Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1879: Zhou Shuokun

Huaxia, on a building in a city somewhere, He Zilin, oh, it should be an evil blood Taoist in an office.

Yesterday, the evil-blooded Taoist received a message from Master He Zilin, asking him to come to this building.

Then, the evil-blooded Taoist only figured out this morning, the reason is that somewhere below this building is actually the secret realm of the spiritual world where the Tianyinmen is located, and the passage from the earth.

Before going from the secret realm of the spiritual world where the Tianyin Gate was located, if you wanted to come to the earth, it was through a space channel between the two places.

But when teleporting to the earth, there will be some deviations, and then the Tianyinmen disciples who are teleported into the earth will appear in different places from the entrance of the space channel.

Therefore, even He Zilin didn't know where the entrance to the secret realm of the spirit world where the Tianyin Gate was located was.

As the evil-blooded Taoist who inherited the identity of He Zilin, Qin Shaofeng's first task for him was to figure out where the entrance to the secret realm of the Tianyin Gate was.

A lot of speculation appeared in the heart of the evil blood Taoist, but what he never expected was that the entrance of Tianyinmen was actually in a busy city, and it was still under a tall building.

In fact, Tianyinmen had been in contact with the earth a long time ago. This can be seen from Hu Jinyuan from the Hu family.

But in order not to let people notice that something was wrong with him, the evil blood daoist did not take the initiative to ask.

Because he believed that as He Zilin, he would always know these things.

Sure enough, let him know now!

However, the evil-blooded Taoist did not immediately notify Qin Shaofeng, but stood honestly at a place tens of meters deep from the ground below Da Xia.

At this moment, in front of the Evil Blood Daoist, there was a dark space channel with a hint of light.

This is the entrance through the secret realm of the spiritual world where the Tianyin Gate is located.

Here is not only He Zilin played by the evil blood Taoist, but there are also three middle-aged men around. They are the deacons of the Tianyinmen just like He Zilin.

There is even a Level 10 Deacon who has a complete Qihai Realm. He is the main person in charge of the Tianyinmen on the earth today.

However, this time he was standing behind the evil blood daoist.

The reason for this is very simple, because the next moment, after a figure in the space channel appeared, the evil blood Taoist greeted him for the first time and said respectfully.


That's right, this time through the space channel from Tianyinmen to the side of the earth, it is He Zilin's master Zhou Shuokun who served as the ordinary protector in the Tianyinmen!

Although Shuokun was just an ordinary guardian of the Tianyinmen this week, his behavior was indeed conscientious and consummate, and most importantly, his identity was not simple in the Tianyinmen.

Therefore, after learning that the space channel leading to the earth could pass through the cultivator of the God-focused Realm, Zhou Shuokun was sent to preside over the overall situation.

After Zhou Shuokun appeared, hundreds of people came out one after another behind him.

very horrifying!

Because among the hundreds of monks, at least are monks in the mid-Qihai realm, and there are more than a dozen monks who have reached the concentrating mind realm.

In addition to Zhou Shuokun, there were three cultivators in the Concentration Realm, but those three were all in the early stage of the Concentration Realm.


Zhou Shuokun nodded and glanced at the evil blood Taoist, but he didn't feel any strangeness. He didn't see that He Zilin in front of him was completely another person.

"Where is your junior?" Zhou Shuokun asked.

"If you go back to Master, the junior brother has now been promoted to the Qi-Transformation Realm Consummation. At this moment, he is consolidating the final stage and will soon be able to hit the Qi-Sea Realm!"

The evil blood Taoist replied with a very respectful tone, playing the role of He Zilin perfectly.

However, this guy was muttering disdainfully in his heart at the moment: "What's the matter, I'm ashamed to call Master because of this stupid lack? It's just a state of concentrating perfection. If you look at the face of my master, you To bear the name of the master of my evil blood Taoist?"

Zhou Shuokun naturally didn’t hear the voice of the evil-blooded Taoist. Instead, he smiled slightly and nodded and said, “Well, it’s my disciple. If that’s the case, after a while, you will go to the Hu’s spiritual pool. , Take it back as much as possible, wait for the teacher to refine some pure spiritual liquid for your junior, then it will allow him to break through!"

The spirit pool of Hu's family, although its aura is meager.

But in fact, the aura is the aura of the earth, it is the purest aura, and because of the meager relationship, even if it is refined, it is also very gentle.

Therefore, if it is used to break through the air and sea, it is suitable.

If this is combined with his own help, Zhou Shuokun believes that his little apprentice can not only open up the sea of ​​Qi and be promoted to the sea of ​​Qi, but also ensure that there is no accident in the process.

But when Zhou Shuokun mentioned the Hu family's spiritual pool, a strange light flashed in the eyes of the evil blood Taoist, and it was the Hu family's spiritual pool?

That thing has long been refined by my master!

However, the evil-blooded Taoist will naturally not speak out about such a thing. Instead, he will take a step forward and say to Zhou Shuokun: "Master, there are still things that disciples have to tell you in detail about this matter!"


Zhou Shuokun's heart moved, not only didn't feel strange, but he even felt that it was normal, it was nothing more than his own big disciple who had something to tell him.

Although the cultivation talent of his own big disciple was not the best among his few disciples, He Zilin did it for him.

