Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1881: Calculate

I don't know why, Zhou Shuokun's breakthrough of the jade slip seal seems to be very simple, without the slightest obstacle.

Even soon it seemed as if some kind of restriction had been touched, Zhou Shuo Kun Meng felt that Yu Jian was slightly shocked, and then his spiritual consciousness was exposed to a large amount of information.

This information instantly followed his divine consciousness and directly entered the sea of ​​his knowledge!

At this moment, Zhou Shuokun set off a stormy sea in his heart.

At that moment, he slightly scanned the powerful information that forcibly entered the sea of ​​consciousness, and he found something earth-shattering.

But he forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, returned the jade slip to Qin Shaofeng, and said lightly: "Well, this seal protection has already been lifted for you. Go down first. When you join the Tianyinmen, the protection is Arranged for you!"

"Thank you, Master Protector!"

Qin Shaofeng took the jade slip's ‘great joy’, and then honestly stepped back.

But when he left, Qin Shaofeng's shoulders couldn't help but shudder, but Zhou Shuokun, who was excited at the moment, didn't notice this at all.

After seeing Qin Shaofeng leave, Zhou Shuokun was screaming for the first time, took out a large number of spirit stones, and arranged a formation around him.

This is just a soundproof formation, and it also has the ability to hide breath.

At the moment when the formation was successfully arranged, Zhou Shuokun finally couldn't help it anymore and suddenly burst into laughter.

"Haha, opportunity, great opportunity! I know that Zhou Shuokun is extraordinary in this life, and this is finally a great opportunity for me to wait for someone!"

Zhou Shuokun went crazy, laughing wildly, and the breath in his body was constantly agitated because of his excitement.

If he hadn't arranged that formation in advance, I'm afraid it would have alarmed everyone.

After a while, Zhou Shuokun reluctantly calmed down, and then his divine sense sank into his own sea of ​​consciousness, watching the earth-shattering technique he had just obtained!

"Nine Turns into God's Decision"!

As soon as he saw this name, Zhou Shuokun's heart stirred again, and then he sank into the practice and couldn't help himself.

After a long time, Zhou Shuokun exhaled and sighed with emotion: "Sure enough, this "Nine Transitions into Gods Jue" is really a earth-shattering exercise. The path of cultivation is so endless. !"

"It seems that I have to thank that Qin Shaofeng for giving me such a big opportunity, what a benefactor!" Zhou Shuokun smiled.

He can now completely confirm that the jade slip is not only a jade slip from the ancient times, but the master who portrays the jade slip is definitely a world-shattering invincible powerhouse.

Recorded on the surface of the jade slip, that is, the alchemist's exercises that need to be unblocked layer by layer, is actually not the real exercise in the jade slips.

This "Nine-turned-Shen Jue" is the real technique recorded in the jade slip.

After knowing this, Zhou Shuokun was extremely grateful that he didn't kill Qin Shaofeng, or he would have missed an earth-shattering opportunity.

Because Zhou Shuokun already knew that the jade slip was very special. On the surface, it recorded the practice of the alchemist, just to unlock the prerequisites for the truly recorded "Nine Transformation into a God Jue".

Only by cultivating the alchemy master's technique and cultivating to a certain level, that is, the cultivation base of the concentrating state, is it possible to break through all the seals with divine consciousness and obtain the "Nine Transitions into Divine Judgment".

However, before that, only those who practiced the alchemy master's exercises could start the real exercises that followed, and that was only Qin Shaofeng.

If he had killed Qin Shaofeng before, it would be impossible to obtain this "Nine Transformation into God Jue".

And only if Qin Shaofeng is not dead, and voluntarily handing over the jade slip to others, can the real practice in the jade slip be opened.

If it is not voluntary, it is the same, it is impossible to open it.

Therefore, Zhou Shuokun felt extremely lucky.

As for Qin Shaofeng's release after obtaining the exercises, but not killing Qin Shaofeng, that was also what Zhou Shuokun thought was brilliant.

Because he didn't know how many people knew about Qin Shaofeng's existence, and knew that Qin Shaofeng had a great inheritance.

And even if no one knows it now, there is no guarantee that someone will know about it in the future.

Therefore, he wants to kill Qin Shaofeng, so maybe many people will follow him Zhou Shuokun in the future.

I don't know that Zhou Shuokun is just an ordinary guardian at Tianyinmen, but he can do it in the background. Not only is one of the 36 guardians at the gate is his eldest brother.

And even Zhou Shuran, who is the only ten elder of Tianyinmen, is his old father.

He is the second generation of Quan and the second generation of Qiang in Tianyinmen!

Therefore, Zhou Shuokun knew that the earth was actually a very special place. The earth in the ancient times was the core location of the entire cultivation world.

This is indeed the case, but it is better to say that it is the cultivation world than the entire Dao world.

In fact, the earth was the strongest place in the Dao realm back then. If it weren’t, it wouldn’t cause the entire Dao realm to lose a lot of the power of the Dao realm. The earth could also monopolize the power of three Dao realms, and that Half the power of the'one' of the realm.

It’s just that I don’t know why. After the Great War of the Seven Realms that year, what seemed to happen on the earth caused many inheritances to be cut off.

