Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1883: Reappearing in the underground space

When Zhou Shuokun led the people to the high-rise building on the underground headquarters of the Bregg family, it was completely sealed off.

After the second attack, the major forces blocked this place without intending to do anything for the time being.

And not only that, people from all major forces have already withdrawn from long distances.

Because no one knows when that god-rank creature will appear. If that god-rank creature rushes out from under the ground, I'm afraid they won't be able to escape.

This time, Qin Shaofeng was among them.

Thanks to the so-called ancient heritage, Zhou Shuokun was very satisfied with Qin Shaofeng, and even told Qin Shaofeng.

After returning to Tianyinmen, he took the lead to fight for Qin Shaofeng's position as a deacon with a very high status!

After all, Qin Shaofeng was the cultivation base of the Qihai Realm, and Zhou Shuokun could not give him the promise of a guardian position.

However, this is already pretty good for Qin Shaofeng.

Moreover, Zhou Shuokun did not refuse to go to this place with him this time, which made Qin Shaofeng feel that he had painstakingly modified the "Nine Revolutions into Gods Jue", which was really worth it!

However, when he came to the building of the Bregg family again, Qin Shaofeng discovered that there were other forces.

At this time, the evil blood Taoist began to introduce Qin Shaofeng to the side.

Now the evil-blooded Taoist has already received the instructions from Zhou Shuokun, the ‘master’, to treat Qin Shaofeng courteously, so he did not attract attention.

After being introduced by the evil blood Taoist, Qin Shaofeng knew what the three extra forces were.

The secret realm of the spiritual realm where the Tianyinmen was located at the beginning, has truly achieved the dominance of a family, completely dominating the secret realm of the entire spiritual realm.

Even the secret realm of the spiritual world where Tianyinmen is located can be directly called Tianyinmen.

Moreover, the secret realm of the spiritual realm where the Tianyin Gate is located is not small, so the strength of the Tianyin Gate is very powerful, and it cannot be contended by the secret realm of ordinary spiritual realms.

As for the three forces that have emerged now, they are actually a force in the secret realm of the spiritual realm where the Tianyinmen is located and merged with it.

These three forces are Beidoumen, Xuanhaizong and Shuiyue Pavilion.

If they exist alone, no matter which one of these three forces are, they are far less powerful than Tianyinmen.

Even if these three forces unite, they barely have some power to counter the Tianyinmen.

It's just a few, if it really fights, the Tianyinmen will be able to destroy these three strengths, at most it will pay a price.

But now that there are signs of fusion in a large number of spiritual worlds, Tianyinmen does not want to damage its own strength because of these three forces, and then be taken advantage of by other forces.

To know that the forces in the secret realm of a large number of spiritual realms, Tianyinmen is not the most powerful one.

Therefore, at such a critical moment, Tianyinmen is also very careful.

"Zhou Shuokun, why are you going so fast to survey this place?"

After seeing the arrival of Zhou Shuokun and others, a master of the Concentration Realm of Beidoumen looked at Zhou Shuokun with a gloomy expression.

This person, named Feng Yihe, is a guardian of the Beidoumen, and this time the person in charge of the three forces of Beidoumen, Xuanhaizong, and Shuiyue Pavilion.

But even if they united the forces of the three forces, they just let Feng Yihe, a master of the late stage of concentration, come to the place.

After all, the monks who were forcibly accommodated through the space channel entered the earth, but they had to pay a great price.

And when the three forces of Beidoumen, Xuanhaizong, and Shuiyue Pavilion joined forces, at best they could only send Feng Yihe, a master of the late stage of concentration.

This time the exploration and verification operation was a united operation of the forces of Tianyinmen and the three of them.

According to the original plan, such an investigation will take some time.

But just yesterday they received news from Zhou Shuokun, saying that the investigation would begin today, which made Feng Yihe and the others very angry.

But no matter how angry it is, it will not help.

It cannot be said that Feng Yihe knows that it is Zhou Shuokun who has the perfect state of concentration and perfection that he is not the opponent of the other party.

Because of Zhou Shuokun's strength, I am afraid that he has few opponents in the realm of God Refining.

Therefore, no matter how unwilling or how angry, Feng Yihe and the others came.

Zhou Shuokun glanced at Feng Yihe and the others faintly. He didn't mean to say anything. When he saw the evil blood, the Taoist stepped forward and said to Feng Yihe: "What is your name? Are you cheap over there? My Master’s time is precious, and I’m exploring an underground space in a small area, with my Master here, what else do I need to prepare?"

Qin Shaofeng was aside, but his heart was small.

This evil-blooded Taoist is not an old You Tiao monk. Although this kind of offensive words will intensify the conflict between the two sides, it is very enjoyable for Zhou Shuokun.

Sure enough, as soon as the evil blood Taoist's voice fell, Zhou Shuokun's gaze flashed with approval.

Although it was because of my urgency, but now listening to my disciples say this, it seems to have become reasonable.