Therefore, in Zhou Shuokun's mind, He Zilin's status is not low.

Otherwise, as He Zilin's 7th-level deacon, the former 10th-level deacon, the chief person in charge of the earth, would not dare to put air in front of him.

Nodded slightly, and then Zhou Shuokun told the more than one hundred people around him: "You should take a rest first, then understand the current situation, and then make plans."

The more than one hundred people did not hesitate, nodded one after another, and then left with the 10th-level deacon.

"Go to a place to talk!"

Zhou Shuokun said to the evil-blooded Taoist, the evil-blooded Taoist nodded, and then led Zhou Shuokun to a magnificent and beautifully furnished room.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Shuokun looked at the pill in his hand with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

What he had in his hand was the nine-layered spirit pill refined by Qin Shaofeng, a three-star nine-layer spirit pill and a four-star, although it was only a three-star and four-star nine-layer spirit pill.

Zhou Shuokun, who had reached the state of concentration and Consummation, had no effect at all.

But it was precisely because of this that Zhou Shuokun could fully see the power of this nine-fold spirit pill.

This kind of pill is much stronger than the elders who specialize in refining pill in Tianyinmen.

Even Zhou Shuokun is absolutely certain that although there is an elixir that can improve consumption in the same way, there is absolutely no such good one in the hands of Tianyinmen.

This made him extremely moved.

Looking up at the Evil Blood Taoist, Zhou Shuokun said, "That is to say, you already have that spiritual pool, and the person named Qin Shaofeng, have exchanged this kind of nine-fold spiritual pill?"


Seeing Zhou Shuokun's heart moved, the evil-blooded Taoist nodded, and then said: "Moreover, according to my disciple's guess, that person named Qin Shaofeng probably has the inheritance of a powerful cultivator who is good at alchemy on the ancient earth. Just refining such an excellent pill!"

These words were deliberately said by the evil-blooded Taoist, but he did not intentionally frame Qin Shaofeng. In fact, these words, and even the behavior of the evil-blooded Taoist at this moment, can be said to be deliberately made by Qin Shaofeng.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng is doing this is to attract Zhou Shuokun's attention.

Sure enough, Zhou Shuokun couldn't sit still as soon as he heard the inheritance of the powerful monks.

"Very well, Zilin, as the teacher did not misunderstand you, this matter is considered a great achievement for you, go, hurry up and take the teacher to find Qin Shaofeng!" Zhou Shuokun said.

He was already heartbroken, and wanted to go to Qin Shaofeng directly, and then see the past to take it, and get Qin Shaofeng's inheritance.

Oh, can't help it?

A trace of contempt flashed in the eyes of the evil-blooded Taoist, but he quickly said, "Master, never!"


Zhou Shuokun frowned slightly, his gaze fell on the evil blood Taoist, and said displeased: "Why? Couldn't Qin Shaofeng still be able to kill?"

"I can't kill it!"

The evil-blooded Taoist nodded and said, and then when Zhou Shuokun’s expression became a little dangerous, he quickly said: "Master, this is not the disciple stopping you, but the disciple found that Qin Shaofeng seems to have a pill. Unimaginable talent!"

"So what?" Zhou Shuokun remained unmoved.

What about the talent for alchemy? What he wants is that powerful inheritance.

"Hey, Master, of course the disciple knows that no matter how high Qin Shaofeng has alchemy talent, it can't be compared to you!"

The evil-blooded Taoist smiled and pinched his nose, and gave Zhou Shuokun a flattering.

Sure enough, this flattery made Zhou Shuokun very enjoyable, and his face eased.

Upon seeing this, the evil-blooded Taoist hurriedly said: "Master, in fact, this is how my disciples thought, isn't our Tianyinmen recruiting talented geniuses on earth? I look at Qin Shaofeng and it's not bad!"

"Yes, so what? You said that Qin Shaofeng is at least very talented in alchemy, but we have people who are not in alchemy hall..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Shuokun was suddenly stunned.

The Tianyin Gate actually has a main gate and three sub-gates.

Therefore, Tianyinmen has one master and three deputy masters.

The sect master controls the entire Tianyin Sect, and the deputy sect masters are the leaders of the three deputy gates.

And the three sub-doors are the three departments of the Pill Refining Hall, the Refining Hall, and the Mission Hall.

It can be seen from the name that the situation and content of the three sub-sects are different, but Zhou Shuokun is different, he is a person in the refining hall.

Although the cultivation base was promoted to the God-Transforming Stage, he would take the initiative to join the main gate and become a disciple of the main gate.

However, because of the situation of the three deputy sects, there were still three major factions in Tianyinmen.

As people in the Refining Hall, Zhou Shuokun and the Refining Hall dislike each other.

Because every time he needs a pill, he will deliberately make things difficult for the people in the alchemy hall.

Therefore, after learning that Qin Shaofeng was a person with super high alchemy talent, the first reaction in his heart was to kill the opponent.

It may not bring a genius to those alchemy halls!

He thought this way, but now that his eldest disciple said that, he seemed to understand and think of something.

It seems that the kid named Qin Shaofeng can be brought into the refining hall to make him a disciple of the refining hall!

Because this can not only stimulate the people in the alchemy hall, but also has a great benefit to them in the alchemy hall.

Thinking of a certain possibility, Zhou Shuokun became more and more excited.

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