Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1880: Actor Qin Shaofeng

If the Refining Hall can cultivate one, so that they can supply enough pill medicine to disciples, then why should their Refining Hall look at the expression of the Refining Hall?

Especially thinking of the nine-fold spirit pill refined by Qin Shaofeng, it would be even better if he could refine the level that he could use.

Thinking of this, Zhou Shuokun hurriedly asked the evil blood Taoist: "Then Qin Shaofeng can refine a more advanced nine-layer spirit pill?"

Knew it!

Sure enough, the owner is still very good, even if he only understands Zhou Shuokun's personality, he has devised a trap for the other party to get in without seeing him.

The gap between me and my master is really a world of difference!

He sighed in his heart, but the evil-blooded Taoist was not slow, and quickly nodded and turned back: "There is no problem at all. According to the disciple’s understanding, the nine-layered spirit pill seems to have nine stars. The two you just saw are only three. The nine-star and four-star nine-layer spirit pill. Qin Shaofeng said, if he waits for his cultivation to improve and possesses enough pills, he can refine the highest nine-star nine-layer spirit pill, which can completely transform the gods. A cultivator at the Consummation Realm is worse than Refining the Void Realm!


Zhou Shuokun was completely stunned!

Nine-tier spirit pill, nine stars?

The highest nine-star nine-layered spirit pill can allow a monk who has transformed into a perfect state to rise to the Void Refining Realm.

At this time, he was completely not calm!

The evil-blooded Taoist took the opportunity to say: "That's why the disciple dared to stop Master from killing that Qin Shaofeng, because in the eyes of the disciple, the living Qin Shaofeng is completely more valuable than the dead Qin Shaofeng. What do you think, Master?"

Zhou Shuokun did not speak, and was silent for a moment. Eventually a light flashed in his eyes. He turned to look at the evil-blooded Taoist, and said in a deep voice, "Is what you said is true? Or is it true that what Qin Shaofeng said is the truth?"

"It's definitely the truth!"

The evil-blood Taoist hurriedly said: "After the disciple learned that Qin Shaofeng possessed such ability, he slightly revealed the power of our Tianyin Sect and your powerful strength, Master. The first thing that kid wanted was to submit!"

After a slight pause, the evil-blooded Taoist said again: "Master, you don't know that the earth now is far inferior to our spiritual world, and no decent elixir can be born when the aura is exhausted. And the disciple can see that, That kid is very keen on alchemy, but he suffers from the lack of elixir, but the elixir in our Tianyinmen is enough to make Qin Shaofeng's heart move!"

Zhou Shuokun nodded, agreeing in his heart.

Although he only came to the earth for the first time, he actually knew the earth very well.

Moreover, at the moment he first entered the earth, he felt that the state of exhaustion of spiritual energy here was also somewhat uncomfortable.

In that case...

With a decision in his mind, Zhou Shuokun did not hesitate anymore, and directly said to Xie Xuedao: "Very well, then you will bring that Qin Shaofeng to meet me."

"Yes, this disciple will do it!"

The evil blood Taoist nodded respectfully, and then withdrew.

However, as soon as he quit, Zhou Shuokun didn't even see that his big disciple, who had been bowing his head, had a sneer in his eyes.


A few hours later, in the elegant villa.

Qin Shaofeng laughed at the words of this evil blood Taoist.

Sure enough!

"In that case, it seems that I am going to see this Zhou Shuo Kun Zhou guardian now?" Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a bit of playfulness.


The Evil Blood Taoist said respectfully, this time it was the Evil Blood Taoist's heartfelt respect.

Qin Shaofeng is a little funny!

From He Zilin's memory, he had a plan after knowing the days before Tianyinmen.

Let the evil-blooded Taoist enter the Tianyinmen first, and then find an opportunity to let him also enter the Tianyinmen.

Qin Shaofeng thought very clearly, only on the earth, in his situation, it would be difficult to improve quickly.

Just hitting from the 170th acupuncture point to the 180th acupuncture point, it consumed more than 3,000 spiritual stones, and now the remaining spiritual stones in his hand cannot even hit ten acupuncture points successfully.

For this, Qin Shaofeng had already expected it.

Only then did he prepare himself for the future, that is, to join the Tianyinmen.

Because according to the information in He Zilin's memory, there seems to be no lack of spirit stones in the secret realm of the spirit world.

Moreover, the Tianyinmen is also a very strong strength. If he can join the Tianyinmen, Qin Shaofeng can fully use the power of the Tianyinmen to quickly improve himself.

Therefore, this was combined with the Evil Blood Daoist, planning to wait for a certain time when the Evil Blood Daoist returned to Tianyinmen with the identity of He Zilin, and contacted Zhou Shuokun to implement this plan.

But what Qin Shaofeng never expected was that Zhou Shuokun would come to the earth so soon.

However, this plan for Qin Shaofeng was nothing, but in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, it was a good thing.

Because the sooner he joins Tianyinmen, the faster he can improve.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate. After getting ready, he left Fengya Villa with the evil blood daoist.


After a few hours, Qin Shaofeng finally saw Zhou Shuokun, He Zilin's master.

At the moment when he saw Qin Shaofeng, Zhou Shuokun's eyes flashed with surprise.

Although his apprentice had stopped talking about it before, Zhou Shuokun was still surprised when he felt Qin Shaofeng's cultivation level in the mid-air sea realm.