Zhou Shuokun naturally did not know about the Seven Realms War, but he also knew that many inheritances on the earth were completely cut off in ancient times.

That's why Zhou Shuokun cared so much about the words ancient inheritance.

But it was precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng could not die.

Because once Qin Shaofeng is dead, it makes people think that Zhou Shuokun has gotten the ancient inheritance, so even if his old father comes forward, it will be difficult to protect him.

People are selfish, and Zhou Shuokun naturally wants to have such a powerful technique as "Nine Transformation into God Jue".

It's all right now!

With Qin Shaofeng here, no one would feel that he had received some ancient inheritance, and to be honest, the jade slip that Qin Shaofeng was holding now, the alchemist's practice method he possessed was indeed an ancient inheritance cultivation method.

And most importantly, the "Nine Revolutions into the Gods Jue" he got was just a special piece of information, injected with jade slips by some supreme means.

When he entered the sea of ​​knowledge before, there was no trace left on the jade slip.

No matter how you look at it, I feel that that jade slip is only a record of the exercises Qin Shaofeng has practiced, and there is no trace of it in the "Nine Revolutions into a God Jue"!

Therefore, even if it is the master of Yujian, Qin Shaofeng doesn't know that he owns "Nine Revolutions into God's Decision"!

Thinking of this, Zhou Shuokun couldn’t help but sighed again: “It’s worthy of being an ancient power. It’s so cautious to leave an inheritance. The surface records an auxiliary cultivation technique that has nothing to do with the true inheritance, even if it is obtained. , It won't attract the attention of many people!"

"Then, this secretly hidden "Nine Revolutions into Gods Jue", completely cultivated directly without everyone knowing it!"

However, at the end, Zhou Shuokun himself laughed excitedly.

"However, this is also good. In this way, it will allow me to sit back and relax in the practice of "Nine Transformations into God's Decision"! Hahaha!"

There was another frantic laughter, which was maddeningly excited.


After Qin Shaofeng left Zhou Shuokun, he came to a room where the evil blood Taoist was in it.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's return, the Evil Blood Taoist did not say anything. After closing the door and setting up a soundproof barrier, the Evil Blood Taoist respectfully asked, "Master, is this successful?"

"Well, it worked! Haha!"

Qin Shaofeng nodded, and then couldn't help but smile.

Turn Nine into a God Jue?

I circled a cross, I know what it is!

The jade slips were all designed by Qin Shaofeng.

For Qin Shaofeng, who returned to Earth this time and possessed enough soul power, it was completely effortless to make a fool of Zhou Shuokun.

What layers of seals, at least one soul shackle, can be easily arranged.

As for the "Nine Transitions into Gods Jue", which Zhou Shuokun regarded as the supreme treasure, except for the part that cultivated to the gods, it was Qin Shaofeng's transformation based on a powerful technique inherited by the Nine Spirits. Are basically fake.

With the cultivation base of the Nine Spirit Realm, the cultivation technique he possesses is not only powerful, but also very advanced. Coupled with Qin Shaofeng's modification, it is even more complete and advanced.

But that's only limited to the cultivation period of the **** transformation stage, as for the return period after the **** transformation stage, the period of harmony, and the length of the cultivation exercises of higher realm later.

This is not only a fake, I am afraid that even Qin Shaofeng himself is not enough to make something out of it.

Being a human, this is not entirely false, but the following cultivation pages are entirely based on Qin Shaofeng's beautification and modification according to a certain cultivation technique of the ancient sanctuary to the realm of dominance.

The so-called beautification is just beautification and has no practical effect at all.

If it were put on the ancient sanctuary, it would be much more **** than the original exercise method before it was modified.

But for a monk of Xiang Zhou Shuokun's level, he couldn't understand at all. He just saw the beautifying part, and his heart was excited.

In fact, this is not completely impossible to practice, but it is in the ancient sanctuary in advance.

Although the Dao realms of the ancient sanctuary and the earth have begun to merge, it is clear that in a short time, it is impossible for the two Dao realms to practice cultivation in the other Dao realm.

The laws of the Great Dao in each realm are different.

If Shuokun was able to practice successfully this week, then what a **** is it!

Of course, this also has to wait for Zhou Shuokun to cultivate to that level.

In order not to expose this point, Qin Shaofeng did not do anything about his time in the realm of the transformation stage.

If Zhou Shuokun practiced according to the so-called "Nine Turns into Gods Jue", he would soon be able to enter the God Refining Realm, or even the God Transforming Realm.

And the most important thing is that after entering these two realms, his strength is probably incomparable with other monks in the realm.

Of course, if he took action against Qin Shaofeng, he would have suffered even more.

Because even in the time of the God Transformation Period, Qin Shaofeng also moved some hands and feet, although it was a very subtle technique, which allowed the cultivation method to cultivate a special internal fire force.

This kind of fire force seems to strengthen one's own physical body, and there is no harm in it.

But once someone with this kind of fire power appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng, as long as Qin Shaofeng leaked a trace of his ultimate fire power, the opponent was terribly suppressed by him.

Even being suppressed to the point of being unable to resist, then let Qin Shaofeng kill!

Qin Shaofeng doesn't have the habit of cultivating potential opponents and enemies!

This week Shuokun was calculated to death by him!

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