Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1878: Inner Qi Spiritualization

"Second brother, third brother!"

Wang Shengdong let out a cry of grief and his expression was extremely painful.

The former Wang family elder was beaten by Qin Shaofeng with a punch, and he still didn't feel anything.

But when it was Wang Shengnan's and Wang Shengxi's turn, it was completely different for Wang Shengdong.

The time the four brothers spent together was too long and too long, and the relationship had long been very close.

Whether they are brothers or comrades-in-arms, they all trust each other incomparably.

But now Qin Shaofeng directly blasted his second and third brothers in front of him, and there was no whole body, which made Wang Shengdong very angry.

"Little thief, I'm fighting with you!"

Wang Shengdong roared, his breath surged and surging.

At this moment, under extreme anger, Wang Shengdong exploded to the limit far beyond what he could exert.

A punch was blasted, and the whole body was surrounded by spiritual power, and a faint shadow of the punch could be condensed invisibly.

This blow is afraid that it has reached the strength of the Qihai Realm's Consummation Realm!

Faced with this blow, I am afraid that even the mighty martial sage of the underground space, of course, would not dare to face it head-on, otherwise it would be a result of either death or injury.

But for this trick, Qin Shaofeng only had a glimmer of light in his eyes, and then stayed on the spot, letting Wang Shengdong's fist blast at him.

However, at this moment, the inner energy of the gods and demons in Qin Shaofeng's body surged crazily, and then poured out in large quantities, forming a barrier of spiritual energy in Qin Shaofeng's body.


In the end, Wang Shengdong's extraordinary punch just hit this spiritual barrier.

And a slight shock, didn't actually shake that aura barrier.

"how can that be?"

Seeing his extraordinary performance, the strong punch that erupted, he didn't even shake the barrier of the opponent's aura!

It is conceivable that Wang Shengdong suffered a severe blow.

At this moment, his whole person was dumbfounded, and his whole person was so dumbfounded.

However, Qin Shaofeng was not stunned and took the opportunity to punch out.


The full blow of the God and Demon Fist directly blasted a big hole in Wang Shengdong's chest.

Wang Shengdong wailed, blood kept coming out of his mouth, and then he died with incredible disbelief.

Although the realm of Wang Shengdong has reached the late stage of Qihai Realm, and because of the relationship of the warrior, after being tempered with spiritual energy, his body possesses extremely strong defense.

But still unstoppable, Qin Shaofeng's Divine Demon Fist exploded with all his strength, was directly blasted to death by Qin Shaofeng.

The only difference is that because his body is much stronger than Wang Shengnan and the others, he was not blown by Qin Shaofeng's punch.

Looking at Wang Shengdong's corpse, Qin Shaofeng exhaled in his heart.

In fact, at that moment, facing Wang Shengdong's last punch, Qin Shaofeng could have avoided it completely.

But at that moment, Qin Shaofeng wanted to give it a try. He condensed an aura barrier with his aura to see if he could block Wang Shengdong's punch.

Because that is the power of Qihai Realm Perfection Level!

As a result, Qin Shaofeng was blocked.

However, Qin Shaofeng forcibly consumed a large amount of inner energy of the gods and demons for this reason.

Specifically, the 30 acupuncture points that were evacuated from the spirit of the gods and demon in an instant have already told Qin Shaofeng the answer.

However, this also gave Qin Shaofeng a spectrum in his heart.

"It seems that against opponents who are generally complete in the Qi and Sea Realm, I only need to use 30 points of the gods and demons to condense the inner energy of the gods and demons to condense when encountering the aura barriers, and then I will be invincible!"

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed slightly as he looked at the aura barrier that had not disappeared before him.

Because he can feel it, this aura barrier can withstand at least three or five attacks from the last blow of Wang Shengdong.

And if he condensed such an aura barrier from the beginning, then Wang Shengdong would not shake him at all.

He can just wait and win! ~


In a few hours, Qin Shaofeng had returned to Fengya Villa again.

However, after returning to Fengya Villa this time, Qin Shaofeng had an extra delicate password box in his hands.

After entering the Jiuling Palace directly, Qin Shaofeng smiled immediately after opening the password box.

Because in this cipher box, there are densely packed thousands of crystal clear crystal stones with traces of milky white.

These are spirit stones!

A few hours ago, after Qin Shaofeng killed Wang Shengdong, it was the first time he came to the very beginning, and he fisted him to the face of Wang Shengbei, who had passed out completely, intending to eliminate Wang Shengbei.

However, when Wang Shengbei was killed, Qin Shaofeng had an idea, and his divine knowledge surged, and he directly began to search Wang Shengbei's memory.

Qin Shaofeng originally wanted to see if the Wang family had any other details.

However, it turns out that Qin Shaofeng thought too much.

Out of extreme self-confidence, Wang Shengdong concentrated all the resources of the Wang family in the Wang family compound.

That time Lao Xie and the others had already taken the Wang family's home completely.

As for the Wang Family's several hidden places, that is, there are some resources, which are also very scarce, and it is impossible to even train a Martial King.

Qin Shaofeng naturally didn't care about this.

But what Qin Shaofeng didn't expect was that this time the four brothers of the Wang Family Wang Shengdong went to the underground space of the United States, not only did not lose their lives, but there was a huge gain.

Tens of thousands of spiritual stones!

After seeing Wang Shengdong and others, Qin Shaofeng's first reaction was that the four Wang Shengdong brothers did not participate in the second attack on the underground space from the US.

Because in Qin Shaofeng's view, if the four Wang Shengdong brothers participated, most of them would have died in the underground space.

