud of blood.

No bones left!

But this is not over yet, because at this moment, Qin Shaofeng blasted out two punches in an instant.

Divine Fist!

Divine Fist!

With two secret shouts, the two punches hit Wang Shengnan and Wang Shengxi respectively.



There were two explosions, without the slightest accident, Wang Shengnan and Wang Shengxi were also violently bombarded by Qin Shaofeng with a punch, exploding into two groups of blood fog.

After a complete eruption, Qin Shaofeng's attack from the inner energy of the **** and demon was much stronger than the attack from his pure physical body.

Even the warriors of Qihai Realm were beaten by him!

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