Well, my Zhou Shuokun’s time is precious, and I don’t have time to waste here with you people.

Unconsciously, Zhou Shuokun's mentality began to change.

Feng Yihe and the others didn't know how angry they were after hearing the words of the evil blood Taoist.

Especially when a cultivator of the Qi Sea Realm was in this area by the evil-blooded Taoist, Feng Yihe couldn't wait to slap the opponent to death with such words.

But he couldn't do it, because the opponent was Zhou Shuokun's disciple, and the opponent was from the Tianyinmen!

After taking a deep breath, Feng Yihe seemed to recognize it, and said coldly: "If this is the case, then start exploring, so that you won't waste your precious time in Zhou Shuokun!"

In fact, to be honest, since knowing the presence of god-level creatures in this underground space, Feng Yihe and others also believe that it is better to find out as soon as possible.

But this is as fast as possible, not as fast as today!

But the matter is over, he can only acquiesce.

How else could he?

Looking at the Bailai people at the Tianyinmen, they were at least the cultivation base of the mid-Qihai realm. In fact, there are more than a dozen masters in the god-cultivation realm, and three masters in the early-stage concentrating mind, plus one Zhou Shuokun focused on perfection.

This lineup is too strong.

It is necessary to know that under the combination of their three forces, only then can he be a master of the late stage of concentration, and seven or eight masters of refining the gods.

As for the remaining people, although they are all cultivators in the Qi-hai realm, the large units are only people with the initial cultivation base of the Qi-hai realm!

This overall strength is a bit weaker than Tianyinmen.

Although Tianyinmen is currently in an alliance with the three major forces because of the contact with the upper level, Zhou Shuokun will not attack them.

But Zhou Shuokun, who has such a team, can completely abandon them and enter the underground space alone to explore.

Even Feng Yihe guessed in his heart that it was probably Zhou Shuokun deliberately doing this in order to be able to enter the underground space alone to explore.

Therefore, he is not talking nonsense.

Just explore and explore. At best, it means that you are not prepared enough, and the situation is still not well understood.

It's no big deal!

Until then, Zhou Shuokun nodded and said: "If this is the case, then let's go down!"

Go straight down?

This time Feng Yihe hesitated.

Because based on the joint attack of those forces on the earth, he just knew that there was a god-ranked creature in the underground space below.

As a monk, he certainly knew that the so-called god-ranked creatures were actually monsters that were equivalent to the god-transforming stage realm beyond the Qi Sea realm.

But because I don't know the specific forces of the giant python, and according to those forces, the giant python has the means to instantly freeze people into ice sculptures.

Such a method is probably not something a monster in the concentrating state can do.

But he didn't worry about himself, because Feng Yihe was confident that he could escape even if he was a monster in the Divine Refining Realm.

But this is only limited to him, if a powerful monster beast really appears, then these men behind him will not be able to escape.

As if he could see through Feng Yihe's worry, Zhou Shuokun's eyes flashed with disdain, and said: "Feng Yihe, if you are afraid, you can stay here with your people!"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Shuokun turned his head to the evil blood Taoist and Qin Shaofeng and others: "Let's go down!"

Then, Zhou Shuokun was the first to enter the underground headquarters of the Bregg family, and Qin Shaofeng and others followed suit one after another.

"Damn it! Let's go down too!"

Upon seeing this, Feng Yihe gritted his teeth and could only helplessly follow.

It is worth mentioning that this place of the Bregg family has been completely isolated by the power secretly controlled by the Tianyinmen.

Therefore, at this moment, there seemed to be a scene of one or two hundred people, but no one noticed.

Even the U.S. military, which has been paying attention here, has no idea.

Using monks' methods, if you want to conceal a force like the US military, it is simply not too easy.

After entering the underground headquarters of the Bregg family again, Qin Shaofeng had a slightly different mood.

Because this time, the entire underground headquarters of the Breg family was shrouded in a thin layer of ice, as if the entire underground headquarters of the Breg family was wearing an ice coat.

And even though the ice layer seemed extremely thin, Qin Shaofeng felt it, the coldness in it, and even the air was chilly.

The most incredible thing is that it has been several days, but the ice here shows no signs of melting.

And when he entered the huge pothole at the bottom, Qin Shaofeng even saw that there was also a layer of ice around the entire pothole.

After entering the pothole, Qin Shaofeng also felt the air chill as the descending distance got deeper and deeper.

After descending to a distance of 3,000 meters, many monks in the Qi-hai realm were a little unable to bear the cold, and they ran the spiritual energy in their bodies and began to resist the cold.

Although Qin Shaofeng didn't feel uncomfortable at all, he is now playing a monk in the mid-Qihai realm, so he also adapts to use some auras and behave.

However, this situation suddenly improved when approaching the underground space.

Even after seeing the ground in the underground space, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the ground was not covered by ice.

Obviously, the giant python didn't freeze the entire underground space.

It seems that what the other party is targeting is the invading human side.

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