Being able to cultivate to the middle stage of the Qi Sea Realm at such a young age in an environment like the earth, this Qin Shaofeng is indeed a rare genius!

Mid-range of air and sea?

Oh, this is what Qin Shaofeng deliberately made the other party think like this.

After practicing the new version of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", since this is a technique that stimulates acupuncture points and advances to a higher level, Qin Shaofeng can also use the acupuncture points to hide his realm.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng sealed most of his acupuncture points, leaving only seven or eight acupuncture points.

This is quite a good cultivator in the middle stage of Qihai Realm.

Of course, if Qin Shaofeng thought, those sealed acupuncture points could all recover instantly.

This method does not mean that Zhou Shuokun is a cultivator who is attentive to Consummation. Qin Shaofeng is confident that even a cultivator who comes to the stage of harmony will not necessarily be able to see through the mystery of his body.

With this confidence, Qin Shaofeng is still a little bit confident.

"Then you are Qin Shaofeng?" Zhou Shuokun said indifferently after looking at Qin Shaofeng.

"Yes, the junior is Qin Shaofeng, I have seen Master Law Protector!"

Qin Shaofeng nodded, and then he didn't plan to talk nonsense with Zhou Shuokun.

Because seeing Zhou Shuokun's arrogant face, Qin Shaofeng really couldn't stand it, so he simply said directly to Zhou Shuokun: "My lord, this junior came here, hoping to enter the Tianyin Gate through an adult. "

"My Tianyinmen can't be joined by anyone!" Zhou Shuokun said lightly.

"The younger generation naturally knows this!" Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, "So, please make it easy for the younger generation to find a job at Tianyinmen!"


Zhou Shuokun was immediately displeased, and he was very kind to you when he asked you to join Tianyinmen.

But the kid is so kind, he doesn't know what is good or bad, but he still wants to ask this guardian for a position?

For a while, Zhou Shuokun's affection for Qin Shaofeng fell sharply, and he wanted to say something coldly.

But before he could speak, he saw Qin Shaofeng take out something and said to him, "Master Protector, this is a little bit of the younger generation's heart, please accept it!"

"this is?"

Zhou Shuokun frowned slightly and sneered in his heart.

Bribe me?

I really don't know the so-called, the only one wants to bribe me?

Zhou Shuokun sneered in his heart. Of course, the real thought in his mind was that Qin Shaofeng, who had determined his Qi Hai state, could not produce anything good.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's words instantly made Zhou Shuokun unable to sit still.

"If you return to the master, this jade simplicity is the ancient inheritance that the younger generation got!" Qin Shaofeng replied.


With a swish flash, Zhou Shuokun came to Qin Shaofeng instantly and seized the jade slip.

It really is an ancient thing!

At the moment when he came into contact with the jade slip, Zhou Shuokun instantly felt that this jade slip had a long-lost ancient formation technique!

The Absolute Spirit Formation is not a powerful formation, and its function is not complicated and powerful. It has only a single ability, which is to prevent the erosion of aura and all other forces.

In ancient times, this kind of Absolute Spirit Formation was used by monks to protect some special items, especially on jade slips.

Because portraying a supernatural array on the jade slip can not only prevent the erosion of external forces, but can even preserve the spirituality of the jade slip, so that the information in the jade slip can be preserved for a long time.

The reason why Zhou Shuokun knew so well was because in the Tianyinmen, there existed the jade slips that portray the outstanding spirit formation like this.

This made him very excited, he glanced around for the first time in his heart, and then secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng this time, he still didn't have a complete heart, and even his eldest disciple didn't let him in, but met Qin Shaofeng alone.

Therefore, at this moment, Zhou Shuokun had the idea of ​​solving Qin Shaofeng.

Because once Qin Shaofeng was resolved, no one knew that he had acquired the inheritance of an ancient powerful monk.

Such a thought is very tempting.

Therefore, Zhou Shuokun deliberately asked Qin Shaofeng: "Who else has seen this jade slip?"

"No one, only the younger generation has seen it!" Qin Shaofeng replied, and then smiled bitterly.

"Because this jade slip is a bit weird. When the cultivation level is insufficient, you can't see the follow-up content at all. There are no seniors around the juniors!"

Qin Shaofeng looked helpless, that appearance was completely at the level of an actor.

What jade slips, what ancient inheritance, what needs a certain level to see the follow-up content, these are all made by him.

However, Zhou Shuokun believed it, because after he subconsciously released his spiritual consciousness, he felt that the contents of the jade slip had layers of special seals.

This kind of seal needs to have a strong enough spiritual consciousness to break open.

At the same time, Zhou Shuokun was completely surprised.

Because in the jade slip, he saw a very powerful technique.

The power of this exercise is hard to compare with all the exercises he has seen. In his mind, only the three major exercises of Tianyinmen can outperform it.

However, what made Zhou Shuokun very disappointed was that this exercise was completely the exercise used by alchemists, and there was no battle after cultivation.

It's exactly an auxiliary exercise method for practicing alchemy!

After knowing this, Zhou Shuokun was very disappointed, but he subconsciously wanted to see what level of cultivation this technique could reach.

Therefore, in the next moment, he spontaneously exploded his strongest consciousness, to attack the seals on the jade slip.

In an instant, he obtained the follow-up exercises of this exercise to the condensed spirit state, and then the concentration and refinement state...

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