Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1882: Zhou Shuokun's mission

Zhou Shuokun came to the earth this time, not like the other disciples of Tianyinmen, but for looking for genius or something.

This time Zhou Shuokun went to earth just to verify one thing.

The location of this verification also made Qin Shaofeng feel a little familiar, that is, the underground space in the United States.

Originally, Zhou Shuokun's time was quite sufficient, and he could wait until other forces arrived, and everyone would join hands to verify it.

The other forces mentioned here are all other monk forces in the secret realm of the spirit world.

It is worth mentioning that, according to the evil-blood Taoist's inquiries, a major event has happened in the current spiritual world.

That is, all the secret realms of the spirit world are completely integrated.

This secret realm of the spirit world is all in the ancient times, and the caves and blessings created by the monks' great powers are basically independent spaces attached to the power of the Dao realm.

Then, because the power of the Dao realm was absorbed and flowed into the Qiyuan Star, all the blessings and lands attached to the power of the Dao realm changed and became the current secret realms of the spirit world.

And at the time of the change, it seemed that it was because of being in the same place in the connected space, which led to the fusion of these spiritual worlds.

And so far, these fusion trends have completely appeared, leading to the fusion of many spiritual world secret realms.

This fusion is bad and bad!

Because after the fusion of the two spiritual worlds, a special space power will be generated, which makes the space after the fusion completely larger than the two spiritual worlds before the fusion.

Therefore, in the case of fusion, the area of ​​the secret realm of the spirit world can be expanded, and when it is expanded, it will also generate additional aura.

In fact, the reason for this completeness is that the Earth Dao Realm has officially entered, the state of ‘returning the light back to the light’ of complete destruction!

If at this moment, a strong person travels around the entire Dao Realm, he will be able to find the Dao Realm where the earth is at this moment, with the earth as the center point, and then in the extreme edge zone, countless planetary worlds and star continents will become incomparable. 'S dimmed.

This bleak spread extremely fast, almost every day hundreds of millions, and the worlds and star continents where more planets were located were completely dimmed.

Moreover, these bleak planet worlds and star continents and other places will be directly weathered after a period of dimming, turning into countless ashes, and then completely disappearing from the Dao Realm.

This is the beginning of the death of the Taoist world!

In a certain way, the Taoist world is also a life, a special life without emotion.

But even if there is no emotion, life is life after all, and it will react more or less in the face of the danger of death.

The Dao Interface’s response to death is to shrink the vitality of the entire Dao Realm, and then concentrate on one point in order to continue to survive.

But this kind of action, if nothing unexpected, is just a dying struggle, a little postponing the date of death.

However, even so, there is still a long time for the death of the Taoist world.

Even if there were no accidents, from the very beginning of the signs of death, there would probably be millions or even tens of millions of years before a realm would completely die.

Of course, such a Taoist realm should be a normal and complete Taoist realm, without any trace of the power of the Taoist realm, and it's completely dead.

The Dao realm of the earth is naturally different, and the lack of the power of the Dao realm is really too much.

What's more serious is that the remaining power of the Dao Realm was ‘robbed by force’ by an outsider, Qin Shaofeng’s father, Qin Feiyang.

This is undoubtedly speeding up the death process of the earth realm!

And as the fusion deepens, the speed of the death of the earth's realm is also faster.

In particular, Qin Shaofeng crossed twice before and after, and the influence of his immortal incarnation of Qin Feng in the Kunwu Dao Realm accelerated this process.

This makes the earth's realm, which originally had millions of years of death, slowly become a million years, and then hundreds of thousands without a million.

In addition, Qin Shaofeng crossed twice before and after, driving the entire fusion process, until now the earth's Dao Boundary finally died, I am afraid there is only a hundred thousand years left.

And this time, it is rapidly decreasing!

This is also why the secret realms of the spirit world that have descended on the earth have merged in such a short time.

Moreover, after the fusion, not only the space becomes larger, but also the aura is also increased, and even when some spiritual worlds merge, some strange treasures can be born.

However, it was precisely because of this that caused the forces in the secret realm of the spirit world to have frictions and disputes again and again. Even many forces are fighting for resources and territory.

It is a pity that no matter what the secret realm of the spiritual world is, no one from the time has survived.

Even that era seems to have known the ending of the Dao Realm, and some great powers erased most of the information in the Dao Realm when they opened up those caves.

Because they don't know what happened before, after the destruction of this realm, their descendants will be able to live with their new identities and will not be targeted by the original enemy.

Therefore, no one knows what the situation is. The only thing is that the earth, the Dao Realm, will completely perish in the distant or near future.

And the secret realms in the spiritual realm they are in will continue to survive after the destruction of the Tao realm.

