Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1884: All off

When he came to this underground space again, Qin Shaofeng's mood was different.

He had no choice but to land here last time, and at that time he was very cautious in this underground space.

As for now...

I'm afraid it's completely different!

Before entering the underground space, Qin Shaofeng explored the underground space with a small range of spiritual consciousness.

It's really only a small area, because if it's a large-scale exploration, I'm afraid it will cause other people's attention.

After all, the people around him are all powerful monks, all possessing divine consciousness, and if one is not paying attention, others will be aware of it.

But even for small-scale investigations, Qin Shaofeng also discovered many situations.

The first point is that the aura of life that exists here has become scarce. Compared with the previous words, it is less than half.

After investigation, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the entire underground space now contains genetically modified organisms, and there are only two hundred twenty and thirty, which is more than half of the previous five hundred.

And among the 9th-order genetically modified creatures, more than half were missing, only twelve were left.

Even the strongest Tier 10 genetically modified creatures have changed from the previous seven to three!

In fact, all four of them are the giant pythons!

However, Qin Shaofeng was aware of Zhou Shuokun's and Feng Yihe's spirits when he was about to detect the giant python's body in his own consciousness. In order to be cautious, he only had to accept his own consciousness.

However, even though it was just about to be in contact, Qin Shaofeng still noticed that a very strong aura was probably just a breath of concentration.

In that case, that giant python is a monster in the concentration state?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and then when he discovered that at this time, Zhou Shuokun's expression changed slightly, and he agreed.

It was definitely a monster of the God-Concentrating Realm, and it seemed to be very powerful.

At the same time, Feng Yihe looked regretful, and seemed to regret that he had followed the impulse.

But it is too late now!


As if it was disturbed by Zhou Shuokun and the others' divine consciousness, the giant python that was sleeping originally roared fiercely, swept out of the small pool, and roared at Qin Shaofeng and others.

It was discovered!

Qin Shaofeng's heart tightened, and then he felt the breath of this giant python.

There is no need to release the divine sense to investigate, because as soon as the opponent appears, the powerful aura will blow on your face, which is extremely powerful.

I circled a cross, but it was a giant python that was concentrating on Consummation?

Qin Shaofeng was dumbfounded.

Among the other genetically modified creatures that are only rank ten, that is, equivalent to the air and sea realm, there is actually a giant python that jumps at this level.

This is unreasonable!


Soon, Qin Shaofeng seemed to remember something.

He hadn't cared about it before, but now he remembered that when he first came to this underground space, he felt the aura of seven tenth-order genetically modified creatures, including this giant python.

Because Qin Shaofeng had already felt a familiar aura from the other party, it was definitely one of the seventh and tenth-order auras back then.

Although it was only a momentary event, Qin Shaofeng was certain that the giant python at that time was definitely only the tenth-order equivalent of the Qihai Realm.

Maybe Qin Shaofeng couldn't feel it, whether this giant python was out of the Qi-Sea Realm or was it a perfect state.

But what he can be absolutely sure of is that it must be in the air and sea state!

Then here comes the problem!

In just four or five months, a giant python in the air and sea realm has experienced a leaps and bounds, reaching the state of concentration and consummation?

What is this operation?

And why, it's just that this giant python has such a flying change, and the others are genetically modified creatures of rank ten, but they are still rank ten?

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng expressed puzzlement!

But at this time, no one explained anything to him.

After discovering that the giant python was in the concentrating state of consummation, Zhou Shuokun did not dare to neglect, and immediately followed the three Tianyinmen guardians in the early concentrating state of mind, saying: "Come with me!"

At the same time, before taking the shot, Zhou Shuokun glanced at Feng Yihe, and the meaning was obvious, that is to join hands!

Although Feng Yihe wanted to run away, he could only nod his head when he thought of the three forces behind him.

Then, Zhou Shuokun, Feng Yihe and the other five people instantly killed the giant python.

As for the others, the cultivators in the Qihai Realm all started to kill those other genetically modified creatures.

When the enemy's highest level is only the Qihai Realm Consummation Level, the cultivators of the more than one hundred Qihai Realm have no pressure.

Qin Shaofeng also took the opportunity to catch a fish and mixed with the evil-blooded Taoists, but he didn't do much.

As for the cultivators of the Concentration Realm, more than twenty people combined into a simple large formation, surrounding the battlefield between Zhou Shuokun and the others and the giant python.

At the same time, these more than twenty masters of the concentrating realm also made remote attacks from time to time to support Zhou Shuokun and others.

For a time, the battle was fierce.

Soon, those other genetically modified organisms were all solved.

This speed is naturally faster, because the genetically modified creatures are at most equivalent to the Qihai Realm, and there are only three.

There were hundreds of monks in the Qihai Realm present.

The difference between the two can already be said to be one sky and one earth.

There is no suspense at all about the outcome!