But he didn't want to. The four brothers were far beyond his expectations. Not only did they participate in that attack, but in the end they still saved their lives and harvested a lot of spiritual stones.

This was beyond Qin Shaofeng's expectation. At the same time, he was also fortunate that when he killed Wang Shengbei, he had a thought in his heart and went to probe the other party's memory with his spiritual sense.

Otherwise, it would have been a mistake to live this big spiritual stone!

Because before Wang Shengdong and others came to him for revenge, they placed this spiritual stone in a secret place.

After they killed Qin Shaofeng, they would come back to fetch this spiritual stone.

After all, this amount of spiritual stones is not a small number. After Wang Shengdong broke through and used three thousand spiritual stones, when he helped his three brothers and the Wang family elder break through, he used nearly one thousand spiritual stones again.

But even so, they still have more than six thousand spirit stones.

With such a large amount of spiritual stones, if you swagger through the market, one carelessness can cause unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, Wang Shengdong and the others placed these six thousand spiritual stones in a secret place in advance.

However, after Qin Shaofeng knew this situation from Wang Shengbei's mind, these spirit stones were all cheaper for him.

More than 6,000 spiritual stones were enough for Qin Shaofeng to carry out a big plan.

Originally, Qin Shaofeng only planned to collect the spirit jade from Wang’s family to lay out a nine-spirit gathering fire array, and then stimulate the last four acupoints, so that he would have 180 acupuncture points, so as to completely achieve Qihai Realm Consummation. This state.

It’s not that Qin Shaofeng doesn’t want to hit more acupuncture points, but that his current physical realm has reached the Qi-hai realm. It takes a lot of effort to improve. Those spirit jade stones of the Wang family can stimulate ten acupuncture points, which are already rare. Something up.

But now it is different!

There are a large number of spirit stones, Qin Shaofeng can use those spirit jade stones as the array to lay out the Nine Spirit Fire Gathering Array, and then consume a lot of spirit stones to increase the power of the Nine Spirit Fire Gathering Array.

And in this way, the amount of spirit jade obtained from the Wang family can be used many times as the arrangement of the nine spirit gathering fire formation.

But Qin Shaofeng still underestimated it, starting from 170 acupuncture points and stimulating the spirit stone consumed by the 180th acupuncture point.

Even if there were nine spirit gathering fires, Qin Shaofeng finally consumed more than 3,000 pieces of spirit stones, which allowed him to successfully hit the 180th acupuncture point and completely aroused it.

180 acupuncture points!

This allowed Qin Shaofeng to completely step into the cultivation base equivalent to the Qi-hai realm, and after injecting the inner qi of the gods and demons into all acupoints, Qin Shaofeng was equivalent to the cultivator of the Qi-hai realm perfect state.

Also in order to fill the ten newly stimulated acupuncture points, Qin Shaofeng took more than thirty four-star nine-layer spirit pills.

The further the acupuncture points are, the more the inner Qi of the gods and demons is needed, especially the 180th acupuncture point at the end. Ten four-star nine-layer spirit pills are used to fill the inner Qi of the gods and demons. .

This is not to say that Qin Shaofeng’s 180th acupuncture point has extra inner Qi of the God and Demon. In fact, every acupuncture point that Qin Shaofeng stimulates can contain the same inner Qi of the God and Demon. There is no acupuncture point. More, which point is less.

The reason why the four-star nine-layer spirit pill was consumed in this way was all because of the improvement of the realm, which would naturally require more energy.

Moreover, as Qin Shaofeng's realm improved and the acupuncture points in his body increased, such consumption would also increase.

"Huh, it's finally full!"

Seeing the nine empty jade bottles around him, without a nine-fold spirit pill left, Qin Shaofeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, the last four-star nine-layered spirit pill he had just taken was already the last nine-layered spirit pill on his body.

If it is not enough, he can only use the spirit stone.

Of course, for Qin Shaofeng, if you can, you still don't use Lingshi, because in Qin Shaofeng's view, Lingshi is used to enhance the physical realm, that is, to attack acupuncture points, is the last choice.

It's just used to refining into the inner energy of the gods and demons, which is too uneconomical.

Just as Qin Shaofeng planned to close the barrier and refine some Nine Layer Spirit Pills, suddenly Qin Shaofeng's expression changed drastically.


For a sudden, Qin Shaofeng felt it, but there was a shock in his body!

And after this shock, more and more shocks appeared immediately!

After careful induction, Qin Shaofeng discovered that these shocks actually came from the acupuncture points in his body.

At this moment, those acupuncture points seemed to resonate specifically and began to vibrate in a mysterious way.

This situation changed Qin Shaofeng's expression slightly. After all, this newly revised "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" was only his first practice. He didn't know everything about what would happen.

Moreover, this kind of shock at this moment, but Qin Shaofeng did not expect the situation.

However, Qin Shaofeng's expression quickly became astonished.

Because when these acupuncture points were shaking, he felt a strange change in the inner Qi of the gods and demons in his body.

This change seems to be sublimated.

Since practicing "The Book of Gods and Demons", even in the "Book of Gods and Demons" now revised, what Qin Shaofeng has cultivated in his body is the inner energy of Gods and Demons.

Even Qin Shaofeng thought that afterwards, he just cultivated more and more inner energy of the gods and demons.

But now he seemed to understand that the inner qi of this **** and demon seemed to be able to improve further, as if a monk had transformed his own inner qi into aura.

The inner qi of the gods and demons now seems to be developing in this step, and it seems to be transformed into the spirit of the gods and demons!

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