But now that the fusion of spiritual realms and secret realms has appeared one by one, many people even think that it is a phenomenon of the birth of new Tao realms.

Even so, according to this trend, I am afraid that all the spiritual worlds of the earth will eventually merge together, and eventually a huge space of the spiritual world will be formed.

Then under such a trend, the forces in the secret realm of the spirit world will naturally seize more territory to strengthen their own forces.

And under such circumstances, if a secret realm of the spiritual world is discovered in advance and there is no fusion, it is naturally a good thing to occupy it in advance.

Because in the various spirit world secret realms on the earth, not every spirit world secret realm still has people.

After so many years of development, some humans in the secret realm of the spirit world have been wiped out by the monsters they raised.

There were also serious battles in some spiritual secret realms because of the battle for resources and territories, and then everyone died together.

There are also some spiritual secret realms in ancient times, some powerful medicine gardens, or captive places, which have extremely rich resources.

But these spiritual world secret realms are all without an owner, and basically it is not difficult to occupy them.

The several major forces that have emerged now have jointly declared that for those unowned spiritual world secret realms, who discovers and then completely occupy them will belong to the opposing forces and will not fight.

And this time, Tianyinmen had discovered a secret realm in the spiritual realm with abundant spiritual energy and a lot of spiritual veins.

This was the underground space Qin Shaofeng discovered at the beginning!

According to Tianyinmen's guess, that underground space is probably because of the entrance of a spiritual world, in a special space, connected to the earth, and appeared in that underground space.

Then, affected by the rich spiritual energy in the secret realm of the spiritual world, a large number of spiritual stones appeared in that underground space.

To be honest, after knowing this, Qin Shaofeng thought in his heart, he really felt that this might be the case.

Because there were powerful people in ancient times, when refining pills or refining weapons, it would consume massive amounts of spiritual energy.

It is far from enough to rely on absorption or even consumption of spirit stones.

So how about this time?

It's very simple, that is, directly ingesting a spiritual vein for consumption.

Yes, it is to refine the pill with spirit veins!

The power of the ancient monks in this Taoist world is just that wayward.

Even Qin Shaofeng, in the inheritance memory of the Nine Spirits, had seen that when the Nine Spirits was refining the Nine Spirit Palace, he had consumed three spiritual veins forcibly.

Therefore, before refining, it is necessary to ensure adequate spiritual veins.

However, even if one finds a spiritual channel, it is impossible to take a spiritual channel at will and put it into storage or other storage space, because this will consume a certain amount of spiritual energy.

This is a waste!

Therefore, in ancient times, there were a lot of great abilities, specially refined one by one special spiritual power space, and these spiritual power spaces were the spaces for storing spiritual stones and even spiritual veins.

There are even some special spiritual power spaces, which not only will not waste the spiritual energy of the spiritual veins, but also allow the spiritual veins to extend on their own, thoroughly rooting in the spiritual power space, and give birth to more and more spiritual energy and spiritual stones.

From the perspective of Tianyinmen, the underground space that appeared in the U.S. might be a spiritual power space that has been transformed into a spiritual world.

For such a secret space in the spiritual world, how could Tianyinmen not be moved.

For this reason, when the space channel was barely able to pass through the monks of the middle stage of refining the gods, the several elders joined forces to send Zhou Shuokun over.

This is to occupy the secret realm of the spiritual world.

Of course, Zhou Shuokun's mission this time was just to verify whether the underground space was the entrance to the secret realm of the spirit world.

If it is, then verify again, whether that spiritual world secret realm space evolved from a spiritual power space, and whether it really contains extremely rich spiritual stones.

As for whether to occupy or not, it depends on the specific situation.

Who knows whether there will be some powerful existence in that place. Before verification, Zhou Shuokun could not guarantee that the place was not dangerous.

However, for Zhou Shuokun, his task was only to verify the conditions of the underground space. As for the occupation, it depends on whether the danger is not dangerous.

If it were before, Zhou Shuokun would not be so urgent.

Because since knowing that the last time the so-called major forces on the earth jointly attacked that place, a god-ranked creature appeared, Zhou Shuokun had made up his mind.

Send someone to look at the situation there, and then he will go there.

But now he can't wait any longer, because he can't wait to think about cultivating the ancient inheritance "Nine Revolutions into Gods Decision".

And to cultivate this kind of inheritance technique, it is naturally to return to the Tianyinmen, to return to his own territory, and then he can practice with peace of mind.

But without completing the task, he couldn't violate Tianyinmen's order and go back early.

Therefore, now Zhou Shuokun naturally wants to complete this task very urgently.

In this mood, he immediately led the team of a hundred people who came with him and set out to the underground space.

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