On the other side of the battle, the situation is a bit bad.

Zhou Shuokun was in the state of concentrating on Consummation, and so was the giant python, it was the state of concentrating on Consummation.

But the difference in strength between the two is also very different.

Because even with Feng Yihe, the late stage of concentration, assisting with the three cultivators of the Tianyinmen in the early stage of concentration, plus two dozen cultivators at the realm of refining, interfering in remote operations in the distance.

The combination of this series, Zhou Shuokun and others are actually at a disadvantage!

This is incredible!

It can be seen how powerful this giant python monster beast is.

And after watching it for so long, Qin Shaofeng could see it.

The defense of this giant python seems to be amazing, I am afraid that only a more powerful refiner of the gods can break through its defense.

And there is one more thing. This giant python seems to be on the verge of a breakthrough, even Qin Shaofeng can see that it has already stepped into the realm of refining the gods with half its foot.

It is precisely because of this that this giant python has such a powerful strength.


As if the wind was howling, the giant python spit out a large mouthful of ice mist, and the ground instantly froze, sweeping towards Zhou Shuokun and others.

Zhou Shuokun, these powerhouses in the concentration state, can naturally escape.

However, in the distance, the masters who were more than twenty in the concentrating state had no time to escape, and one of the masters was directly brushed by the ice mist.



With a scream, the master of the mid-stage concentrating state instantly condensed half of his body into ice, his body instantly stiffened, and he fell from mid-air.


With a crisp impact, that master of the mid-stage concentrating state, half of his body that was already frozen, instantly shattered.

As for him, his vitality is indeed cut off!

In fact, he was already dead when his body froze.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng and others in the distance gasped.

This giant python is so powerful!

"Asshole, you **** long bug!"

Feng Yihe was a little frustrated, because the master of the mid-level concentrating realm who had just died was not only a united person of the tripartite forces here, but more importantly, the opponent still belonged to their Beidoumen.

Upon seeing this, Feng Yihe finally couldn't help it, and directly shouted to Zhou Shuokun: "Zhou Shuokun, if you continue to retain your strength, I will not be with you!"

Feng Yihe was slightly angry, because he knew that Zhou Shuokun had not done his best to fight until now, which made him a little unhappy.

Zhou Shuokun didn't expect that such a situation would happen, and he didn't care about the loss of a master of the concentrating state, because the person who died was not from Tianyinmen.

However, if this continues, it will still be attacked by this giant python, and I am afraid that the next attack will fall on the people of Tianyinmen.

Forget it, let me give it a try, the new trick is good!

"Feng Yihe gave me time to hold the three breaths of this animal!" Zhou Shuokun said solemnly.

Feng Yihe's eyes were slightly the same, and he immediately knew that Zhou Shuokun was about to make a real move.

"it is good!"

Feng Yihe nodded in response, and then cooperated with the concentration masters of the other three Tian Yejun, dragging the giant python stubbornly.

The moment Zhou Shuokun yelled that sentence, he stood in place, stretched out his right hand, put his **** together, and placed his face horizontally in front of him with an extremely solemn expression.

Uh, then... which one is it?

Seeing Zhou Shuokun's posture, Qin Shaofeng was a little weird in his heart, and even more inexplicably laughed.

If he reads it right, Zhou Shuokun should be using a certain trick of the so-called "Nine Transformation into a God Jue".

Hey, by the way, what am I naming that trick?

For a while, Qin Shaofeng couldn't remember.

At this time, a breath of time had passed, and the aura in Zhou Shuokun's body was circling frantically, instantly condensing the **** of his right hand with a special route.


There was a glimmer of light. At this moment, Zhou Shuokun's **** were already emitting a layer of reddish shimmer.

After the three breath time was up, the gleam on Zhou Shuokun's **** had completely become rich, and the light red had also turned into a faint blood color.

"Get out of me!"

Zhou Shuokun yelled fiercely, and Feng Yihe and others suddenly retreated without hesitation.

"Blood spirit flashes!"

At the same time, Zhou Shuokun yelled violently, and with a fierce wave of his right hand, he completely shot the pale blood gleam on his fingers.

call out!

The pale red gleam instantly turned into a blood-red sword glow, shooting at the giant python like a rainbow.


Then, everyone was shocked to see that this **** sword light directly penetrated the head of the giant python.

One hit kill!

This...what's the situation?

Everyone was dumbfounded, that python just died?

How does it feel too unreal!

So moments ago, Zhou Shuokun and others were still beating to death, and they also killed a master of concentration.

But now Zhou Shuokun just shot a **** sword light, killing the enemy?

The contrast is too big!

At the same time, Zhou Shuokun's heart was also extremely excited, it was indeed a magical skill, and it was able to burst out such a powerful move.

Hahaha, I, Zhou Shuokun, is indeed a person favored by God!

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